Align x labels in flipped bar chart - r

I am trying to align all of my x-labels, where they are left justified, and start from the same point. In the code below, when I set hjust=-.01, it basically looks correct:
However, if I try to nudge it a bit further to the right, by setting hjust=-.05, everything falls out of alignment:
ggplot(dt.summ, aes(x=reorder(dialogue_act,n), y=n)) +
geom_col(aes(alpha=.3)) +
geom_text(aes(y=-.5, x=dialogue_act, label=dialogue_act), hjust=-.01, size=3) +
axis.ticks.y=element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
How can I correct this?
> print(dt.summ, n=nrow(dt.summ))
# A tibble: 27 × 2
dialogue_act n
<chr> <int>
1 Statement-non-opinion 2650
2 Statement-opinion 666
3 Yes-No-Question 483
4 Wh-Question 255
5 Appreciation 211
6 Conventional-closing 107
7 Conventional-opening 83
8 Agree/Accept 77
9 Declarative Yes-No-Question 71
10 Acknowledge (Backchannel) 60
11 Open-Question 56
12 Action-directive 27
13 Repeat-phrase 22
14 Quotation 18
15 Collaborative Completion 16
16 Signal-non-understanding 13
17 Negative Non-no Answers 11
18 Backchannel in Question Form 8
19 No Answers 8
20 Apology 7
21 Hold Before Answer/Agreement 7
22 Or-Clause 6
23 Rhetorical-Question 6
24 Offers, Options Commits 4
25 Hedge 3
26 Other 2
27 Self-talk 2

Answered my own question. Changed hjust=0 and aes(y=100).
ggplot(dt.summ, aes(x=reorder(dialogue_act,n), y=n)) +
geom_col(aes(alpha=.3)) +
geom_text(aes(y=100, x=dialogue_act, label=dialogue_act), hjust=0, size=3) +
axis.ticks.y=element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +


time series aesthetics with ggplot2

hello I have tried to graph the following data
I have tried to graph the following time series
fecha importaciones
1 Ene\n1994 171.0
2 Feb\n1994 170.7
3 Mar\n1994 183.7
4 Abr\n1994 214.6
5 May\n1994 227.2
6 Jun\n1994 221.1
7 Jul\n1994 216.4
8 Ago\n1994 235.3
9 Sep\n1994 227.0
10 Oct\n1994 216.0
11 Nov\n1994 221.5
12 Dic\n1994 270.9
13 Ene\n1995 250.4
14 Feb\n1995 259.6
15 Mar\n1995 258.2
16 Abr\n1995 232.9
17 May\n1995 335.0
18 Jun\n1995 295.2
19 Jul\n1995 302.5
20 Ago\n1995 283.3
21 Sep\n1995 264.4
22 Oct\n1995 277.6
23 Nov\n1995 289.1
24 Dic\n1995 280.5
25 Ene\n1996 252.4
26 Feb\n1996 250.1
320 Ago\n2020 794.6
321 Sep\n2020 938.2
322 Oct\n2020 966.3
323 Nov\n2020 958.9
324 Dic\n2020 1059.2
325 Ene\n2021 1056.2
326 Feb\n2021 982.5
I graph it with office cal
but trying to plot it in R with ggplot
ggplot(datos, aes(x = fecha, y = importaciones)) +
geom_line(size = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800"))+
I have tried to graph with all the possible steps but it does not fit me in a correct way for someone to guide me
Change the x-axis to date class.
df$fecha <- lubridate::dmy(paste0(1, df$fecha))
ggplot(datos, aes(x = fecha, y = importaciones, group = 1)) +
geom_line(size = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800"))+
You can use scale_x_date to change the breaks and display format of dates on x-axis.

Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data: ymin, ymax, x, y, colour, when using a second geom_errorbar function

I'm trying to add error bars to a second curve (using dataset "pmfprofbs01"), but I'm having problems and I couldn't fix this.
There are a few threads on this error, but unfortunately it looks like every other answer is case specific, and I'm not able to overcome this error in my code. I am able to plot a first smoothed curve (stat_smooth) and overlapping errorbars (using geom_errobar). The problem rises when I try to add a second curve to the same graph, for comparison purposes.
