I have a column of start and stop dates, and I need to extract the latest (most recent) stop date in order to calculate duration. (earliest start date - latest stop date)
Unfortunately, the dates in the last column are not necessarily the latest dates. So, I would have to go by row and compare the dates to figure out the latest date.
The other caveat is that not all columns will have dates.
Here's an example column of dates:
pacman::p_load(tibble, lubridate)
start_1 <- as_tibble(sample(seq(ymd("1999/01/01"), ymd("2000/01/01"), by="day"), 5))
stop_1 <- as_tibble(sample(seq(ymd("2000/01/01"), ymd("2001/01/01"), by="day"), 5))
stop_2 <- as_tibble(c(ymd("2000/03/05"), ymd("2000/11/15"), ymd("2000/07/22"), ymd("2000/05/05"), NA))
stop_3 <- as_tibble(c(ymd("2000/12/12"), ymd("2000/02/09"), NA, NA, NA))
dat <- cbind(start_1, stop_1, stop_2, stop_3)
I really have no idea how to go about this, and would appreciate any help.
Thank you!
One option is to use apply():
durs = as.Date(apply(dat[,c(2:ncol(dat))],1,max,na.rm=T))-dat[,1]
This assumes that the first column contains the start date and all columns thereafter contain possible stop dates.
First fix the column names and then use rowwise() with c_across().
colnames(dat) = c("start_1", "stop_1", "stop_2", "stop_3")
dat %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(LastDate=max(c_across(starts_with("stop")), na.rm=T),
Duration = LastDate-start_1)
start_1 stop_1 stop_2 stop_3 LastDate Duration
<date> <date> <date> <date> <date> <drtn>
1 1999-10-20 2000-11-12 2000-03-05 2000-12-12 2000-12-12 419 days
2 1999-04-30 2000-05-05 2000-11-15 2000-02-09 2000-11-15 565 days
3 1999-05-01 2000-04-01 2000-07-22 NA 2000-07-22 448 days
4 1999-04-17 2000-08-23 2000-05-05 NA 2000-08-23 494 days
5 1999-04-10 2000-04-02 NA NA 2000-04-02 358 days
I am trying to convert a column in my dataset that contains week numbers into weekly Dates. I was trying to use the lubridate package but could not find a solution. The dataset looks like the one below:
df <- tibble(week = c("202009", "202010", "202011","202012", "202013", "202014"),
Revenue = c(4543, 6764, 2324, 5674, 2232, 2323))
So I would like to create a Date column with in a weekly format e.g. (2020-03-07, 2020-03-14).
Would anyone know how to convert these week numbers into weekly dates?
Maybe there is a more automated way, but try something like this. I think this gets the right days, I looked at a 2020 calendar and counted. But if something is off, its a matter of playing with the (week - 1) * 7 - 1 component to return what you want.
This just grabs the first day of the year, adds x weeks worth of days, and then uses ceiling_date() to find the next Sunday.
df %>%
separate(week, c("year", "week"), sep = 4, convert = TRUE) %>%
mutate(date = ceiling_date(ymd(paste(year, "01", "01", sep = "-")) +
(week - 1) * 7 - 1, "week", week_start = 7))
# # A tibble: 6 x 4
# year week Revenue date
# <int> <int> <dbl> <date>
# 1 2020 9 4543 2020-03-01
# 2 2020 10 6764 2020-03-08
# 3 2020 11 2324 2020-03-15
# 4 2020 12 5674 2020-03-22
# 5 2020 13 2232 2020-03-29
# 6 2020 14 2323 2020-04-05
I have a database containing a list of events. Each event has an associated start date, and a date when the event ended or was completed, eg:
dataset <- tibble(
eventid = sample(1:100, 25, replace=TRUE),
start_date = sample(seq(as.Date('2011/01/01'), as.Date('2012/01/01'), by="day"), 25),
completed_date = sample(seq(as.Date('2012/01/01'), as.Date('2014/01/01'), by="day"), 25)
> dataset
# A tibble: 25 x 3
eventid start_date completed_date
<int> <date> <date>
1 57 2011-01-14 2013-01-07
2 97 2011-01-21 2011-03-03
3 58 2011-01-26 2011-02-05
4 25 2011-03-22 2013-07-20
5 8 2011-04-20 2012-07-16
6 81 2011-04-26 2013-03-04
7 42 2011-05-02 2012-01-16
8 77 2011-05-03 2012-08-14
9 78 2011-05-21 2013-09-26
10 49 2011-05-22 2013-01-04
# ... with 15 more rows
I am trying to produce a rolling "snapshot" of how many tasks were pending a different points in time, e.g. month by month. Expected result:
# A tibble: 25 x 2
month count
<date> <int>
1 2011-01-01 0
2 2011-02-01 3
3 2011-03-01 2
4 2011-04-01 2
5 2011-05-01 4
6 2011-06-01 8
I have attempted to group my variables using group_by(period=floor_date(start_date,"month")), but I'm a bit stuck and would appreciate a pointer in the right direction!
