Riverpod Flutter: Looking for best way to combine FutureProvider with StateNotifierProvider - firebase

I am working on a basic Support Ticket System. I get the Tickets from Firebase (Either as a Stream or Future).
I want to allow some Filtering Options (e.g. sort by Status and Category).
For this, I thought about using A Future Provider to get the List and a StateNotiferProvider to update the List depending on which filter is being used.
This is the code I have so far:
final ticketListStreamProvider =
RP.FutureProvider((_) => FirestoreService.getTicketList());
class TicketListNotifier extends RP.StateNotifier<List<Ticket>> {
TicketListNotifier() : super([]);
void addTicket(Ticket ticket) {
state = List.from(state)..add(ticket);
void removeTicket(Ticket ticket) {
state = List.from(state)..remove(ticket);
final ticketsController =
RP.StateNotifierProvider<TicketListNotifier, List<Ticket>>(
(ref) => TicketListNotifier(),
There are multiple issues I have with that. Firstly it doesn't work.
The StateNotifier accepts a List and not a Future<List>. I need to convert it somehow or rewrite the StateNotifier to accept the Future.
I was trying to stay close to one of the official examples.
Unfortunately, they don't use data from an outside source like firebase to do it.
What's the best approach to get resolve this issue with which combination of providers?

You can fetch your ticketlist in your TicketListNotifier and set its state with your ticket list.
class TicketListNotifier extends RP.StateNotifier<List<Ticket>> {
TicketListNotifier() : super([]);
Future<void> fetchTicketList() async {
// state = fetched_data_from_firestore
// error
// error handle
final ticketsController =
RP.StateNotifierProvider<TicketListNotifier, List<Ticket>>(
(ref) => TicketListNotifier(),
Call this method where you want to fetch it /*maybe in your widget's initState method
Now ref.read(ticketsController); will return your ticket list
Since you have the ticket list in your TicketListNotifier's state you can use your add/remove method like this:


When do you use updater() and patchstate() in ngrx/component-store?

I'm using ngrx/component-store and loving it so far. Having prior store knowledge building my own simple ones, the only real headache I've had so far is when I've had to update an array and figured out I have to always create a new one for the internal compare() pipe to realize the array got updated.
Anyway, reading through the documentation it talks about updater methods and patchState. To me they do exactly the same thing, but their creation is slightly different. You would call patchState inside of a method while this.updater() returns a method giving you a function you can expose in your service. Anytime I'm updating my state it's always after a network call. I assume there are plenty of scenarios where you'd want to update your state without a network call so this is why you would want to have an updater available to your component to call. The question is if an updater and patchState are really doing the same thing then is it a better practice to call an updater in an effect or use patchState, or maybe am I putting too much logic in my effect?
On a side note, the docs say an updater method is supposed to be a pure function. If you're using it to your push an object onto an array then is it really pure?
// adding the selectors so people know what components are subscribing to
readonly approvals$ = this.select(state => state.requestApprovals);
readonly registration$ = this.select(state => state);
readonly updateAssessment = this.effect(($judgement: Observable<{id: string, isApproved: boolean}>) => {
return $judgement.pipe(
switchMap((evaluation) => {
const state = this.get();
return this.requestApproval.patch(state.id, state.companyName, evaluation.id, evaluation.isApproved).pipe(
(result) => {
// is it better to call patchState()?
this.patchState((state) => {
for(let i = 0; i < state.requestApprovals.length; i++) {
if(state.requestApprovals[i].id == result.id) {
state.requestApprovals[i].isApproved = result.isApproved;
// the take away is you must assign a whole new array object when you update it.
state.requestApprovals = Object.assign([], state.requestApprovals);
return state;
// or this updater?
// this.applyDecisionPatch(evaluation);
// oh look! another updater reassigning my array to the state so
// it propagates to subscribers to reset the UI
() => { this.reverseDecision(); }
// this is private to make sure this can only be called after a network request
private readonly applyDecisionPatch = this.updater((state, value: {id: string, isApproved: boolean}) => {
for(let i = 0; i < state.requestApprovals.length; i++) {
if(state.requestApprovals[i].id == value.id) {
state.requestApprovals[i].isApproved = value.isApproved;
state.requestApprovals = Object.assign([], state.requestApprovals);
return state;
Note: There's no tag for ngrx-component-store so couldn't tag it.
An updater can be compared to a reducer.
All the options to modify the state should change it in an immutable way.
A library like ngrx-immer can be used to make this easier.
The main difference is that updater receives the current state, and you can change the state based on it. E.g. a conditional update, or can be used with #ngrx/entity
While with setState and patchState, you just set state properties.
setState updates the whole state object, whereas patchState only sets the given properties and doesn't touch the rest of the state object.
These two methods are also easier to use when you just want to set the state, because you don't have to create an updater function.
To answer the side question, push is not immutable. Instead of creating a new instance, it updates the array instance.

Stream/Bloc/Repository/Firebase data flow Flutter

I'm starting with flutter as I want to port my swift app to Flutter, but I'm getting stuck understanding the pattern Bloc/Repository/Firebase as I'm following the tutorial https://bloclibrary.dev/#/flutterfirestoretodostutorial dough I use the real time database, not Firestore.
My swift app is basically a map where you can add Alerts at your actual coordinates. The Alert get sent to Firebase and the firebase observer on the map updates the map showing the just added alert.
The above tutorial should help me porting my app. I'm just not sure I do understand the logic behind the code.
My concerns are 2:
First. There is an Entity layer between the model object and the firebase object. It is explained that this will facilitate having different Data providers, but I don't really see it facilitating anything. In the Model class there is a toEntity() and a fromEntity() conversion method, and in the Entity class there is a fromSnapshot() and a toDocument() conversion method. I don't see what's the point here. Is it really necessary? What's wrong with doing the conversion directly in the Model class , having different methods for each Data provider?
Second. Inside the TodoBloc I can't follow the logic.
The first event that is sent to the bloc at AppStart is LoadTodos.
create: (context) {
return TodosBloc(
todosRepository: FirebaseTodosRepository(),
In the mapEventToState() method of TodoBloc that event gets mapped to this Stream:
Stream<TodosState> _mapLoadTodosToState() async* {
_todosSubscription = _todosRepository.todos().listen(
(todos) => add(TodosUpdated(todos)),
So far so good. As I understand this subscribes to the todos() Stream ()
Stream<List<Todo>> todos() {
return todoCollection.snapshots().map((snapshot) {
return snapshot.documents
.map((doc) => Todo.fromEntity(TodoEntity.fromSnapshot(doc)))
and this should be the equivalent of the firebase observer in my swift app. It this part inside the listen closure I'm not sure to understand: (todos) => add(TodosUpdated(todos)) .
This sends to itself (TodoBloc) a TodosUpdated event on which the bloc will map this Stream:
Stream<TodosState> _mapTodosUpdatedToState(TodosUpdated event) async* {
yield TodosLoaded(event.todos);
which is this:
class TodosLoaded extends TodosState {
final List<Todo> todos;
const TodosLoaded([this.todos = const []]);
List<Object> get props => [todos];
String toString() => 'TodosLoaded { todos: $todos }';
Is this the actual list of Firebase objects? Does the todos() Stream return the entire node every time a new object is added in Firebase?
In my swift app the observer returns only the .childAdded after the first download of the node.
Should I use the firebase_database package that has a FirebaseList class(https://pub.dev/documentation/firebase_database/latest/ui_firebase_list/FirebaseList-class.html) that will just return a List on any change on the node as my observers do in my swift app?
Sorry for this very long and messy question, but I'm quite lost here starting with bloc pattern.
Thank you very much for your time and help.
Ok, I I think I understood the logic behind it, but if you see that I didn't get it right please correct me as at this stage of getting into a new paradigm is very important not to carry any misconceptions.
todos() is the Stream coming from Firebase and returns a List<Todo>.
_mapLoadTodosToState() is the bloc method that attach a bloc listener to todos() and in the .listen(onData) callback, it sends to the bloc an TodosUpdated(todos) event containing the latest list.
TodosUpdated(todos) gets mapped to _mapTodosUpdatedToState, which yields
TodosLoaded(event.todos) , the new state that BlocProvider uses to build the UI.
Thank you and I hope this will help others struggling to master BloC pattern at a more complex level.

Create user profile page using Bloc, RxDart and Flutter

My goal is to create an edit profile page in Flutter using the bloc pattern.
I've searched for a better/cleaner way to create a user profile page in Flutter using Bloc, but I can't find anything.
Right now I have to list every field out. Here's an example of 2 fields:
final _firstNameController = BehaviorSubject<String>();
final _lastNameController = BehaviorSubject<String>();
Function(String) get firstNameChanged => _firstNameController.sink.add;
Function(String) get lastNameChanged => _lastNameController.sink.add;
Stream<String> get firstNameStream => _firstNameController.stream;
Stream<String> get lastNameStream => _lastNameController.stream;
String get firstName => _firstNameController.value;
String get lastName => _lastNameController.value;
void dispose() {
There are a lot more fields and I don't want to have all this code if I can avoid it.
I'd prefer to only have 1 user bloc and update the specific field of that user. I've added the following to a user bloc.
final _userFetcher = BehaviorSubject<User>();
Observable<User> get userStream => _userFetcher.stream;
User get user => _userFetcher.value;
Function(User) get changeUser => _userFetcher.sink.add;
void dispose() async {
await _userFetcher.drain();
Here's an example of my user model:
class User {
final Name name;
User.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: name = Name.fromJson(json);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
"first": name.first,
"last": name.last,
The issue is I can't figure out how to use a textfield to edit the "fist name" and "last name" fields in my "User" model.
Is this possible, am I going about this the wrong way, or should I stick to listing every field out individually?
To individually manage all those streams for each individual fields can be cumbersome. I would recommend you to try out this library flutter bloc . It is a really good one that handles the state management pretty well. You just need to define the states and events and then for each event you can generate a state.
So for example you want to validate password field as the user is typing. You define an Event(eg. PasswordChanged). This will call a method in the bloc. In which you can write your business logic to check the validation.
After your validation logic you can yield a new State(error, succcess). This will cause your UI to be rebuilt and then you can update your UI according to your state.
You should checkout the documentation of this library. It also has some very good examples there.
Thank you everyone for your help!
I ended up being able to edit the nested first and last name fields in my user model I listed above by implementing the following in my textField:
onChanged:(text) {
User thisUser = _bloc.user;
thisUser.name.last = text;

