How to work w/ mutable vector attached to a struct instance in rust - vector

I'm new in rust. I'm trying to create a json parser and I need a struct instance to hold a mutable vector that can be populated with more and more items.
Here is my code:
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Token {
struct TokenData {
token: Token,
data: Vec<u8>
impl TokenData {
fn new(token: Token, v: Option<u8>) -> Self {
let mut data: Vec<u8> = vec![];
for &val in v.iter() {
TokenData{token: token, data: data }
pub fn read_json_stream(buf: &[u8], size: usize, tokens: &mut Vec<TokenData>, on_obj: fn() -> ()) {
let mut i = 0;
while i < size {
let token = tokens.last();
match token {
// ^^^^^^^
// cannot move out of `` which is behind a shared reference
// note: move occurs because these variables have types that don't implement the `Copy` traitrustc(E0507)
Some(&TokenData{token: Token::BegKey, data: mut data}) => match buf[i] {
b'"' if data.last() == Some(&b'\\') => data.push(b'"'),
b'"' => tokens.push(TokenData::new(Token::EndKey, None)),
k => data.push(k),
_ => {}
i += 1;

You need to use .last_mut() to get a mutable reference. Then remove & and mut data from the match arm to let match ergonomics take care of the rest:
let token = tokens.last_mut();
match token {
Some(TokenData { token: Token::BegKey, data }) => ...

What you want is the last item, but owned Option<T>, for that use pop instead of last (which returns an Option<&T>):
let token = tokens.pop();


How can I mutate the HTML inside a hyper::Response? [duplicate]

