Why does Idris 2 fail to resolve constraints with function composition in this trivial example? - typechecking

I have encountered a problem with some code I am trying to write in Idris 2. I would like to resolve this issue, but more importantly, I wish to understand it more deeply and develop some skills in diagnosing such issues in general.
I have distilled the problem to the following relatively trivial example:
data D : Nat -> Type where
V : (n : Nat) -> D n
d : (n : Nat) -> D n
d n = V n
f : D n -> String
f (V n) = show n
t : Nat -> String
t = f . d
The definition of t fails type checking with the following output:
Error: While processing right hand side of t. Can't solve constraint between: ?n [no locals in scope] and n.
07 | f : D n -> String
08 | f (V n) = show n
09 |
10 | t : Nat -> String
11 | t = f . d
Some experimentation has revealed that the following alternative definitions for t also fail type checking:
t : Nat -> String
t n = (f . d) n
t : Nat -> String
t = \n => (f . d) n
While these alternatives type check successfully:
t : Nat -> String
t n = f (d n)
t : Nat -> String
t = \n => f (d n)
I am endeavouring to learn Idris (for the second time), and so while I could move on with the definitions which don't involve function composition, I would like to improve my understanding.
It seems to me that the definitions which pass type checking are simply syntactic alternatives with identical semantics and behaviour, and I don't understand why the function composition definitions fail type checking. I would also like to understand the particular error message the type checker reports, so that I can deepen my understanding and resolve similar type checking errors in the future.
I have a few broad questions:
How should I interpret the error reported by the type checker in this example, and how can I gather more information about the ?n and n types mentioned? I particularly welcome any advice or tips on how to go about understanding and resolving such an error (teach a man to fish, as the saying goes).
Why do the definitions involving function composition fail type checking?
What is the best solution for this example? Should I just use a definition which does not involve function composition? Is there a better alternative?

Let look at the types involved
Prelude.. : (b -> c ) -> (a -> b ) -> a -> c
f : D n -> String
d : (n : Nat) -> D n
The problem is:
(a -> b )
(n : Nat) -> D n
cannot be unified because (a -> b) does not allow the value of the argument to determine the type of return value.


In Idris2, can't typecheck if then else directly

I'm a beginner with Idris. In Idris2 version 0.3.0, I observed a strange behavior.
Why doesn't this code type check ?
f : Type -> Type -> Type
f a b = (c : Bool) -> if c then a else b
While processing right hand side of f. Main.case block in f is not accessible in this context.
While this code type checks without issues:
f1 : Type -> Type -> Bool -> Type
f1 a b c = if c then a else b
f' : Type -> Type -> Type
f' a b = (c : Bool) -> f1 a b c
Is this a bug?
Initially, I was trying to prove a stupid theorem which should be obvious, but Refl doesn't work. It looks like it's unable to understand that the variables match.
module Main
import Data.Nat
t : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
t l r = if lte l r then l else r
prop : Nat -> Nat -> Type
prop a b = (t a b = if lte a b then a else b)
proof_prop : prop a b
proof_prop = ?imlost
Your if_then_else_ using program starts failing in commit 04a0f5001f:
Correct multiplicities when checking Pi binders
We've always just used 0, which isn't correct if the function is going
to be used in a runtime pattern match. Now calculate correctly so that
we're explicit about which type level variables are used at runtime.
This might cause some programs to fail to compile, if they use
functions that calculate Pi types. The solution is to make those
functions explicitly 0 multiplicity. If that doesn't work, you may
have been accidentally trying to use compile-time only data at run
Fixes #1163
The solution is to mark your f function as type-level-only:
0 f : Type -> Type -> Type
f a b = (c : Bool) -> if c then a else b

Order of implicit arguments in idris

How does the order of implicit arguments affect idris?
I just read this post and I got curious about MkPair's type signature.
I tried MkPair 10 on REPL and I got
(input):Can't infer argument B to Builtins.MkPair
And this is exactly what I expected. From its type signature Builtins.MkPair : {A : Type} -> {B : Type} -> (a : A) -> (b : B) -> (A, B), I have to pass B(whether it's implicit or explicit) before apply a value for a.
At the same time, I expected q 10 to work, cause its type is q : {A : Type} -> (a : A) -> {B : Type} -> (b : B) -> (A, B) which tells me that I don't need any value for B before I apply a value for A and a.
But it also failed with the same message!
(input):Can't infer argument B to Main.q
What happens to q?
And I have one more question . Before I found that q worked neither, I was gonna ask the reason that Idris compiler prefers MkPair's signature to q's one. MkPair looks unnecessarily eager to me. Why does it demand B too early?
Without any context to guide the compiler, I guess Idris stays true to its eager by default attitude and tries to infer all the implicit arguments that appear before the last "explicit" one specified, before doing automatic partial application.
Note that you can suppress this behavior by placing the expression in an appropriately typed hole:
the ({b : Type} -> b -> (Nat, b)) (q 10)
-- or
r : {b : Type} -> b -> (Nat, b)
r = q 10

