how to bring report on menu instead under the print button in odoo 14 - report

<report id="action_report_ot_claim_app_weekly"
string="Weekly Report"
menu="True" />
how to bring report on menu instead under the print button in odoo 14


Why is webpage scrolling when modal popup is closed?

When closing certain modal popups, page jumps to top.
I've built this page with Wordpress, using a combination of custom HTML and the Beaver Builder website builder. Wordpress theme is Astra.
Link to page with issue:
Once you get to web page, click on the "Book" option to navigate to the section that I'm having issues with. You'll notice that when you click on "Book an Appointment" or "Schedule a Chat", then close these popups, the page will jump to the top of the screen.
But, if you click on "Ask Consuelo a Question", then close the popup, the page doesn't scroll (which is what I'm interested in achieving for all other modal popups).
All buttons you see are styled anchor tags with href="#0".
I do notice a pattern...
The popup for the "Ask A Question" button contains a Form (from a Wordpress Plugin, Ninja Forms) which is a local asset on my site's server.
The popup content for "Book an Appointment" and "Schedule a Chat" are <iframe>s and <script>s that are provided from an outside source (Acuity Scheduling). I'm just embedding their code for the modal popup content. (provided below, but censored for privacy).
I'm not sure if/why this would make the page jump but thought it's worth mentioning because of how these popups are the only ones that make the page jump.
Lastly, I use a Wordpress plugin called "page scroll to id" on the page as well, but I've tried deactivating it and it didn't make any difference, so I think it's safe to say that this plugin isn't affecting this issue.
The HTML for the buttons:
<div id="button-only-div">
<a id="bio_book" class="ask-a-question push_button red" style="text-align: center;" href="#0">Book An Appointment</a><br />
<a id="bio_chat" class="ask-a-question push_button red" style="text-align: center;" href="#0">Schedule A Chat</a><br />
<a id="bio_question" class="ask-a-question push_button red" style="text-align: center;" href="#0">Ask Consuelo A Question</a>
The code for the Acuity Scheduling embedding:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="800" frameBorder="0"></iframe> <script src="https://(censored)" type="text/javascript"></script>
Expected/Desired Result:
No "scroll to top" when modal popup is closed out.
Actual Result:
Some popups cause the page to scroll to top, some don't.
(I've been learning to code for the past year or so now. I love it, but I still have lots to learn! Thanks in advance S.O.!!)
This is a pretty redundant feature! It's not worth your trouble

Scraping ASP.NET Page - Next Button Click

I am scraping an page with Scrapy which displays a paginated list of items. To navigate through the items, there are next and previous buttons in the following format:
<form name="aspnetForm" method="POST" action="search_active_main.aspx" id="aspnetForm">
<!-- other content here -->
<!-- previous button -->
<input type="image" name="ctl00$gvMain$ctl01$btnPrevious" id="ctl00_gvMain_ctl01_btnPrevious" src="/image/previous.gif" />
<!-- next button -->
<input type="image" name="ctl00$gvMain$ctl01$btnNext" id="ctl00_gvMain_ctl01_btnNext" src="/image/next.gif" />
<!-- other content here -->
When you click one of the buttons, something like this is sent as part of the POST:
What do these numbers represent / how can I crawl through them without using something like Selenium?
As Obsidian Phoenix suggests, the numbers represent the coordinates of the button that is clicked. To crawl the page, you just have to POST the following as formdata in FormRequest to simulate a next button click:
One thing to investigate is the URL that is present on each page. You may find subsequent pages have /2 /3 etc in their URL but otherwise be identical.
If that's the case, then you can bypass the need to click any buttons and just reload the page with the new page number.

Print pdf in webpage

I have an web page embeded a pdf file using the object tag as below:
<object data="<%=this.FilePath %>" type="application/pdf" style="width:600px; height:820px; border:solid 1px #888;">
<embed src="<%=this.FilePath %>" type="application/pdf" />
The viewer run good and I assume all client PCs have Adobe Reader installed.
I want to make a button to simply:
remove the button panel of adobe reader
create a button to print the pdf document(using the reader's API or any other method)
That type of customization isn't possible in the Acrobat Reader Plugin AFAIK.
You can hide the default button panel by adding #toolbar=0 to the url, but the user can just 'unhide' it if he wants.

JSF 1.2 - values are not retained after page reload

Problem - I am a beginer with JSF 1.2. I have an input text box and a command button.
After typing some in the text box and pressing the command button, the page is getting reloaded but the value does not get retained in text box.
View code :
<h:inputText binding="#{myBean.inputComponent}" value="#{myBean.inputValue}" />
<h:commandButton value="submit" action="#{myBean.action}" />

userControl repeated with Form tag disappearing

I have a Contact userControl that have "save contact" as submit button and fields inside form tag we repeat this userControl with Code 20 times in one page
My problem is the Form Tag in the first userControl is hiding somehow --- i checked the userControl with developer Tool IE9 , firebug Firefox7 and the Form is not appearing in the first userControl and its appearing with the rest 19 Controls
I tried to View Source and take html copy in new html file in VS -- i found form is exist
i dont know if iam clear enough but please advice if you need more info
If you're running a form tag at the server, inside a user control, and then displaying this user control more than once on the page, then you will have multiple form tags running at server on one page, which is not allowed by ASP.NET
Take the form tag outside of the user control like:
<form runat="server">
<uc:Contact />
<uc:Contact />
<uc:Contact />
