How to migrate content from Django CMS to Wordpress? - wordpress

I want to migrate content from Django CMS to WordPress but can't find any resource which would help regarding this.

Depending on the scale of your website it may be difficult to migrate it on your own. There is no automated "plugin" which can help you migrate all your blog posts / products / pages etc. If your website is big in scale and you are not confident in doing everything on your own you can hire an agency to do so. Upon searching the first result on google is this service provider: Multidots
Cannot recommend them as I have never used them but you can at least get a quote for this. Manual migration may take some time but it would be worth it. What you can do is create all your pages, posts, products in Wordpress which essentially is not a hard process. It is important to keep your link structure the same or have proper redirects in order to keep your SEO score and not have 404 errors.


Wordpress same site content in different language for different domains

We have a wordpress site which we are planning to serve in different language on different domains. I did a lot of research on Google and went through numerous articles regarding this topic. However, I can not decide where to start, so this forum is my last resort. Can anyone please guide me.
Here are facts which I hope will be useful to anyone willing to help:
The site content will be same for all domains
Different domain will serve different languages
Users who comes to our main site, which is in English will be given a option to switch to their regional domain
What I need help with are as follows:
How to do this? Would multisite be a good answer to this?
If multisite is the solution, will it slow down our site? Given that we have same plugin and content for all domains
Plugins for auto translations of the contents based on domain?
I really need to get this started, so any help is heartily welcome.
You can add the Weglot Plugin.
I am part of the co founding team, we are available to answer any questions and help.
Key features include:
- Easy integration: less than 3 minutes, then users only take care of translations
- Improved usability: a unique dashboard gathering all translations in a single place, offering the possibility to edit and purchase translations
- Complete and rich range of translations sources: a first layer of machine translation automatically offered at subscription; professional translations; users and their team members
- Optimized SEO: following Google best practice, Weglot creates unique URL (/en/page) for each language, all tags and meta translated,
- Fully compatible: Yoast, Woocommerce and many others
- Light plugin: keeping the full performance of the website
- 7/7 support: dedicated team only focusing on developing the best multilingual plugin experience

What is HTML5 Boilerplate?

I do not understand how people use HTML5Boilerplate with dynamic sites, like news sites, blogs, etc. I understand that you can get themes for WordPress, but specifically, I'm curious to know how sites like and update when they are not using Wordpress or other identifiable CMS systems.
Can anyone explain?
Thank you!
Before there was Wordpress or a CMS, every website was custom made. All that was needed was a database and a backend language - which back in the day were JSP, ASP, and PHP. There were no pretty permalinks, so every URL ended in a query string with many parameters.
Those sites updated whenever their inhouse/outsourced IT team was ready to roll out an update. They were not a customized 'theme' but a 100% custom built.
They used boilerplate as a starting point of their templates and made modifications by making changes to those templates with whatever IDE company policy permits.
So the boiler plate is a starting point to create a completely custom website that ensures that as little as possible is missed by the developer.

Using wordpress as external content management system

We are planning to create an website (probably mvc), that needs a cms for news items.
Our content managers and others who require to publish news have asked if they can use wordpress for content management.
Our users have different roles, and news items should be visible to certain roles, or even specific users if possible.
The reason they want wordpress is the manager's user friendliness, so if some other alternative with the same kind of user experience would be ok.
Could anyone please point me in some direction?
NOTE: I'm still doing research at the moment, so I've got nothing holding me back at this point.
There is an API plugin that has been developed to spit out information in JSON, but I have not actually implemented a site with it:
Perhaps you could have the authors work on a wordpress install and create your app to draw content via that plugin?
I too was facing the same issue, little different. We want to have WP as CMS so that our site can take the benefit of SEO which is very easy with WP. SO we installed WP under a folder in the Main based website. Initially there were issues, I was unable to run it. Finally managed to run it. Solution is posted here - Hope it will help someone. Actual site where we implemented this is
Now I want to have specific section of WP to be accessible on my site. SO I am exploring different options and will post, if found something
DotNetNuke is the most popular ASP.NET based CMS (source). I am implementing my first project in it and so far I am very happy with it.
Note the free edition will not work for you since you need customizable security roles and free has a limited set of predetermined roles. You'll need the pro edition.
I don't know how similar it is to WordPress. Overall, WordPress is much more popular but of course there are platform issues with WordPress since it is Apache based and you want to create an ASP.NET website.