I want to write a server using the current master branch of Hyper that saves a message that is delivered by a POST request and sends this message to every incoming GET request.
I have this, mostly copied from the Hyper examples directory:
extern crate futures;
extern crate hyper;
extern crate pretty_env_logger;
use futures::future::FutureResult;
use hyper::{Get, Post, StatusCode};
use hyper::header::{ContentLength};
use hyper::server::{Http, Service, Request, Response};
use futures::Stream;
struct Echo {
data: Vec<u8>,
impl Echo {
fn new() -> Self {
Echo {
data: "text".into(),
impl Service for Echo {
type Request = Request;
type Response = Response;
type Error = hyper::Error;
type Future = FutureResult<Response, hyper::Error>;
fn call(&self, req: Self::Request) -> Self::Future {
let resp = match (req.method(), req.path()) {
(&Get, "/") | (&Get, "/echo") => {
.with_header(ContentLength( as u64))
(&Post, "/") => {
//; // argh. &self is not mutable :(
// even if it was mutable... how to put the entire body into it?
//req.body().fold(...) ?
let mut res = Response::new();
if let Some(len) = req.headers().get::<ContentLength>() {
_ => {
fn main() {
let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let server = Http::new().bind(&addr, || Ok(Echo::new())).unwrap();
println!("Listening on http://{} with 1 thread.", server.local_addr().unwrap());;
How do I turn the req.body() (which seems to be a Stream of Chunks) into a Vec<u8>? I assume I must somehow return a Future that consumes the Stream and turns it into a single Vec<u8>, maybe with fold(). But I have no clue how to do that.
Hyper 0.13 provides a body::to_bytes function for this purpose.
use hyper::body;
use hyper::{Body, Response};
pub async fn read_response_body(res: Response<Body>) -> Result<String, hyper::Error> {
let bytes = body::to_bytes(res.into_body()).await?;
Ok(String::from_utf8(bytes.to_vec()).expect("response was not valid utf-8"))
I'm going to simplify the problem to just return the total number of bytes, instead of echoing the entire stream.
Futures 0.3
Hyper 0.13 + TryStreamExt::try_fold
See euclio's answer about hyper::body::to_bytes if you just want all the data as one giant blob.
Accessing the stream allows for more fine-grained control:
use futures::TryStreamExt; // 0.3.7
use hyper::{server::Server, service, Body, Method, Request, Response}; // 0.13.9
use std::convert::Infallible;
use tokio; // 0.2.22
async fn main() {
let addr = "".parse().expect("Unable to parse address");
let server = Server::bind(&addr).serve(service::make_service_fn(|_conn| async {
Ok::<_, Infallible>(service::service_fn(echo))
println!("Listening on http://{}.", server.local_addr());
if let Err(e) = server.await {
eprintln!("Error: {}", e);
async fn echo(req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, hyper::Error> {
let (parts, body) = req.into_parts();
match (parts.method, parts.uri.path()) {
(Method::POST, "/") => {
let entire_body = body
.try_fold(Vec::new(), |mut data, chunk| async move {
.await;|body| {
let body = Body::from(format!("Read {} bytes", body.len()));
_ => {
let body = Body::from("Can only POST to /");
Unfortunately, the current implementation of Bytes is no longer compatible with TryStreamExt::try_concat, so we have to switch back to a fold.
Futures 0.1
hyper 0.12 + Stream::concat2
Since futures 0.1.14, you can use Stream::concat2 to stick together all the data into one:
fn concat2(self) -> Concat2<Self>
Self: Sized,
Self::Item: Extend<<Self::Item as IntoIterator>::Item> + IntoIterator + Default,
use futures::{
future::{self, Either},
Future, Stream,
}; // 0.1.25
use hyper::{server::Server, service, Body, Method, Request, Response}; // 0.12.20
use tokio; // 0.1.14
fn main() {
let addr = "".parse().expect("Unable to parse address");
let server = Server::bind(&addr).serve(|| service::service_fn(echo));
println!("Listening on http://{}.", server.local_addr());
let server = server.map_err(|e| eprintln!("Error: {}", e));
fn echo(req: Request<Body>) -> impl Future<Item = Response<Body>, Error = hyper::Error> {
let (parts, body) = req.into_parts();
match (parts.method, parts.uri.path()) {
(Method::POST, "/") => {
let entire_body = body.concat2();
let resp =|body| {
let body = Body::from(format!("Read {} bytes", body.len()));
_ => {
let body = Body::from("Can only POST to /");
let resp = future::ok(Response::new(body));
You could also convert the Bytes into a Vec<u8> via entire_body.to_vec() and then convert that to a String.
See also:
How do I convert a Vector of bytes (u8) to a string
hyper 0.11 + Stream::fold
Similar to Iterator::fold, Stream::fold takes an accumulator (called init) and a function that operates on the accumulator and an item from the stream. The result of the function must be another future with the same error type as the original. The total result is itself a future.
fn fold<F, T, Fut>(self, init: T, f: F) -> Fold<Self, F, Fut, T>
F: FnMut(T, Self::Item) -> Fut,
Fut: IntoFuture<Item = T>,
Self::Error: From<Fut::Error>,
Self: Sized,
We can use a Vec as the accumulator. Body's Stream implementation returns a Chunk. This implements Deref<[u8]>, so we can use that to append each chunk's data to the Vec.
extern crate futures; // 0.1.23
extern crate hyper; // 0.11.27
use futures::{Future, Stream};
use hyper::{
server::{Http, Request, Response, Service}, Post,
fn main() {
let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let server = Http::new().bind(&addr, || Ok(Echo)).unwrap();
"Listening on http://{} with 1 thread.",
struct Echo;
impl Service for Echo {
type Request = Request;
type Response = Response;
type Error = hyper::Error;
type Future = Box<futures::Future<Item = Response, Error = Self::Error>>;
fn call(&self, req: Self::Request) -> Self::Future {
match (req.method(), req.path()) {
(&Post, "/") => {
let f = req.body()
.fold(Vec::new(), |mut acc, chunk| {
futures::future::ok::<_, Self::Error>(acc)
.map(|body| Response::new().with_body(format!("Read {} bytes", body.len())));
_ => panic!("Nope"),
You could also convert the Vec<u8> body to a String.
See also:
How do I convert a Vector of bytes (u8) to a string
When called from the command line, we can see the result:
$ curl -X POST --data hello
Read 5 bytes
All of these solutions allow a malicious end user to POST an infinitely sized file, which would cause the machine to run out of memory. Depending on the intended use, you may wish to establish some kind of cap on the number of bytes read, potentially writing to the filesystem at some breakpoint.
See also:
How do I apply a limit to the number of bytes read by futures::Stream::concat2?
Most of the answers on this topic are outdated or overly complicated. The solution is pretty simple:
WARNING for beginners!!! This use statement
is important so we can later use .data() method!!!
use hyper::body::HttpBody;
let my_vector: Vec<u8> = request.into_body().data().await.unwrap().unwrap().to_vec();
let my_string = String::from_utf8(my_vector).unwrap();
You can also use body::to_bytes as #euclio answered. Both approaches are straight-forward! Don't forget to handle unwrap properly.

