How can I simplify the formula in R? - r

I want to estimate a set formulas in R by systemfit,for each formula,it's mathmatic expression can be written as
In stata ,I can handle it by
gen double `lnap' = `a0' + `a1'*`lnp1' + `a2'*`lnp2' + `a3'*`lnp3' + `a4'*`lnp4' + `a5'*`lnp5' + `a6'*`lnp6'
forvalues i = 1/6 {
forvalues j = 1/6 {
replace `lnap' = `lnpindex' + 0.5*`g`i'`j''*`lnp`i''*`lnp`j''
gen double `bp' = 0
forvalues i = 1/6 {
replace `bp' = `bofp' + `lnp`i''*`b`i''
replace `w1' = (`a1' + `g11'*`lnp1' + `g12'*`lnp2' + `g13'*`lnp3' + `g14'*`lnp4' + `g15'*`lnp5' + `g16'*`lnp6' + ///
`b1'*(`lnm' - `lnap') + `l1'/`bp'*(`lnm' - `lnap')^2 + `z1'*`eta11' + `z2'*`eta21' + `z3'*`eta31' + `z4'*`eta41'+ `z5'*`eta51'
I have read manuel for formula,it seems that the only way is to simplify this equation.I wonder if you can tell me how to write this complex equation to formula in R?
Many thanks!


This an event study difference in differences regression equation. how can we transform this stata code to R code?

reg laccidentsvso2 weakban strongban lpop lunemp permale2 lrgastax laccidentmv2 st1-st50 t1-t48 time stt1-stt50 [aweight=pop],cluster(state)
There is no direct equivalent of the Stata regress command in R, but the following code should produce the same results:
model1 <- lm(laccidentsvso2 ~ weakban + strongban + lpop + lunemp + permale2 + lrgastax + laccidentmv2 + st1-st50 + t1-t48 + time + stt1-stt50, data = rstata, weights = aweight)
model2 <- lm(laccidentsvso2 ~ weakban + strongban + lpop + lunemp + permale2 + lrgastax + laccidentmv2 + st1-st50 + t1-t48 + time + stt1-stt50 + cluster(state), data = rstata, weights = aweight)
coeftest(model1, model2)

The leading minor of order 4 is not positive definite in npplreg

I am running the following code:
mydata1 = data.frame(dataset)
mydata1 <- na.omit(mydata1)
bw <- npplregbw(mydata1$X1 ~ mydata1$X2 + mydata1$X3 + mydata1$X4 + mydata1$effect_1993 + mydata1$effect_1994 + mydata1$effect_1995 + mydata1$effect_1996 + mydata1$effect_1997 + mydata1$country_2 + mydata1$country_3 + mydata1$country_4 + mydata1$country_5 + mydata1$country_6 + mydata1$effect_1998 + mydata1$effect_1999 + mydata1$effect_2000 + mydata1$effect_2001 + mydata1$effect_2002 + mydata1$effect_2003 + mydata1$effect_2004 + mydata1$effect_2005 + mydata1$effect_2006 + mydata1$effect_2007 + mydata1$effect_2008 + mydata1$effect_2009 + mydata1$effect_2010 + mydata1$effect_2011 + mydata1$effect_2012 + mydata1$effect_2013 + mydata1$effect_2014 + mydata1$effect_2015 + mydata1$effect_2016 + mydata1$effect_2017 + mydata1$effect_2018 + mydata1$effect_2019 + mydata1$effect_2020 + mydata1$effect_2021|mydata1$X5 + mydata1$X6 + mydata1$X7 + mydata1$X8, data = mydata1, na.action = na.omit)
reg_np <- npplreg(bw)
The code is running fine except the last command which gives the following error:
Error in chol.default(t(model.matrix(model)) %*% model.matrix(model)) :
the leading minor of order 4 is not positive definite
My data do not have 0 (except the fixed effects data) or NA values.
Is there any way I can proceed with the npplreg regression without getting that error?
Thanks a lot in advance

r glmmLasso : Error in n %*% s (glmm.rmd#64): requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments

I am trying to fit a glmmLasso model using this code:
lasso <- glmmLasso(stars ~ ADJRIND + AUC + KAPPA + DICE + ICCORR + JACRD + MUTINF + RNDIND + SURFOVLP + SURFDICE + VOLSMTY + HDRFDST + AVGDIST + MAHLNBS + VARINFO + GCOERR + PROBDST + SNSVTY + SPCFTY + PRCISON + RECALL + FMEASR + ACURCY + FALLOUT + TP + FP + TN + FN + GTVOL + SEGVOL, rnd = ~1|participant, family = acat(), data = mixedModel_df, lambda=10, switch.NR=TRUE, control=list(print.iter=TRUE))
I get the following error msg:
Error in n %*% s (glmm.rmd#64): requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments
all the IVs and my DV are doubles, only my random variable is a factor.
Also what should I specify for family?
As I requested here the head of my dataframe:
I somehow got a calculation running now by reducing some predictors and switching the family variable and getting rid of my random variables for the moment:
glm3 <- glmmLasso(stars ~ ADJRIND + AUC + KAPPA + DICE + ICCORR + JACRD + MUTINF + RNDIND + SURFOVLP + SURFDICE + VOLSMTY + HDRFDST + AVGDIST + MAHLNBS + VARINFO + GCOERR + PROBDST + SNSVTY + SPCFTY + PRCISON + RECALL + FMEASR + ACURCY + FALLOUT, rnd = NULL, family = cumulative(), data = mixedModel_df, lambda=10, switch.NR=TRUE, control=list(print.iter=TRUE))
However the calculation is stuck at iteration 89 for 30minutes now.
I have trouble deciding which one is the correct family type for my problem. This question is probably better suited for CV. How do I correctly specify my random variables, my final model will have two?

Number of Observations in Regression

How can i find out how many observations were used in a regression?
model_simple <- as.formula("completion_yesno ~ ac + ov + UCRate + FirstWeek + LastWeek + DayofWeekSu + DayofWeekMo + DayofWeekTu + DayofWeekWe + DayofWeekTh + DayofWeekFr + MonthofYearJan + MonthofYearFeb + MonthofYearMar + MonthofYearApr +MonthofYearMay+ MonthofYearJun + MonthofYearJul + MonthofYearAug + MonthofYearSep + MonthofYearOct + MonthofYearNov")
clog_simple1 = glm(model_simple,data=cllw,family = binomial(link = cloglog))
I have tried the fitted command which did not result in a concrete number of observations N
Use the built in nobs() function

Simplify boolean equation from truth table

I need help simplifying the following to the simplest terms. Boolean algebra just doesn't quite click with me yet, any help is appreciated.
I got it to the following, but I don't know where to go from here:
!A(!B!C + B!C + BC) + A(!B!C + B(XOR)C)
If you are curious and want to check my previous work, I got the original equation from the truth table:
Initially we have A(~B~C + ~BC + ~CB) + ~A(~B~C + B~C + BC)
First Term: A(~B~C + ~BC + ~CB)
= A(~B(~C + C) + ~CB)
= A(~B(True) + ~CB)
= A(~B + ~CB)
= A((~B + ~C)(~B + B))
= A((~B + ~C)(True))
= A(~B + ~C)
Second Term: ~A(~B~C + B~C + BC)
= ~A(~C(~B + B) + BC)
= ~A(~C(True) + BC)
= ~A(~C + BC)
= ~A((~C + C) (~C + B))
= ~A((True) (~C + B))
= ~A(~C + B)
So First Term + Second Term becomes: ~A(~C + B) + A(~B + ~C)
= ~A~C + ~AB + A~B + A~C
= AxorB + ~A~C + A~C
= AxorB + ~C(~A + A)
= AxorB + ~C(True)
= AxorB + ~C
Hence we end up with AxorB + ~C
