why projection tab is inactive in eventstoredb - projection

As you can see in picture, my projection tab is inactive in eventstoredb tab.
And How can I fix it?

It's a server setting that controls if the projections runtime is enabled or not.
Check the documentation about the setting.

As #Alexey Zimarev said by default projections are disabled.
We can run this command for start eventstoredb:
EventStore.ClusterNode.exe --run-projections=All


How to handle dynamic overlay using webdriver

While executing a selenium script, we are getting a overlay (like popup) which is asking to confirm yes or no.
In this case the main problem being the Overlay popup does not come at a constant place,instead it comes at differen places.
example :- consider we have 4 pages to navigate some time it comes in first page and some times it comes in second page, and sometimes
it comes in the same page while we are accessing different elements.sometimes we are not getting overlay.
please let me know how to solve this issue, Thanks in advance
You can handle that through driver options, at least in Internet Explorer. This is how I do in Selenium.NET binding
var options = new InternetExplorerOptions { EnableNativeEvents = false };
options.UnexpectedAlertBehavior = InternetExplorerUnexpectedAlertBehavior.Dismiss;
It will force close any unexpected pop up.
Not sure that this is correct solution, but this must solution of your task.
You can create simple function(method) that checks for existence of this popup with some timeout. And put in in all possible places.
Or you can check it by some timer in another thread(with pause of main thread)

KendoUI: exact time rendering in scheduler

I know that RadScheduler (also Telerik) has an option 'Exact time rendering' (http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/scheduler/examples/exacttimerendering/defaultcs.aspx) but does this also exist in KendoUI Scheduler ?
Have been searching the documentation but was unable to find anything.
This feature is called snap in the Kendo UI Scheduler. Here is a live demo: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/web/scheduler/move-resize.html (try unchecking the checkbox)

Xcode4 commit message - how to turn of auto-correction

Can it be turned off ? If yes: how ?
For instance it keeps changing "refactor" to "refractor".
When i correct it - Xcode changes it back (oO).
Look in System Preferences, Languages and text, Text tab, there is a checkbox for auto-correction.

Disabling the ability to increase length of an event - Full Calendar

I have searched through the full calendar documentation and tried a couple of solutions but nothing has worked. I am using full calendar within a website that renders events into it using JSON. Editable is set to true to enable users to alter the date of a position. However, regardless of setting disableResizing to false, the events can still be dragged from the right to extend them across multiple days.
How do I definitively disable this function, and do so without it effecting the current ability to drag and move events to different days. Any help on this would be great.
Many Thanks!
Ah I think the key may be here 'regardless of setting disableResizing to false'. I think you may want to set disableResizing to true!
Nevertheless make sure that options that have true/false values are not strings "true"/"false", or else somthings might not work like allDay option for events.
Doesnt work:

MBProgressHUD with ASIHTTPRequest

I am trying to use MBProgressHUD to display a progress of download of multiple images which are downloaded via ASINetworkQueue.
I have set the hud as networkQueue's progress delegate and I have also set the mode of the hud to MBProgressHUDModeDeterminate.
I can make the hud display and hide, but I cannot change the progress. The hud just doesn't redraw itself until the networkQueue is complete.
I can see that MBProgressHUD's drawRect is never called but I don't know why.
I would be very grateful if anyone could provide a sample or pseudo code of how to achieve this.
There are perhaps two likely issues:
The main thread of your application has been blocked; are you calling 'waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished' on the main thread or similar?
ASIHTTPRequest can't report much in the way of progress if the server isn't sending Content-Length: headers, so this could also be the issue.
