Create a perl hash from a db select - sqlite

Having some trouble understanding how to create a Perl hash from a DB select statement.
$sth=$dbh->prepare(qq{select authorid,titleid,title,pubyear from books});
$sth->execute() or die DBI->errstr;
while(#records=$sth->fetchrow_array()) {
%Books = (%Books,AuthorID=> $records[0]);
%Books = (%Books,TitleID=> $records[1]);
%Books = (%Books,Title=> $records[2]);
%Books = (%Books,PubYear=> $records[3]);
print qq{$records[0]\n}
print qq{\t$records[1]\n};
print qq{\t$records[2]\n};
print qq{\t$records[3]\n};
while(($key,$value) = each(%Books)) {
print qq{$key --> $value\n};
The print statements work in the first while loop, but I only get the last result in the second key,value loop.
What am I doing wrong here. I'm sure it's something simple. Many thanks.

OP needs better specify the question and do some reading on DBI module.
DBI module has a call for fetchall_hashref perhaps OP could put it to some use.

In the shown code an assignment of a record to a hash with the same keys overwrites the previous one, row after row, and the last one remains. Instead, they should be accumulated in a suitable data structure.
Since there are a fair number of rows (351 we are told) one option is a top-level array, with hashrefs for each book
my #all_books;
while (my #records = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
my %book;
#book{qw(AuthorID TitleID Title PubYear)} = #records;
push #all_books, \%book;
Now we have an array of books, each indexed by the four parameters.
This uses a hash slice to assign multiple key-value pairs to a hash.
Another option is a top-level hash with keys for the four book-related parameters, each having for a value an arrayref with entries from all records
my %books;
while (my #records = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
push #{$books{AuthorID}}, $records[0];
push #{$books{TitleID}}, $records[1];
Now one can go through authors/titles/etc, and readily recover the other parameters for each.
Adding some checks is always a good idea when reading from a database.


Merging Value of one dictionary as key of another

I have 2 Dictionaries:
StatePops={'AL':4887871, 'AK':737438, 'AZ':7278717, 'AR':3013825}
StateNames={'AL':'Alabama', 'AK':'Alaska', 'AZ':'Arizona', 'AR':'Arkansas'}
I am trying to merge so the Value of StateNames is the Key for StatePops.
{'Alabama': 4887871, 'Alaska': 737438, ...
I also have to display the name of states w/ population over 4million.
Any help is appreciated!!!
You have not specified in what programming language you want this problem to be solved.
Nonetheless, here is a solution in Python.
state_pops = {
'AL': 4887871,
'AK': 737438,
state_names = {
states = dict([([state_names[k],state_pops[k]]) for k in state_pops])
final = {k:v for k, v in states.items() if v > 4000000}
First, you can merge two dictionaries with the predefined dict python function in the states variable as such. Here, k is an iterator and it is used as index for state_names and state_pops.
Then, store the filtered dictionary in final where the states.items() is used to access the keys and values in states and type-cast it as a string with the str function.
There may be more simpler solutions but this is as far as I can optimize the problem.
Hope this helps.
Dictionary Keys cannot be changed in Python. You need to either add the modified key-value pair to the dictionary and then delete the old key, or you can create a new dictionary. I'd opt for the second option, i.e., creating a new dictionary.
myDict = {}
for i in StatePops:
myDict.update({StateNames[i] : StatePops[i]})
This outputs myDict as
{'Alabama': 4887871, 'Alaska': 737438, 'Arizona': 7278717, 'Arkansas': 3013825}

Update dictionary key inside list using map function -Python

I have a dictionary of phone numbers where number is Key and country is value. I want to update the key and add country code based on value country. I tried to use the map function for this:
print('**Exmaple: Update phone book to add Country code using map function** ')
user=[{'952-201-3787':'US'},{'952-201-5984':'US'},{'9871299':'BD'},{'01632 960513':'UK'}]
#A function that takes a dictionary as arg, not list. List is the outer part
def add_Country_Code(aDict):
for k,v in aDict.items():
if(v == 'US'):
aDict[( '1+'+k)]=aDict.pop(k)
if(v == 'UK'):
aDict[( '044+'+k)]=aDict.pop(k)
if (v == 'BD'):
aDict[('001+'+k)] =aDict.pop(k)
return aDict
This works partially when I run, output below :
[{'1+952-201-3787': 'US'}, {'1+1+1+952-201-5984': 'US'}, {'001+9871299': 'BD'}, {'044+01632 960513': 'UK'}]
Notice the 2nd US number has 2 additional 1s'. What is causing that?How to fix? Thanks a lot.
You are mutating a dict while iterating it. Don't do this. The Pythonic convention would be:
Make a new_dict = {}
While iterating the input a_dict, assign new items to new_dict.
Return the new_dict
IOW, create new things, rather than change old things - likely the source of your woes.
Some notes
Use lowercase with underscores when defining variable names (see PEP 8).
Lookup values rather than change the input dict, e.g. a_dict[k] vs. a_dict.pop(k)
Indent the correct number of spaces (see PEP 8)

How do I get a value from a dictionary when the key is a value in another dictionary in Lua?