How to implement a Future or Stream that polls an async fn?

I have a struct Test I want to implement std::future::Future that would poll function:
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
struct Test;
impl Test {
async fn function(&mut self) {}
impl Future for Test {
type Output = ();
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
match self.function() {
Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
Poll::Ready(_) => Poll::Ready(()),
That didn't work:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
10 | async fn function(&mut self) {}
| - the `Output` of this `async fn`'s expected opaque type
17 | Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected opaque type, found enum `Poll`
= note: expected opaque type `impl Future`
found enum `Poll<_>`
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
10 | async fn function(&mut self) {}
| - the `Output` of this `async fn`'s expected opaque type
18 | Poll::Ready(_) => Poll::Ready(()),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected opaque type, found enum `Poll`
= note: expected opaque type `impl Future`
found enum `Poll<_>`
I understand that function must be called once, the returned Future must be stored somewhere in the struct, and then the saved future must be polled. I tried this:
struct Test(Option<Box<Pin<dyn Future<Output = ()>>>>);
impl Test {
async fn function(&mut self) {}
fn new() -> Self {
let mut s = Self(None);
s.0 = Some(Box::pin(s.function()));
That also didn't work:
error[E0277]: the size for values of type `(dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static)` cannot be known at compilation time
--> src/
7 | struct Test(Option<Box<Pin<dyn Future<Output = ()>>>>);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `(dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static)`
After I call function() I have taken a &mut reference of Test, because of that I can't change the Test variable, and therefore can't store the returned Future inside the Test.
I did get an unsafe solution (inspired by this)
struct Test<'a>(Option<BoxFuture<'a, ()>>);
impl Test<'_> {
async fn function(&mut self) {
println!("I'm alive!");
fn new() -> Self {
let mut s = Self(None);
s.0 = Some(unsafe { &mut *(&mut s as *mut Self) }.function().boxed());
impl Future for Test<'_> {
type Output = ();
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
I hope that there is another way.
Though there are times when you may want to do things similar to what you're trying to accomplish here, they are a rarity. So most people reading this, maybe even OP, may wish to restructure such that struct state and data used for a single async execution are different objects.
To answer your question, yes it is somewhat possible. Unless you want to absolutely resort to unsafe code you will need to use Mutex and Arc. All fields you wish to manipulate inside the async fn will have to be wrapped inside a Mutex and the function itself will accept an Arc<Self>.
I must stress, however, that this is not a beautiful solution and you probably don't want to do this. Depending on your specific case your solution may vary, but my guess of what OP is trying to accomplish while using Streams would be better solved by something similar to this gist that I wrote.
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
struct Test {
state: Mutex<Option<Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>>>>,
// if available use your async library's Mutex to `.await` locks on `buffer` instead
buffer: Mutex<Vec<u8>>,
impl Test {
async fn function(self: Arc<Self>) {
for i in 0..16u8 {
let data: Vec<u8> = vec![i]; // = fs::read(&format("file-{}.txt", i)).await.unwrap();
let mut buflock = self.buffer.lock().unwrap();
pub fn new() -> Arc<Self> {
let s = Arc::new(Self {
state: Default::default(),
buffer: Default::default(),
// start by trying to aquire a lock to the Mutex of the Box
let mut lock = s.state.lock().unwrap();
// create boxed future
let b = Box::pin(s.clone().function());
// insert value into the mutex
*lock = Some(b);
} // block causes the lock to be released
impl Future for Test {
type Output = ();
fn poll(
self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
ctx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
) -> std::task::Poll<<Self as std::future::Future>::Output> {
let mut lock = self.state.lock().unwrap();
let fut: &mut Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>> = lock.as_mut().unwrap();
Future::poll(fut.as_mut(), ctx)
I'm not sure what you want to achieve and why, but I suspect that you're trying to implement Future for Test based on some ancient tutorial or misunderstanding and just overcomplicating things.
You don't have to implement Future manually. An async function
async fn function(...) {...}
is really just syntax sugar translated behind the scenes into something like
fn function(...) -> Future<()> {...}
All you have to do is to use the result of the function the same way as any future, e.g. use await on it or call block a reactor until it's finished. E.g. based on your first version, you can simply call:
let mut test = Test{};
Based on your descriptions I still think you're trying to overcomplicate this minimal working snippet without the need to manually implement Future for anything:
async fn asyncio() { println!("Doing async IO"); }
struct Test {
count: u32,
impl Test {
async fn function(&mut self) {
self.count += 1;
async fn main() {
let mut test = Test{count: 0};
println!("Count: {}", test.count);

How can I send my Vec to a function taking an Iterator as a parameter?