With following code, I get the following error: "Error: Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data (35): ymin, ymax, x, y, colour"
I am looking to add additional errorbars to the second smoothed curve (corresponding to datasets pmfprof01 and pmfprofbs01).
Could someone explain why I keep getting this error? The code works until using the second call of geom_errorbar().
These are my 4 datasets (all used as data frames):
- pmfprof1 and pmfprof01 are the two datasets used for applying the smoothing method.
- pmfprofbs1 and pmfprofbs01 contain additional information based on an error analysis for plotting error bars.
> pmfprof1
Z correctedpmfprof1
1 -1.1023900 -8.025386e-22
2 -1.0570000 6.257110e-02
3 -1.0116000 1.251420e-01
4 -0.9662020 2.143170e-01
5 -0.9208040 3.300960e-01
6 -0.8754060 4.658550e-01
7 -0.8300090 6.113410e-01
8 -0.7846110 4.902430e-01
9 -0.7392140 3.344200e-01
10 -0.6938160 4.002040e-01
11 -0.6484190 1.215460e-01
12 -0.6030210 -1.724360e-01
13 -0.5576240 -6.077170e-01
14 -0.5122260 -1.513420e+00
15 -0.4668290 -2.075330e+00
16 -0.4214310 -2.617160e+00
17 -0.3760340 -3.350500e+00
18 -0.3306360 -4.076220e+00
19 -0.2852380 -4.926540e+00
20 -0.2398410 -5.826390e+00
21 -0.1944430 -6.761300e+00
22 -0.1490460 -7.301530e+00
23 -0.1036480 -7.303880e+00
24 -0.0582507 -7.026800e+00
25 -0.0128532 -6.627960e+00
26 0.0325444 -6.651490e+00
27 0.0779419 -6.919830e+00
28 0.1233390 -6.686490e+00
29 0.1687370 -6.129060e+00
30 0.2141350 -6.120890e+00
31 0.2595320 -6.455160e+00
32 0.3049300 -6.554560e+00
33 0.3503270 -6.983390e+00
34 0.3957250 -7.413500e+00
35 0.4411220 -6.697370e+00
36 0.4865200 -5.477230e+00
37 0.5319170 -4.552890e+00
38 0.5773150 -3.393060e+00
39 0.6227120 -2.449930e+00
40 0.6681100 -2.183190e+00
41 0.7135080 -1.673980e+00
42 0.7589050 -8.003740e-01
43 0.8043030 -2.918780e-01
44 0.8497000 -1.159710e-01
45 0.8950980 9.123767e-22
> pmfprof01
Z correctedpmfprof01
1 -1.25634000 -1.878749e-21
2 -1.20387000 -1.750190e-01
3 -1.15141000 -3.500380e-01
4 -1.09894000 -6.005650e-01
5 -1.04647000 -7.935110e-01
6 -0.99400600 -8.626150e-01
7 -0.94153900 -1.313880e+00
8 -0.88907200 -2.067770e+00
9 -0.83660500 -2.662440e+00
10 -0.78413800 -4.514190e+00
11 -0.73167100 -7.989510e+00
12 -0.67920400 -1.186870e+01
13 -0.62673800 -1.535970e+01
14 -0.57427100 -1.829150e+01
15 -0.52180400 -2.067170e+01
16 -0.46933700 -2.167890e+01
17 -0.41687000 -2.069820e+01
18 -0.36440300 -1.662640e+01
19 -0.31193600 -1.265950e+01
20 -0.25946900 -1.182580e+01
21 -0.20700200 -1.213370e+01
22 -0.15453500 -1.233680e+01
23 -0.10206800 -1.235160e+01
24 -0.04960160 -1.123630e+01
25 0.00286531 -9.086940e+00
26 0.05533220 -6.562710e+00
27 0.10779900 -4.185860e+00
28 0.16026600 -3.087430e+00
29 0.21273300 -2.005150e+00
30 0.26520000 -9.295540e-02
31 0.31766700 1.450360e+00
32 0.37013400 1.123910e+00
33 0.42260100 2.426750e-01
34 0.47506700 1.213370e-01
35 0.52753400 5.265226e-21
> pmfprofbs1
