Google news RSS feed "+when:7d" doesn't work - rss

I referred to the other post in stackoverflow in an attempt to set up a RSS feed for Google news for my website. URL format for Google News RSS feed
Here's an example link:
If you put the link into browser, you will see result with pub date back in 2022, despite the "+when:7d" parameter in the URL
I cannot find any documentation on this as well. Any thoughts?

Probably this is because there is no results for the given search terms at the given time range.
If you enter to this link - which is the non-rss version of your link:
You wont see any results.
Consider also that Google News RSS "if I recall correctly" is deprecated, so, its URL parameters might not work as expected.


How digg reader finds the feed url[s] for a given site?

It is that we can add a url to reader to add them to one's reading list. Once we submit the link they(digg) find several links which points to the feed map(.xml or from feedburner etc). How do they do this ?
Feed discovery is step 1.
Step 2 is probably to have a "reverse" discovery mechanism. Each feed (RSS or Atom) as a link to an HTML representation. So, even if the other discovery part is missing you can still find a feed URL from a site if you have that 2nd relation... Combine that with user data (number of subscribers... etc) and you get a pretty good solution!
Step 3 is "dumb" search: each story in a feed has a link to domain. The feed itself has a domain. If they both match, you likely have found the feed you're looking for!
There are probably other techniques too :)

how can I get a global rss feed on Gitlab?

In Gitlab there is an RSS news feed button for every project.
Is there a way to retrieve a global RSS feed for all projects related to one user?
Or even better, if there is a way to capture all user's feeds across all projects, that would be cool.
This is currently not supported.
The closest feature request there is would be "Team-/groupwide RSS feeds", to have RSS feeds for all events in a team or a group. (not enough vote for now).
The global "RSS" shown on is actually a html result of the event-items representing the activity in response to
That would be for all public projects, but I don't see it exposed as an RSS feed.
The OP mauro reports in the comments
the global "RSS" shown in is also showing on my gitlab dashboard, the only thing is that mine is giving a 500 error instead.

Is there a way to get bing and google news search as rss?

Is there a way to get Google and Bing news searches as RSS?
I'd like to have the most recent at the top of the results (ordered by time) if possible.
And show 100 results if that is possible.
I found this for Google, but it only shows 5 items or so, not that great.
I just want to search their news categories and get results as RSS.
You are right that Google no longer publicly shows RSS feeds for News searches. But there's a basic URL format that should continue to work.
If my search topic is "education", my search URL should look like:
value of ned (probably stands for 'news edition'), i.e. us with the appropriate country code that's relevant to you. E.g. uk (not gb for UK), in (India), etc.
value of q (probably stands for 'search query'), i.e. education with your search term. Combine multiple words with a plus sign, e.g. education+policy (if your search is for 'Education Policy').
Now the RSS feed button in your browser should've become active because an RSS feed is available for the page. It shows 10 latest news items in the feed, not 5. And the RSS feed URL would look like this:
Conclusion: RSS feeds aren't available for actual searches, i.e. typing in the search box on Google. You'd have to do it like this.
(PS: Credit goes to the question itself. It would not have occurred to me otherwise.)
Try adding
The custom RSS feed is in this format:{yourquery}&output=rss.
For example, returns news about developer.
Your best bet is somthing like Google Alerts feeds. You can type a query select the type of data in there and get it delivered via RSS. Since they support PubSubHubbub for that, you will also get results in realtime.
If you want another dataset feel free to also check Superfeedr's track feeds which will help you get notified in realtime when keywords are matched across any RSS feed.
I think Google disabled the RSS search output in the past few weeks, and I have not found an alternative. The XML output requires a Google paid account. I now have to scrape the HTML for what I want.
Here's the new way to access Google News RSS feeds:{yourquery}

RSS for Future Items

This may be a simple question, but for some reason I don't know this answer. Is it possible to create an RSS feed file that contains contents for an entire year but only publishes the current date and previous date information?
I have a client that wants to do a "this day in history" post. Currently, I am using IFTTT, and created around sixty dated posts for the next two months. Of course, this works -- but it is very labor intensive.
Is it possible to create an RSS feed that you could put all 365 days of data in to, but if someone pulls up the feed it only shows today's item and prior days in the feed?
Or is RSS not the proper technology to do this? The reason I am using RSS is for ease of use, and IFTTT will take those RSS feeds and pump it in to Facebook and Twitter for automatic status updates for my client.
There are various tools that let you define Facebook and Twitter posts in advance, to be published at a specified date and time in the future. Why not use one of those instead of writing your own?
A quick search for "scheduled twitter post" uncovered Later Bro, Twuffer and twAitter but there must be dozens to choose from.
If you're looking for just posting on Facebook and Twitter, and not an RSS feed as well, I'd follow Matthew's suggestion. If you want an RSS feed, there is a feed for each Twitter feed. But if you want actual RSS, you need to add something in between. An RSS feed is just an XML file. it's not a process. I suggest having a file of some type (maybe RSS, or other XML, or a database table, or even a csv file with all the posts and relevant information, including date. Then a small script that runs as a chron job (or IFTTT if it supports date as trigger and running a script as the "then" part) that pulls the day's feed and updates the actual RSS feed. Pretty simple.
Here is what I ended up doing
Using the Drupal backend of my website, I created a content type specifically for these posts.
I created individual articles for each day, and used the schedule module to schedule the publish date to the date I wanted.
I created an RSS feed of these posts through Drupal.
I linked the newly created RSS feed to IFTTT.
Created an IFTTT recipe to post the text from the RSS feed to Facebook/Twitter/etc.
It wasn't the best solution, but it worked. I was really trying to do this without having to rely on a third-party such as IFTTT, but never really figured out a good way to do it.

How to get more Feed items?

How would I get the next page or more results for a feed?
For example, when I go to Security Now feed page, there is no "next" link of any kind and the url parameter of "page=100" does nothing:
I get only 1 page of results of about 20 episodes. However my Google Reader can successfully retrieve episodes that are earlier than that.
Indeed it is true that Google Reader caches the items and it is NOT possible to paginate on RSS2, RSS or Atom feeds (unless they have rel=next link, which none of them seem to have).
However, we can leverage the existing Google Reader infrastructure, with some work, to retrieve a list of, say 200 items!
Given the above podcast url we retrieve the latest 200 episodes by:
Using the prefix instead of the usual view/feed as can be seen in your google reader.
Appending n=200 as the query parameter.
So we have:
There is a very insightful reverse-engineered google-reader API project located at
Google reader caches RSS entries. You can't get any more from the actual feed if they don't allow for it.
