ESP32 Partition and Data Storage - arduino

I am trying to write firmware code for RFID device which will have config data storage as well as the temporary storage that maybe can be read and then if convenient be removed.
I am using Arduino IDE to program this on an ESP32 Wroom32. I have tried to understand how the storage actually works, finding various resources. One being datasheet of the same, that says that there could be 4 MB of program code storage possible, and that sounds fantastic, my question is if for example I take EEPROM library and save about 214 bytes to config which will rarely be touched, where is it exactly being stored? Is it simply in NVS? I can see that the default settings show me about 1310720 Bytes of storage and I know that I can utilise other partitions as well to store more in case I ever try to have more sketch storage than 1310720 Bytes.
My question is if I am trying to store data such as config and real time data, how much would I possibly be able to store? Is there a limit? Would it cause any kind of problems if I try to use the other such partitions to write the code? Will it be only NVS that is storing that data or can I utilise the other app0, app1, spiffs etc to store extra Bytes? A lot of the resources are confusing me, here are the data that I am referring to from online 1 and 2. Any idea would help me proceed very further.
P.S. I am aware that the EEPROM library has been deprecated and I shall use either Preferences or littlefs for better management but if I am aware correctly I can still utilise them, and without much issue that will work since there is still compatibility for that. I am also curious about using inbuilt SRAM of RTC with the RTC attribute RTC_DATA_ATTR, since I hope to also utilise deep sleep mode incorporated.

My question is if I am trying to store data such as config and real time data, how much would I possibly be able to store? Is there a limit?
It depends. First on the module; there is ESP32-WROOM with 4MB flash but you could also order different flash sizes.
Then the question is: how big is your application (code)? Obviously this needs to be saved on the flash as well, reducing the total usable amount for data storage (by the size of the application). Also there is a bootloader which needs some small space as well.
Next, ESP32 is using a partition scheme. One partition is reserved for the bootloader. The rest can be divided between one or more application partitions, NVS partitions, and possibly other utility partitions (i.e. OTAData).
If you are using the OTA functions, there will be at least 3 application partitions of equal size, further reducing the total usable amount for data storage.
So the absolute upper limit of what you can store using NVS functions is the size of your NVS partition. However since it's a key-value storage, you must take into account the size of the key, which can be considerably larger than the data you store (up to 12 times for a 12 character key and a uint8 value).
So there is no way to say exactly how much data you can put into the system without knowing exactly how you're going to use it. For example, you could store one very large "blob" value that could take "up to 97.6%" of the partition size. But you could not store 10 "blob" values of 1/10 (9.76%) the size since you must take into account the keys and some flash metadata used internally.
Would it cause any kind of problems if I try to use the other such partitions to write the code?
That depends on what these partitions are used for. If you override the partition table, or bootloader, or your application code, yes there will be problems. If there is "free space" then it won't be a problem, but then you should redefine this free space as NVS space. It's nice of Espressif to provide this NVS library, dont work around it, work with it.
Using Espressif's esptool you can create custom partition tables where you could minimize the size of the application partition to just barely fit your application, and maximize the NVS partition size. This way you will get the most storage out of your device without manually implementing a filesystem. If you are using OTA, you should leave some empty room in your application partition, in case your application code grows, as it usually does.
Will it be only NVS that is storing that data or can I utilise the other app0, app1, spiffs etc to store extra Bytes?
You absolutely can, but you will destroy whatever data is on that partition. And you will have lots of work to do, because you'll have to implement all of this yourself (basically roll your own flash driver).
If you don't need OTA, you dont need app0/app1 partitions at all.
Note that SPIFFS is also a way to store data, except it's not key-value but file-based. If you dont need it, remove that partition, and fill the space with your NVS partition.
On the other hand, SPIFFS is probably a better alternative if you are really tight on flash space, since you can omit the key and do your own referencing.