Z correctedpmfprof01 bsmean bssd bsse bsci
1 -1.1023900 -8.025386e-22 0.00000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.0000000
2 -1.0570000 6.257110e-02 1.46519200 0.6691245 0.09974719 0.2010273
3 -1.0116000 1.251420e-01 1.62453300 0.6368053 0.09492933 0.1913175
4 -0.9662020 2.143170e-01 1.62111600 0.7200497 0.10733867 0.2163269
5 -0.9208040 3.300960e-01 1.44754700 0.7236743 0.10787900 0.2174158
6 -0.8754060 4.658550e-01 1.67509800 0.7148755 0.10656735 0.2147724
7 -0.8300090 6.113410e-01 1.78144200 0.7374481 0.10993227 0.2215539
8 -0.7846110 4.902430e-01 1.73058700 0.7701354 0.11480501 0.2313743
9 -0.7392140 3.344200e-01 0.97430090 0.7809477 0.11641681 0.2346227
10 -0.6938160 4.002040e-01 1.26812000 0.8033838 0.11976139 0.2413632
11 -0.6484190 1.215460e-01 0.93601510 0.7927926 0.11818254 0.2381813
12 -0.6030210 -1.724360e-01 0.63201080 0.8210839 0.12239996 0.2466809
13 -0.5576240 -6.077170e-01 0.05952252 0.8653050 0.12899205 0.2599664
14 -0.5122260 -1.513420e+00 0.57893690 0.8858471 0.13205429 0.2661379
15 -0.4668290 -2.075330e+00 -0.08164613 0.8921298 0.13299086 0.2680255
16 -0.4214310 -2.617160e+00 -1.08074600 0.8906925 0.13277660 0.2675937
17 -0.3760340 -3.350500e+00 -1.67279700 0.9081813 0.13538367 0.2728479
18 -0.3306360 -4.076220e+00 -2.50074900 1.0641550 0.15863486 0.3197076
19 -0.2852380 -4.926540e+00 -3.12062200 1.0639080 0.15859804 0.3196333
20 -0.2398410 -5.826390e+00 -4.47060100 1.1320770 0.16876008 0.3401136
21 -0.1944430 -6.761300e+00 -5.40812700 1.1471780 0.17101120 0.3446504
22 -0.1490460 -7.301530e+00 -6.42419100 1.1685490 0.17419700 0.3510710
23 -0.1036480 -7.303880e+00 -5.79613500 1.1935850 0.17792915 0.3585926
24 -0.0582507 -7.026800e+00 -5.85496900 1.2117630 0.18063896 0.3640539
25 -0.0128532 -6.627960e+00 -6.70480400 1.1961400 0.17831002 0.3593602
26 0.0325444 -6.651490e+00 -8.27106200 1.3376870 0.19941060 0.4018857
27 0.0779419 -6.919830e+00 -8.79402900 1.3582760 0.20247983 0.4080713
28 0.1233390 -6.686490e+00 -8.35947700 1.3673080 0.20382624 0.4107848
29 0.1687370 -6.129060e+00 -8.04437600 1.3921620 0.20753126 0.4182518
30 0.2141350 -6.120890e+00 -8.18588300 1.5220550 0.22689456 0.4572759
31 0.2595320 -6.455160e+00 -8.37217600 1.5436800 0.23011823 0.4637728
32 0.3049300 -6.554560e+00 -8.59346400 1.6276880 0.24264140 0.4890116
33 0.3503270 -6.983390e+00 -8.88378700 1.6557140 0.24681927 0.4974316
34 0.3957250 -7.413500e+00 -9.72709800 1.6569390 0.24700188 0.4977996
35 0.4411220 -6.697370e+00 -9.46033400 1.6378470 0.24415582 0.4920637
36 0.4865200 -5.477230e+00 -8.37590600 1.6262700 0.24243002 0.4885856
37 0.5319170 -4.552890e+00 -7.52867000 1.6617010 0.24771176 0.4992302
38 0.5773150 -3.393060e+00 -6.89192300 1.6667330 0.24846189 0.5007420
39 0.6227120 -2.449930e+00 -6.25115300 1.6670390 0.24850750 0.5008340
40 0.6681100 -2.183190e+00 -6.05373800 1.6720180 0.24924973 0.5023298
41 0.7135080 -1.673980e+00 -5.10526700 1.6668400 0.24847784 0.5007742
