I'm trying to create a subscription to the callRecords notifications with Graph API in R. I'm looking at this Microsoft page as a reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/subscription-post-subscriptions?view=graph-rest-beta&tabs=http
Here is my code:
Subscribtion_Call <- AzureGraph::call_graph_endpoint(Tok, options = list(), api_version = Version, operation = "subscriptions", content_type = "application/json")
Subscription_Properties <- list(
changeType = "created,updated",
notificationUrl = "https://webhook.azurewebsites.net/notificationClient",
resource = "communications/callRecords",
expirationDateTime = "2022-04-09T11:00:00.0000000Z",
clientState = "SecretClientState"
Send_Subscription <- call_graph_url(Tok, Endpoint, body = Subscription_Properties, encode = "json",
content_type = "application/json",
http_verb = "POST",
http_status_handler = "message",
simplify = FALSE,
auto_refresh = TRUE
This gets me an HTTP 405 error as below:
> Subscribtion_Call <- AzureGraph::call_graph_endpoint(Tok, options = list(), api_version = Version, operation = "subscriptions", content_type = "application/json")
> Subscription_Properties <- list(
+ changeType = "created,updated",
+ notificationUrl = "https://webhook.azurewebsites.net/notificationClient",
+ resource = "communications/callRecords",
+ expirationDateTime = "2022-04-09T11:00:00.0000000Z",
+ clientState = "SecretClientState"
+ )
> Send_Subscription <- call_graph_url(Tok, Endpoint, body = Subscription_Properties, encode = "json",
+ content_type = "application/json",
+ http_verb = "POST",
+ http_status_handler = "message",
+ simplify = FALSE,
+ auto_refresh = TRUE
+ )
Method Not Allowed (HTTP 405). Failed to complete operation. Message:
If I change the http_verb to "GET" this is returned:
> Send_Subscription <- call_graph_url(Tok, Endpoint, body = Subscription_Properties, encode = "json",
+ content_type = "application/json",
+ http_verb = "GET",
+ http_status_handler = "message",
+ simplify = FALSE,
+ auto_refresh = TRUE
+ )
OK (HTTP 200). Failed to complete operation. Message:
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance for your help!
The goal was i aiming to is to change identifier from id of entity to JWT token that user has attached at specific path.
itemOperations = {
"get" ={
"security" = "is_granted('VIEW',object)",
"normalization_context" = {"groups" = {"read"}}
"put" = {
"security" = "is_granted('WRITE',object)",
"normalization_context" = {"groups" = {"get"}},
"denormalization_context" = {"groups" = {"put"}}
"api_users_cart_subresource" = {
"method" = "GET",
"path" = "/users/{id}/carts",
"security" = "is_granted('VIEW',object)",
"normalization_context" = {"groups" = {"user:cart"}}
collectionOperations = {
"post" = {
"denormalization_context" = {"groups" = {"post"}},
"normalization_context" = {"groups" = {"get"}}
"get" = {
"access_control" = "is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN')",
"normalization_context" = {"groups" = {"admin:read"}}
is it possible to change the path to /users/carts and return normalized data that belong to the user base from their token?
ps. sorry for my grammar
Hi Can anyone know how to troubleshoot this.
url = "https://www.zillow.com/walnut-ca/?searchQueryState=%7B%22pagination%22%3A%7B%7D%2C%22usersSearchTerm%22%3A%22Walnut%2C%20CA%22%2C%22mapBounds%22%3A%7B%22west%22%3A-117.93482729053105%2C%22east%22%3A-117.75286623096073%2C%22south%22%3A33.93783156520187%2C%22north%22%3A34.06392018234896%7D%2C%22isMapVisible%22%3Atrue%2C%22mapZoom%22%3A12%2C%22filterState%22%3A%7B%22price%22%3A%7B%22min%22%3A400000%2C%22max%22%3A700000%7D%2C%22mp%22%3A%7B%22min%22%3A1448%2C%22max%22%3A2535%7D%2C%22sort%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3A%22globalrelevanceex%22%7D%7D%2C%22isListVisible%22%3Atrue%7D"
d = {'key':'value'}
d['new key'] = 'new value'
query_houses = {}
house_no = 0
while True:
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data,'html.parser')
houses = soup.find_all('article',{'class':'list-card list-card-short list-card_not-saved'})
for house in houses:
location = house.find('address',{'class': 'list-card-addr'})
value = house.find('div',{'class': 'list-card-price'})
detail = house.find('ul', {'class':'list-card-details'})
seller = house.find('div',{'class':'list-card-truncate'})
link = house.find('a', {'class': 'list-card-link'}).get('href')
house_response = requests.get(link)
house_data = house_response.text
house_soup = BeautifulSoup(house_data, 'html.parser')
square = house_soup.find('span',{'class':'ds-bed-bath-living-area'})
year_build = house_soup.find('span',{'class':'ds-body ds-home-fact-value'})
estimated_sales_range = house_soup.find('div',{'class':'Spacer-sc-17suqs2-0 pfWXf'})
query_houses[house_no] = [location, value, detail, seller, link, square, year_build, estimated_sales_range]
url_tag = soup.find('a',{'title':'Next-page'})
if url_tag.get('href'):
url= 'https://zillow.com' + url_tag.get('href')
When working with Swagger Annotations it is not possible to create an example for the request body.