MediaRecorder API chunks as an independent videos

I'm trying to build simple app that would stream video from camera using browser to the remote server.
For the camera access from browser I've found a wonderful WebRTC API: getUserMedia.
Now for the streaming it to the server IIUC the best way would be to use some of the WebRTC_API for transporting and then use some server side library to deal with it.
However, at first I went with a bit different approach:
I've user MediaRecorder based on the stream from camera. And then I was setting the timeslice for the MediaRecorder.start() to be few hundred Ms, e.g. 200. And I had some assumptions in wrt MediaRecorder which are not in sync with what I was observing:
I've observed weird behaviour(wrt to my assumptions about MediaRecorder):
If there was only 1 chunk uploaded to server -> it opens just fine.
If there are multiple chunks -> none of them loads correctly, they give errors: Could not determine type of stream. But then if I use ffmpeg to concat all the chunks - resulting file is fine. Same happens if I'm concatenating the blobs from MediaRecorder.ondataavailable on the client.
Thus the question:
Can the chunks in theory be independent video files? Or it is not what MediaRecorder was designed for? If it is not - then why do we even have the option to give timeslice parameter in its start() method?
Bonus question
If we're setting timeslice comparatively small, e.g. 10ms -> lots of data blobs that are sent to MediaRecorder.ondataavailable are of size 0. Where we can find some sort of guarantees/specs on the minimal timeslice that we can use, so that the data blobs are meaningful?
In the documentation there are the following:
If timeslice is not undefined, then once a minimum of timeslice milliseconds of data have been collected, or some minimum time slice imposed by the UA, whichever is greater, start gathering data into a new Blob blob, and queue a task, using the DOM manipulation task source, that fires a blob event named dataavailable at recorder with blob.
So, my guess is that it is somehow related to some data blobs being of 0 size. What does it "some minimum time slice imposed by the UA" mean?
Happy to provide code if needed. But the question is not about some specific code. It is to get understanding of the assumptions behind the MediaRecorder API and why they are there.
The timeslice parameter does not allow to create independent media chunks; instead, it gives an opportunity to save data (e.g. on the filesystem, or uploaded to a server) on a regular basis, rather than holding potentially large media content in memory.

How are you supposed to update a texture per frame in Vulkan?

I'm trying to work with 2D in vulkan along with 3D. So right now testing out updating a texture for every frame as whatever 2D is going on. I've gotten something of a texture updater working, the problem is that it's very slow and probably not the way it's supposed to be done. Is there any better way of getting this done? The code is based on the code.
void UpdateTexture()
vkFreeMemory(device, textureImageMemory, nullptr);
VkBuffer stagingBuffer;
VkDeviceMemory stagingBufferMemory;
createBuffer(imageSize, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT, stagingBuffer, stagingBufferMemory);
void* data;
vkMapMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory, 0, imageSize, 0, &data);
memcpy(data,, static_cast<size_t>(imageSize));
vkUnmapMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory);
copyBufferToImage(stagingBuffer, textureImage, static_cast<uint32_t>(texWidth), static_cast<uint32_t>(texHeight));
vkDestroyBuffer(device, stagingBuffer, nullptr);
vkFreeMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory, nullptr);
This code looks like a direct translation of some OpenGL code, and not particularly good/modern OpenGL code at that.
There's a lot wrong in this code, but most of it boils down to over-synchronization.
First, you should always view any call to vkDeviceWaitIdle as the wrong thing to do. The only exception would be when you are preparing to destroy the VkDevice itself. There is no other reason to do a full CPU/GPU sync like that.
Presumably, this synchronization exists so that you can be sure the GPU is finished using the image before modifying it. This is the wrong thing to do. You should instead employ multiple-buffering. That is, you should have two images that you use. One is currently being used in a rendering process, while the other is being transferred into.
Instead of doing a full device sync, you instead synchronize with the batch you sent two frames ago. That is, if you're wanting to transfer data for use by frame 10, then you must first do a fence-sync operation with the batch you sent in frame 8. Frame 9 is still being processed, but frame 8 is probably done by now. So the synchronization shouldn't hurt too much.
Second, never allocate memory in the middle of an operation like this. Memory gets allocated early in your application, and you leave it allocated until it's time to destroy your application. If you need a staging buffer, then keep it around and reuse it in subsequent frames. Make sure to allocate sufficient storage up-front.
Whatever your createBuffer call is doing, it seems very much like a bad idea. Vulkan is not OpenGL; Vulkan separated memory from buffers/textures that use it for a reason. Creating APIs that hide this separation basically throws all of that away.
Similarly, never unmap memory, unless you're about to destroy that memory object. There's no problem in Vulkan (or OpenGL) with leaving a piece of memory mapped indefinitely. Just map the entire memory's range and leave it mapped. Indeed, you could just pass the mapped pointer directly to your image loader, depending on how the memory get written by the image loading code (if it tries to read data from this pointer, they could be trouble).
Lastly, the commands doing the transfer need to be synchronized with the commands that consume the image. How this happens depends on which queues are being used to do the transfer.
And of course, if you want optimal performance, you may want to check to see if your implementation can read from linear images in your shader. If it can, then you may not need staging at all; you can just write the data directly to the memory in Vulkan's image format, and use it directly.
Employing all of the above is going to add a lot of complexity to your application. But that's how it's supposed to work.
A naive way consists in using the CPU to define the update depending on the time or data and then update the data for the shader, such as a MVP transformation matrix. But this is inefficient with lots of syncing and too low refresh rates, and also overloading the cpu in a loop.
So people recommend using many buffers sometimes mentioning old drivers. If someone can clarify it, that would be nice. I have a naive and probably wrong guess. If they know exactly the frame rate, then they can calculate the time for each frame and dispatch several frames in advance. But it confuses me because the frame rate is dynamic, especially for new screens with the FreeSync functionality that have dynamic refresh rates.
I have thought of a third possibility. One can use the clock directly in the shader. GL_EXT_shader_realtime_clock provides clockRealtimeEXT. It has no defined unit, and will wrap when exceeding the maximum value. But it is said "globally coherent by all invocations on the GPU". During initialization, you can measure its rate using a uniform buffer, and then assume the rate will be constant. And also manage the wrapping.
Then if you can write your shaders as a function of time, for example in a translation, that would be efficient. You just need the initial data. Remember that one must avoid if conditions in shaders.

