I'm a bit stumped, I'm attempting to write a code that runs Monte Carlo simulations of increasing sample sizes until certain conditions are met. First off, the bit of code that I know does work:
##Step 0 - load packages##
##Step 1 - Define number of cycles per simulation##
ncycles <- 250000
##Step 2 - Define function for generating volumes and checking proportion of failed cycles##
volSim <- function(ncycles){
tols <- rnorm(ncycles,0,0.3) #Generate n unique tolerances
vols <- 0 #Establish vols variable within function
for (tol in 2:ncycles){ #for loop creates n unique volumes from tolerances
vols[tol] <- 2.2+tols[tol]-tols[tol-1]
cell <- rnorm(1,3.398864,0.4810948) #Generate a unique threshold
return(c(mean(vols>cell),mean(vols>cell*2),mean(vols>cell*20))) #Output a vector of failure rate
This works fine and outputs three values equivalent to the proportion of events over multiples of the threshold. Now, for the bit that's not behaving;
##Step 3 - Define a function to run multiple iterations of simulation and check convergence ##
regres <- function(ncycles){
#Establish parameters used within function#
converged <- FALSE
fail_rate_5k <- 0
se_5k <- 0
ncells <- 0
fail_rate_10k <- 0
se_10k <- 0
fail_rate_100k <- 0
se_100k <- 0
n <- 0
while ((converged == FALSE & n<6) | n<4){
n <- n+1
res <- replicate(2^(n+5),volSim(ncycles))
fail_rate_5k[n] <- mean(res[1,]>0)
se_5k[n] <- sqrt(fail_rate_5k[n]*(1-fail_rate_5k[n])/2^(n+5))
ncells[n] <- 2^(n+5)
fail_rate_10k[n] <- mean(res[2,]>0)
se_10k[n] <- sqrt(fail_rate_10k[n]*(1-fail_rate_10k[n])/2^(n+5))
fail_rate_100k[n] <- mean(res[3,]>0)
se_100k[n] <- sqrt(fail_rate_100k[n]*(1-fail_rate_100k[n])/2^(n+5))
if((fail_rate_5k[n] <= 0 | se_5k[n] < 0.5*fail_rate_5k[n]) &
(fail_rate_10k[n] <= 0 | se_10k[n] < 0.5*fail_rate_10k[n]) &
(fail_rate_100k[n] <= 0 | se_100k[n] < 0.5*fail_rate_100k[n])){
converged <- TRUE}
else {converged <- FALSE}
return(data.frame(k5 = fail_rate_5k, se_k5 = se_5k, ncells_k5 = ncells, k10 = fail_rate_10k, se_k10 = se_10k, ncells_k10 = ncells, k100 = fail_rate_100k, se_k100 = se_100k, ncells_k100 = ncells))}
The intention is that the simulation will repeat at increasing sample sizes until the standard error for all fail rates (5k, 10k, 100k) is less than half of the fail rate, or the fail rate itself is zero (to avoid a dividing by zero scenario). Two caveats are that the simulation must run at least four times (the n<4 condition in the while loop), and stop after a maximum of six.
Now, if I run the code within the regres function in isolation (with ncycles set to 250000), I generate a nice data frame with 5 rows, I can see that n = 5, converged = TRUE, and everything else that I expect to be happening within the function just fine. If I run result <- regres(ncycles) however, it outputs a single row data frame every time. The while loop is stopping at n=1 despite the n<4 condition. I cannot for the life of me figure out why the behaviour is different when the function is called from when the code inside it is run in isolation.
While I'm really looking to find out why this method is not working, if the method itself is completely outlandish I'm open to using a different approach entirely too.
Your return statement is in the while loop. It will return the data.frame at the end of the first iteration (essentially a break before it even checks the condition)
converged <- TRUE}
else {converged <- FALSE}
return(data.frame(k5 = fail_rate_5k, se_k5 = se_5k, ncells_k5 = ncells, k10 = fail_rate_10k, se_k10 = se_10k, ncells_k10 = ncells, k100 = fail_rate_100k, se_k100 = se_100k, ncells_k100 = ncells))
So, I'm relatively new to R and have the following problem:
I want to run 1000 generations of a population of some organism. At each generation there is a certain probability to change from one environment to the other (there are just two different "environments").