Which CMS should I use when I hand a website over to my non-techie friend?

I'm designing a simple website for a friend - four static pages to advertise a yoga retreat she is running. I have a couple of requirements:
My time is short; I want to quickly build a theme template.
She has no technical skills; she wants to log in to the backend and update page content.
Working for myself, a static site builder such as nanoc or jekyll would be ideal: I can build a template.html with room for some content, then update content files, rebuild the site and redeploy. As a bonus, the whole site could be hosted free on GitHub pages. This satisfies requirement (1) but not requirement (2).
I've also considered Wordpress, because I've got plenty of experience running WP sites and developing custom themes. This satisfies requirement (2) but not (1). There is simply too much development overhead building a WP theme - it is not straightforward to modify the markup structure of all those template files, and there are plenty of snags involving ugly page titles or "Comments are disabled" strings which need to be removed.
It shouldn't be this difficult. I want a site engine which has a simple template.html file for easy re-theming, and an accessible backend for content changes. Bonus points if free hosting is available somewhere.
Perch - - is made for this sort of thing, though it's not free (£).
Could you hack a site together using tumblr pages?
What about Google Sites? Dead simple.
If you're open to .NET i think you should look at n2cms.
WordPress using a premium theme bought in any of the many sites offering quite nice themes for a reasonable price (60 USD). Then, you just change the logo and ready to go.
Since I'm not a web designer myself, this is what I´ve done myself for my sites and I´m quite happy with the results

Using Wordpress as more than just a blog?

I have been making plans to create a site that would contain several different sections, such as several blog feeds for reviews and articals, a forum, and also a stock site where people can sell/buy photos.
I was planning on doing this in PHP, but have recently started using wordpress and found it to be very powerful. is a site like this too "advanced" to be done in wordpress?
WordPress can be used for more than just blogs, having recently won an award for best CMS proves that!
The reviews and articles would just be posts, in different parent categories.
The forum could be implented with bbPress ( or SimplePress (
The buying/selling photos could be done with a combination of either the built in WordPress gallery or a wordpress plugin such as NextGEN ( and a shopping cart or paypal plugin.
It would take some integration work, but it certainly is all possible with WordPress :-)
This is not the question you should be asking IMO.
The question to ask is: "Does using wordpress make creating this website easier ?"
If the pages you will be creating are related to the blog posts, then yes. For example, with Wordpress, your posts categories can be listed as sub-menu items.
But, if your pages are not related to the "main" blog, why bother using Wordpress?
You mentioned you were gonna do it in PHP but now are thinking about WordPress. I just found that funny because WordPress IS written in PHP ;). Wordpress has been used as a CMS for a while now and I think it's often a great place to start. I love WordPress but it's not the only CMS out there you should look at Drupal, Joomla, Movable Type, or one of many other Open Source or even commercial CMS'. You may also want to look at other products in the Automattic family such as WordPress MU, BuddyPress and BBPress. I would say using someone else code can save you a lot or time but not always. In certain situations writing your own CMS may be faster and better.
Hope this helps.
But, if your pages are not related to
the "main" blog, why bother using
It's a well known plataform, tested and used by millions of people;
A Huge plugin ecosystem that deals with SEO, Backup, Twitter, E-commerce, you name it;
A great documentation;
A great admin interface with WYSIWYG editors already implemented;
An interesting approach to use "static pages" along with your posts, so you can have a full blown CMS application.
These are just some advantages. I don't recommend Wordpress for huge enterprise portals, but if you're not doing a complete different way of interaction (like stackoverflow, which is unique in it's way of work) for a website, I think it's a better approach then trying to code everything from scratch.
To write plugins you just use php, html and some functions aviable at plataform's core. No useless XML configuration files, no proprietary template languages inside the plataform, nothing. Write a bunch of php inside a directory, put inside "plugins" and you're done.
Here are some sites that I've done with Wordpress that are more than just blogs:
Driia's Dreams, which is blog and online store for my wife's jewelry business. (I take no responsibility for her theme.)
Barking Mad Productions, which is primarily a CMS for an event production company, with a blog.
Ludus, which tracks the games that we play each week (blog), along with information about the games themselves (CMS).
Craig's Chaos Machine, which documents everything I'm learning about Chaos Toy and Chaos Machines. (Still a work in progress.)
