Extract the passphrases and private keys from control-m scheduler - control-m

How to extract the passphrases, private keys available in the control-m server?


Trying to create Oracle Graph Instance on Cloud (DBCS)

I am trying unsuccessfully to create the Oracle Graph instance on my Cloud Oracle ADB! I use the instructions from Ryota Yamanaka 'Setup Oracle Graph on Cloud (DBCS)' and it fails on `SSH Public Key:
This variable is required.
Where should I get this SSH key or how should I create it?
It would be nice to clarify this as it seems to me that this is my only chance to get technically involved with Oracle Graph.
Thanks, Fried
You need to generate an SSH key pair (= private key and public key) on your client first.
This is the instruction how to create an SSH key pair
Then, you can open the public key and copy the content.

How to generate private key in live environment

In yodlee deveopment environment, I can't see the private key I need to signed the generated jwt, i see the private key in sandbox, but can't see it in development
Someway I have a private key that isn't working (can't remember how i have this private key, as this is a development that i started time ago, and it stop and now i'm getting it again)
In the yodlee sandbox, you are issued your RSA keypair. This is to speed things along for you.
Once you get out of the sandbox environment, you need to generate your own RSA key pair, and upload your public key with Yodlee while keeping your private key secure, confidential, secret, and not in any mobile devices.
Google "How do I generate an RSA keypair" for info on the command line tools and other sources.

How could I get the public key generated in the sgx enclave by the function sgx_ecc256_create_key_pair()?

I am new with Intel SGX development and I am developing an application on Intel SGX. I want to create a Public/Private key in my enclave.
I used the function sgx_ecc256_create_key_pair as mentioned here
How could I get my public key to my application (to the outside of the enclave)?
I want to encrypt data with this public key and send it to the enclave to decrypt it by the private key created in the enclave.

Is Private key generate during CSR Creation for Signing Certificate?

I have created the CSR for my Signing Certificate. During CSR creation, the CSR file saved on my system. But i couldn't find where is the Private key file. I am following the below URL instruction to create CSR file. Anyone help me with these how to check and find Private key file.
Thanks for your help.
In Windows the private key is generated when you use the snap-in to generate the CSR. The private key is stored (encrypted) at:
%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\Your SID
If there are multiple files in that folder, look for one with a date and time close to when you generated your CSR.

How to locate the private key of a certificate in Windows

I want to locate the private key of a certificate in the current user certificate store in Windows. Does anyone know where the private key is saved?
This article describes where private keys are stored on a filesystem: Key Storage and Retrieval
To determine exact file name, run the following command in the Command Prompt:
certutil -user -store my "<SerialNumber>"
where <SerialNumber> is the serial number of the target certificate. If certificate contains private key, there will be Unique Container Name field which contains file name.
You can see the certificates in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). See here a guide with some steps:
