Private keys and truffle dev session - private-key

**Morning, I can't import my private key from truffle development to metamask cuz i'm not able to find them, I close the terminal tab where they were wrote.
Is there a function to run on terminal to find them?
I tried to make a new project, but every-time I wrote "truffle develop" the reply is "Connected to existing Truffle Develop session at".
Is there a way to "end" this session or find them?
Thanks a lot**


How to limit Wordpress Cron jobs to only run on production server?

Using the WP Crontrol plugin I schedule a process that sends out reminders emails to users. It is working well, but everytime I need to test something using actual data, I am scared that the system will send out reminders that should not have been sent or have already been sent from the live system.
After restoring the backup from the production server, I quickly go to the SMTP plugin I am using and select the option that drops emails sent. That does the job, but there is still a risk that something gets sent before I manage to do that.
So, I am considering my options. One is to wrap the reminder function into a check to see if it is the production server. And only run the function when it is.
I could check using home_url(), and I know it will work because I use this approach for something else.
But I feel there is a better and more correct way, and kindly ask for advice.
I usually use this approach in my projects to separate the code that runs according to the development environment. First I create a constant in the file wp-config.php with the name WP_ENVIRONMENT and assign the value of development to it and then I recognize the execution environment using two helper functions :
function prefix_is_development() {
return defined("WP_ENVIRONMENT") && "development" ===
function prefix_is_production() {
return !defined("WP_ENVIRONMENT") || "production" ===

Airflow dag cannot find connection-id

I am managing a Google Cloud Composer environment which runs Airflow for a data engineering team. I have recently been asked to troubleshoot one of the dags they run which is failing with this error : [12:41:18,119] {} WARNING - [redacted-name] connection ID not available, falling back to Google default credentials
The job is basically a data pipeline which reads from various sources and stores data into GBQ. The odd part is that they have a strictly similar Dag running for a different project and it works perfectly.
I have recreated the .json credentials for the service account behind the connection as well as the connection itself in Airflow. I have sanitized the code to see if there was any hidden spaces or so.
My knowledge of Airflow is limited and I have not been able to find any similar issue in my research, any one have encountered this before?
So the DE team came back to me saying it was actually a deployment issue where an internal module involved in service account authentication was being utilized inside another DAG running in stage environment, rendering it impossible to proceed to credential fetch from the connection ID.

Using apple script to press the return key when prompted to connect to server

Currently this is my delima. Once in a while a build agent will reboot. It needs to always stay connected to share on one of our servers. The idea was to tell finder to mount the volume, wait 2 seconds, and then press enter...since the user name and pssword are both part of the address when I enter it such as SMB://username:password#Server1/DFS it pops up the pasword dialog fully populated but I can't get applescript to recognize it, then press either connect or the return to say "Yes" login witht hat name and don't prompt me.
it worked fine when connecting at home to a synology device but it's not working when connecting to a server in the office.
tell application "Finder" to mount volume "SMB://username:password#Server1/DFS"
delay 2
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "return" -- key code 36
Any help for this seemingly simple step would be greatly apprecited.
I have looked ove the forums and found variou stratagies but they all relate to an application like Firefox or some other script aware app. I just need it to press enter when the password dialog comes up.
First of all the Finder is not needed to mount a volume, you can delete the tell block.
Secondly, if username and password are passed the volume is supposed to mount without a dialog. Maybe you could find the reason why it doesn't.
Nevertheless the password dialog belongs to the process SecurityAgent, you have to use (ugly) GUI scripting to press the button:
tell application "System Events"
repeat until exists process "SecurityAgent"
delay 0.5
end repeat
tell window 1 of process "SecurityAgent"
click button 2
end tell
end tell
The script waits until the window appeared, this is much more reliable than an hard-coded delay.
Looks like a possible XY Problem as I would expect a solution such as to work for you to directly mount the share:
mount -t smbfs //username:password#MACHINENAME/SHARENAME /SomeLocalFolderOfChoice
However, if you are really required to interact with the dialog, and as you asked about it, take a look at this tutorial (written in Python) for scripting up something:
detect missing connection
attempt connection
capture screen periodically
look for dialog box, else loop
error after a few seconds of failure
if dialog is detected, interact with it
input username and password
wait, then press return
check if connection worked after a small delay
success or failure
This type of strategy is very powerful for interacting with all sorts of different dialogs you may encounter and should be possible in AppleScript if you are much more familiar with it (or another scripting language).
If you are open to non-AppleScript solutions, then you might consider Keyboard Maestro, one of the best Mac automation tools available.
You said:
it pops up the pasword dialog fully populated but I can't get
applescript to recognize it, then press either connect or the return
to say "Yes" login witht hat name and don't prompt me.
You could probably do this very easily using Keyboard Maestro. Here's an example of the KM Actions to accomplish this.
If you'd like help with KM, please visit the forum at:
I'm a big AppleScript/JXA user, but I often find it easier/quicker to use KM for many automation tasks. Of course, KM Macros can execute AppleScript, JXA, Shell Scripts, and other scripts easily.
You can try a full version of KM for free for 30 days.