42 0.7589050 -8.003740e-01 -4.42001600 1.6561830 0.24688918 0.4975725
43 0.8043030 -2.918780e-01 -4.26640200 1.6588970 0.24729376 0.4983878
44 0.8497000 -1.159710e-01 -4.46318500 1.6533830 0.24647179 0.4967312
45 0.8950980 9.123767e-22 -5.17173200 1.6557990 0.24683194 0.4974571
> pmfprofbs01
Z correctedpmfprof01 bsmean bssd bsse bsci
1 -1.25634000 -1.878749e-21 0.000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.0000000
2 -1.20387000 -1.750190e-01 2.316589 0.4646486 0.07853995 0.1596124
3 -1.15141000 -3.500380e-01 2.320647 0.4619668 0.07808664 0.1586911
4 -1.09894000 -6.005650e-01 2.635883 0.6519826 0.11020517 0.2239639
5 -1.04647000 -7.935110e-01 2.814679 0.6789875 0.11476983 0.2332404
6 -0.99400600 -8.626150e-01 2.588038 0.7324196 0.12380151 0.2515949
7 -0.94153900 -1.313880e+00 2.033736 0.7635401 0.12906183 0.2622852
8 -0.88907200 -2.067770e+00 2.394285 0.8120181 0.13725611 0.2789380
9 -0.83660500 -2.662440e+00 2.465425 0.9485307 0.16033095 0.3258317
10 -0.78413800 -4.514190e+00 0.998115 1.0177400 0.17202946 0.3496059
11 -0.73167100 -7.989510e+00 -1.585430 1.0502190 0.17751941 0.3607628
12 -0.67920400 -1.186870e+01 -5.740894 1.2281430 0.20759406 0.4218819
13 -0.62673800 -1.535970e+01 -9.325951 1.3289330 0.22463068 0.4565045
14 -0.57427100 -1.829150e+01 -12.010540 1.3279860 0.22447060 0.4561792
15 -0.52180400 -2.067170e+01 -14.672770 1.3296720 0.22475559 0.4567583
16 -0.46933700 -2.167890e+01 -14.912250 1.3192610 0.22299581 0.4531820
17 -0.41687000 -2.069820e+01 -12.850570 1.3288470 0.22461614 0.4564749
18 -0.36440300 -1.662640e+01 -6.093746 1.3497100 0.22814263 0.4636416
19 -0.31193600 -1.265950e+01 -5.210692 1.3602240 0.22991982 0.4672533
20 -0.25946900 -1.182580e+01 -6.041660 1.3818700 0.23357866 0.4746890
21 -0.20700200 -1.213370e+01 -5.765808 1.3854680 0.23418683 0.4759249
22 -0.15453500 -1.233680e+01 -6.985883 1.4025360 0.23707185 0.4817880
23 -0.10206800 -1.235160e+01 -7.152865 1.4224030 0.24042999 0.4886125
24 -0.04960160 -1.123630e+01 -3.600538 1.4122650 0.23871635 0.4851300
25 0.00286531 -9.086940e+00 -0.751673 1.5764920 0.26647578 0.5415439
26 0.05533220 -6.562710e+00 2.852910 1.5535620 0.26259991 0.5336672
27 0.10779900 -4.185860e+00 5.398850 1.5915640 0.26902342 0.5467214
28 0.16026600 -3.087430e+00 6.262459 1.6137360 0.27277117 0.5543377
29 0.21273300 -2.005150e+00 8.047920 1.6283340 0.27523868 0.5593523
30 0.26520000 -9.295540e-02 11.168640 1.6267620 0.27497297 0.5588123
31 0.31766700 1.450360e+00 12.345900 1.6363310 0.27659042 0.5620994
32 0.37013400 1.123910e+00 12.124650 1.6289230 0.27533824 0.5595546
33 0.42260100 2.426750e-01 11.279890 1.6137100 0.27276677 0.5543288
34 0.47506700 1.213370e-01 11.531670 1.6311490 0.27571450 0.5603193
35 0.52753400 5.265226e-21 11.284980 1.6662890 0.28165425 0.5723903
The code for plotting both curves is:
pl<- ggplot(pmfprof1, aes(x=pmfprof1[,1], y=pmfprof1[,2],
colour="red")) +
stat_smooth(method = "gam", formula = y ~ s(x), size = 1,
