Is there a way to add/sum two attribute COUNT functions with sequelize? I want to get the sum of impMeta1Count and impMeta2Count.
attributes: {
include: [
[Sequelize.fn("COUNT", Sequelize.col('meta1.impId')), 'impMeta1Count'],
[Sequelize.fn("COUNT", Sequelize.col('meta3.impId')), 'impMeta2Count']
include: [
{ model: meta1, attributes: [], required: false },
{ model: meta2, attributes: [], required: false }
group: ['']
I am trying to add a new user in below json which matches group NP01-RW. i am able to do without NP01-RW but not able to select users under NP01-RW and return updated json.
"id": 181,
"guid": "c9b7dbde-63de-42cc-9840-1b4a06e13364",
"isEnabled": true,
"version": 17,
"service": "Np-Hue",
"policyType": 0,
"policyPriority": 0,
"isAuditEnabled": true,
"resources": {
"database": {
"values": [
"isExcludes": false,
"isRecursive": false
"column": {
"values": [
"isExcludes": false,
"isRecursive": false
"table": {
"values": [
"isExcludes": false,
"isRecursive": false
"policyItems": [
"accesses": [
"type": "select",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "update",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "create",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "drop",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "alter",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "index",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "lock",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "all",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "read",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "write",
"isAllowed": true
"users": [
"groups": [
"conditions": [],
"delegateAdmin": false
"accesses": [
"type": "select",
"isAllowed": true
"users": [
"groups": [
"conditions": [],
"delegateAdmin": false
"denyPolicyItems": [],
"allowExceptions": [],
"denyExceptions": [],
"dataMaskPolicyItems": [],
"rowFilterPolicyItems": [],
"options": {},
"validitySchedules": [],
"policyLabels": [
below is what i have tried but it returns part of the JSON matching NP01-RW and not full JSON
jq --arg username "$sync_userName" '.policyItems[] | select(.groups[] | IN("NP01-RO")).users += [$username]' > ${sync_policyName}.json
Operator precedence in jq is not always intuitive. Your program is parsed as:
.policyItems[] | (select(.groups[] | IN("NP01-RO")).users += [$username])
Which first streams all policyItems and only then changes them, leaving you with policyItems only in the output.
You need to make sure that the stream selects the correct values, which you can then assign:
(.policyItems[] | select(.groups[] | IN("NP01-RO")).users) += [$username]
This will do the assignment, but still return the full input (.).
Example json data:
"data": [
"place": "FM346",
"id": [
"values": [
"place": "LH210",
"id": [
"values": [
what i need to transform it into:
"data": [
"place": "FM346",
"7_day_A": {
"value": 0
"7_day_B": {
"value": 30
"7_day_C": {
"value": 23
"7_day_D": {
"value": 43
"place": "LH210",
"1_day_A": {
"value": 4
"1_day_B": {
"value": 45
"1_day_C": {
"value": 100
"1_day_D": {
"value": 9
i have tried this:
data:[.data |.[]|
place: (.place),
value: (.values[])
(in jqplay:
and this:
data:[.data |.[]|
place: (.place),
value: (.values[])
(in jqplay:
but they arent grouped in the way i wanted and it gives each value to each id, not the corresponding one.
I have been trying for some time now, but im new to jq and have no idea how to transform it this way, thanks in advance for any answers.
You can use transpose here, which can play a key role in converting the arrays to key/value pairs
.data[] |= {place} +
([ .id, .values ] | transpose | map({(.[0]): { value: .[1] } }) | add)
The solution works by converting the array-of-arrays [.id, .values] by transposing them, i.e. converting
With the transformation done, we construct an object with key as the zeroth index element and value as an object comprising of the value of first index element, and combine the results together with add
Demo - jqplay
I have the following json file:
"actions": [
"values": "test",
"features": [
"v1": 100,
"v2": {
"dates": [
"2020-04-08 06:58:26",
"2020-04-08 06:58:26"
I would like to append n-times the object within the "actions" array to the end of it, creating n+1 total objects.
Expected output if n=2:
"actions": [
"values": "test",
"features": [
"v1": 100,
"v2": {
"dates": [
"2020-04-08 06:58:26",
"2020-04-08 06:58:26"
"values": "test",
"features": [
"v1": 100,
"v2": {
"dates": [
"2020-04-08 06:58:26",
"2020-04-08 06:58:26"
"values": "test",
"features": [
"v1": 100,
"v2": {
"dates": [
"2020-04-08 06:58:26",
"2020-04-08 06:58:26"
I found this answer [How can I duplicate an existing object within a JSON array using jq? however it only works with one element at the end.
You can just use a reduce() function with range() together to create the index to include the object at.
jq --arg n 2 'reduce range(0, ($n|tonumber)) as $d (.; .actions[$d+1] += .actions[0] )' json
I want to show my custom (Day-Month-Year Hour:Min:Sec -->ex: 01-05-2019 14:06:47 PM) time format on chartjs chart
How Can i Show On chart xAxis Date Format Like This >>
Day-Month-Year Hour:Min:Sec -->ex: 01-05-2019 14:06:47 PM
time format is timeFormat = 'DD/MM/YYYY h:mm:ss a' but on chart only shows Month,Day,Year
This is my code below and:
Online Code On >>>
var timeFormat = 'DD/MM/YYYY h:mm:ss a';
var config = {
type: 'line',
data: {
datasets: [
label: "UK Dates",
data: [{
x: "01-04-2014 02:15:50", y: 175
}, {
x: "12-04-2014 12:19:27", y: 177
}, {
x: "23-04-2014 22:25:47", y: 178
}, {
x: "28-04-2014 14:46:40", y: 182
fill: false,
borderColor: 'blue'
options: {
responsive: true,
title: {
display: true,
text: "Chart.js Time Scale"
scales: {
xAxes: [{
type: "time",
time: {
format: timeFormat,
tooltipFormat: 'll'
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: 'Date'
yAxes: [{
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: 'value'
window.onload = function () {
var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
window.myLine = new Chart(ctx, config);
Could any one help me how could I bind data object with DevExtreme's dxDataGrid using customstore.
My DTO is like:
data: {...},
totalCount: 100,
summary: [10,20,30]
But when i bind the data with dxDataGrid it just bind data but not totalCount.
I have found a solution for my problem.
I need remoteOperations = true to bind the totalCount along with data fetched from the server.
You don't need to send a totalCount, you have to use the summary section istead, look at this sample
dataSource: orders,
keyExpr: "ID",
showBorders: true,
selection: {
mode: "single"
columns: [{
dataField: "OrderNumber",
width: 130,
caption: "Invoice Number"
}, {
dataField: "OrderDate",
dataType: "date",
width: 160
"Employee", {
caption: "City",
dataField: "CustomerStoreCity"
}, {
caption: "State",
dataField: "CustomerStoreState"
}, {
dataField: "SaleAmount",
alignment: "right",
format: "currency"
summary: {
totalItems: [{
column: "OrderNumber",
summaryType: "count"
Data Source
var orders = [{
"ID" : 1,
"OrderNumber" : 35703,
"OrderDate" : "2014-04-10",
"SaleAmount" : 11800,
"Terms" : "15 Days",
"TotalAmount" : 12175,
"CustomerStoreState" : "California",
"CustomerStoreCity" : "Los Angeles",
"Employee" : "Harv Mudd"
}, {
"ID" : 4,
"OrderNumber" : 35711,
"OrderDate" : "2014-01-12",
"SaleAmount" : 16050,
"Terms" : "15 Days",
"TotalAmount" : 16550,
"CustomerStoreState" : "California",
"CustomerStoreCity" : "San Jose",
"Employee" : "Jim Packard"
For custom summaries you can use this
summary: {
totalItems: [{
name: "SelectedRowsSummary",
showInColumn: "SaleAmount",
displayFormat: "Sum: {0}",
valueFormat: "currency",
summaryType: "custom"
calculateCustomSummary: function (options) {
if ( === "SelectedRowsSummary") {
if (options.summaryProcess === "start") {
options.totalValue = 0;
if (options.summaryProcess === "calculate") {
if (options.component.isRowSelected(options.value.ID)) {
options.totalValue = options.totalValue + options.value.SaleAmount;
In the section if (options.summaryProcess === "calculate") { you can put your custom calc logic, in this case your total count.