Is it possible to get the 16 digit ASANA task ID to be included in reports coming out of Clockify? Currently I am exporting reports out of clockify for billing and the only field that I have as a unique identifier between Asana and Clockify is the client name, which can't really be used as a common anchor in a lookup formula in Excel.
with my company we were interested in the translation API.
I need to know if there is a way to retrieve the usage state of an account for a specific period.
(For example I would like to be able to know that last month I translated X characters that corresponds to Y USD).
I'm sure that such an API exists, but I really can't find any reference to it.
Translation API bills per character translated and counts translated characters for the whole project in order to create a bill for the customer.
To view your current billing status, including usage and your current bill, see the Billing page (GCP Console => Billing). Billing reports for a particular service contain fields Product name (Translate), Usage (number of characters) and Cost.
See Cloud Billing > Doc > View your billing reports and cost trends
More detailed information about consumption of the Translation API is not provided. At this time Translation API does not have such functionality.
A similar problem was raised on Issue Tracker in 2017 but to no avail:
I'm currently looking into Cybersource's REST API for the tokenization of cards.
However, I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around the following and could use some advice from those who have already worked with Cybersource and are more familiar with the terminology.
Under Token Management, there's an Instrument Identifier and Payment Instrument.
Instrument Identifier seems to return the same unique ID for the same card and is part of the overall Payment Instrument token.
If I POST (create) a Payment Instrument token, inside the response, I see that as well, where an Instrument Identifier is returned and giving me back the same id as long as the card is the same.
However, the Payment Instrument always returns a new token.
I'm trying to think of Payment Instrument as a payment method, tokenizing a card, and not per payment, but since it returns a different token each time even if I put in the same credit card, am I understanding this wrong? Should I treat the Payment Instrument as something else completely different?
If I were to store a token on our side, which one would I be?
As for payments API, we can pass in a token, does this work for both types mentioned above?
Any help, guidance or thoughts are appreciated
Cybersource is never good at API design or documentation. but their document on this topic could help you understand the concept
Look at the first chart.
A "customer" has a "payment instrument" which associates with a "card", which could have multiple instrument identifiers that each has one-on-one mapping with a specific card number.
This model exists because consumer can have the SAME card updated with different card numbers OR expire date. ("Payment Instrument" tries to represent the "SAMEness" part of it.)
So Cybersource's "Payment Instrument" model can be seen as an "abstract" card object/container representing the working "instrument" (that is why it doesn't store the number) which knows the actual card number that should be used (but the merchant doesn't necessary need to know), in the mean time, it knows the "history" of the card.
The naming is terrible, the "Payment Instrument" itself has an ID, then Instrument Identifier ID is an "ID" too (guess the guy who came up with the name forgot ID is the acronym for "Identifier"? LOL). Very confusing indeed. Just keep in mind that Instrument Identifier ID maps to a card number, "Payment Instrument" ID is a container that maps to a series of (SAME) card numbers (potentially)
So that answers your question why you can get a different "Payment Instrument" ID every time, because you can think of it as different merchant has a different "Payment Instrument" ID for the same customer with that physical card. As long as Cybersource has the record and knows how to find the associated instrument identifier ID via this "Payment Instrument ID", it is mission accomplished.
Again you know Cybersource is a dinosaur living in the past, so you have to deal with it
So my understanding of how this works, is that a payment instrument is a TYPE of payment (ACH, CreditCard, bitcoin, ApplePay™, GooglePay™, etc.) then the instrument identifier is the token (or id) that represents the specific account number within that payment type.
So a payment instrument of Credit Card might have an instrument identifier of Visa account 4242424242424242 but the Token Management Service (TMS) returns an instrument identifier of AA7D990C34583376EB05345443E0234242434B. The TMS allows for relevant information to then be stored within a CUSTOMER identifier (which is the "wallet" owner). As the TMS becomes more feature rich, the addition of things like 'shipping info' and other possible 'preferences' may become available. The other concept is that this digital wallet (TMS token API) can have its permissions granted to other merchant entities so that all payment processing and transactions can be managed through one (OMNICHANEL) API and this payment information can remain SECURE, AUDITABLE, GRANTED, REVOKED, etc.
Now the reason you can get different "tokens" for the same instrument is based on preference. This means that if a cardholder doesn't want to 'keep payment info on file' or 'store the token for later use'. Then the TMS system will provide a token for one-time use, thereby satisfying the requirement of the merchant (reducing PCI scope/risks) and keeping the preference of the cardholder.
This is in no way an official explanation, so I am definitely open to any additional insights on how TMS (from Cybersource™) is designed to work.
Asking here, after asking to Clockify support.
Trying to extend some of clockify capabilities to create extra reporting for our clients,
I’ve been playing with your API and specifically: the enpoint /reports/{reportsId}
• My goal:
Get all the time entries of a specific "saved report” (usually saved by our Project Managers)
• What I EXPECT from "/reports/{reportsId}”:
To get all the info and entities (users, time entries, projects, etc.) only regarding that particular reportId
• What I GET from "/reports/{reportsId}”:
Lots of info regarding the whole workspace, and I only see summaryReport
as more “specific to the saved report itself”...
• Questions:
Is this the correct behavior?
How do you filter down time entries of specific reports in URLs like ?
Do you only call "/reports/{reportsId}” and filter down on client-side? (it seems to me that way, exploring the Network tab)
If that’s the way, what’s the point of calling the report endpoint? Only for the summaryReport object?
3- Is "/reports/{reportsId}” the best endpoint I can use to reach my goal? …or which way would you recommend me?
summaryReport.timeEntries will contain all the individual time entries from that particular report. Each entry has a user, project, client, time etc. Grouping by project is done on the client.
I'm not sure I fully understand your specific problem though. Are you suggesting the entries you get from the report endpoint do not belong to the given report?
I'm using as a CRM, I want to be able to create an event on Google Analytics and record the conversion value. The purpose of this is so that I can tie a certain Google Ad to its performance. On this would be a new Opportunity created. I'm using Zapier to integrate the two platforms and it has a new Beta integration with Google Analytics. I set it up so that when a new Opportunity is created, it creates a measurement on GA with the measurement type "Event Tracking", and the category, action and label similar to the goal I created on GA. However, when I send tests to GA, it's not appearing in my acquisitions report on GA.
There are fields for Customer Client ID and User ID.For customer ID there's a description that says: "This anonymously identifies a particular user, device, or browser instance. Google may ignore repeated identical measurements. The value of this field should be a random UUID (version 4) which you could generate using a Code Step. Defaults to a UUID shared by all Zapier users"
I'm thinking of capturing unique session ID on the form using javascript and filling these fields in to see if it works. Please help with thoughts and feedback. Thanks!
Is there a way to send a daily report with the current date's traffic only (not the whole month)? For example, if the report is sent 2015/01/25, I'd like to see traffic from 2015/01/25. I know I can manually select the data range but I'm looking for something that will automatically send daily PDF email report for current day only.
In the Email dialog of the Custom Reporting section, you can select a frequency of Daily and that will send your report every day for the previous day's data. Usually this is what you want since data for today will not always be current or accurate.
If you really need today's data, you can use the Core Reporting API and set the value for the start-date and end-date parameters to 'today'.
If you want to automate this process without too much effort, I'd recommend checking out the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on, which uses the Core Reporting API behind the scenes. It won't email you reports, but you can do everything else you're asking.