Is it possible to auto-retry firebase cloud-function deploys when doing a full deploy? - firebase

I have a large amount of cloud functions (150+) that need to be deployed. When i run the following: firebase deploy --only functions to do a full deploy i get the following message:
⚠ functions: too many functions are being deployed, cannot poll status.
In a few minutes, you can check status at
You can use the --only flag to deploy only a portion of your functions in the future.
✔ Deploy complete!
indicating that the deploy is in progress. The issue i have is that usually several functions fail to deploy due to quota limits or other non-code ralated issues, and these have to be retried/redeployed. When polling firebase will give the code to use to retry these, however, when not polling then no further console output is given. When i access the interface i am able to see which functions failed to deploy:
enter image description here
Is there an option either in the google interface to retry these, or some command option that can be added to the deploy command to auto-retry failed functions? Currently i have to manually gather all the failed function-names by manually looking trough the list and run a deploy specifying only those.

There is no such option to automatically retry. Maybe you could write code to scan the logs to figure out what failed and retry yourself. Alternatively, you could instead invoke the CLI once for each individual function at a controlled rate, and check the results individually.
What you have here sounds like a feature request, which you could post to the firebase-tools GitHub repo. You could also reach out to Firebase support to make your needs known.


Environment variables are undefined when using Google Cloud Secret Manager in the Firebase Functions Emulator with --inspect-functions

I added Firebase Functions secrets via the CLI as described in the docs. The secrets are populated correctly in process.env both in deployed and emulated functions UNLESS the --inspect-functions flag is set. In that case, the secrets in process.env are undefined and no errors are displayed.
The issue only occurs when I run: firebase emulators:start --inspect-functions. Other notes:
I have the correct permissions set for the service account and there are no permissions errors.
I'm using .runWith correctly, since the same code works in the other environments. Here's how it's structured:
exports.functionName = functions
.runWith({secrets: ['SECRET_KEY', "SECRET_KEY_TEST"]})
.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
// Code here.
There are no errors when the emulators start, which you'd expect if the configuration had a problem.
There is no mention of this being a limitation in the functions docs. The emulator docs mention the --inspect-functions flag causes a subtle behavior difference, but it doesn't seem relevant:
Note that when this flag is supplied, the Cloud Functions emulator
switches to a special serialized execution mode in which functions are
executed in a single process, in sequential (FIFO) order; this
simplifies function debugging, though the behavior differs from
multi-process, parallel execution of functions in the cloud.
I'm running firebase-tools version 10.7.0 on Windows 10. Thanks for any assistance figuring this one out!

how to get firebase cloud messanging running on local host

I try to get a simple firebase cloud message app, web, to run. The README of the sample app says:
1. On the command line run `firebase serve -p 8081` using the Firebase CLI tool to launch a local server.
That gives the error
Error: Cannot understand what targets to deploy/serve. If you are using PowerShell make sure you place quotes around any comma-separated lists (ex: --only "functions,firestore").
So I tried
firebase serve -p 8081 .
which returns
Having trouble? Try firebase [command] --help
How can I get a local web app that receives messages get running? Will similar troubles start again when hosting on firebase.
I am stuck. Firebase is an endless series of weird docu, weird results, all errors have been encountered by others and there are lon long threads on any of them.

(firebase functions) Error: Forbidden Your client does not have permission to get URL /

I have problem when invoking deployed function in firebase. I have an editor role in the firebase project and when I deployed functions, didn't have any problem with invoking them. When I deployed a new function yesterday, I got the error message that says
Error: Forbidden
Your client does not have permission to get URL / < Function Name > from this server.
Nothing has been changed to my role. It is strange that since yesterday, whatever function I deployed, threw those errors.
In gcp console/cloud functions, where you can see permissions of the function that was selected, I've noticed that "cloud functions invoker" was not assigned to that function. I thought this should be added to any function by default as long as I have an editor access but strangely it does not add them anymore. other functions that were deployed since yesterday have the same issue
any suggestions or advices will be appreciated. Thank you
Please Review Allowing unauthenticated function invocation
As of January 15, 2020, HTTP functions require authentication by default. You can specify whether a function allows unauthenticated invocation at or after deployment.
So here's the answer from the firebase team
The issue you are experiencing is likely caused by the fact that after January 15, 2020, Google Cloud Functions automatically creates HTTP functions to be >private by default.
Please, update the CLI, by running the following command:
npm install -g firebase-tools
This will ensure that future HTTP functions that are created will be publicly accessible.
Lastly, for the existing functions that has the permission issues, you will need >to manually set a function to public using Cloud Console or gcloud CLI.
If you have any questions or you are still facing this issue, please, don’t >hesitate to write back.
There could be several reasons to cause this issue.
check your function endpoint url make sure there's no typo or space
In the gcp console, make sure you have permission to invoke function<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
If the above two are checked, delete your function and redeploy your them again
Unfortunately, you can't do this in Firebase, you have to go into the Google Cloud project which 'hosts' your firebase project. You can follow this guide by Google, and have a look at the screenshots below:
You should see Allow unauthenticated now
To allow unauthenticated invocation of a function, you add the special allUsers member id to the function and grant it the Cloud Functions Invoker role:
You can limit domain access in your function, for example:
exports.myTest= async(req, res) => {
res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '');
I defined my Firebase cloud functions in typescript/JS and deploy using Firebase CLI. I got this error after customizing the deployment settings, and I fixed it by specifying invoker="public" - I did not need to dig into IAM settings or use the console or CLI to fix.
export const serve = functions
invoker: "public", // this is the magic line
async (request: functions.Request, response: functions.Response) => {
// ...
updating firebase-tools wasn't enough in my case because i already deployed that function and updating it didn't fix the issue, i had to delete it and deploy again