Now, the code works just fine and I do get the desired results. However one small issue that still needs to be resolved is that for every run, the initial environment seems to be set at environment 1 even though I defined the initial environment to be randomly sampled (should be either environment 1 OR 2; you can find this in line 12 of the second block of code).
If anybody could help me resolve this issue, I would be very thankful.
simulate_one_gen_new <- function(K, N_total_init, N_wt, N_generalist, N_specialist, growth_wt, growth_generalist, growth_specialist, mut_rate) {
scaling <- min(K/(N_wt + N_generalist + N_specialist),1)
# draw offspring according to Poisson distribution
offsp_wt <- rpois(1, scaling * N_wt * growth_wt)
offsp_generalist <- rpois(1, scaling * N_generalist * growth_generalist)
offsp_specialist <- rpois(1, scaling * N_specialist * growth_specialist)
# draw new mutants according to Poisson distribution
mut_wt_to_generalist <- rpois(1, N_wt * (mut_rate/2))
mut_wt_to_specialist <- rpois(1, N_wt * (mut_rate/2))
# determine new population sizes of wild type and mutant
N_wt_new <- max(offsp_wt - mut_wt_to_specialist - mut_wt_to_generalist, 0)
N_generalist_new <- max(offsp_generalist + mut_wt_to_generalist,0)
N_specialist_new <- max(offsp_specialist + mut_wt_to_specialist,0)
N_total_new <- N_wt_new + N_generalist_new + N_specialist_new
return(c(N_total_new, N_wt_new, N_generalist_new, N_specialist_new))
# Test the function
The code block above is needed to simulate one single generation.
simulate_pop_new <- function(K, N_total_init,N_init_wt,
growth_vec1, growth_vec2, growth_vec3,
mut_rate, switch_prob) {
# determine that there are no mutants present at time 0
N_init_generalist <- 0
N_init_specialist <- 0
# Create the vector in which to save the results, including the index of the environment
pop_vector <- c(N_total_init,N_init_wt, N_init_generalist, N_init_specialist, 1)
# initiate the variables
pop_new <- c(N_total_init, N_init_wt, N_init_generalist, N_init_specialist)
# determine that the first environment is either 1 or 2
env_temp <- sample(1:2, size = 1, replace = T)
tmax <- 1000
j <- 0
# run the simulation until generation t_max
for (i in 1:tmax) {
# redefine the current population one generation later
pop_new <- c(simulate_one_gen_new(K,pop_new[1],pop_new[2],pop_new[3],pop_new[4], growth_vec1[env_temp],growth_vec2[env_temp], growth_vec3[env_temp],mut_rate),env_temp)
# add the new population sizes to the output vector
pop_vector <- rbind(pop_vector,pop_new)
# determine whether environmental switch occurs and make it happen
env_switch <- rbinom(1,1,switch_prob)
if (env_switch==1)
if(env_temp==1) env_temp <- 2
else env_temp <- 1
# condition to stop the simulation before t_max: either the population has only one of the two mutants left, or the whole population goes extinct
if ((pop_new[2] == 0 & pop_new[3] == 0) | (pop_new[2] == 0 & pop_new[4] == 0)){j=j+1}
if (j == 100) break #here we let it run 100 generations longer after the conditions above are met
# define the row and column names of the output vector
rownames(pop_vector) <- (0:length(pop_vector[1]))[1:length(pop_vector[,1])] # note that the vector has to be cut if the simulation stopped early
colnames(pop_vector) <- c("total","wt","generalist","specialist","env")
# return the result
# Test the function and plot the result
# create your simulation data
output <- simulate_pop_new(1000,1000,1000,c(0.98,0.99),c(1.04,1.02),c(0.96,1.1),0.001,0.5)
# show the last few lines of the data table
# determine x axis range
x_range <- 0:(length(output[,1])-1)
# Create data frame from output (or just rename it)
df <- data.frame(output)
# Add a new column to our output that simply shows the Generations
# Manually create data frame where the genotypes are not separate but all in one column. Note that we need to repeat/ add together all other values since our "Genotype" column will be three times longer.
