SAP GUI 770 - WSAECONNRESET Timeout every 5 minutes - sap-gui

I'm recently installed a new instance of SAP GUI 770 on my server, but for some reason im getting error 10054 (WSAECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer). Symptom: Timeout on SAP GUI every 5 minutes without do anything on client.
Things that i've already do:
Increase/decrease of parameters -> rdisp/keepalive_timeout = 3600 and
rdisp/keepalive = 20
Put "true" on that -> enque/encni/set_so_keepalive
Set autologout to 0 -> rdisp/gui_auto_logout = 0
Disable Windows Firewall
Open port 3299 on my permiter firewall (corporate)
Best regards,


Artifactory access to remote repos with certifcates/passwords fails after server restart

We have a recurring problem wherein, our remote repositories that use either certificates or passwords to access their upstream, become inaccessable after a server restart. If, however, we simply view one of them in the admin UI, and change anything in it, something trivial even and save, all of the remotes simultaneously regain their access.
For example for we have a remote to, which uses a password and token
There is no proxy
socket timeout (MS) 60000
Advanced config options:
Unused Artifacts Cleanup Period (Hr) 168
Metadata Retrieval Cache Period (Sec) 0
Metadata Retrieval Cache Timeout (Sec) 60
Assumed Offline Period (Sec) 0
Missed Retrieval Cache Period (Sec) 0
nothing checked
It's running on Ubuntu 20.04.5.
The Server typically reboots about every 2 weeks after a kernel update comes through. Is there anything I can do to ensure those connections dont get severed each time?

Asterisk Sip Reachable timeout

Sometime in my sip accounts occurs network problem and generates "UnReachable" event.
[2020-04-27 16:57:56] NOTICE[2949] chan_sip.c: Peer '323' is now UNREACHABLE! Last qualify: 6
I also see it in log files. I have 2 question about this situation.
After how many second Asterisk generate this event when can not access to sip account?
Exist some parametr change this reachable timeout second?
You can look at:
qualifyfreq=60 = default value is 60 sec
this works if:
qualify=yes|4000 = 4000 ms

Scrapy - Set TCP Connect Timeout

I'm trying to scrape a website via Scrapy. However, the website is extremely slow at times and it takes almost 15-20 seconds to respond at first request in browser. Anyways, sometimes, when I try to crawl the website using Scrapy, I keep getting TCP Timeout error. Even though the website opens just fine on my browser. Here's the message:
2017-09-05 17:34:41 [scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.retry] DEBUG: Gave up retrying <GET
ialList> (failed 16 times): TCP connection timed out: 10060: A connection attempt failed because the connected party di
d not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to re
I have even overridden the USER_AGENT setting for testing.
I don't think DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT setting works in this case, since it defaults to 180 seconds, and Scrapy doesn't even take 20-30 seconds before giving a TCP timeout error.
Any idea what is causing this issue? Is there a way to set TCP timeout in Scrapy?
A TCP connection timed out can happen before the Scrapy-specified DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT because the actual initial TCP connect timeout is defined by the OS, usually in terms of TCP SYN packet retransmissions.
By default on my Linux box, I have 6 retransmissions:
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syn_retries
which, in practice, for Scrapy too, means 0 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 (+64) = 127 seconds before receiveing a twisted.internet.error.TCPTimedOutError: TCP connection timed out: 110: Connection timed out. from Twisted. (That's the initial trial, then exponential backoff between each retry and not receiving a reply after the 6th retry.)
If I set /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syn_retries to 8 for example, I can verify that I receive this instead:
User timeout caused connection failure: Getting took longer than 180.0 seconds.
That's because 0+1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128(+256) > 180.
10060: A connection attempt failed... seems to be a Windows socket error code. If you want to change the TCP connection timeout to something at least the DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT, you'll need to change the TCP SYN retry count. (I don't know how to do it on your system, but Google is your friend.)

IIS 7 leave connection after 20 sec

I have a song download portal, which is run under IIS7 web server configure with PHP v 5.4.24.Windows version 2012. When we goes to download a song file(mp3) like 4-6 mb then connection release after 20 sec and start downloading again after some time and then again release connection after 20 sec. But small file like 1 mb download properly. To resolve the issue, i have done below changes into php.ini & IIS configuration.But problem still exists :
1. memory_limit = 512M [increase memory limit in php.ini].
2.default_socket_timeout = 600 [increase default socket time out value php.ini]
3.Set Idle Time-out=0 into IIS default application pool.
please suggest to resolve the issue.
i have resolve the issue. Just need to unmarked the "Enable HTTP keep Alive" option in IIS.Go to IIS->HTTP Response Headers->Set Common Headers-> Enable HTTP keep Alive Section.(Unmarked the option)

Solaris tcp_time_wait_interval configuration

In my Solaris server, I have an HTTP Server which handle many incoming connections. In my server logic, it closes connection from client manually so that many TIME_WAIT status appear when I call command netstat -an in my server.
So that I change the tcp_time_wait_interval to 10 second with command:
ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval 10000
But I read from user guide, it says : "Do not set the value lower than 60 seconds".
Does anyone know why Oracle recommend that?
The user guide URL is :
Was told my Oracle engineer with a very heavy trans load in thousands/sec can set to as low as 10 ms on Solaris 11/11.1