See continuous logging on command line

I am currently working on a Firebase function. As I am still in the development stage, I have a number of logs in my code to see what's going on.
async function getAddressByIdAsync(address) {
let addr = addressesRef.child(address);
return admin.database().ref('Addresses/' + address);
The only way I have found to be able to see these logs in real time is though the Firebase console, which is very slow and generally a bad UI experience IMO.
I'm looking for a command line solution that will let me see in real time the logs coming from the Firebase cloud function.
I have tried this command
firebase functions:log
Which appears to return the last twenty or so log entries into my Firebase Functions.
I know Google Cloud has a tail option on the end of that CLI but it doesn't work here.
firebase functions:log tail
Error: Too many arguments. Run firebase help functions:log for usage instructions
Is there a way to get a live running output of the logs from firebase cloud functions?
You can try the local emulator, that way you can first run your functions locally (and log in your terminal), before deploying.

Firebase error: TOO_MANY_TRIGGERS

In our Firebase application there is a list with lots of items in Realtime Database. Every create, update and delete operation on single item is processed by Firebase Cloud Function with onWrite trigger (in simplest case this function just counts items). But sometimes there is a need for bulk operation on items without need for individual processing. Let's say we want in single transaction remove all items and reset counters.
Earlier it worked just fine. Due to the limit of 1000 for number of Cloud Functions triggered by a single write (, no functions where triggered at all and it was desired outcome.
Now, without any change to application code we have an error
Error: TOO_MANY_TRIGGERS: This request would cause too many functions to be triggered.
Same error appears in client application, Admin API and even when importing json using the web interface. Only option that works for us is processing of items in batches. But it is not transactional and takes up to tens of minutes instead of milliseconds as before.
What options do we have to bypass this error? Optimally this would be some switch to skip function triggering in case of exceeding the limit.
For anybody reading this question post-2018, there is now an option to disable strict enforcement for trigger limits.
Strict validation is enabled by default for write operations that trigger events. Any write operations that trigger more than 1000 Cloud Functions or a single event greater than 1 MB in size will fail and return an error reporting the limit that was hit. This might mean that some Cloud Functions aren't triggered at all if they fail the pre-validation.
If you're performing a larger write operation (for example, deleting your entire database), you might want to disable this validation, as the errors themselves might block the operation.
To turn off strictTriggerValidation, follow these steps:
Get your Database secret from the Service accounts tab of your Project settings in the Firebase console.
Run the following CURL request from your command line:
curl -X PUT -d "false"\=SECRET
See here for the docs:
There is currently no way to prevent triggers from running in special circumstances. The only way around this is to undeploy all your triggers, perform your updates, then deploy all your triggers again.
I would encourage you to file a feature request for this.
I just got this error message in an older, Flutter project that I hadn't touched in quite some time.
[firebase_database/unknown] TOO_MANY_TRIGGERS: This request would cause too many functions to be
It turned out that here it was caused by the fact that my Cloud Functions were still set to use Node v8, which was retired in early 2021.
Upgrading the Cloud Functions to use Node v12 (no other changes needed) removed the error message for me.
Turning off strictTriggerValidation is solved my issue.
if you are using firebase tool you can follow these steps.
Turn off strictTriggerValidation for entire project:
sudo firebase database:settings:set strictTriggerValidation false --project *my_project_id*
If you need to turn off for particular instance:
sudo firebase database:settings:set strictTriggerValidation false --project *my_project_id* --instance *my_instance_name*
check instances
sudo firebase database:instances:list --project *my_project_id*
Note: windows user please try without sudo
Firebase CLI Commands:
