Send events server side with google anlitycs 4 api - google-analytics

I have a website where i need to send some events from server-side using PHP.
any help would be appreciated, i treid all the way on the doc without succes


How can sniff Firebase Events?

I'm using Charles Proxy as Sniffer to check and verify the body/payload of my Firebase Events?
I see the POST request to in Batch, and in each event, inside the POST request, I found the sourceExtension attrib, that I think constains all the event data, but I cant to decode, I tryed with base64 and bytes, but I cant see the content of the property.
I know the documented way to check firebase events is thourght the web portal in debug view, but this question is about how to see the content in the request before it arrive to the google cloud.
I saw another related post in Stackoverflow, but without any answers:
See Firebase network traffic in debug purpose
Anyone know how to sniff Firebase events and decode correctly? thanks in advance.

Google doesn't send Push-Notifications

I'm using Google Calendar API in my application.
The problem that I faced is that Google doesn't send me Push-Notifications.
I setup my app here
Verified domain:
Watched calendar: and got successful response.
However, having done all of this, no push-notifications are received by my web-hook. It seems that Google just doesn't send them. Maybe I missed some step? I use https URL.
The problem was that the URL that I used for PUSH-NOTIFICATIONS wasn't whitelisted and if it was requested from other network(e.g. Google), then the request couldn't be processed.
Therefore, if there is such a problem, consider checking your URL availability outside your network. It should be accessible from anywhere and by anyone.

Combining Google Analytics client- and server side tracking

I track my users behavior using Google Analytics client side. At some point the user is redirected to one of my partners and I receive a callback from the partner about the value the user has generated.
The question is: How do I append that value from the callback as a goal with a value to the users session?
The objective is to be able to get insights about which of my traffic sources generate the most value (and not just most conversions - as that could be tracked with event tracking).
The solution might be similar to this one, but I'm not sure it's still the best solution - and there could be others as well.
Using Google Analytics to track the same session in client javascript and server side tracking calls?
Thanks in advance.
So it seems that this is now possible with the new Universal Analytics from Google by saving/syncing the users UUID to the server and then tracking any relevant events.
This package seems like a nice wrapper:
Another option is to use same userId (not clientId). That works for multi-device tracking
Universal-analytics is better in that you can use it for anonymous users as well as signed-in users
But tracking by userId is better in that you can send events even if user is not currently on your website doing http or websocket requests.

Google Analytics Server Side

I'd like to track downloads of a PDF on my website.
I'd prefer it to be some kind of event tracking with Google Analytics.
I've been reading up on the Mobile SDK with ASP.Net but it still seems like you need to execute some javascript client side for it to work properly.
Anybody have any ideas for a completely server side Google Analytics implementation?
I'm hoping for some kind of HTTP Post to ga.js?useragent=THIS&ip=THAT&cookie=SOMETHING...

Is it possible to send data to Google Analytics service by url?

I've been trying to send data to Google Analytics through url, but it's not working.
Here is the url:
I have been trying follow the parameter here
I call the url by curl and tested through the address bar, but not working, no data in my Google Analytics :(
Any ideas please?
It's possible, although if you're trying to do it you're probably doing something wrong.
But there's more to it than you can see at first sight. The best way to achieve it is to use a mobile library for Google Analytics. Google already provides this for a couple of languages. These libraries are built to send data to Google Analytics via your server. And if you check the server code you'll see that there are some calculations involved. You can possibly change one of these libraries to be run without a request. They're not complicated.