colour="chartreuse3",fill="chartreuse3", alpha = 0.3),
geom_line(data=pmfprof1,linetype=4, size=0.5,colour="chartreuse3"),
ylab("PMF (KJ/mol)"),
## GCD
linetype=4, size=0.5,colour="darkgreen"),
stat_smooth(data=pmfprof01,method = "gam",aes(x=pmfprof01[,1],pmfprof01[,2]),
formula = y ~ s(x), size = 1,
colour="darkgreen",fill="darkgreen", alpha = 0.3),
theme(text = element_text(size=20),
axis.text.x = element_text(size=20,colour="black"),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=20,colour="black")),
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill ='white',
theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill='white',
theme(legend.key = element_blank()),
theme(legend.title = element_text(colour='gray', size=20)),
This is the result of using pl,
[enter image description here][1]
Thanks in advance for any suggestion,

R ggplot geom_errorbar is not displaying the whiskers

Plotting my data in R with ggplot, the error bar whiskers are not displayed. Why are the whiskers not displayed and what is the fix so they will be displayed?
(Though it is not necessary to specify "data=..." in geom_errorbar, I am using a smaller set of data to plot a few points and their error bars on top of a larger set of data. I simplified here to just use the smaller data frame for everything but want to keep this example close to the code I intend to use.)
shapes <- c(1, 19, 15, 1, 0)
names(shapes) <- levels(smallDF$Treatment)
p <- ggplot(data=smallDF, aes(x=pNew, y=diff, group=Treatment))
p <- p + geom_errorbar(data=smallDF, aes(ymin=diff-se,ymax=diff+se),
color="black", width=.3, position=position_dodge(.5))
p <- p + geom_line(size=.3)
p <- p + geom_point(data=smallDF, aes(shape=Treatment),fill="white",
#p <- p + scale_shape_manual(values=c(1, 19, 15, 1, 0))
p <- p + scale_shape_manual(values=shapes)
p <- p + xlab("Pressure (mmHg)") + ylab("delD (mm)")
p <- p + theme_bw()
p <- p + theme(
# , axis.text.y=element_blank()
# , axis.title.y=element_blank()
, panel.border=element_blank()
, axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")
, axis.text.x = element_text(size=10)
, axis.text.y = element_text(size=10)
, axis.title.x= element_text(size=10)
, axis.title.y= element_text(size=10)
, strip.text.x = element_text(size = 10)
Treatment step N diff sd se ci predictD pNew
cntl 2 7 0.256537749 0.130605763 0.049364339 0.120790185 1.483185156 10
cntl 3 7 0.317586245 0.151444256 0.057240549 0.140062577 1.626590815 15
cntl 4 7 0.377309785 0.165262839 0.062463482 0.152842634 1.788401781 20
cntl 5 7 0.433531627 0.173735352 0.065665791 0.160678402 1.964393744 25
cntl 6 7 0.467529177 0.171603123 0.064859884 0.158706419 2.142879696 30
cntl 7 7 0.441401156 0.163740786 0.0618882 0.15143497 2.291729181 35
cntl 8 7 0.360578168 0.143967074 0.054414439 0.133147337 2.402152991 40
cntl 9 7 0.263484929 0.117425017 0.044382485 0.108600028 2.481824239 45
