If I have a {pkgdown} website for an R package, I can include the author URLs in _pkgdown.yml:
Indrajeet Patil:
href: https://sites.google.com/site/indrajeetspatilmorality/
And the URL will be present in the website footer:
How can I do the same for a {bookdown} website?
You should be able to use Markdown syntax to achieve that
author: '[Indrajeet Patil](https://sites.google.com/site/indrajeetspatilmorality/)'
this will make the author Pandoc variable be a link in the HTML template.
Depending on the theme you are using, you may need to tweak the CSS so the the link can correctly be readable on the footer background
and pardon what might be a repeat question, the solutions to the others didn't solve my problem. I'm working on a Hugo site and attempting to embed an iframe. The element shows but the I get the message 'This content is blocked. Contact the site owner to fix the issue.' when it loads, so no one can see the content.
Here is my .md information
title = "Resources"
description = "Hugo, the world's fastest framework for building websites"
date = "2019-02-28"
aliases = ["about-us", "about-hugo", "contact"]
author = "Hugo Authors"
<iframe src="//docs.google.com/spreadsheets...."></iframe>
I've also updated my config.toml file by adding the following:
unsafe = true
I'm not sure what I'm missing. Please let me know if you need more information about what I've done. I've tried shortcode as well but that doesn't render anything at all (I'm still new to shortcodes which is why I am embedding the iframe).
Thank you for your time and consideration.
For those who just want to embed an iframe into a Hugo site, like the question title says:
In the examples below, the content between --- is called front matter and it is in YAML syntax. You can add here your own structured data or use predefined Hugo's front matter fields. The rest of the file (below the second ---) is a standard Markdown syntax formatted content.
You don't need to use the YAML syntax in your front matter. Also TOML and JSON formats are supported by Hugo (see docs)
Solution 1: direct HTML in the content
You can add the HTML code itself to the Markdown content (like T.J.'s .md file example in the question). Hugo's markdown engine will then render the iframe as it is.
title: "Your title"
description: "Your description, you can add more fields below of course..."
<iframe src="https://example.com/"></iframe>
Solution 2: custom shortcode
You can implement your own shortcode which can be useful when using some kind of CMS or in a case when you want to style the iframe somehow.
<!-- layouts/shortcodes/iframe.html -->
<iframe src="{{ .Get 0 }}"></iframe>
You can then add iframes to your content in markdown files like this:
title: "Your title"
description: "Your description, you can add more fields below of course..."
{{< iframe https://example.com/ >}}
Shortcodes allow you also to create named attributes so you would use the shortcode like {{< iframe url="https://example.com/" >}}. The benefit of this solution is that you are free to set up the HTML code that will be rendered when using the iframe shortcode. For more information, see the shortcode docs.
Solution 3: using the front matter
If you build your page from predefined blocks or components or the page is a very simple one where you for example don't use the markdown content but just the front matter fields, you can be interested in this solution which is basically just using the front matter for storing the iframe's URL or other settings you want to use during the HTML rendering.
title: "Your title"
description: "Your description, you can add more fields below of course..."
iframe: "https://example.com/"
In your layout file, you will get this piece of information by using {{ .Params.iframe }}.
I have a DocFX site with a number of pages. I would like to include tags at the top of each page via custom template, and I'd like for authors to be able to add tags in the YAML frontmatter, e.g.:
title: My Page Title
tags: tag1;tag2;tag3
I would then like to be able to access those tags as some sort of array and process them when generating the HTML output.
I've read the docs here which suggests that I can add a schema.json file somewhere and this will automatically detect items in the schema. What I can't work out is how to access the YAML frontmatter in my template when generating the output.
If I need to write a custom .NET plugin to do this then that isn't an issue, but I believe I should be able to access these properties in the template somehow.
Any guidance at all would be very gratefully-received!
I managed to eventually work this out.
In my custom template I have a conceptual.html.primary.tmpl file which provides access to the frontmatter:
<div id="tags">
Obviously I now need to process the tags, but I now get HTML produced as expected from my .md files:
<div id="tags">
I have written the following HTML into the text editor of a WordPress post:
<code class="language-javascript">jsonFile.image</code>
When I preview the page, I get this:
I have other blocks like this one:
<pre class="line-numbers"><code class="language-json">{
"image": "image.jpg",
"_image_comment": "This image should not be displayed"
These are left intact when the post is previewed.
Is this happening because of my theme, or is this something WordPress Core is doing?
The markdown feature of the Jetpack plugin was causing the classes to be dropped when I saved the post. Not clear why it was affecting some and not others, but it was definitely the issue.
I've got a script to post some data to wordpress using xmlrpc.
If I use a simple string for the body like "This is a test" it works fine.
However, if it has any HTML formatting in it, it gets horribly mangled when trying to add the post.
How do I post html content to wordpress with xmlrpc?
Here's a plugin that fixes a problem with some versions of an xml library that strips html: Plugin – LibXML2 Fix | Joseph Scott
I've recently embarked upon the grand voyage of Wordpress theming and I've been reading through the Wordpress documentation for how to write a theme. One thing I came across here was that the style.css file must contain a specific header in order to be used by the Wordpress engine. They give a brief example but I haven't been able to turn up any formal description of what must be in the style.css header portion. Does this exist on the Wordpress site? If it doesn't could we perhaps describe it here?
Based on http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development:
The following is an example of the first few lines of the stylesheet, called the style sheet header, for the Theme "Rose":
Theme Name: Rose
Theme URI: the-theme's-homepage
Description: a-brief-description
Author: your-name
Author URI: your-URI
Template: use-this-to-define-a-parent-theme--optional
Version: a-number--optional
Tags: a-comma-delimited-list--optional
General comments/License Statement if any.
The simplest Theme includes only a style.css file, plus images if any. To create such a Theme, you must specify a set of templates to inherit for use with the Theme by editing the Template: line in the style.css header comments. For example, if you wanted the Theme "Rose" to inherit the templates from another Theme called "test", you would include Template: test in the comments at the beginning of Rose's style.css. Now "test" is the parent Theme for "Rose", which still consists only of a style.css file and the concomitant images, all located in the directory wp-content/themes/Rose. (Note that specifying a parent Theme will inherit all of the template files from that Theme — meaning that any template files in the child Theme's directory will be ignored.)
The comment header lines in style.css are required for WordPress to be able to identify a Theme and display it in the Administration Panel under Design > Themes as an available Theme option along with any other installed Themes.
The Theme Name, Version, Author, and Author URI fields are parsed by WordPress and used to display that data in the Current Theme area on the top line of the current theme information, where the Author's Name is hyperlinked to the Author URI. The Description and Tag fields are parsed and displayed in the body of the theme's information, and if the theme has a parent theme, that information is placed in the information body as well. In the Available Themes section, only the Theme Name, Description, and Tags fields are used.
None of these fields have any restrictions - all are parsed as strings. In addition, none of them are required in the code, though in practice the fields not marked as optional in the list above are all used to provide contextual information to the WordPress administrator and should be included for all themes.
You are probably thinking about this:
THEME NAME: Parallax
THEME URI: http://parallaxdenigrate.net
AUTHOR: Martin Jacobsen
AUTHOR URI: http://martinjacobsen.no
If I'm not way off, Wordpress uses this info to display in the "Activate Design" dialog in the admin backend.