How to integrate OAuth with Azure B2C in Spring MVC? - spring-mvc

I have to integrate OAut, Azure AD B2C for my existing spring mvc application.
Appreciate any help on implementing the base.

This sample to Java Spring MVC web app that authenticates users with Azure AD B2C
describes how to use Azure AD B2C Spring Boot Starter client library for Java to sign in users into your Azure AD tenant . It also makes use of Spring Oauth2 Client and Spring Web boot starters.
You need to Register the app in azure ad b2c,
Add the ,dependencies required in your pom.xml file,
Add the properties in application.yml using the values you created earlier in app registration.
You can follow further steps in detail for registration according to starter library
main Reference:
GitHub - Azure-Samples -java-spring-tutorial


Azure authentication for core API and React client

I want to implement Microsoft Azure authentication for React client and Secured core API
only authenticated users can be able to access the methods from the react client
While hosting the application building the react sources and moving them to API wwwroot folder and hosting it as core MVC application.
for the above requirement what is the best approach
yes you can use Azure Active Directory and you can acheive using graph API's refer the link below
Graph API's

Azure mobile app backend / Azure AD B2C and aspnet core web client

I have a xamarin forms app using azure mobile app backend integrating with ADD B2C.
Following this guide: link
Authenticating B2C first and login Azure Mobile App after using previous token. Everything OK!!
Now i want to have a aspnet core web client sharing backend and authentication process.
Standard aspnet core template, works very well with B2C. So i need to login in Azure mobile app to have same userid on web and mobile app.
I know there is Azure mobile app js SDK, buy i need some sample to integrate in aspnet core template and B2c.
Just make sure you use the same Client ID and client secret across both, and they will both use the same backend authentication.

Register Dropwizard(Spring MVC) application in springboot admin UI

I have a REST API developed using spring MVC and Dropwizard. I have created healthchecks using the Dropwizard framework. Now I looking how to register this API to Springboot admin so that I can see all the metrics on the admin UI.
I have other API's which are developed using Springboot. So registering them to Springboot admin was very straightforward. But in the other Dropwizard case, I am unable to register it and not sure if I need to do any extra configurations.
Looking forward to the response. Thank you

Integrating Okta with Windows ACS

We implement a web application and host in Azure. Then we want to use the SSO feature which is supported by Microsoft Azure ACS. The Condition to view our Website is that users just need to provide the email address throughout login to IdP. When we implement and configure Web application, we do follow all the instructions on the website as below
For now, we can configure and use Window LiveID, Azure AD to login into our Website.
We have a further requirement that our site should support to login SSO from custom IdP which supports SAML 2.0 such as Okta.
Our current issues: When import the SAML 2.0 XML file to ACS, it does not understand this XML file
Please give us some suggestion to use Azure ACS and okta in this situation?
You might find the following helpful:

Azure Multi Factor Authentication for a custom ASP.Net web app

I have created an ASP.Net web app and hosted it on MS Azure where users sign in and are able to log into the system. I am not using Azure AD or on-premise AD but using Azure SQL database. Users are registering on the web app as normal users. I would like to know if there is a way to integrate Azure Multi Factor Authentication with my custom written app.
Any clarifications required, please ask.
From your question it sounds like you're using some kind of ASP.NET identity feature which uses a SQL database as the backend. If so, then you might want to take a look at this article:
It shows in detail how to configure multi-factor authentication for an ASP.NET application using ASP.NET Identity 2.0. It should work regardless of whether you're hosting on premise or in Azure.
If you're asking how to integrate Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication into your existing ASP.NET identity subsystem, then I fear that may not be possible unless you take a dependency on Azure AD as your identity subsystem.