I would prefer a solution using dplyr if possible.
You can expand rows for each month included in the range of dates with map2 from purrr. map2 will iterate over multiple inputs simultaneously. In this case, it will iterate through the start and end dates at the same time.
In each iteration, if will create a monthly sequence using seq (or seq.Date) from start to end month (determined from floor_date). The result is nested for each row of data (since one row can have multiple months in the sequence). So, unnest is needed afterwards.
The transmute will add a new variable called month_year (and drop the old ones) and use substr to extract the year and month only (no day). This is the first through seventh character of the date.
Then, you can group_by the month-year and count up the number of pending projects for each month_year.
I included set.seed to reproduce from data below.
dataset %>%
mutate(month = map2(floor_date(start_date, "month"),
floor_date(completed_date, "month"),
by = "month")) %>%
unnest(month) %>%
transmute(month_year = substr(month, 1, 7)) %>%
group_by(month_year) %>%
summarise(count = n())
month_year count
<chr> <int>
1 2011-01 1
2 2011-02 3
3 2011-03 9
4 2011-04 10
5 2011-05 13
6 2011-06 15
7 2011-07 16
8 2011-08 18
9 2011-09 19
10 2011-10 20
# … with 22 more rows
If you want to exclude the completed month (except when start month and completed month are the same, if that can exist), you can subtract 1 month from the sequence of months created. In this case, you can use pmax so that if both start and end months are the same, it will still count the month).
Here is the modified mutate with map2:
mutate(month = map2(floor_date(start_date, "month"),
pmax(floor_date(completed_date, "month") - 1, floor_date(start_date, "month")),
by = "month"))
dataset <- tibble(
eventid = sample(1:100, 25, replace=TRUE),
start_date = sample(seq(as.Date('2011/01/01'), as.Date('2012/01/01'), by="day"), 25),
completed_date = sample(seq(as.Date('2012/01/01'), as.Date('2014/01/01'), by="day"), 25)
I need to "split" a 15 million line df of the following form:
dateStart <- c(lubridate::ymd("2010-01-01"))
dateEnd <- c(lubridate::ymd("2010-03-06"))
length <- c(65)
Amt <- c(348.80)
df1 <- data.frame(dateStart, dateEnd, length, Amt)
# dateStart dateEnd length Amt
# 1 2010-01-01 2010-03-06 65 348.8
into something like:
dateStart dateEnd length Amt
1 2010-01-01 2010-01-31 31 166.35
2 2010-02-01 2010-02-28 28 150.55
3 2010-03-01 2010-03-06 6 32.19
Where length is the number of days and Amt is the pro-rata amount for the number of days. Does anybody know how to do this? Someone mentioned the padr package to me but I do not know how to use it for this specific purpose.
Thank you in advance
I'm going to assume you have an some sort of unique id field in your data set so you have a unique record. Otherwise this is not going to work. I also added 1 extra record so we can see everything works on multiple records.
id <- c(1:2) # added id field needed for unique record and needed for grouping
dateStart <- c(lubridate::ymd("2010-01-01", "2011-01-09"))
dateEnd <- c(lubridate::ymd("2010-03-06", "2011-04-09"))
length <- c(65, 91)
Amt <- c(348.80, 468.70)
df1 <- data.frame(id , dateStart, dateEnd, length, Amt)
First create a data.frame which has the id and missing months. We need dplyr, tidyr and padr. Create groups per unique id, gather the dates so we have start and end date in 1 column. For padr to extend months we first need to thicken the data.frame. Get rid of not needed columns and fill in the missing months.