cuda unified memory: memory transfer behaviour

I am learning cuda, but currently don't access to a cuda device yet and am curious about some unified memory behaviour. As far as i understood, the unified memory functionality, transfers data from host to device on a need to know basis. So if the cpu calls some data 100 times, that is on the gpu, it transfers the data only during the first attempt and clears that memory space on the gpu. (is my interpretation correct so far?)
1 Assuming this, is there some behaviour that, if the programmatic structure meant to fit on the gpu is too large for the device memory, will the UM exchange some recently accessed data structures to make space for the next ones needed to complete to computation or does this still have to be achieved manually?
2 Additionally I would be grateful if you could clarify something else related to the memory transfer behaviour. It seems obvious that data would be transferred back on fro upon access of the actual data, but what about accessing the pointer? for example if I had 2 arrays of the same UM pointers (the data in the pointer is currently on the gpu and the following code is executed from the cpu) and were to slice the first array, maybe to delete an element, would the iterating step over the pointers being placed into a new array so access the data to do a cudamem transfer? surely not.
As far as i understood, the unified memory functionality, transfers data from host to device on a need to know basis. So if the cpu calls some data 100 times, that is on the gpu, it transfers the data only during the first attempt and clears that memory space on the gpu. (is my interpretation correct so far?)
The first part is correct: when the CPU tries to access a page that resides in device memory, it is transferred in main memory transparently. What happens to the page in device memory is probably an implementation detail, but I imagine it may not be cleared. After all, its contents only need to be refreshed if the CPU writes to the page and if it is accessed by the device again. Better ask someone from NVIDIA, I suppose.
Assuming this, is there some behaviour that, if the programmatic structure meant to fit on the gpu is too large for the device memory, will the UM exchange some recently accessed data structures to make space for the next ones needed to complete to computation or does this still have to be achieved manually?
Before CUDA 8, no, you could not allocate more (oversubscribe) than what could fit on the device. Since CUDA 8, it is possible: pages are faulted in and out of device memory (probably using an LRU policy, but I am not sure whether that is specified anywhere), which allows one to process datasets that would not otherwise fit on the device and require manual streaming.
It seems obvious that data would be transferred back on fro upon access of the actual data, but what about accessing the pointer?
It works exactly the same. It makes no difference whether you're dereferencing the pointer that was returned by cudaMalloc (or even malloc), or some pointer within that data. The driver handles it identically.

Best way to store 100,000+ CSV text files on server?