I am writing some code where I have multiple dictionaries for my data. The reason being, I have multiple core objects and multiple smaller assets and the user must be able to choose a smaller asset and have some function off in the distance run the code with the parent noted.
An example of one of the dictionaries: (I'm working in ROBLOX Lua 5.1 but the syntax for the problem should be identical)
local data = {
character = workspace.Stores.NPCs.Thom,
name = "Thom", npcId = 9,
npcDialog = workspace.Stores.NPCs.Thom.Dialog
local items = {
item1 = {
model = workspace.Stores.Items.Item1.Main,
npcName = "Thom",
This is my function:
local function function1(item)
if not items[item] and data[items[item[npcName]]] then return false end
As you can see, I try to index the dictionary using a key from another dictionary. Usually this is no problem.
local thisIsAVariable = item[item1[npcName]]
but the method I use above tries to index the data dictionary for data that is in the items dictionary.
Without a ton of local variables and clutter, is there a way to do this? I had an idea to wrap the conflicting dictionary reference in a tostring() function to separate them - would that work?
Thank you.
As I see it, your issue is that:
is looking for data[“Thom”] ... but you do not have such a key in the data table. You have a “name” key that has a “Thom” value. You could reverse the name key and value in the data table. “Thom” = name

Lasso 9 Hangs on Inserting Pair with Map Value into Array?

EDIT: I accidentally misrepresented the problem when trying to pare-down the example code. A key part of my code is that I am attempting to sort the array after adding elements to it. The hang appears on sort, not insert. The following abstracted code will consistently hang:
local('a' = array)
#a->insert('test1' = map('a'='1'))
#a->insert('test2' = map('b'='2')) // comment-out to make work
I have a result set for which I want to insert a pair of values into an array for each unique key, as follows:
resultset(2) => {
records => {
if(!$logTypeClasses->contains(field('logTypeClass'))) => {
local(i) = pair(field('logTypeClass'), map('title' = field('logType'), 'class' = field('logTypeClass')))
$logTypeClasses->insert(#i) // Lasso hangs on this line, will return if commented-out
Strangely, I cannot insert the #i local variable into thread variable without Lasso hanging. I never receive an error, and the page never returns. It just hangs indefinitely.
I do see the pairs logged correctly, which leads me to believe that the pair-generating syntax is correct.
I can make the code work as long as the value side of the pair is not a map with values. In other words, it works when the value side of the pair is a string, or even an empty map. As soon as I add key=value parameters to the map, it fails.
I must be missing something obvious. Any pointers? Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
I can verify the bug with the basic code you sent with sorting. The question does arise how exactly one sorts pairs. I'm betting you want them sorted by the first element in the pair, but I could also see the claim that they should be sorted by last element in the pair (by values instead of by keys)
One thing that might work better is to keep it as a map of maps. If you need the sorted data for some reason, you could do map->keys->asArray->sort
local(data) = map('test1' = map('a'=2,'b'=3))
#data->insert('test2' = map('c'=33, 'd'=42))
local(keys) = #data->keys->asArray
Even better, if you're going to just iterate through a sorted set, you can just use a query expression:
local(data) = map('test1' = map('a'=2,'b'=3))
#data->insert('test2' = map('c'=33, 'd'=42))
with elm in #data->eachPair
let key = #elm->first
let value = #elm->second
order by #key
do { ... }
I doubt you problem is the pair with map construct per se.
This test code works as expected:
var(testcontainer = array)
inline(-database = 'mysql', -table = 'help_topic', -findall) => {
resultset(1) => {
records => {
if(!$testcontainer->contains(field('name'))) => {
local(i) = pair(field('name'), map('description' = field('description'), 'name' = field('name')))
When Lasso hangs like that with no feedback and no immediate crash it is usually trapped in some kind of infinite loop. I'm speculating that it might have to do with Lasso using references whenever possible. Maybe some part of your code is using a reference that references itself. Or something.

Form Running Totals, Ax 2009

Is there an example anywhere of a form that performs running totals in a column located within a grid. The user ordering and filtering of the grid would affect the running totals column.
I can easily perform the above if it was ordering only by transaction date, but including the user ordering and filtering I presume that we would have to use the datasource range() and rangecount() functions (see SysQuery::mergeRanges() for an example) then iterate over these to apply the filtering, then include the dynalinks. The same for the ordering, albeit this is now more complicated.
Any suggestions appreciated. Any appreciations suggested (as in: vote the question up!).
You could implement it as a form datasource display method using this strategy:
Copy the form's datasource query (no need for SysQuery::mergeRanges):
QueryRun qr = new QueryRun(ledgerTrans_qr.query());
Iterate and sum over your records using qr, stop after the current record:
while (
lt = qr.getNo(1);
total += lt.AmountMST;
if (lt.RecId == _lt.RecId)
This could be made more performant if the sorting order was fixed (using sum(AmountMST) and adding a where constraint).
Return the total
This is of cause very inefficient (subquadratic time, O(n^2)).
Caching the results (in a map) may make it usable if there are not too many records.
Update: a working example.
Any observations or criticisms to the code below most welcome. Jan's observation about the method being slow is still valid. As you can see, it's a modification of his original answer.
//BP Deviation Documented
display AmountMST XXX_runningBalanceMST(LedgerTrans _trans)
LedgerTrans localLedgerTrans;
AmountMST amountMST;
localLedgerTrans = this.getFirst();
while (localLedgerTrans)
amountMST += localLedgerTrans.AmountMST;
if (localLedgerTrans.RecId == _trans.RecId)
localLedgerTrans = this.getNext();
return amountMST;