I have an issue where I've got a function that takes in an Iterator of a specific struct type, and I want to send in my Vector that contains this same struct-type as a parameter to the function.
I do not understand what I am doing wrong. I have tried several different things:
Sending the vecName.iter() leaving me with this error: error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving <std::slice::Iter<'_, code_test_lib::gfx::AsteroidDrawData> as std::iter::Iterator>::Item == code_test_lib::gfx::AsteroidDrawData
Sending the vecName.into_iter() leaving me with this error: error[E0507]: cannot move out of borrowed content
Sending the &vecName.iter() giving me this error: error[E0277]: &std::slice::Iter<'_, code_test_lib::gfx::AsteroidDrawData> is not an iterator
Sending the &vecName.into_iter() giving me this: error[E0277]: &std::vec::IntoIter<code_test_lib::gfx::AsteroidDrawData> is not an iterator
I don't know how I can send the Vec to the function as an Iterator.
pub struct MyStruct {
pub dataA: f32,
pub dataB: f32,
struct MyProgram {
my_structs: Vec<MyStruct>,
pub trait BaseFunctions {
fn new() -> Self;
fn run(&mut self);
impl BaseFunctions for MyProgram {
fn new() -> Self {
//Create some data
let mut vec = Vec::new();
for x in 0..5 {
dataA: 1.0,
dataB: 1.0,
Self {
my_structs: vec,
fn run(&mut self) {
pub fn my_func<Iter>(iter: Iter)
Iter: Iterator<Item = MyStruct>, {
for i in iter {
// Do something
fn main() {
let mut program = MyProgram::new();;
Your problem is that iter() generate an Iterator on reference not on the value. So you need to have a reference and a lifetime to your function. It's better to make a bound on IntoIterator that allow more generality.
pub fn my_func<'a, Iter>(iter: Iter)
Iter: IntoIterator<Item = &'a MyStruct>,
for i in iter {
// Do something
Call like this my_func(&self.my_structs); or my_func(self.my_structs.iter());

How can I implement a Future which is woken up from another thread in Futures 0.2?

I'm trying to find a simple way to implement the Future trait from the future crate, version 0.2.1:
extern crate futures;
use futures::executor::ThreadPool;
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::task::Context;
use std::{thread, time::Duration};
struct SendThree {
firstTime: bool,
impl Future for SendThree {
type Item = u32;
type Error = Never;
fn poll(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> Result<Async<Self::Item>, Never> {
if self.firstTime {
self.firstTime = false;
thread::spawn(move || {
} else {
fn main() {
let mut fut = SendThree { firstTime: true };
let mut executor: ThreadPool = ThreadPool::new().unwrap();
let result =;
println!("{}", result);
My problem is that the Context variable is not Send so I can't call wake from another thread:
error[E0277]: the trait bound `futures::executor::Executor: std::marker::Send` is not satisfied
--> src/
19 | thread::spawn(move || {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `futures::executor::Executor` cannot be sent between threads safely
= help: the trait `std::marker::Send` is not implemented for `futures::executor::Executor`
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::marker::Send` for `&mut futures::executor::Executor`
= note: required because it appears within the type `std::option::Option<&mut futures::executor::Executor>`
= note: required because it appears within the type `futures::task::Context<'_>`
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::marker::Send` for `&mut futures::task::Context<'_>`
= note: required because it appears within the type `[closure#src/ 22:14 ctx:&mut futures::task::Context<'_>]`
= note: required by `std::thread::spawn`
If I change the code to this it works, but I can't do a thread::sleep without blocking:
if self.firstTime {
self.firstTime = false;
Is there an idiomatic way to implement this?
While Context isn't able to be sent across threads, a Waker is:
fn poll(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> Result<Async<Self::Item>, Never> {
if self.first_time {
self.first_time = false;
let waker = ctx.waker().clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
} else {
Note that this is a really inefficient way to implement timeouts. There are Futures-native methods that should be used instead.

