Data Deletion Request Callback for Facebook Login on Flutter Web - firebase

I am developing a Flutter web app using Firebase as backend. While trying to enable Facebook login, I found the following requirement:
Apps that access user data must provide a way for users to request that their data be deleted. Your app can satisfy this requirement in one of two ways:
Implement a Data Deletion Request Callback.
Provide a URL with explicit instructions for app users on how to delete their data by way of a third-party website or tool. The third-party website may be the relevant section in the application's Privacy Policy.
Implementing a data deletion request call back can be harder, because I don't have a regular backend, I am using Firebase.
I think the second option it is better, however it is not completely clear to me what they mean by “delete their data by way of a third-party website or tool”. Is it possible to have an URL in the app with a “delete account button” and give the corresponding instructions in the URL?
How should I fulfill these requirements?
Is there an efficient way to fulfill them?


Is it possible to login with Firebase and REST API at the same time?

I have a mobile app that does two things. The first one is to use Firebase to implement a chat. On the other side, the apps, uses a REST API to retrieve some info from a database and do some writes on it. Simple as that. The app provides a login system: two text fields and a button. The user provides an email address and a password then I used the standard Firebase function to do the login using signInWithEmailAndPassword(). The thing is that I should use the same credentials to do the login using the REST API to access the other database. At first I decided to do the call to Firebase and to the REST API in the same function. One other possible solution could be a web service. I'll explain how. A web services written in Python, PHP or JavaScript generates a JWT token that is sent to the mobile app after the user asks to sign in. I'm pretty sure that this is possible like shown here: The latter seems too over-complicated to me. Now, the question is. Can someone suggest a solution, the most simple one, that can be used is a scenario like this? Thanks all in advance.

REST authorization with no user concept

Is there any way to do some kind of authorization that allows only people who recently requested a page from Firebase Hosting to be able to send an HTTP POST request to a Firestore db and have it go through?
My page is basically an HTML form that posts data to a Firestore page, though it would be nice if at least one had to speak with the server beforehand, as people do not have to log in to post information.
Serve a static HTML form (with some Javascript included)
The contents of the HTML form should be posted to a firestore database only if the client actually requested a page from the server within a reasonable timeframe
In general, some external code that did not recently request the page should not be able to post data to the database. This is just a minor restriction to mitigate any "attacks" being too easy.
No concept of user or login
All requests should be done through REST as including the Firebase SDK is way too large for this small of a project
With Firebase Hosting, there is no out-of-the-box logging mechanism that would allow detecting if a user has previously requested a page. You need a more "sophisticated" approach.
I can see two possible approaches. (There might be other ones!)
Approach #1 Use two Cloud Functions to:
Serve the page via Firebase Hosting, see Serve dynamic content and host microservices with Cloud Functions
Write to Firestore, after you have verified the user has previously requested a page.
More details:
For the first part, you will not actually serve dynamic content (I understand you plan to serve static pages through Hosting), but because this page is served through a Cloud Function, you will be able to save a unique token (e.g. a Firestore doc ID or any other UUID value) in, for example, Firestore, before sending back the page content.
Then, for the second part (writing to Firestore), the Cloud Function will first check that there is a document with the doc ID previously generated in the Firestore database, and if it is the case, will allow the write to the database (from the Cloud Function).
So, in this case, both Cloud Functions need to be HTTPS ones. You may be interested by this article which details the drawbacks of writing to Firestore through a CF.
Approach #2 Use Firestore security rules for the check before writing.
Do the same than the previous solution for serving the static pages;
Write directly to Firestore and implement a security rule that checks for the existence of a Firestore document with the doc ID saved in point 1. See the exists method.

different types of user management on react-native

I'm new to react native. I am trying to develop an application that uses firebase user authentication. But there is something I can think of. For example, 2 users have registered to my application but I want to show extra information to the first user according to a condition.
How can I separate these two?
Where exactly should I manage this condition?
The question is not super clear as to what issue you are trying to tackle so I apologize if I am inferring incorrectly.
I use MongoDB personally with a Node/Express backend for user data and haven't used Firebase myself but I'm sure you can do the same things with it. I'll be speaking in Mongo terminology but again I'm sure you can do the same with Firebase and at the least this will give a good idea of the thought process.
I have a UserSchema that holds all the user information. When logged in the client app would get this information to be used on the frontend after authentication.
Assuming you are only displaying "extra" information that doesn't need additional privilege you can just pull in the users data stored in firebase and handle the display of this extra info with logic on your frontend client.
If its extra privilege you need to setup firebase to look at the user data that is authenticating and only serve back information if they have the proper privileges.
Also important to note, you should ensure that when you are updating user information from client -> firebase backend you should ensure that you can only update specific user fields via read/write authentication on firebase.
Hope this gives a little better idea on how this process might look. I'll let someone who has used firebase specifically add tech specifics.