Here comes the annotation stuff for the RESTful resource/endpoint:
#ApiImplicitParam(name = "Authorization", value = "The AppJWT token", paramType = "header", required = true),
#ApiImplicitParam(name = "ON-BEHALF", value = "The ConsumerJWS token", paramType = "header", required = true),
#ApiImplicitParam(name = "v", value = "API version", defaultValue = "3", paramType = "query", required = true)
#ApiOperation(value = "bla", notes = "")
#ApiResponses(value = {
#ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "bla", response = CreateBlaResponse.class, responseContainer = "List"),
#ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "The input was invalid, please check.", response = GenericError.class),
#ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized. Are the headers correct?"),
#ApiResponse(code = 429, message = "Too many requests, please try again later", response = CreateConversationResBody.class)
public void createConversationBatchPOST(#ApiParam(value = "Car ID the action should apply to", required = true) #PathParam("carId") String carId,
#ApiParam(name = "body", value = "The Json payload", required = true, examples = #Example(value = {#ExampleProperty(value = "{\"name\" : \"James\"}", mediaType = "application/json")}))
#RequestBody String body,
#Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) throws IOException {
//.... implementation
Do you have an idea why the annotation in the method signature
#ApiParam(name = "body", value = "The Json payload",
required = true, examples = #Example(value = {#ExampleProperty(value = "{\"name\" : \"James\"}", mediaType = "application/json")}))
#RequestBody String body
doesn't lead to the Json example?
I have read most of the posts concerning an error of this type but neither applies to my case. I am new in R, working on an assignment for school based on Nolan and Lang's book Data Science Case Studies in R. I am working on using stats to identify spam, url for the code can be found here, which require working with files from http://spamassassin.apache.org/old/publiccorpus/ (which are pretty big)
Now the problem I am facing is the following (just posting the chunks of code where I have encountered the issue):
sampleSplit = lapply(sampleEmail, splitMessage)
processHeader = function(header)
# modify the first line to create a key:value pair
header[1] = sub("^From", "Top-From:", header[1])
headerMat = read.dcf(textConnection(header), all = TRUE)
headerVec = unlist(headerMat)
dupKeys = sapply(headerMat, function(x) length(unlist(x)))
names(headerVec) = rep(colnames(headerMat), dupKeys)
headerList = lapply(sampleSplit,
function(msg) {
processHeader(msg$header)} )
contentTypes = sapply(headerList, function(header)
names(contentTypes) = NULL
hasAttach = grep("^ *multi", tolower(contentTypes))
boundaries = getBoundary(contentTypes[ hasAttach ])
boundary = boundaries[9]
body = sampleSplit[[15]]$body
bString = paste("--", boundary, sep = "")
bStringLocs = which(bString == body)
eString = paste("--", boundary, "--", sep = "")
eStringLoc = which(eString == body)
diff(c(bStringLocs[-1], eStringLoc))