We have an application which will need to store thousands of fairly small CSV files. 100,000+ and growing annually by the same amount. Each file contains around 20-80KB of vehicle tracking data. Each data set (or file) represents a single vehicle journey.
We are currently storing this information in SQL Server, but the size of the database is getting a little unwieldy and we only ever need to access the journey data one file at time (so the need to query it in bulk or otherwise store in a relational database is not needed). The performance of the database is degrading as we add more tracks, due to the time taken to rebuild or update indexes when inserting or deleting data.
There are 3 options we are considering:
We could use the FILESTREAM feature of SQL to externalise the data into files, but I've not used this feature before. Would Filestream still result in one physical file per database object (blob)?
Alternatively, we could store the files individually on disk. There
could end being half a million of them after 3+ years. Will the
NTFS file system cope OK with this amount?
If lots of files is a problem, should we consider grouping the datasets/files into a small database (one peruser) so that each user? Is there a very lightweight database like SQLite that can store files?
One further point: the data is highly compressible. Zipping the files reduces them to only 10% of their original size. I would like to utilise compression if possible to minimise disk space used and backup size.
I have a few thoughts, and this is very subjective, so your mileage ond other readers' mileage may vary, but hopefully it will still get the ball rolling for you even if other folks want to put differing points of view...
Firstly, I have seen performance issues with folders containing too many files. One project got around this by creating 256 directories, called 00, 01, 02... fd, fe, ff and inside each one of those a further 256 directories with the same naming convention. That potentially divides your 500,000 files across 65,536 directories giving you only a few in each - if you use a good hash/random generator to spread them out. Also, the filenames are pretty short to store in your database - e.g. 32/af/file-xyz.csv. Doubtless someone will bite my head off, but I feel 10,000 files in one directory is plenty to be going on with.
Secondly, 100,000 files of 80kB amounts to 8GB of data which is really not very big these days - a small USB flash drive in fact - so I think any arguments about compression are not that valid - storage is cheap. What could be important though, is backup. If you have 500,000 files you have lots of 'inodes' to traverse and I think the statistic used to be that many backup products can only traverse 50-100 'inodes' per second - so you are going to be waiting a very long time. Depending on the downtime you can tolerate, it may be better to take the system offline and back up from the raw, block device - at say 100MB/s you can back up 8GB in 80 seconds and I can't imagine a traditional, file-based backup can get close to that. Alternatives may be a filesysten that permits snapshots and then you can backup from a snapshot. Or a mirrored filesystem which permits you to split the mirror, backup from one copy and then rejoin the mirror.
As I said, pretty subjective and I am sure others will have other ideas.
I work on an application that uses a hybrid approach, primarily because we wanted our application to be able to work (in small installations) in freebie versions of SQL Server...and the file load would have thrown us over the top quickly. We have gobs of files - tens of millions in large installations.
We considered the same scenarios you've enumerated, but what we eventually decided to do was to have a series of moderately large (2gb) memory mapped files that contain the would-be files as opaque blobs. Then, in the database, the blobs are keyed by blob-id (a sha1 hash of the uncompressed blob), and have fields for the container-file-id, offset, length, and uncompressed-length. There's also a "published" flag in the blob-referencing table. Because the hash faithfully represents the content, a blob is only ever written once. Modified files produce new hashes, and they're written to new locations in the blob store.
In our case, the blobs weren't consistently text files - in fact, they're chunks of files of all types. Big files are broken up with a rolling-hash function into roughly 64k chunks. We attempt to compress each blob with lz4 compression (which is way fast compression - and aborts quickly on effectively-incompressible data).
This approach works really well, but isn't lightly recommended. It can get complicated. For example, grooming the container files in the face of deleted content. For this, we chose to use sparse files and just tell NTFS the extents of deleted blobs. Transactional demands are more complicated.
All of the goop for db-to-blob-store is c# with a little interop for the memory-mapped files. Your scenario sounds similar, but somewhat less demanding. I suspect you could get away without the memory-mapped I/O complications.

How to store a huge hash table in RAM and share it between different applications?

The data contains information like billions of ID-scores pairs. To quickly access these paired information, I plan to use the hash-table container since its time complexity of search is O(1). Considering the the raw data is around 80G, I don't want to load the data into RAM every time when I need to run search application. What I want to do is to generate the hash-table once and then store it in RAM with persistence of filesystem lifetime (the expense of RAM is not a criteria), and search it with different applications.
Based on my limited understanding, I could use "Memory Mapped Files" (boost C++ libraries). But I have questions:
1) Is it possible to keep the hash-table data structure when write it to the mapped file?
2) How much time it will cost to map the existed file to RAM?
Any answers/comments/suggestions are most welcomed!
1) Yes. The file is just bytes, just like memory.
2) Creating the mapping will be effectively instantaneous. Node that you won't be able to map all of it contiguously at once except on a 64-bit OS. Of course, if the file cache can't hold the portion of the map you're using, it will have to be read from disk.
How big are IDs? How big are pairs? How much locality of reference do you have? (Are there heavily-used pair and lightly used pairs?) How often will you be searching for pairs that aren't present? Is the data read-mostly? There may be better ways to do it. I'd strongly suggest starting with a broader question to make sure you're not stuck on a sub-optimal path.
