Copy on scan narrator - accessibility

Is it possible to copy the values of scanned narrator options.
I can select text and then copy || In scanning mode select text via ctrl+a and then copy with ctrl+c.
but can I pipe the voice output including non text fields from narrator into a text file?


How can one scroll through multi-line commands in the Zsh history without selecting each line of each command?

If one runs the following commands in succession in Zsh (on macOS or Ubuntu):
date +%s
echo \
One can then scroll back to the first command by pressing the up-arrow 5 times.
Is there a way to scroll back to the first command with just 2 key presses (i.e. the first key press selects the echo command and the 2nd key press selects the date command)?
When the history contains several long multi-line commands, scrolling back through them with the up-arrow key is a pain.
I was hoping to find some Zsh key shortcuts that would scroll up and down through the command history without stopping en-route to edit multi-line commands, but I haven't yet managed to find any.
Add the following to your .zshrc file:
bindkey '^P' up-history
bindkey '^N' down-history
Now you can press ControlP to go up in history and ControlN to go down in history, regardless of how many lines the current editing buffer has or which line you are on.
For more info, see
Alternatively, my zsh-autocomplete plugin contains a history menu that lets you step up and down through history items, with just one keypress per item, including multi-line items.

Decode (encrypted/encoded) PDF417 Barcode information for Iraqi passport

I need to read PDF417 barcode for Iraqi passport and extract the information from it.
I scanned the barcode successfully and it contains two parts, first part is the MRZ and the second part is an encoded/encrypted text. so is there a way to know the method used to encode this text and how to decode it?
this is the encoded/encrypted part:
Go to, copy and paste your text and remove the bar | symbol from the beginning and ending. Then select ISO-8859-6 as the character set and click the DECODE button. You'd have to exclude certain characters from the result to piece together the actual contents.

Export all jobs scheduled in control m

I tried save as option but its giving m an .emf file which is not readable.
Is there any way we can get all the jobs from control-m in Excel sheet?
job->same as-save
You can save the data of jobs by clicking in Monitoring pannel, then View tab, select Jobs -> List. Then click in File button (left corner) and "Save as". This will exports an Excel file.
What information do you want to extract? I would suggest that you extract this data straight from DB, in that way you can get it Excel compatible.

Unable to set text box format to Rich Text for a calculated text field in a report

I have a report based on the following query (qryrptTaskbyrepository):
SELECT qryRepository.RepName,
[Source] & (" (Format: "+[tblsourceformat.Format]+")") & (" (Call: "+[Call]+")") AS SourceInfo,
FROM ((((qryTask LEFT JOIN qrySource ON qryTask.SourceID = qrySource.SourceID)
LEFT JOIN qryRepositoryAccess ON qrySource.SourceID = qryRepositoryAccess.SourceID)
LEFT JOIN qryRepository ON qryRepositoryAccess.RepositoryID = qryRepository.RepositoryID)
LEFT JOIN tblSourceFormat ON qryRepositoryAccess.Format = tblSourceFormat.FormatID
ORDER BY qryRepository.RepName, [Source] & (" (Format: "+[tblsourceformat.Format]+")") & (" (Call: "+[Call]+")"), qryTask.ResearchTitle;
[Source] and [tblsourceformat.Format] are plain text fields and [Call] is a Rich Text memo field. I want SoureceInfo ([Source] & (" (Format: "+[tblsourceformat.Format]+")") & (" (Call: "+[Call]+")")) to display as multiline rich text (at least for the Call element, but can't set the field in the report to this option (presumably because it's based on a calculation in the query).
The record source for the report is:
SELECT * FROM qryrptTaskbyrepository WHERE ([RepositoryID] IS Null) OR [RepositoryID] IN (11,9);
The constraints on RepositoryID are determined by the user (by selecting items from a list of repositories) bewfore the report is generated.
What are my options for working round this? One possibility is obviously to display the Call info in a separate field; are there any others?
The issue:
Unable to change the Text Format property of a text box to Rich Text:
The setting you entered isn't valid for this property.
I was able to recreate this issue when the Record Source property of the report was a SQL command ("SELECT ..."). The following workaround seems to have fixed it:
With the report open in Design View, click the ellipsis button ([...]) beside the Record Source property of the form.
Click the "Save As" button on the ribbon of the query designer. Save the query as "ReportQuery".
Click the "Close" button (or type Ctrl+W) to close the query designer. Choose "Yes" when prompted to save the changes.
Check the Record Source of the report. It should now simply be ReportQuery.
You should now be able to change the Text Format property of the [SourceInfo] text box to Rich Text.

Logging network traffic

I would like to log network traffic on my ADSL connection.
The object of this is to see the changes in B/W throughout the day.
I have installed wire-shark and I see that it generates a nice log file which can be exported to CSV.
The problem is I would like to get the length of each packet os that I can anlayze them over time.
This information is not included in the CSV.
Is there a way to expose this in a text file CSV or other format?
As far as I know, Wireshark exports only the currently displayed columns. By default, the "Packet length" column is hidden. You can show this column by the following steps:
Right-click on a column
Choose Column Preferences... from the context menu
Click Add from the Preferences dialog
In the Field Type drop-down, select Packet length (bytes).
In the column list, click the title of your new column (default is "New Column") to edit. Change it to "Len" for example.
If you wish, you can drag and drop list entries to change the column order (which will be reflected in the exported CSV as well as the GUI).
Click OK. Now, your exported CSV (File > Export > as "CSV" file...) should include packet length.