### This code has mistakes in it - and we fix them later!
processAttach = function(body, contentType){
boundary = getBoundary(contentType)
bString = paste("--", boundary, "$", sep = "")
bStringLocs = grep(bString, body)
eString = paste("--", boundary, "--$", sep = "")
eStringLoc = grep(eString, body)
n = length(body)
if (length(eStringLoc) == 0) eStringLoc = n + 1
if (length(bStringLocs) == 1) attachLocs = NULL
else attachLocs = c(bStringLocs[-1], eStringLoc)
msg = body[ (bStringLocs[1] + 1) : min(n, (bStringLocs[2] - 1),
na.rm = TRUE)]
if ( eStringLoc < n )
msg = c(msg, body[ (eStringLoc + 1) : n ])
if ( !is.null(attachLocs) ) {
attachLens = diff(attachLocs, lag = 1)
attachTypes = mapply(function(begL, endL) {
contentTypeLoc = grep("[Cc]ontent-[Tt]ype", body[ (begL + 1) : (endL - 1)])
contentType = body[ begL + contentTypeLoc]
contentType = gsub('"', "", contentType )
MIMEType = sub(" *Content-Type: *([^;]*);?.*", "\\1", contentType)
}, attachLocs[-length(attachLocs)], attachLocs[-1])
if (is.null(attachLocs)) return(list(body = msg, attachInfo = NULL) )
else return(list(body = msg,
attachDF = data.frame(aLen = attachLens,
aType = attachTypes,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
bodyList = lapply(sampleSplit, function(msg) msg$body)
attList = mapply(processAttach, bodyList[hasAttach],
lens = sapply(attList, function(processedA)
body = bodyList[hasAttach][[2]]
processAttach = function(body, contentType){
n = length(body)
boundary = getBoundary(contentType)
bString = paste("--", boundary, sep = "")
bStringLocs = which(bString == body)
eString = paste("--", boundary, "--", sep = "")
eStringLoc = which(eString == body)
if (length(eStringLoc) == 0) eStringLoc = n
if (length(bStringLocs) <= 1) {
attachLocs = NULL
msgLastLine = n
if (length(bStringLocs) == 0) bStringLocs = 0
} else {
attachLocs = c(bStringLocs[ -1 ], eStringLoc)
msgLastLine = bStringLocs[2] - 1
msg = body[ (bStringLocs[1] + 1) : msgLastLine]
if ( eStringLoc < n )
msg = c(msg, body[ (eStringLoc + 1) : n ])
if ( !is.null(attachLocs) ) {
attachLens = diff(attachLocs, lag = 1)
attachTypes = mapply(function(begL, endL) {
CTloc = grep("^[Cc]ontent-[Tt]ype", body[ (begL + 1) : (endL - 1)])
if ( length(CTloc) == 0 ) {
} else {
CTval = body[ begL + CTloc[1] ]
CTval = gsub('"', "", CTval )
MIMEType = sub(" *[Cc]ontent-[Tt]ype: *([^;]*);?.*", "\\1", CTval)
}, attachLocs[-length(attachLocs)], attachLocs[-1])
if (is.null(attachLocs)) return(list(body = msg, attachDF = NULL) )
return(list(body = msg,
attachDF = data.frame(aLen = attachLens,
aType = unlist(attachTypes),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
readEmail = function(dirName) {
# retrieve the names of files in directory
fileNames = list.files(dirName, full.names = TRUE)
# drop files that are not email
notEmail = grep("cmds$", fileNames)
if ( length(notEmail) > 0) fileNames = fileNames[ - notEmail ]
# read all files in the directory
lapply(fileNames, readLines, encoding = "latin1")
processAllEmail = function(dirName, isSpam = FALSE)
# read all files in the directory
messages = readEmail(dirName)
fileNames = names(messages)
n = length(messages)
# split header from body
eSplit = lapply(messages, splitMessage)
# process header as named character vector
headerList = lapply(eSplit, function(msg)
# extract content-type key
contentTypes = sapply(headerList, function(header)
# extract the body
bodyList = lapply(eSplit, function(msg) msg$body)
# which email have attachments
hasAttach = grep("^ *multi", tolower(contentTypes))
# get summary stats for attachments and the shorter body
attList = mapply(processAttach, bodyList[hasAttach],
contentTypes[hasAttach], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
bodyList[hasAttach] = lapply(attList, function(attEl)
attachInfo = vector("list", length = n )
attachInfo[ hasAttach ] = lapply(attList,
function(attEl) attEl$attachDF)
# prepare return structure
emailList = mapply(function(header, body, attach, isSpam) {
list(isSpam = isSpam, header = header,
body = body, attach = attach)
headerList, bodyList, attachInfo,
rep(isSpam, n), SIMPLIFY = FALSE )
names(emailList) = fileNames
Everything runs fine right up to:
emailStruct = mapply(processAllEmail, fullDirNames,
isSpam = rep( c(FALSE, TRUE), 3:2))
emailStruct = unlist(emailStruct, recursive = FALSE)
sampleStruct = emailStruct[ indx ]
save(emailStruct, file="emailXX.rda")
I get the error Error in textConnection(header) : all connections are in use, therefore it doesn't recognize "emailStruct", which I need later on. I seriously don't know how to overcome it so that I can continue with the rest of the code, which requires some of these variables to work.
