Getting Error in Unit Testing TeamsFx app - microsoft-graph-teams

Is there any recommended framework to be used for unit testing the application built using TeamsFx tab app that can be integrated in a CI/CD pipeline.
I've tried using Jest and Enzyme but was getting errors. Are there any sample projects that can be referred for this?

Thanks for your question, in our practice we use Jest or Mocha for unit testing framework. Since it is a standard Node project, you can follow the industry best practice to setup unit test by Jest/Mocha.


Validate appsettings.json as part of CI/CD pipeline

I have this working as part of Startup.cs to validate that there are no missing configuration settings and this works as the app will fail to run if it's missing a setting, but I wondered if this can be added as a step or job as part of the pipeline before deploying to QA/UAT/Prod.
You could include a Unit Test that fails if any of your required configurations are missing.
Assuming you're running the Unit Tests as part of the build pipeline, if the test fails it should prevent deployment.
This question might help you achieve this.

Getting "Failed to load component" while implementing unit tests in nuxt3 using vitest

I'm implementing unit tests in nuxt3 using vitest but getting error that component is not loading. Needs guide to implement unit test in nuxt3 using vitest.

How do I create integration tests when leveraging Xamarin.Forms?

How do I create integration tests when leveraging Xamarin.Forms?
Specifically, I do NOT want to rely on UI automation to test integration between the components of a system (i.e. database using SQLite).
I want my integration tests to target the layer beneath the UI.
For this I would recommend xUnit (there are others as well), that can test directly against PCL's. The native projects should be fairly empty and your ViewModels and Views should be void of most code, which means you can test directly on the Model and below.
Place a mock ISQLite DB connection to test the code without the SQLite DB, or place another one in that actually connects to a local SQLite DB, either way.
xUnit Project
Though download the packages from NuGet, its easier. Then the test can also be run from VS which is a nice addition.

How do I write tests for Meteor which involves templating?

I recently created a Meteor package and want to write some tests. What my test package basically do is that users can insert into the template {{> abc}} and they'll get an HTML element printed on the page.
With TinyTest, all you can do is test the package's API using something like test.equal(actual, expected, message, not). However, I need it to test whether the element was successfully printed on the page. Furthermore, I will pass the template some parameters and test them too.
It seems like I'd have to create a dummy app, run bash to initiate the app, and test whether the elements can be found on page. So should I only use TinyTest to test the API, and write my own tests (somehow!) for templating? If not, how should I go about it?
I read something about Blaze.toHTML, but I cannot find anything in the documentation on it? Nor it's source page.
I think TinyTest is great for starting with Unit testing, but what you need sounds more like an Integration test.
I would recommend you look into the following links for more info on testing with Meteor, especially with Velocity - Meteor's official testing framework:
Announcing Velocity: the official testing framework for Meteor applications
The Meteor Testing Manual
You can create a demo application, and run integration tests using Mocha or Jasmine.

SquashTA - Integrating existing tests

We are looking forward to using squashTA to manage our tests. The problem we are facing is that we already have a big automated tests collection and aren't able to make them run via squash TM using squash TA.
Our tests are using junit+selenium WebDriver+SpringFramework.
Currently, we launch our automated tests via maven (in commandLine), and we have a jenkins server running them regularly.
We tried to reuse our tests in a squash TA project, putting them in src/squashta/resources/selenium/java
But code in this folder doesn't even support java packages. It's like the java in the example isn't real java but a fake java parse by squashTA.
Is there any mean of using such already existing tests with squash(TA/TM) ?
Or, any alternatives you know that could do the job ? (we are currently using testlink and must change).
If your selenium test is in :
With a such structure, the test automation script to run the selenium test (which is in the package org.squashtest.ta.selenium) is :
LOAD selenium-test/src/test AS seleniumTestSource
CONVERT seleniumTestSource TO AS seleniumTestCompiled
CONVERT seleniumTestCompiled TO USING $(org.squashtest.ta.selenium.PetStoreTest) AS seleniumTest
EXECUTE execute WITH seleniumTest AS seleniumResult
ASSERT seleniumResult IS success
If your selenium test has some dependencies to other libraries (like to spring in your case), you have to add those depencencies as dependency of the squash-ta-maven-plugin in the pom.xml of your Squash TA project
