How to draw a 'proportion graph' in Julia? - julia

Here is an example of what I am looking for:
I've looked at all of the examples in the documentation and could not find a similar graph. Any help would be appreciated.

Here's a way:
using Plots
#userplot StackedArea
# a simple "recipe" for Plots.jl to get stacked area plots
# usage: stackedarea(xvector, datamatrix, plotsoptions)
#recipe function f(pc::StackedArea)
x, y = pc.args
n = length(x)
y = cumsum(y, dims=2)
seriestype := :shape
# create a filled polygon for each item
for c=1:size(y,2)
sx = vcat(x, reverse(x))
sy = vcat(y[:,c], c==1 ? zeros(n) : reverse(y[:,c-1]))
#series (sx, sy)
a = [1,1,1,1.5,2,3]
b = [0.5,0.6,0.4,0.3,0.3,0.2]
c = [2,1.8,2.2,3.3,2.5,1.8]
sNames = ["a","b","c"]

Following #sanidhya-singh's link also gives a built-in solution:
julia> areaplot(1:3, [1 2 3; 7 8 9; 4 5 6], seriescolor = [:red :green :blue], fillalpha = [0.2 0.3 0.4])
which gives
Maybe worth adding to the docs though!
[EDIT] This example has been added to the Plots.jl docs


Julia: "Plot not defined" when attempting to add slider bars

I am learning how to create plots with slider bars. Here is my code based off the first example of this tutorial
using Plots
using GLMakie
function plotLaneEmden(log_delta_xi=-4, n=3)
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
sl_x = Slider(fig[2, 1], range = 0:0.01:4.99, startvalue = 3)
sl_y = Slider(fig[1, 2], range = -6:0.01:0.1, horizontal = false, startvalue = -2)
point = lift(sl_x.value, sl_y.value) do n, log_delta_xi
Point2f(n, log_delta_xi)
plot(n, 1 .- log_delta_xi.^2/6, linecolor = :green, label="n = $n")
When I run this, it gives UndefVarError: plot not defined. What am I missing here?
It looks like you are trying to mix and match Plots.jl and Makie.jl. Specifically, the example from your link is entirely for Makie (specifically, with the GLMakie backend), while the the plot function you are trying to add uses syntax specific to the Plots.jl version of plot (specifically including linecolor and label keyword arguments).
Plots.jl and Makie.jl are two separate and unrelated plotting libraries, so you have to pick one and stick with it. Since both libraries export some of the same function names, using both at once will lead to ambiguity and UndefVarErrors if not disambiguated.
The other potential problem is that it looks like you are trying to make a line plot with only a single x and y value (n and log_delta_xi are both single numbers in your code as written). If that's what you want, you'll need a scatter plot instead of a line plot; and if that's not what you want you'll need to make those variables vectors instead somehow.
Depending on what exactly you want, you might try something more along the lines of (in a new session, using only Makie and not Plots):
using GLMakie
function plotLaneEmden(log_delta_xi=-4, n=3)
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="ξ", ylabel="θ")
sl_x = Slider(fig[2, 1], range = 0:0.01:4.99, startvalue = n)
sl_y = Slider(fig[1, 2], range = -6:0.01:0.1, horizontal = false, startvalue = log_delta_xi)
point = lift(sl_x.value, sl_y.value) do n, log_delta_xi
Point2f(n, 1 - log_delta_xi^2/6)
sca = scatter!(point, color = :green, markersize = 20)
axislegend(ax, [sca], ["n = $n"])
Or, below, a simple example for interactively plotting a line rather than a point:
using GLMakie
function quadraticsliders(x=-5:0.01:5)
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="X", ylabel="Y")
sl_a = Slider(fig[2, 1], range = -3:0.01:3, startvalue = 0.)
sl_b = Slider(fig[1, 2], range = -3:0.01:3, horizontal = false, startvalue = 0.)
points = lift(sl_a.value, sl_b.value) do a, b
Point2f.(x, a.*x.^2 .+ b.*x)
l = lines!(points, color = :blue)
onany((a,b)->axislegend(ax, [l], ["$(a)x² + $(b)x"]), sl_a.value, sl_b.value)
limits!(ax, minimum(x), maximum(x), -10, 10)
ETA: A couple examples closer to what you might be looking for

what does "argmax().I" mean in Julia

Here is the great example from StatWithJuliaBook (please find the following)
It demos how to smooth a plot of stary sky stars.png
My question is about argmax().I. According to the author, "Note the use of the trailing “.I” at the end of each argmax, which extracts the values of the co-ordinates in column-major."
What does it mean? Is there other parameter? I can't find any description in the document.
According to author, it seems to be the position of column-wise maxmum value, yet when I tried argmax(gImg, dims=2), the result is different.
#julia> yOriginal, xOriginal = argmax(gImg).I
#(192, 168)
#julia> yy, xx = argmax(gImg, dims = 2)
#400×1 Matrix{CartesianIndex{2}}:
# CartesianIndex(1, 187)
# CartesianIndex(2, 229)
# CartesianIndex(399, 207)
# CartesianIndex(400, 285)
#julia> yy, xx
#(CartesianIndex(1, 187), CartesianIndex(2, 229))
Please advise.
using Plots, Images; pyplot()
img = load("stars.png")
gImg = red.(img)*0.299 + green.(img)*0.587 + blue.(img)*0.114
rows, cols = size(img)
println("Highest intensity pixel: ", findmax(gImg))
function boxBlur(image,x,y,d)
if x<=d || y<=d || x>=cols-d || y>=rows-d
return image[x,y]
total = 0.0
for xi = x-d:x+d
for yi = y-d:y+d
total += image[xi,yi]
return total/((2d+1)^2)
blurImg = [boxBlur(gImg,x,y,5) for x in 1:cols, y in 1:rows]
yOriginal, xOriginal = argmax(gImg).I
yBoxBlur, xBoxBlur = argmax(blurImg).I
p1 = heatmap(gImg, c=:Greys, yflip=true)
p1 = scatter!((xOriginal, yOriginal), ms=60, ma=0, msw=4, msc=:red)
p2 = heatmap(blurImg, c=:Greys, yflip=true)
p2 = scatter!((xBoxBlur, yBoxBlur), ms=60, ma=0, msw=4, msc=:red)
plot(p1, p2, size=(800, 400), ratio=:equal, xlims=(0,cols), ylims=(0,rows),
colorbar_entry=false, border=:none, legend=:none)
I is a field in an object of type CartesianIndex which is returned by argmax when its argument has more than 1 dimension.
If in doubt always try using dump.
Please consider the code below:
julia> arr = rand(4,4)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
0.971271 0.0350186 0.20805 0.284678
0.348161 0.19649 0.30343 0.291894
0.385583 0.990593 0.216894 0.814146
0.283823 0.750008 0.266643 0.473104
julia> el = argmax(arr)
CartesianIndex(3, 2)
julia> dump(el)
I: Tuple{Int64, Int64}
1: Int64 3
2: Int64 2
However, getting CartesianIndex object data via its internal structure is not very elegant. The nice Julian way to do it is to use the appropriate method:
julia> Tuple(el)
(3, 2)
Or just access the indices directly:
julia> el[1], el[2]
(3, 2)

Plotting a 3D surface in Julia, using either Plots or PyPlot

I would like to plot a two variable function(s) (e_pos and e_neg in the code). Here, t and a are constants which I have given the value of 1.
My code to plot this function is the following:
t = 1
a = 1
kx = ky = range(3.14/a, step=0.1, 3.14/a)
# Doing a meshgrid for values of k
KX, KY = kx'.*ones(size(kx)[1]), ky'.*ones(size(ky)[1])
e_pos = +t.*sqrt.((3 .+ (4).*cos.((3)*KX*a/2).*cos.(sqrt(3).*KY.*a/2) .+ (2).*cos.(sqrt(3).*KY.*a)));
e_neg = -t.*sqrt.((3 .+ (4).*cos.((3)*KX*a/2).*cos.(sqrt(3).*KY.*a/2) .+ (2).*cos.(sqrt(3).*KY.*a)));
using Plots
plot(KX,KY,e_pos, st=:surface,cmap="inferno")
If I use Plots this way, sometimes I get an empty 3D plane without the surface. What am I doing wrong? I think it may have to do with the meshgrids I did for kx and ky, but I am unsure.
Edit: I also get the following error:
I changed some few things in my code.
First, I left the variables as ranges. Second, I simply computed the functions I needed without mapping the variables onto them. Here's the code:
t = 2.8
a = 1
kx = range(-pi/a,stop = pi/a, length=100)
ky = range(-pi/a,stop = pi/a, length=100)
#e_pos = +t*np.sqrt(3 + 4*np.cos(3*KX*a/2)*np.cos(np.sqrt(3)*KY*a/2) + 2*np.cos(np.sqrt(3)*KY*a))
e_pos(kx,ky) = t*sqrt(3+4cos(3*kx*a/2)*cos(sqrt(3)*ky*a/2) + 2*cos(sqrt(3)*ky*a))
e_neg(kx,ky) = -t*sqrt(3+4cos(3*kx*a/2)*cos(sqrt(3)*ky*a/2) + 2*cos(sqrt(3)*ky*a))
# Sort of broadcasting?
e_posfunc = e_pos.(kx,ky);
e_negfunc = e_neg.(kx,ky);
For the plotting I simply used the GR backend:
using Plots
plot!(kx,ky,e_neg,st=:surface, xlabel="kx", ylabel="ky",zlabel="E(k)")
I got what I wanted!