#create last_day function for later use
last_day <- function(date) {
ceiling_date(date, "month") - days(1)
dates <- df1 %>%
select(id, dateStart, dateEnd) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
gather(names, dates, -id) %>%
arrange(id, dates) %>%
thicken(interval = "month") %>% # need to thicken first for month interval
select(-c(names, dates)) %>%
pad(interval = "month")
# A tibble: 7 x 2
# Groups: id [2]
id dates_month
<int> <date>
1 1 2010-01-01
2 1 2010-02-01
3 1 2010-03-01
4 2 2011-01-01
5 2 2011-02-01
6 2 2011-03-01
7 2 2011-04-01
Next join back the data to the original data.frame
df_extended <- inner_join(dates, df1, by = "id")
# A tibble: 7 x 6
# Groups: id [2]
id dates_month dateStart dateEnd length Amt
<int> <date> <date> <date> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 2010-03-06 65 349.
2 1 2010-02-01 2010-01-01 2010-03-06 65 349.
3 1 2010-03-01 2010-01-01 2010-03-06 65 349.
4 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-09 2011-04-09 91 469.
5 2 2011-02-01 2011-01-09 2011-04-09 91 469.
6 2 2011-03-01 2011-01-09 2011-04-09 91 469.
7 2 2011-04-01 2011-01-09 2011-04-09 91 469.
Now to get to the end result. need to use case_when, ifelse doesn't return the data in date format for some reason. The case_when replace set the correct start and end dates (I assume you need the exact start date, not the first of the month, otherwise adjust code to use dates_month instead.) I create an amount per day (amt_pd) variable to be able to multiply this with the number of days in the month to get the pro-rata amount for the number of days in the month.
df_end <- df_extended %>%
mutate(dateEnd = case_when(last_day(dates_month) <= dateEnd ~ last_day(dates_month),
TRUE ~ dateEnd),
dateStart = case_when(dates_month <= dateStart ~ dateStart,
TRUE ~ dates_month),
amt_pd = Amt / length,
length = dateEnd - dateStart + 1,
Amt = amt_pd * length) %>%
select(-c(dates_month, amt_pd)) # get rid of not needed columns
# A tibble: 7 x 5
# Groups: id [2]
id dateStart dateEnd length Amt
<int> <date> <date> <time> <time>
1 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-31 31 166.350769230769
2 1 2010-02-01 2010-02-28 28 150.252307692308
3 1 2010-03-01 2010-03-06 6 32.1969230769231
4 2 2011-01-09 2011-01-31 23 118.462637362637
5 2 2011-02-01 2011-02-28 28 144.215384615385
6 2 2011-03-01 2011-03-31 31 159.667032967033
7 2 2011-04-01 2011-04-09 9 46.354945054945
All of this could be done in one go. But if you have 15 million rows it might be better to see if the intermediate steps work. Also note that pad has a break_above option.
This is a numeric value that indicates the number of rows in millions
above which the function will break. Safety net for situations where
the interval is different than expected and padding yields a very
large dataframe, possibly overflowing memory.
I have a data frame that looks like this (of course it is way bigger):
> df1
# A tibble: 10 x 4
index1 index2 date1 date2
<int> <int> <date> <date>
1 5800032 6 2012-07-02 2013-09-18
2 5800032 7 2013-09-18 1970-01-01
3 5800254 6 2013-01-04 1970-01-01
4 5800261 5 2012-01-23 2013-02-11
5 5800261 6 2013-02-11 2014-02-05
6 5800261 7 2014-02-05 1970-01-01
7 3002704 7 2012-01-23 1970-01-01
8 3002728 7 2012-10-20 1970-01-01
9 3002810 7 2012-07-18 1970-01-01
10 8504593 3 2012-01-11 1970-01-01
The original variables are: index1, index2 and date1. There is one or more records with the same index1 value (their sequence is determined by index2). My objective is to filter out intervals between consequent values of date1 for the same value of index1. This means that there must be at least two records with the same index1 value to create an interval.