cntl 10 7 0.172079736 0.094209661 0.035607905 0.087129405 2.53504158 50
cntl 11 7 0.081780331 0.070316765 0.026577239 0.065032161 2.561500546 55
cntl 12 7 0.172079736 0.094209661 0.035607905 0.087129405 2.53504158 50
cntl 13 7 0.263484929 0.117425017 0.044382485 0.108600028 2.481824239 45
cntl 14 7 0.360578168 0.143967074 0.054414439 0.133147337 2.402152991 40
cntl 15 7 0.441401156 0.163740786 0.0618882 0.15143497 2.291729181 35
cntl 16 7 0.467529177 0.171603123 0.064859884 0.158706419 2.142879696 30
cntl 17 7 0.433531627 0.173735352 0.065665791 0.160678402 1.964393744 25
cntl 18 7 0.377309785 0.165262839 0.062463482 0.152842634 1.788401781 20
cntl 19 7 0.317586245 0.151444256 0.057240549 0.140062577 1.626590815 15
cntl 20 7 0.256537749 0.130605763 0.049364339 0.120790185 1.483185156 10
3hpx 2 6 0.124643574 0.068765439 0.028073373 0.072164903 1.511618688 10
3hpx 3 8 0.121806932 0.088542241 0.03130441 0.074023166 1.537544183 15
3hpx 4 8 0.138107729 0.097228081 0.034375318 0.08128471 1.602344034 20
3hpx 5 8 0.149529 0.10158369 0.035915258 0.08492609 1.665227481 25
3hpx 6 8 0.157687817 0.101898303 0.036026491 0.085189113 1.724788023 30
3hpx 7 8 0.154261671 0.099724849 0.035258058 0.08337206 1.776475381 35
3hpx 8 8 0.140631071 0.091483297 0.03234423 0.07648195 1.819131367 40
3hpx 9 8 0.123241311 0.083112381 0.029384664 0.069483689 1.854326249 45
3hpx 10 8 0.103092334 0.075467614 0.026681831 0.063092504 1.882440312 50
3hpx 11 8 0.080332775 0.070303352 0.024855989 0.058775073 1.903587298 55
3hpx 12 8 0.103092334 0.075467614 0.026681831 0.063092504 1.882440312 50
3hpx 13 8 0.123241311 0.083112381 0.029384664 0.069483689 1.854326249 45
3hpx 14 8 0.140631071 0.091483297 0.03234423 0.07648195 1.819131367 40
3hpx 15 8 0.154261671 0.099724849 0.035258058 0.08337206 1.776475381 35
3hpx 16 8 0.157687817 0.101898303 0.036026491 0.085189113 1.724788023 30
3hpx 17 8 0.149529 0.10158369 0.035915258 0.08492609 1.665227481 25
3hpx 18 8 0.138107729 0.097228081 0.034375318 0.08128471 1.602344034 20
3hpx 19 8 0.121806932 0.088542241 0.03130441 0.074023166 1.537544183 15
3hpx 20 6 0.124643574 0.068765439 0.028073373 0.072164903 1.511618688 10
I changed your width = 0.3 to width = 5. I also deleted all the redundant data = smallDF that you had and replaced your individually-set font sizes with the base_size argument of theme_bw().
p <- ggplot(data = smallDF, aes(x = pNew, y = diff, group = Treatment)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = diff - se, ymax = diff + se),
color = "black",
width = 5, ## This is the width of the crossbars!
position = position_dodge(.5))
geom_line(size = .3)
geom_point(aes(shape = Treatment),
fill = "white", size = 2.5) +
scale_shape_manual(values = shapes) +
xlab("Pressure (mmHg)") +
ylab("delD (mm)") +
theme_bw(base_size = 10) +
, panel.border=element_blank()
, axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")

How to plot relative proportions in ggplot

I have a df like this.