Xamarin.uitest how to close app instance

How to close and relaunch app in Xamarin.UI Test ? I want to restart app for each scenario in feature .
Platform: android
There is no quit() or close() session methods like we have in appium.
Calling ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp() in your test will launch a new session of your application for you to interact with (just make sure to save the new object).
However, with the use of NUnit, methods tagged with [Setup] will run automatically before every method tagged with[Test]. That means most test suites only use the ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp() method once, in [Setup].
Given you are on your are using Xamarin UI Test project,
You can use Finish() to close the application,
MoveTaskToBack(true) to minimize the application.
So that you can call them from your Test.cs, you'll need to write myBackdoorClose and myBackdoorMinimize functions (since Finish() and MoveTaskToBack(true) are only available in the App.cs context). How to do that, read here!
You can actually use Xamarin.UITest.ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp(AppDataMode.DoNotClear) in your test. It will close the app and restart it without clearing the app's data, all while the test keeps running.
This is a cross-platform solution; you can use Xamarin.UITest.ConfigureApp.iOS.StartApp... too.

No eventlogs from BizTalk

I've got a new production computer and installed my BizTalk app on there. The problem is that I don't see any messages in the event log, nor from my BizTalk app or BizTalk Server itself. The only message that appears in the event log is the following:
The following BizTalk host instance has initialized successfully.
BizTalk host name: BizTalkServerApplication
Windows service name: BTSSvc$BizTalkServerApplication
The source of that message is BizTalk Server. And no messages at all, even no logs about errors which I suppose already took place.
Just a quick thought incase you are still having problems.
I tried to write to the event log with a source type that didnt already exist and my BizTalk Host user account didn’t have permissions to create a new source type. This meant I never saw the entry in the event log.
E.g. (from example #Bill Osuch)
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("MyBiztalkApp", "oh i did something");
Make sure either the MyBiztalkApp source exists or that your user has permissions on the event log to create it.
Also, if you have a lot of messages going through BizTalk you will probably want to implement your own logging so your event log doesn’t fill up. We used Log4Net for our implementation and a database to store messages.
If you're not getting any errors (suspended messages) as the messages process, you're not going to see anything in the app log. You could try adding an Expression shape to your orchestration and manually writing out some debug info:
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("event type", "whatever...");
Does your application actually use the BiztalkServerApplication host? Check in the Biztalk Administration Console if all the host instances are indeed running. Is your application fully started? Messages are "put on hold" if your receive location is disabled for example.
To check this functionality, write to event log after every operation or shape in BizTalk orchestration.
Suppose you have to assigned a value to xpath of node in a map after transformation so in message assignment shape after you assign some value, you can write eventlog to admin console.
Ex. Suppose we have already initialized - "orderType" as "PO" in our expression shape and now we have to assign the value of "orderType" to the xpath of a node in our map then-
Shape- MessageAssignment(Under constructMessage Shape after transformation of map)
xpath(msgGetOrderReq, "/[local-name()='CustomerOrders' and namespace-uri()='']/[local-name()='ordertype' and namespace-uri()='']") = ordertype;
Next to this we want to print this information on the admin console so we need to write:-
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("msgGetOrderReq", ordertype, msgGetOrderReq);
Build the project, Deploy and GAC it. Restart the host instance. Run the orchestration, process something and now you will be able to see the logs in admin console.
