I am using AAM Plugin in our Wordpress instance to be able to use JWT tokens for authentication. We are currently blocked by limited permissions for user roles other than administrator to refresh its token.
In Detail, when calling wp-json/aam/v2/authenticate for user with role administrator and body:
"username": "Sampleusername",
"password": "Samplepassword",
"issueJWT": true,
"refreshableJWT": true
everything works fine and refreshable token is returned, which can be used with endpoint wp-json/aam/v2/jwt/refresh to refresh the token without the need to provide username and password again.
When using a user with any other role than administrator, and the same body parameters (obviously username and password for that respective user), 400 response is returned with message:
"reason": "Current user is not allowed to issue refreshable JWT token"
We are trying to search for the respective capability to add to the user role in order to enable refreshable tokens, can anyone help ?
Many thanks in advance
I am setting up an instance of WSO2 API manager, and want to give developers access to the API "store" pages by linking it to my existing OpenID Connect identity server (OpenAM). I've added the OIDC configuration into the store configuration file (wso2am-2.6.0/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/store/site/conf/site.json) with all the details of the authorise, token, userinfo endpoints, etc.
When users click login in the store, it is correctly redirecting them to OpenAM to login, and passing an access token back to the store app. I've also ensured some of the required claims are returned from the userinfo endpoint (like preferred_username). I'm also returning a "groups" claim listing the groups the user should be in "subscriber" for example.
The claims I'm returning from userinfo are:
"formatted":"My House"
"name":"Danny Developer",
"preferred_username":"Danny Developer",
However, whatever I try with claims and group names, the store still gives the error message "User is not permitted to log in to the Store.". I assume there's something else I need to add in either the access token or userinfo endpoint
claims list to make the store app accept the user, or some other config in the store or carbon console?
The reason for the user login issue is that the user does not have relevant permissions to log in to the store. User needs to have internal/subscriber role assigned to it. Since the user is coming from OpenAM and APIM does not have any information to authorize it, login fails.
For this either you should share the user OpenAM user store with APIM (say a shared LDAP) and assign users with internal/subscriber role or use a custom code to add the user to the APIM user store and assign the role.
Another easiest option is to create a user in APIM side (add a dummy password) with subscriber role. but this is not a suitable solution if you do not know all the users
I have setup a passwordless login using firebase sign in with email link. Everything is working as expected, however when the user receives the email and clicks the link to login they are automatically created as a registered user.
After a user signs in for the first time, a new user account is
created and linked to the credentials...
This means anyone who makes a request in the login screen will get an email and get access to the site.
I am not sure if there is any configuration or setup that i need to complete in order to require that the user requesting the signup link are only checked against the users that are registered.
Something like
firebase.auth().sendLoginLinkToEmail(email,{url:...,handleCodeInApp:true}).then(() =>{
}, error =>{
// return if not an authenticated user
And if the email is not registered then it returns an error.
The idea is to have an administrator that creates users and then those created users just login with an email link ( no password )
Is this possible? To prevent firebase from creating an account with.signInWithEmailLink() ?
Passwordless email sign in allows the user to prove they have access to a certain mail box. It does inherently do nothing more than that. Once the user clicks the link, they are authenticated. Beyond enabling/disabling the entire sign-in provider, you cannot control who can sign-in/authenticate.
After that it is up to your application to determine what this user is allowed to do. This is a separate step, typically called authorization.
Firebase Authentication takes (as its name implies) care of authentication only. You will have to handle authorization elsewhere, depending on what services you provide the users access to.
What makes an email "registered" in your app? I.e. where does the admin create those users? For example, if you store the users in the Cloud Firestore in a collection allowed_users, with documents like this:
allowed_users: // collection
"arkade#domain,com": { ... } // document
"puf#domain,com": { ... } // document
Now you can limit that only allowed users can access other data with Firestore's server-side security rules. Say you have a collection of posts, you can allow only these users to read posts with:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /posts/{post} {
// Make sure a 'allowed_users' document exists for the requesting user before
// allowing any reads from the 'posts' collection
allow read: if exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/allowed_users/$(request.auth.email))
The syntax is a bit long, but your can see that is only allows the reading of a post if the current user's email address (request.auth.email) exists as a document in allowed_users.
In rules version 2 of the Firestore rules, you access the current user's email address a little differently. You can do it via request.auth.token.email. The example below also shows how you can get a boolean property in the current user's document, if you identify that user by email:
allow write: if get(/databases/$(database)/documents/users/$(request.auth.token.email)).data.admin == true;
At first, just yesterday everything worked. But from this morning, I got the case.
On back-end (NodeJS) I generate custom token with auth().createCustomToken(SOME_ID)
Then, when I call on client side signInWithCustomToken() with token I got from back-end, I get the next error:
code: "auth/invalid-custom-token",
message: "The custom token format is incorrect. Please check the documentation."
In logs there's a POST to https://www.googleapis.com/identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/verifyCustomToken?key=MY_API_KEY, with params { returnSecureToken: true, token: MY_GENERATED_TOKEN } with status 400 and response
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "invalid",
"code": 400,
So, did google introduced some breaking changes or what?