ST-HOSVD in Julia

I am trying to implement ST-HOSVD algorithm in Julia because I could not found library which contains ST-HOSVD.
See this paper in Algorithm 1 in page7.
I cannot reproduce input (4,4,4,4) tensor by approximated tensor whose tucker rank is (2,2,2,2).
I think I have some mistake in indexes of matrix or tensor elements, but I could not locate it.
How to fix it?
If you know library of ST-HOSVD, let me know.
ST-HOSVD is really common way to reduce information. I hope the question helps many Julia user.
using TensorToolbox
function STHOSVD(A, reqrank)
N = ndims(A)
S = copy(A)
Sk = undef
Uk = []
for k = 1:N
if k == 1
Sk = tenmat(S, k)
Sk_svd = svd(Sk)
U1 = Sk_svd.U[ :, 1:reqrank[k] ]
V1t = Sk_svd.V[1:reqrank[k], : ]
Sigma1 = diagm( Sk_svd.S[1:reqrank[k]] )
Sk = Sigma1 * V1t
push!(Uk, U1)
X = ttm(Sk, Uk[1], 1)
for k=2:N
X = ttm(X, Uk[k], k)
return X
A = rand(4,4,4,4)
X = X_STHOSVD(A, [2,2,2,2])
Here, Sk = tenmat(S, k) is mode n matricization of tensor S.
S∈R^{I_1×I_2×…×I_N}, S_k∈R^{I_k×(Π_{m≠k}^{N} I_m)}
The function is contained in TensorToolbox.jl. See "Basis" in Readme.
The definition of mode-k Matricization can be seen the paper in page 460.
It works.
I have seen 26 page in this slide
using TensorToolbox
using LinearAlgebra
using Arpack
function STHOSVD(T, reqrank)
N = ndims(T)
tensor_shape = size(T)
for i = 1 : N
T_i = tenmat(T, i)
if reqrank[i] == tensor_shape[i]
USV = svd(T_i)
USV = svds(T_i; nsv=reqrank[i] )[1]
T = ttm( T, USV.U * USV.U', i)
return T

(scilab) x = [-6,6] y = 1/(1+%e^-x) why it doesn't work?

I'm trying to draw sigmoid function using this code on scilab, but the result I got is not from the equation. what's wrong with my code?
x = -6:1:6;
y = 1/(1+%e^-x)
y =
thank you so much
-->function [y] = f(x)
--> y = 1/(1+%e^-x)
-->x = -6:1:6;
which yields:
Your approach calculates the pseudoinverse of the (1+%e.^x) vector. You can verify by executing: (1+%e^-x)*y
Here are two things you could do:
x = -6:1:6; y = ones(x)./(1+%e.^-x)
This gives the result you need. This performs element-wise division as expected.
Another approach is:
x = -6:1:6
deff("z = f(x)", "z = 1/(1+%e^-x)")
// The above line is the same as defining a function-
// just as a one liner on the interpreter.
y = feval(x, f)
Both approaches will yield the same result.
With Scilab ≥ 6.1.1, simply
x = (-6:1:6)';
plot(x, 1./(1+exp(-x)))
