Installing jfrog insights - jfrog-insights

I am trying to install jfrog insights by following their official documentation
while executing the command step 3: ./
I got the error
Error: [ERROR] YQ_PATH is not set, the script requires a $YQ_PATH/yq to work with system.yaml
Please someone help me to fix

YQ is a portable YAML processor. You can either install it or point it to the <installer_home>/third-party/yq folder
*installer_home is where you extracted the docker-compose package

YQ YAML processor is bundled within compose package of JFrog Xray.
Set env variable YQ_PATH to <installer_home>/third-party/yq


JFrog Pipelines - Artifactory not found error in build step

I am trying to setup JFrog Pipelines. I am new to this so starting small with a pipleline that just has a single npm build step. The source code is taken from github. When I run the pipeline, I get a 404 not found error in the artifactory_configure task. I double checked the Artifactory Integration but the error persists. Any ideas on how to solve it.
Please make sure that you include the Artifactory context as part of the URL when creating the Artifactory integration. For example:

JFrog CLI - Unable to create nested folder while uploading package

I am here uploading a nuget package to a JFrog Artifactory using GitHub actions by setup JFrog using this action.
For that purpose I have tried below command at first - which successfully uploaded the package but at wrong path...
jfrog rt u *.nupkg folder1/folder1.1/folder1.1.1/folder1.1.1.1/
It considered folder1/folder1.1/folder1.1.1/folder1.1.1.1/ as a single folder.
So after going through this answer, I tried having it's value as true / false both but it didn't work and threw an error.
Any suggestion that how can I create a nested folder using jfrog cli ?
Well, the issue never existed.
The fun part is,
JFrog doesn't create an empty directory.
When I tried to create a Folder1.2 then it displayed nested hierarchy.

API Manager 2.6.0 won't start -- can't find carbon.xml file, but install went fine

Windows Server 2016
Installed Java JDK 1.8.0_192, and set JAVA_HOME path as directed
Download and install of WSO2 API manager 2.6.0 was all good...
when trying to start wso2server.bat,
briefly get the following error message on screen:
Error: Could not find or load main class
From folder structures, carbon.xml file appears to be in proper place:
C:\Program Files\WSO2\API Manager\2.6.0\repository\conf
Thanks for any pointers!
Using the comment from Rans, I simplified the path with latest install to the following:
I also ran the WSO2server.bat from command line, while in the bin folder, and it completes the startup tasks, and now appears to be running fine.

What's the expected value for DOTNET_ROOT variable when installing dotnet core from tarballs?

I'm installing dotnet core on Linux ARM64 using tarball as explained here. After installing I followed the suggestion to set DOTNET_ROOT=$PATH:$HOME/dotnet. However global tools fail with A fatal error occurred, the required library could not be found.
I fixed by changing the env variable to DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/dotnet.
Is this a bug in the docs ?
Yes, this appears to be a bug in the documentation. The code which interprets DOTNET_ROOT does not split the string on :. DOTNET_ROOT should be set to an absolute file path which points to the directory containing the dotnet executable. If dotnet is on your PATH already, you can set it like this in bash/zsh.
export DOTNET_ROOT="$(dirname $(which dotnet))"
came across this problem while working on porting .net libraries from Windows to Raspberry PI. On the Raspberry the .net core 3.1 installs in /opt/dotnet, and that's where DOTNET_ROOT ought to point at:
export DOTNET_ROOT="/opt/dotnet"
This should eliminate the "fatal error occurred. The required library could not be found." error when attempting to run portable code using the 'dotnet' command on the RPI
I was getting an error trying to execute the dotnet ef from the EF cli global tools install.
Added this to the bottom of my /home/<user>/.bashrc worked for me.
# User specific aliases and functions
export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/.dotnet
Then the dotnet ef command worked correctly.
I had to add this to my ~/.zshrc
export DOTNET_ROOT=~/.dotnet
I found that I had different locations for different sdk/runtime versions. One was installed at "/home/{username}/.dotnet" and the other at "/usr/share/dotnet".
I found a post stating the default DOTNET_ROOT is "/usr/share/dotnet" and errors showed dotnet command was executing this location. I copied all files from "home/{username}/.dotnet" to "/usr/share/dotnet" with rsync.
sudo apt install rsync;
sudo rsync -a /home/{username}/.dotnet/ /usr/share/dotnet

how to solve "Failed at the fibers#2.0.0 install script' error while deploying the meteor app?

I know how to package and then deploy meteor application. But recently for one project i'm stuck at an error which i couldn't resolve.
Steps I followed for package and deploy of my meteor app:
1. meteor build package
2. cd package
3. tar -xf inventoryTool.tar.gz
4. cd bundle/programs/server
5. npm install
6. cd ../..
7. PORT=<port> MONGO_URL=mongodb:// ROOT_URL=http://<ip> node main.js
Here is the log for the error when i run the npm install(STEP 5) command.
Is there anything missing in my execution?. I'm not using the fibers package anywhere in my project. Does anyone have solution to this problem? Thanks in advance.
Why this happens (a lot)?
Your local version of node is v8.9.4. When using the build command, you will export your application and build the code against this exact node version. Your server environment will require this exact version, too.
An excerpt from the custom deployment section of the guide:
Depending on the version of Meteor you are using, you should install
the proper version of node using the appropriate installation process
for your platform. To find out which version of node you should use,
run meteor node -v in the development environment, or check the
.node_version.txt file within the bundle generated by meteor build.
Even if you don't use fibers explicitly it will be required to run your Meteor app on the server correctly.
So what to do?
In order to solve this, you need to
a) ensure that your local version of node exactly matches the version on the server
b) ensure that you build against the server's architecture (see build command)
To install a) the very specific node version on your server you have two options:
Option I. Use n, as described here. However this works only if your server environment uses node and not nodejs (which depends on how you installed nodejs on the server).
II. To install a specific nodejs version from the repositories, you may do the following:
$ cd /tmp
$ wget
$ apt install nodejs_8.9.4-1nodesource1_amd64.deb
If you are not sure, which of both are installed on your server, check node -v and nodejs -v. One of both will return a version. If your npm install still fails, check the error output and if it involves either node or nodejs and install the desired distribution using the options above.
To build b) against the architecture on your server, you should use the --architecture flag in your build command.
