Wordpress caches in wp-admin. How to exclude it? - wordpress

When I am in admin rights at wp-admin I always have a situation like running an existing cache file on the system, I often have to press the refresh button to fix the above situation. So how to disable cache in wp-admin ?


wordpress wp-admin redirects to my-account page

When I try to reach admin panel by wp-admin, asking me username and password but afterwords redirects me to my-account page and cannot go to admin panel. Is there anyone help on this item?
You can also check the .htaccess file via FTP on the server for the offending redirect rule. 
Otherwse, it is likely a plugin causing the redirect, try logging into the server via FTP and renaming the plugin folder, then create a new plugin folder and sequentially add each plugin back into the new folder, and test, until you find the culprit.

Wordpress website links only work on page refresh or with cache disabled

Since yesterday links on my website only work if I click them and then refresh the page. On the first click the addressbar shows the correct address, but the content doesn't change. htaccess is unchanged and there are no cache plugins installed atm. There is no cache directory in /wp-content/ and the webserver cache has also been cleared. If I disable caching in DevTools or visit the website while beeing logged in in Wordpress the pages load correctly. Browser cache has also been cleared.
What is wrong with my website? Thank you!

Login fails in first attempt each time in wordpress

I have wordpress ecommerce website. When i am trying to login to any account first time whether it is customer account or admin account it shown invalid address: your email address. But when i try to login with same credentials for second time it is logged in successfully. So basically it fails for the first time everytime but gets success in the second time. How can i solve this issue ?
-Clear Cookies to Resolve Login Issues
WordPress uses cookies for login authentication, so the first step in troubleshooting WordPress login issues is the simplest one. Clear your browser cookies and cache. Also make sure that your browser has cookies enabled. After doing that restart your browser and then try to login. This should fix the issue for most folks.
Clearing cookies and cache in Google Chrome
-Deactivate All Plugins
Sometimes WordPress plugins can cause this issue specially if there is a conflict between two plugins. To deactivate all your WordPress plugins, connect to your web hosting using an FTP client. Rename /wp-content/plugins/ directory to plugins_backup. This will deactivate all WordPress plugins installed on your website. We also have a detailed tutorial on how to deactivate all WordPress plugins when unable to access WP-Admin. Once you have deactivated all plugins, try to logging in to your WordPress site. If you succeed, then this means that one of your plugins was causing the issue.
-Delete .htaccess File
Sometimes .htaccess file can get corrupted which can result in internal server errors or login page refreshing error. Simply access your website through FTP. Backup the .htaccess file in your computer and then delete it from your website’s root directory. You may want to delete .htaccess file in wp-admin directory as well if it exist. Try logging in again. If you succeed, then this means that your .htaccess file were stopping you from logging into WordPress. Once you are logged in, simply go to Settings » Permalinks and click Save. This will generate a new .htaccess file.
Not a 100% sure youre issue is listed but have you tried this ?
REF: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-wordpress-login-page-refreshing-and-redirecting-issue/

Cannot log into wordpress site

Just recently discovered that neither my client or I can login to our Wordpress website. Here are the details:
Plugins: Contact Form 7, Envira Gallery Lite, Fusion Core (part of avada theme), Updraft Plus, Wordpress SEO, WP Retina 2x, WP Updates Notifier, Login Security Solution, Sucuri Scanner
Initially, the login page was requesting a password reset which is typical if too many false attempts have been made from a single user (part of Login Security Solution) plugin.
We tried to reset via the link in the email sent by wordpress. The new password generated is "invalid" when we try to login after the reset.
I FTP-ed in and changed functions.php to force a password reset. When I login with the new password, the login screen appears to be accepting the password, but rather than loading the dashboard, it loads the login screen again. Our Sucuri plugin emails an alert that the login was successful (which of course, it was not).
Next, I changed the name of all the plugin folders to make sure it wasn't a plugin causing the trouble. Same result.
Then, I looked at my htaccess file. It was overwritten with:
Files *.php deny from all /Files
I restore the htaccess file to it's original code. Still same login behavior.
I look through the rest of the site for other htaccess files. I change the names of htaccess files in the following places in order to disable them:
Still same login behavior.
Not sure what to try next. Not sure what triggered the problem. I was able to login on 12/22. My odd htaccess file had a modification date of 12/7. Client tried to login on 1/3 and was unable.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

wordpress control panel login problems

I have a blog that was built with word press. when I want to login into control panel it redirect me to this page:
One time I Uninstalled word press files and then uploaded again. after that it worked correctly. but this problem has arisen again.
Have a read of this codex guide: http://codex.wordpress.org/Login_Trouble
have a look in your error logs at your hosts backend.
logout or logout with http://www.yourdomain.com/wp-login.php?action=logout
disable all plugins
clear cookies/cache
exit browser
just for troubleshooting purposes try:
- switching to the default theme by renaming your current theme's folder in wp-content/themes using FTP or whatever file management application your host provides.
resetting the plugins folder by using FTP or whatever file management application your host provides. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.
renaming or deleting the .htaccess file after making a backup of this file
Check your .htaccess and wp-config.php if they are correct