Genotype <- rep(c("wt", "generalist", "specialist"), each = length(output[,1]))
PopSize <- c(df$wt, df$generalist, df$specialist)
Generation <- rep(df$Generation, 3)
environment <- rep(df$env, 3)
# Let's also create a column solely for the total population
All_Genotypes <- df$generalist + df$wt + df$specialist
N_tot <- rep(All_Genotypes, 3)
# Create a new data frame containing the modified columns which we will be using for plotting
single_run <- data.frame(Generation, Genotype, PopSize, N_tot, environment)
Above is the second block of code which now simulates 1000 generations.
I am a beginner with R, so hopefully this will be an easy fix.
I am trying to use a for loop on a dataset for neuron firing direction in order to:
Incrementally add the next value from the dataset to a vector
Run a Rayleigh test on that vector and save it to a variable
Test if the Rayleigh test I just ran has a larger statistic than the the Rayleigh test in the last loop just before it, as well as having a p-value of less than .05
If the value is larger, save the statistic value, so that the next loop can compare to it
If the value is larger, save the vector
So far I have this for the code, and after going through it for a long time I'm at a loss for why it's not working. Every time I run it, the for loop goes all the way to the end and just reports the rayleigh value and vector for the whole dataset, which I know for sure isn't correct.
(I'm using the circular package for the rayleigh test function)
# This first line is just to create an initial rayleigh statistic to compare to in the loop that is low
best_rayleigh <- rayleigh.test(1:10)
data_vector <- c()
for (i in firing_directions) {
data_vector <- append(data_vector, i)
ray_lee_test <- rayleigh.test(data_vector)
if ((ray_lee_test$statistic>best_rayleigh$statistic)&(ray_lee_test$p.value<=.05)) {
best_rayleigh <- ray_lee_test
best_rayleigh_vector <- data_vector
} else {
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
Update: I tried using && instead of single & in the if statement, however it returned the same result
The following code doesn't give warnings and selects the vector with highest test statistic and "significant" p-value.
firing_directions <- rvonmises(n = 25, mu = circular(pi), kappa = 2)
best_rayleigh <- rayleigh.test(circular(1:10))
for(i in seq_along(firing_directions)){
dv <- firing_directions[seq_len(i)]
rltest <- rayleigh.test(dv)
if((rltest$statistic > best_rayleigh$statistic) && (rltest$p.value <= 0.05)){
best_rayleigh <- rltest
best_rayleigh_vector <- dv
# Rayleigh Test of Uniformity
# General Unimodal Alternative
#Test Statistic: 0.8048
#P-value: 0.0298
#Circular Data:
#Type = angles
#Units = radians
#Template = none
#Modulo = asis
#Zero = 0
#Rotation = counter
#[1] 4.172219 2.510826 2.997495 4.095335 3.655613
I think the NULL is throwing up some issues. Not sure what will have if your throw a NULL. You only update the vector if it passes your criteria:
firing_directions= rvonmises(n=25, mu=circular(pi), kappa=2)
best_rayleigh <- rayleigh.test(1:10)
data_vector <- c()
for (i in firing_directions){
data_vector <- c(data_vector, i)
ray_lee_test <- rayleigh.test(data_vector)
if ((ray_lee_test$statistic>best_rayleigh$statistic)&(ray_lee_test$p.value<=.05)) {
best_rayleigh <- ray_lee_test
best_rayleigh_vector <- data_vector
I am working through Digital Dice by Paul Nahin to teach myself Monte Carlo simulations. I am converting the Matlab code in the book to R code on the first pass, then replacing for-loops with tidy versions on the second pass.
Edit: Here is what I am looking to model:
Imagine that you face a pop quiz, a list of the 24 Presidents of the 19th century and another list of their terms in office but scrambled
The object is to match the President with the term
You get one guess every time
On average, how many do you guess correct?