Adding account linking to my Actions on Google app

I created a Actions on Google app with the Actions SDK. For this i used as said before the Actions SDK, firebase function for the fulfillment and firestore for storing data. All works fine.
Now i want to implement account linking to provide user specific information. I start to read the full documentation for account linking with the refers to integrate a Oauth 2.0 Server and soon. That is my first time i working with account linking and Oauth servers and now i'm totally confused. I don't understand where my auth server have to sit, how to setup it and what parameters it have to process. After reading more and searching for results i found that firebase provide Account authentication. Is it right that this firebase product is similar a Oauth server?
My next big problem is how to enabling account linking in my Actions app. In the Actions on Google documentation i found a topic how to expand the Action Package for account linking. My problem is to unterstand which information the probiertes need.
So summary, if the firebase authentication is really a Oauth server what i need to do that my app and firebase authentication works together.
Maybe everyone knows a good website for understanding the process of account linking and how it can be implemented.
After getting the first answer for my question i started studying more about account linking and the authentication process.
After this i created following roadmap:
Create an website with a google account sing-in form and host it with firebase hosting
Set up the Oauth2 server
Interact with the linked account. Save account informations in my firestore database
So i started with step one. In the firebase authentication documentation i find a example for a google login form. After modifying and hosting the example i try it. It works fine. After sing in by using the hosted website, my google account linked with my project. I checked this in my google account settings. Also the example response with a lots of data like the profile name, email address and so on. So my question at this point is. Why do i have to set up a OAuth server now? After sign in with the example form i linked my account to my project successful. And so i can start saving the received data in my firebase database and act with them in my Actions app.
Okay . Maybey i have a general problem of understanding the right use of account linking. I try to identify the user who use my action to offer special content when he comes back next time. Or maybe create a question with his name from his google account inside the question. So in my understanding i have to link the users google account with my action and save the account information in a database to identify the use next time. So is account linking for this task the right way?
No, Firebase Authentication is not an OAuth2 server.
Firebase Authentication provides a way for you to manage user accounts for your Firebase-based web or mobile app. With the Auth UI it gives a way for users to log into that account using a variety of means (including their Google account, Facebook account, or phone number). It does not, however, provide components that an OAuth2 server provides.
Most notably, it does not provide any way for a user to log in through another client (like the Google Assistant) to gain authorization for that client. You cannot, with Firebase Authentication, issue a token to the Assistant, nor accept a token from the Assistant and verify if this is a user inside Firebase Authentication.
You need to build these components yourself. Google describes the minimum tasks that it needs to do as part of this authentication. You can use Firebase Authentication as part of this as you build such a server (for example, it is a great way to have people log in to their account and for you to verify that account), and it is reasonable to use a Firebase Database to store user tokens if you go that route, Firebase Functions might be a useful place to implement the token exchange point, and Firebase Hosting would be good to host the login page itself - but you'd need to write code that "puts it all together".
Your auth server can sit anywhere. As I said - you can do it through Firebase Functions, but you don't have it. It just needs to be able to provide some responses through web URLs at HTTPS endpoints.
Once you have done this, you need to configure the endpoints on the actions console and implement a request for account linking in your code or in the action package.
Response to Update 1
After sing in by using the hosted website, my google account linked with my project. I checked this in my google account settings.
From an OAuth perspective - no, the Google Account is not "linked" to your project.
Google has issued a token to you (that is to say, the service that you've written) that gives your service access to certain resources. Those resources include information about a particular user.
This may sound like I'm splitting semantics, but it isn't. It is fundamental to what OAuth is offering and what it means when you get an issue a token. You currently have authorization to do certain things.
Why do i have to set up a OAuth server now? After sign in with the example form i linked my account to my project successful. And so i can start saving the received data in my firebase database and act with them in my Actions app.
You haven't linked your account. You have permission to do certain things.
Furthermore, aside from "that's how they do it", you need to setup an OAuth server because you now need to do the same thing for Google - give them permission to do specific things on your server (like use it). Normally this would be involved with "logging in".
Account Linking is really a fancy term for "logging in". You need a way for users to be able to log into your server. You have an access token, but that is roughly the equivalent of having logged into Google's server.
So why do so many websites, for example, have things like "Log In using Google" or "Log In using Facebook"? Because those sites are willing to trust that if their servers can get permitted to certain information at Google or Facebook, then they can trust you. And you might be willing to accept that when they login to your site (either through the web or through Actions), but the Assistant can't assume that. They need to make sure users actually log into your site - that user's deliberately want to do so and that you deliberately want to let them in.

Accessing a WordPress Database from a mobile app

I have a WordPress website with custom tables that I store data into that was entered by customers. The site owner wants to develop a barcode app that can access this data. When I need the data from these fields to display within the site, I request it from a PHP script running on the server that make calls like get_post_meta().
The owner has hired a mobile app consultant who believes that, if he just has the password to the account where the site is hosted, he can access all of these database fields from the app.
I'm not seeing how this is possible. My understanding is that a mobile app can only access a site by making HTTP requests to it. It has no way of running on the server and executing things like get_post_meta().
Am I missing something?
I think you are missing something. Wordpress now has a rest api that can allow a mobile application get at data in your database by making http requests.
The developer will need to be able to enable the Rest Api, but if you give her the password, she will probably be able to do so. Typically this is done using a plugin like: WP Rest API which enables a set of default endpoints which includes post meta data and allows you to add other endpoints
Depending on how the custom tables are set up, they might not be automatically available to the Rest API. However, if you are able to access them using get_post_meta() then I would expect that they would be accessible to the Rest API as well, most likely by adding endpoints.