When you run textConnection() you are opening a text connection, but you are never closing it. Try closing it explicitly after you read from it
read.dcf(tc<-textConnection(header), all = TRUE)
I am trying to implement a custom layer for the package keras in R (github).
The layer I am implementing is based on this AttentionWithContext layer available here: gist
Here is my code:
AttentionWithContext <- R6::R6Class("AttentionWithContext",
inherit = KerasLayer,
public = list(
W_regularizer = NULL,
b_regularizer = NULL,
u_regularizer = NULL,
name = NULL,
initialize = function(name = 'attention',
W_regularizer = NULL,
b_regularizer = NULL,
u_regularizer = NULL,
bias=TRUE ) {
self$supports_masking = TRUE
self$init = keras::initializer_glorot_uniform()
self$W_regularizer = W_regularizer
self$b_regularizer = b_regularizer
self$u_regularizer = u_regularizer
self$W_constraint = W_constraint
self$b_constraint = b_constraint
self$u_constraint = u_constraint
self$bias = bias
self$name = name
build = function(input_shape) {
assertthat::assert_that(length(input_shape) == 3)
self$W = self$add_weight(shape = reticulate::tuple(input_shape[[3]],input_shape[[3]], NULL),
initializer = self$init,
regularizer = self$W_regularizer,
constraint = self$W_constraint)
if (self$bias) {
self$b = self$add_weight(shape = reticulate::tuple(input_shape[[3]]),
name = stringr::str_interp('${self$name}_b'),
regularizer = self$b_regularizer,
constraint = self$b_constraint)
self$u = self$add_weight(shape = reticulate::tuple(input_shape[[3]]),
name = stringr::str_interp('${self$name}_u'),
regularizer = self$u_regularizer,
constraint = self$u_constraint)
compute_mask = function(input, input_mask=NULL) {
call = function(x, mask = NULL) {
uit = keras::k_squeeze(keras::k_dot(x, keras::k_expand_dims(self$W)), axis=-1)
if (self$bias) {
uit = uit + self$b
uit = keras::k_tanh(uit)
ait = keras::k_dot(uit, self$u)
a = keras::k_exp(ait)
if (!is.null(mask)) {
a = a * keras::k_cast(mask, keras::k_floatx())
a = a/keras::k_cast(keras::k_sum(a, axis = 1, keepdims = TRUE) + keras::k_epsilon(), keras::k_floatx())
weighted_input = x * keras::k_expand_dims(a)
keras::k_sum(weighted_input, axis=1)
compute_output_shape = function(input_shape) {
list(input_shape[[1]], input_shape[[3]])
# define layer wrapper function
layer_attention_with_context <- function(object, W_regularizer = NULL,
b_regularizer = NULL,
u_regularizer = NULL,
name = 'attention_with_context') {
create_layer(AttentionWithContext, object, list(W_regularizer = W_regularizer,
b_regularizer = b_regularizer,
u_regularizer = u_regularizer,
W_constraint= W_constraint,
name = name
# Example
model <- keras_model_sequential()
model %>%
layer_embedding(input_dim = 20000,
output_dim = 128,
input_length = 30) %>%
layer_lstm(64, return_sequences = TRUE) %>%
layer_attention_with_context() %>%
When I run this, I get a cryptic error message:
Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) :
RuntimeError: Evaluation error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'int'.
I tried to explore this error and I think it might come from this line :
reticulate::tuple(input_shape[[3]],input_shape[[3]], NULL)
In the original code, in python, we can see this:
(input_shape[-1], input_shape[-1],)
I could not find a way to create this structure in R.
Any ideas ?