Trait is not implemented for the type `&A` when passing an array of pairs to a function

I am trying to write the function set which calls the Rust LMDB library (docs), and an example I'm working off of.
I can't for the life of me get this to work. Here is my current attempt:
fn main() {
let env = getenv("duperdb");
let dbhandle = get_dbhandle("", &env);
let txn = new_transaction(&env);
let vec = vec![("foo", "another text"), ("bar", "and another")];
set(&dbhandle, &env, &vec);
let reader = env.get_reader().unwrap();
let db = reader.bind(&dbhandle);
let note = db.get::<&str>("foo").unwrap();
println!("NOTE: {}", note);
Where set is defined as:
pub fn set<A: ToMdbValue, B: ToMdbValue>(
handle: &DbHandle,
env: &Environment,
pairs: &Vec<(&A, &B)>) -> () {
let txn = new_transaction(&env);
let db = txn.bind(&handle);
for &(id, note) in pairs.iter() {
db.set(&id, &note).unwrap();
match txn.commit() {
Err(_) => panic!("Failed to commit!"),
Ok(_) => (),
This spits out the following error:
src/db/ 28:23 error: the trait `lmdb::traits::ToMdbValue` is not implemented for the type `&A` [E0277]
src/db/ db.set(&id, &note).unwrap();
I also tried db.set(id, note).unwrap();, but this time I get:
src/ 13:8 error: the trait `core::marker::Sized` is not implemented for the type `str` [E0277]
src/ set(&dbhandle, &env, &vec);
src/ 13:8 help: run `rustc --explain E0277` to see a detailed explanation
src/ 13:8 note: `str` does not have a constant size known at compile-time
src/ 13:8 note: required by `dupernote::db::wrapper::set`
src/ 13:8 error: the trait `lmdb_rs::traits::ToMdbValue` is not implemented for the type `str` [E0277]
src/ set(&dbhandle, &env, &vec);
I also tried stuff like:
for (id, note) in pairs.iter() {
db.set(id, note).unwrap();
But that doesn't work either... I don't fully understand why. Doesn't id and note have type &str, not str?
Here's an MCVE of your problem:
trait Example {}
impl Example for i32 {}
fn library_call<T>(value: T)
where T: Example,
fn user_call<T>(values: &[T])
where T: Example,
for i in values {
fn main() {
let values = vec![1, 2, 3];
With the error:
error: the trait `Example` is not implemented for the type `&T` [E0277]
The error message is exactly correct - Example is not implemented for &T, it's only guaranteed to be implemented for T. &T and T are different types.
Instead, you need to indicate that a reference to the generic type implements the trait you need:
fn user_call<T>(values: &[T])
where for <'a> &'a T: Example,
And then you need to make sure that a reference to the concrete type actually implements the trait:
impl<'a> Example for &'a i32 {}
Or a broader version:
impl<'a, T> Example for &'a T
where T: Example
See also When should I not implement a trait for references to implementors of that trait?
The definition of the function that gives you an error (if I'm reading the docs right):
fn set(&self, key: &ToMdbValue, value: &ToMdbValue) -> MdbResult<()>
key must be a reference to a trait object. You are trying to pass a reference to a generic type implmementing ToMdbValue.
I can't verify but this should work:
pub fn set(handle: &DbHandle, env: &Environment, pairs: &Vec<(&ToMdbValue, &ToMdbValue)>) -> () {
let txn = new_transaction(&env);
let db = txn.bind(&handle);
for &(id, note) in pairs.iter() {
db.set(id, note).unwrap();
match txn.commit() {
Err(_) => panic!("Failed to commit!"),
Ok(_) => (),
Other things: you may want to work with boxed trait objects Box<ToMdbValue>. The link above explains it. You should pass a &[YourType] rather than &Vec<[YourType]>.
I managed to get it working. I'm not sure how kosher this solution is, but I'll post it.
So now, in main(), I do the following (example with an (int, string) kv pair):
let k = 1;
let val = "hello there";
let vec = vec![(&k, &val)];
set(&dbhandle, &env, &vec);
I had to declare them separately since vec![(&1, &"hello there")] threw an error of the form borrowed value does not live long enough.
set now looks like this:
pub fn set<A, B>(handle: &DbHandle, env: &Environment, pairs: &Vec<(&A, &B)>)
-> ()
where A: ToMdbValue,
B: ToMdbValue {
let txn = new_transaction(&env);
let db = txn.bind(&handle);
for &(id, note) in pairs.iter() {
db.set(id, note).unwrap();
match txn.commit() {
Err(_) => panic!("Failed to commit!"),
Ok(_) => (),