Manage User Sessions
Firebase Authentication sessions are long lived. Every time a user signs in, the user credentials are sent to the Firebase Authentication backend and exchanged for a Firebase ID token (a JWT) and refresh token. Firebase ID tokens are short lived and last for an hour; the refresh token can be used to retrieve new ID tokens. Refresh tokens expire only when one of the following occurs:
The user is deleted
The user is disabled
A major account change is detected for the user. This includes events like password or email address updates.
The Firebase Admin SDK provides the ability to revoke refresh tokens for a specified user. In addition, an API to check for ID token revocation is also made available. With these capabilities, you have more control over user sessions. The SDK provides the ability to add restrictions to prevent sessions from being used in suspicious circumstances, as well as a mechanism for recovery from potential token theft.
On the client side such as Angular. If you use the AngularFire2 you can use a command called signInWithCustomToken(clientToken) and pass the customToken. This will provide you with an acceptance to sign in or a rejection.
If firebase rejects, then take the rejection and either redirect the user to a login page using routes or just provide a way to login. Your call.
Just remember to let Firebase handle the decoding of the JWT. Provides better security if you do not show decoding on your side.
I had the same problem. The reason was that the token was expired.
The Firebase SDK throws the same error: auth/invalid-custom-token error for both malformatted tokens and expired tokens.
Hopefully, the error handling improves soon, in the meantime developer can check to see if a token is expired by using a client side library like jtw decode and checking the "exp" timestamp and comparing to the current time.
expSeconds = timeSeconds + 60L * 60L;
and set claims to this values
.claim("iat", timeSeconds)
.claim("exp", expSeconds)
the result from verification:
"kind": "identitytoolkit#VerifyCustomTokenResponse",
"idToken": "",
"expiresIn": "3600",
"isNewUser": true
I am using auth0 for authentication. I want to fetch all users including their roles. I generated token in auth0 and when I try to execute it in Postman or fiddler tool, Sometimes it's giving roles and sometimes not. Same thing is happening in application also.
If I add manually in app metadata in role property as below, Then information is coming.
"authorization": {
"groups": [
"roles": [
"permissions": []
But I fill, that if I change in authorization tab, It should effect here also.
Below is my code,
var apiUser = new ManagementApiClient("<<Token>>", new Uri("https://<<Domain>>/api/v2"));
IPagedList<User> allUsers = await apiUser.Users.GetAllAsync();
Do I need to clear cache in auth0, If yes then how?
Based on the information you provided it seems that you're using the Auth0 Authorization extension to configure user role information.
If this is the case you should notice that the extension logic is run at login time by the means of a rule. When you have that extension installed you should also have a companion rule; in my account the rule is named auth0-authz and should be the same for your case assuming version 2.0 of the extension.
The impact of this is that the roles are surfaced at the user level at login time, so any changes to the configured roles will be seen next time the user logins.
Note: Since this logic is part of a rule it will only be executed in the context of a login. If users are added to or removed from a group this will only be reflected within Auth0 after this user logs in again (eg: in the user's app_metadata or when calling the /userinfo endpoint).
You're querying the users directly through Auth0 Management API which may lead to the situation where the roles currently stored at the user profile are not up-to-date. If you are seeing stale information then this might be the cause.
On the other hand if your problem is not exactly this one, please provide further information and if possible steps to reproduce. For example, do the roles information show for one user but not the other or does it show for user A in one response, but then if you make another request the response does not include role information for that same user A?
I was not using the authorisation extension, but rather the standard role. So I've had to create the below rule.
More info here : http://isbyr.com/return-user-roles-in-auth0/
function (user, context, callback) {
// Get the user roles from the Authorization context
const assignedRoles = (context.authorization || {}).roles;
// Update the user object.
user.rolez = assignedRoles;
callback(null, user, context);```
Heres my problem:
I wan't to be able to create new users for my website, from my website. This is only aloud though, if I have the "isAdmin" flag set to true in the realtime db under /users/myid.
Generally I would have done this with a security rule but the problem here is that I need to use the admin SDK, since the normal "createNewUser" method signs in to the newly created user automatically. I as an admin though, want to be able to create a new user and stay logged in as myself. So what I wan't to do is use ajax post request to my server with my uid und the new userdata which is to be created. My server then checks if the given uid has the isAdmin flag and if so creates the user with the firebase admin SDK which provides such a method.
But, anyone, if they have an admins uid, could hit up that request and create a new user. (My clients definetely get uid's from other users).
So how would I go about proving to the server that I am actually logged in with that uid.
From my understanding, tokens are used to be able to write to the database, but I don't need that permission, I just need to prove that I'm actually logged in with that uid.
Is there something I'm missing? Thanks a lot guys!
Was easier then I thought. This will generate a token on the client side:
firebase.auth().currentUser.getToken(true).then(function(token) {
// send request to server with generated token
}).catch(function(error) {
// handle error
Which I can then verify on the server like so:
.then(function(decodedToken) {
var uid = decodedToken.uid;
// user is logged in
}).catch(function(error) {
// user is not logged in, or other error occured
Taken from https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/verify-id-tokens