How do I get the value of the Authorization key from the site? - python-requests

Good afternoon. I log in to one site using my username/ password
I pulled an unofficial API from the site. Registration on a direct request to him with the transfer of JSON was successful
But further use of the API requires the Authorization key -
see screenshot
How do I get it and use it for API requests? I tried to get cookies, but nothing changes with them
I just started learning request and stopped right there, sorry if the question is stupid and I'm wasting your time

Reading the documentation is a powerful tool that programmer must leverage you can see in Requests documentation they already gave you the example
r = requests.get('', auth=('user', 'pass'))
>>> 200
>>> application/json; charset=utf8


Here API: Matrix Routing API V8 - Asynchronus request - Receiving error when retrieving calculation status

I'm currently developing a little algorithm to solve the VRP. I herefore use the HERE Matrix Routing API to identify the actual travel times. I just came across the issue, that the retrieved status url after submitting the matrix seems to not accept the API key authorization. Here a little exapmle:
After submitting my matrix, I try to access the status of my calculation via the status url as described in the documentation:{matrixId}/status?apiKey={apiKey}
as well as with the returned status url after submitting the request (which is basically the above URL prefilled and with resolved forwarding):{matrixId}/status?apiKey={apiKey}
From my understanding and the way how it's documented, I expect this to be working. Instead, I'm receiving an error code 401, Unauthorized: No credentials found
My request succeeds, when I'm deleting the /status after the matrixId. Is this the expected behaviour or did I reveal a little bug?
Thanks for your help!
BR, Difreg
This is unfortunately due to a combination of how the service operates, and how some client libraries are configured to automatically follow HTTP redirects, like Python requests.
I answered a similar question a few days ago, and you can see the answer here.
Hopefully that helps you figure it out, but if it doesn't, feel free to ask again here.

Connection to a site made by Http Post - how to check if connection is still alive?

I'm developing a Scraping app to extract some information from a sit. To get that information I have to be logged in to that site.
So I use Http post and pass the data needed for login using FormData and log in successfully, so I can browse the private content of that site.
My question Is: "How can I tell if the user is logged in?". What is the simple way to do that using session cookies or something like that?
I'm currently checking the connection by sending an Http Get Request to a Url that I know is available to registered users.
So before I try to login again, I use this method "isLoggedIn" to check the connection. But it is not perfect, I mean, it seems a kind o tricky and not the best way to do that.
Currently, I'm using Dio - a Lib to make Http Request in Dart. But I think it's a general Http matter.
Just to register...
I solve that after checking the difference between a 'logged' and a 'not logged in' response. In my specify case, when I did a get request to the login page, it answers with a response that has a 'CUSTOMER_AUTH' cookie setted with a random String, otherwise, this cookie is not present.
So I just check if this cookie is present and if it has a valid value.

"Post" via indy fails, while "Get" is working, using xe2, https and windows authentication

i already tried to find an answer here on nearly at any place at the web, but didn't find an answer that helped me out here - so i'm trying it here with this question:
i have to to get some information from a server in a domain, using https via indy components and the windows authentication. that's working quite fine (via IdHTTP1.Get(sURI)), the server logs are showing this (domain/user/request) and the response is always valid.
afterwards i try to post now some new values to the requested data, but this fails, since i get a "401" authenticaion error. BasicAuthentication=false, and HTTPOptions=[hoInProcessAuth,hoForceEncodeParams] via IdHTTP1.Post(sURI, Req_Json), where Req_Json is a UTF-8 encoded TStringStream. Now (and only when trying to POST) the IdHTTP1Authorization event is triggered twice, even if I do a handled=true there (read somewhere in a forum) it fails, if I do nothing there I get the same result: 401. There were some tips about the IdHTTP1SelectAuthorization event, but with that I had no luck, too.
Any ideas, where to start to get this solved? If there are any questions open, don't hesitate to ask!
p.s.: trying to post the same information via postman works correctly - so i guess it's about delphi/indy ...

Woocommerce REST API connection refused

I've been trying to connect to the REST API of Woocommerce (using HTTP Basic Auth) but fail to do so.
I'm probably doing stuff wrong (first timer # REST API's), but here is what I've been doing:
I'm using a GET with an url consisting of:
I'm using an Authorization header with the consumer key and secret base64 encoded
I've enabled the REST Api in the Woocommerce setting and enabled secure checkout. Also I've put some product in the shop. But whenever I try to run the URL as described above; the connection is just being refused.
I do not receive an error, but it looks like the page cannot even be reached. Can someone help me out?
I've followed the docs ( up to the Authentication-section, but that's where I've been stuck up till now.
The complete url I'm using is:
With the HTTP-header looking like:
GET /wc-api/v2/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic [BASE64 encoded_key:BASE64 encoded_secret]
Connection: close
User-Agent: Paw/2.1.1 (Macintosh; OS X/10.10.2) GCDHTTPRequest
Then after I run the request I'm getting:
Given the screenshot that you posted, it seems that the server is not responding on HTTPS. So you'll need to configure your webserver to respond to HTTPS requests, and to do that you'll need to install an SSL certificate.
You can either generate one yourself, which is free, but won't work for the general public. Or you can buy one - most domain registrars and hosts will let you buy a certificate, and they usually start at around $50 per year.
I'm using a GET with an url consisting of:
In this example, you're using HTTPS. Is that where you're trying to connect?
I highly recommend going straight to HTTPS connection. It's a thousand times easier to accomplish. Documentation for over HTTPS can be found here. Follow directions for "OVER HTTPS". From there you can use something like Postman to test if you'd like.

Can the HTTP response header Authorization be managed from the server?

I'm playing with HTTP Basic Authorization. As we all know, when a client gets a 401 error on requesting a page, the client must collect authorization credentials from the users (typically in the form of a pop-up window).
Subsequent requests for resources under that part of the URL will be accompanied by "Authorization: Basic [hash]" where [hash] is the username/password mashed together and hashed.
What I'm interesting in is getting the client to not send the Authorization header even when requesting a resource that previously asked for it.
Three important questions:
Is this possible?
If possible, does this violate the HTTP/1.1 standard (I'm unclear that this case is covered by the spec)?
What browser support this?
Thanks for your time, Internet.
UPDATE: Apparently, this is an apache FAQ and I am SOL. Still, if you've got thoughts on this question, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks.
I don't think this is possible. The authenticated session lasts until the user shuts the browser window, and the browser will keep on blindly passing the credentials with each request under the same path.
Is there any specific reason why you want this functionality?
You can set the user and password in the URL:
If you use this syntax, the browser will generate the header for you.