> te1.m.comb
temp variable value
1 35 Light.180.1.x.MAX1 10.398333
3 35 Dark.180.1.x.MAX1 -4.337142
5 35 Light.288.5.x.MAX3 17.825376
7 35 Dark.288.5.x.MAX3 -4.331998
9 35 Light.D125.x.K1 15.150205
11 35 Dark.D125.x.K1 -4.376553
13 35 Light.SO443WL.x.SO479WL 11.003542
15 35 Dark.SO443WL.x.SO479WL -3.216878
17 35 Light.SO450WL.x.SO465WL 15.970640
19 35 Dark.SO450WL.x.SO465WL -3.109330
21 35 Light.SO459WL.x.SO469WL 11.393617
23 35 Dark.SO459WL.x.SO469WL -3.857454
2 40 Light.180.1.x.MAX1 8.589651
4 40 Dark.180.1.x.MAX1 -5.569157
6 40 Light.288.5.x.MAX3 15.977499
8 40 Dark.288.5.x.MAX3 -5.582502
10 40 Light.D125.x.K1 13.651815
12 40 Dark.D125.x.K1 -5.243391
14 40 Light.SO443WL.x.SO479WL 8.518077
16 40 Dark.SO443WL.x.SO479WL -4.861841
18 40 Light.SO450WL.x.SO465WL 13.691814
20 40 Dark.SO450WL.x.SO465WL -4.514559
22 40 Light.SO459WL.x.SO469WL 9.262019
24 40 Dark.SO459WL.x.SO469WL -5.138836
I would like to plot the relative proportions using ggplot. For example, instead of plotting each of the variable and its value, i would like to plot the ratio value of Light.180.1.x.MAX1 / Dark.180.1.x.MAX1 i.e 10.398333/-4.337142 and so on. How can i do that in ggplot?
Here is my boxplot code which just plots each of the variable and its value..
ggplot(te1.m.comb, aes(variable, value)) + geom_boxplot() + facet_grid(temp ~.)
I renamed your data.frame df so that the reading can be easy and added the ratio column:
df$ratio = with(df, c(value/c(value[-1],NA)))
Here is the plot:
ggplot(df, aes(variable, ratio)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
facet_grid(temp~.) + ¨

x axis tick mark labels of different length starting at same position

I have problems with the axis labels and tick marks in ggplot2.
The x axis displays different length classes, the y axis the number of individuals. How can I make all the tick mark labels of the length classes of the x axis start at the same position (at the top)? at the moment the shorter labels e.g. (51-60) are centered, whereas the longer (121-130) ones are written at a higher position. how can I arrange them so that they start at the same level/position in height? also I do not know why it does not display my x and y axis titles.
Thanks for the help!
ggplot(data=ALL, aes(x=Langenklasse_Zahl, y=Anz.10.ha)) +
scale_y_continuous(name="Anzahl Bachforellen")+
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 84))+
labels=c("31-40","41-50","51-60","61-70","71-80","81-90","91-100","101-110","111-120","121-130","131-140", "141-150", "151-160", "161-170", "171-180", "181-190", "191-200", "201-210", "211-220", "221-230", "231-240", "241-250", "251-260", "261-270", "271-280", "281-290", "291-300", "301-310", "311-320", "321-330","331-340", ">340"))+
theme(axis.title.y = element_text(vjust=1.3, size=15),
axis.text.y = element_text(vjust=0.5, size=15),
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust=-.5, size=15),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90,vjust=0.5, size=15))+
ggtitle("Längendiagramm der kanalisierten Strecke im Mai 2014") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=3, size=20, face="bold"))
the data:
Langenklasse_Zahl Langenklasse Anz 10 ha
1 31-40 0
2 41-50 0
3 51-60 0
4 61-70 0
5 71-80 0
6 81-90 0
7 91-100 0
8 101-110 3
9 111-120 12
10 121-130 12
11 131-140 15
12 141-150 9
13 151-160 9
14 161-170 6
15 171-180 3
16 181-190 0
17 191-200 3
18 201-210 3
19 211-220 0
20 221-230 0
21 231-240 0
22 241-250 0
23 251-260 3
24 261-270 3
25 271-280 9
26 281-290 0
27 291-300 3
28 301-310 3
29 311-320 0
30 321-330 3
31 331-340 0
32 >340 6
To have your x axis labels in the same starting position, add hjust=1 or hjust=0 to the theme() elemet axis.text.x=
+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90,vjust=0.5, size=15,hjust=1))
Your axis titles are not displayed because you have to scale_x_continuous() and scale_y_continuous() calls. Move the titles of axis to the same scale_... call where you provide breaks, label and limits, for example,
+ scale_y_continuous(name="Anzahl Bachforellen",limits=c(0, 84))+