So I created date2 variable that provides the end date of the interval that starts on date1. This simply equals date1 of the consequent record (date2[n] = date1[n+1]). If date1[n] is the latest (or the only) date for the given index1 value, then date2[n] <- 0.
I couldn't come up with a better idea than ordering the df by index1 and index2 and running a for loop:
for (i in 1:(nrow(df1)-1)){
if (df1$index1[i] == df1$index1[i+1]){
df1$date2[i] <- df1$date1[i+1]
else{df1$date2[i] <- 0}
It sort of worked, but it was visibly slow and for some reason it did not "find" all values it should have. Also, I'm sure there must be a much more intelligent way of doing this task - possibly with sapply function. Any ideas are appreciated!
You can create date2 using lag from dplyr
df1 %>%
group_by(index1) %>%
arrange(index2) %>%
mutate(date2 = lag(date1, default=0))
I didn't clearly understand the filtering part of your question. Your problem may have to do with filtering on default date (1970-01-01) (value = zero)
I am trying to calculate the mean date independent of year for each level of a factor.
DF <- data.frame(Date = seq(as.Date("2013-2-15"), by = "day", length.out = 730))
DF$ID = rep(c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC"), length.out = 730)
Date ID
1 2013-02-15 AAA
2 2013-02-16 BBB
3 2013-02-17 CCC
4 2013-02-18 AAA
5 2013-02-19 BBB
6 2013-02-20 CCC
With the data above and the code below, I can calculate the mean date for each factor, but this includes the year.
I want a mean month and day across years. The preferred result would be a POSIXct time class formatted as month-day (eg. 12-31 for Dec 31st) representing the mean month and day across multiple years.
DF2 <- DF %>% group_by(ID) %>% mutate(
Col = mean(Date, na.rm = T))
I am looking for the mean day of the year with a month and day component, for each factor level. If the date represents, for example, the date an animal reproduced, I am not interested in the yearly differences between years, but instead want a single mean day.
I The end result would look like DF2 but with the new value calculated as previously described (mean day of the year with a month day component.
Sorry this was not more clear.
If I understand your question correctly, here's how to get a mean date column. I first extract the day of the year with yday from POSIXlt. I then calculate the mean. To get a date back, I have to add those days to an actual year, hence the creation of the Year object. As requested, I put the results in the same format as DF2 in your example.
DF2 <- DF %>%
Date_day=as.POSIXlt(Date, origin = "1960-01-01")$yday)%>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(Col = mean(Date_day, na.rm = T),Mean_date=format(as.Date(paste0(Year,"-01-01"))+Col,"%m-%d"))%>%
> DF2
Source: local data frame [730 x 3]
Groups: ID [3]
Date ID Mean_date
(date) (chr) (chr)
1 2013-02-15 AAA 07-02
2 2013-02-16 BBB 07-02
3 2013-02-17 CCC 07-01
4 2013-02-18 AAA 07-02
5 2013-02-19 BBB 07-02
6 2013-02-20 CCC 07-01
7 2013-02-21 AAA 07-02
8 2013-02-22 BBB 07-02
9 2013-02-23 CCC 07-01
10 2013-02-24 AAA 07-02
.. ... ... ...
You can take the mean of dates by using the mean function. However, note that the mean implementation (and result) will be different depending on the data type. For POSIXct, the mean will be calculated and return the date and time - think of taking the mean of a bunch of integers and you will likely get a float or numeric. For Date, it will essentially 'round' the date to the nearest date.
For example, I recently took a mean of dates. Look at the output when different data types are used.
> mean(as.Date(stationPointDf$knockInDate))
[1] "2018-06-04"
> mean(as.POSIXct(stationPointDf$knockInDate))
[1] "2018-06-03 21:19:21 CDT"
If I am looking for a mean Month and Day across years, I convert all the dates to have the current year using lubridate package.
year(myVectorOfDates) <- 2018
Then, I compute the mean and drop the year.