Firestore: remove sensitive fields on documents

I'm trying to figure it out how to remove a sensitive field on a firestore document. For example, my collection is a group information. The group is protected with a pin code field. Any one wants to join the group has to know the pin code.
In the meantime, I want to let users query what group is available to join. For query part, I don't want return group information with pin code information. Do we have anyway to remove sensitive fields from a document for Firestore for reading event?
Cloud function only supports write event. 1 possible solution is use cloud function on write event, and put pin code in a separate document. Is there a better solution? THanks.
My group schema is:
group: {
name: string,
pinCode: string
A user can either access a document, or they can't. There is no property-level access control in Firestore.
So to accomplish what you want, you will need to store the public and private information in separate documents.
You could either create a second document with the private information in the same collection and then secure them using:
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /groups/{group} {
allow read: if resource.data.visibility != "private"
Alternatively (and simpler to secure) you could create a separate collection for the private documents.
You can create a Firebase Function that returns only the fields that you need (non sensitive), here an example:
exports.getTopUsers = functions.https.onCall(async (data) => {
const users = [];
return db.collection('users').orderBy('bids').limit(data.limit).get()
.then((querySnapshot) => {
querySnapshot.forEach((user) => {
diplayName: user.get('displayName'),
return {
topUsers: users,
.catch((err) => {
So, you need to create a separate array (that will be returned) and filling it with only the field that you want while iterating your Firestore collection.

Meteor: Get count of collection by name. Accessing global scope on server

I'd like to create a method that returns the count of a generic collection.
Calling the method would look something like this:
Meteor.call('getCollectionCount', 'COLLECTION_NAME');
And the result would be the collection count.
The server method code would look something like this:
getCollectionCount: function (collectionName) {
return window[collectionName].find().count();
This won't work because window isn't defined on the server, but is something similar possible?
Use global instead of window.
Note that this uses the variable name assigned to the collection object, not the name given to the collection. For this to work with Meteor.users you need to assign another variable name.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
users = Meteor.users;
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.call('count', 'users', function (err, res) {
// do something with number of users
Also probably a good idea to check that global[collectionName] is actually a collection.
I came up with this code which makes the following assumptions :
collections are declared in the global scope as top level objects.
collections are searched by collection name, not the collection variable identifier.
So client code should declare their collections like this :
MyCollection=new Meteor.Collection("my-collection");
And use the function like this :
var clientResult=Meteor.call("getCollectionCount","my-collection",function(error,result){
console.log("actual server-side count is : ",result);
console.log("published subset count is : ",clientResult);
The method supports execution on the client (this is known as method stub or method simulation) but will only yield the count of the collection subset replicated client-side, to get the real count wait for server-side response using a callback.
return Meteor.users;
var globalScope=Meteor.isClient?window:global;
for(var property in globalScope){
var object=globalScope[property];
if(object instanceof Meteor.Collection && object._name==collectionName){
return object;
throw Meteor.Error(500,"No collection named "+collectionName);
return getCollection(collectionName).find().count();
As Meteor.users is not declared as a top level variable you have to account for the special case (yes, this is ugly).
Digging into Meteor's collection handling code could provide a better alternative (getting access to a collection handle by collection name).
Final words on this : using a method call to count a collection documents is unfortunately non-reactive, so given the Meteor paradigm this might be of little use.
Most of the time you will want to fetch the number of documents in a collection for pagination purpose (something like a "Load more" button in a posts list for example), and as the rest of the Meteor architecture you'll want this to be reactive.
To count documents in a collection reactively you'll have to setup a slightly more complicated publication as showcased in the "counts-by-room" example in the docs.
This is something you definitely want to read and understand.
This smart package is actually doing it right :
It provides a helper function that is publishing the counts of any cursor.
Keep track of the collections on some other property that the server has access too. You could even call it window if you really wanted to.
var wow = new Meteor.Collection("wow");
collections["wow"] = wow;
getCollectionCount: function (collectionName) {
return collections[collectionName].find().count();
If you don't want the package users to change how they work with collections in the app then I think you should use MongoInternals to get collections by name from the db. Not tested but here is an example:
//on server
count: function( name ){
var db = MongoInternals.defaultRemoteCollectionDriver().mongo.db;
var collection = db.collection( name );
return collection && collection.count({});
Another example of MongoInternals use is here. Documentation of the count() function available from the mongo driver is here.