Notational syntax sugar for list and do notation

So I've noticed that in Idris if you define your own list or vector like type — for example the following type I've found to be useful:
data HFVec : (f : Type -> Type) -> (n : Nat) -> Vec n Type -> Type where
Nil : HFVec f Z []
(::) : (a : f t) -> HFVec f n ts -> HFVec f (S n) (t :: ts)
— then you get list syntax for free:
test : HFVec List 2 [Int, String]
test = [[3], [""]]
I assume this is done when you have a constructor named ::, but I don't know for certain. In the same way you get do-notation if you have a constructor named >>= even if there is no monad implementation:
data Test : Type -> Type where
Pure : a -> Test a
(>>=) : Test a -> (a -> Test b) -> Test b
test : Test Int
test = do
Pure 1
x <- Pure 2
Pure x
This is a pretty cool feature, the only thing is I have not found it documented anywhere. It would be good to know exactly how these mechanisms work so one can know under exactly what circumstances they can be expected to work. Also, are these kind of rules the privilege of the compiler, or can the user make them with the syntax and dsl features?

OCaml Understanding Functions and Partial Applications

I am writing a form of form of transform in OCaml that takes in a function and also accepts a list to transform. I understand something is wrong with my pattern matching in terms of type-checking, as it will not compile and claims the types do not match but I am not sure what exactly is wrong with my cases.
I receive an actual declaration error underlining the name of the function when I attempt to compile.
let rec convert (fun: 'b -> 'c option) (l: 'b list) : 'c list =
begin match l with
| [] -> []
| h::tl -> if f h = Some h then h :: convert f tl
else convert f tl
I wrote the following test, which should pass in order to ensure the function works properly.
let test () : bool =
let f = func x -> if x > 3 then Some (x + 1) else None in
convert f [-1; 3; 4] = [5]
;; run_test "Add one" test
I am pretty confident the error is somewhere in my second pattern match.
You should provide the exact error message in the future when asking about a compilation error (as well as the position the compiler complains about).
In h :: convert f tl, convert f tl is 'c list, but h is 'b, so you can't combine them like this. Neither does f h = Some h make sense: f h is 'c option and Some h is 'b option. You probably want to match f h instead:
| h::tl -> match f h with
| Some h1 -> ...
| None -> ...

Function cannot use type inference, but I don't understand why

So here is my goofy sandbox to play with Applicatives in PureScript
module Main where
import Debug.Trace
data Foo a
= Foo a
instance showFoo :: (Show a) => Show (Foo a) where
show (Foo a) = "I pity da (Foo " ++ (show a) ++ ")"
instance functorFoo :: Functor Foo where
(<$>) f (Foo a) = Foo (f a)
instance applyFoo :: Apply Foo where
(<*>) (Foo a) (Foo b) = Foo (a b)
m :: Number -> Number -> Number -> Number
m x y z = x * y - z
main = trace <<< show $ m <$> Foo 14
<*> Foo 2
<*> Foo 5
The above works fine, but if I remove:
m :: Number -> Number -> Number -> Number
it does not compile
Error at pure.purs line 18, column 1:
Error in declaration m
No instance found for Prelude.Num u1150
However (+) and (-) are both of type
forall a. (Prelude.Num a) => a -> a -> a
Why can't Number be inferred?
The reality is that when learning PureScript and coming from a dynamic language (JavaScript), I run into type errors frequently. Developing skills in diagnosing and understanding these errors is challenging without a grasp of when inference can occur and when it can't. Otherwise I will have to write types every single time in order to feel confident in my code (lameness).
This is because at the moment the compiler can't infer typeclass constraints, and as you noted the arithmetic operators are all defined in the Num typeclass.
The type that would be inferred for m (if the compiler could) would be something like:
m :: forall a. (Num a) => a -> a -> a -> a
On your second point typing top level declarations is considered good style anyway, as it helps to document your code: see here for a fuller explanation.