Here is the R code using for-loops:
m <- 24
total_correct <- 0
n <- 10000
for (i in 1:n) {
correct <- 0
term <- sample(m, replace = TRUE)
for (j in 1:m) {
if (term[j] == j) {
correct <- correct + 1
total_correct = total_correct + correct
total_correct <- total_correct / n
This works (but I admit gives the wrong answer). Next is to tidy-fy this -- this is my attempt:
crossing(trials = 1:10,
m = 1:24) %>%
mutate(guess = sample.int(24, n(), replace = F), result = m == guess) %>%
summarise(score = sum(result) / n())
However, I get an error message reading
Error in sample.int(x, size, replace, prob): cannot take a sample larger than the population when 'replace = FALSE'
I understand what's going on: The n() command in the mutate() statement returns 240. Sampling 240 from a population 24 with replace = FALSE is nonsensical hence the error message.
How do I get the mutuate() statement to receive a size of 24 on each iteration (or trial)?
I have a bunch of work that needs to be performed at specific time intervals. However, we have limited resources to do that work, each day. Therefore, I am trying to optimize the start time dates (start time dates can only be moved forward not backward) so that resources used everyday are more less similar to what we have budgeted for.
These functions are used in example below::
# Function to shift/rotate a vector
shifter <- function(x, n = 1) {
if (n == 0) x else c(tail(x, -n), head(x, n))
# Getting a range of dates
get_date_range <- function(current_date = Sys.Date(), next_planned_date = Sys.Date() + 5)
seq.Date(as.Date(current_date), as.Date(next_planned_date), "days")
Assume a toy example dataset :: Here task P1 starts on 14th while P2 starts on 15th. Value of zero means that no work is done for that task on that day.
datain = data.frame(dated = c("2018-12-14", "2018-12-15", "2018-12-16", "2018-12-17"),
P1 = c(1,2,0,3), P2 = c(0,4,0,6)) %>%
mutate(dated = as.character(dated))
#The amount of resources that can be used in a day
max_work = 4
# We will use all the possible combination of start dates to
# search for the best one
possible_start_dates <- do.call(expand.grid, date_range_of_all)
# Utilisation stores the capacity used during each
# combination of start dates
# We will use the minimum of thse utilisation
utilisation <- NULL # utilisation difference; absolute value
utilisation_act <- NULL # actual utilisation including negative utilisation
# copy of data for making changes
ndatain <- datain
# Move data across possible start dates and
# calculate the possible utilisation in each movements
for(i in 1:nrow(possible_start_dates)) # for every combination
for(j in 1:ncol(possible_start_dates)) # for every plan
# Number of days that are different
days_diff = difftime(oriz_start_date[["Plan_Start_Date"]][j],
possible_start_dates[i,j], tz = "UTC", units = "days" ) %>% as.numeric()
# Move the start dates
ndatain[, (j+1)] <- shifter(datain[, (j+1)], days_diff)
if(is.null(utilisation)) # first iteration
# calculate the utilisation
utilisation = c(i, abs(max_work - rowSums(ndatain %>% select(-dated))))
utilisation_act <- c(i, max_work - rowSums(ndatain %>% select(-dated)))
}else{ # everything except first iteration
utilisation = rbind(utilisation, c(i,abs(max_work - rowSums(ndatain %>% select(-dated)))))
utilisation_act <- rbind(utilisation_act, c(i, max_work - rowSums(ndatain %>% select(-dated))))
# convert matrix to dataframe
row.names(utilisation) <- paste0("Row", 1:nrow(utilisation))
utilisation <- as.data.frame(utilisation)
row.names(utilisation_act) <- paste0("Row", 1:nrow(utilisation_act))
utilisation_act <- as.data.frame(utilisation_act)
# Total utilisation
tot_util = rowSums(utilisation[-1])
# replace negative utilisation with zero
utilisation_act[utilisation_act < 0] <- 0
tot_util_act = rowSums(utilisation_act[-1])
# Index of all possible start dates producing minimum utilization changes
indx_min_all = which(min(tot_util) == tot_util)
indx_min_all_act = which(min(tot_util_act) == tot_util_act)
# The minimum possible dates that are minimum of actual utilisation
candidate_dates <- possible_start_dates[intersect(indx_min_all, indx_min_all_act), ]
# Now check which of them are closest to the current starting dates; so that the movement is not much
time_diff <- c()
for(i in 1:nrow(candidate_dates))
# we will add this value in inner loop so here we
timediff_indv <- 0
for(j in 1:ncol(candidate_dates))
diff_days <- difftime(oriz_start_date[["Plan_Start_Date"]][j],
candidate_dates[i,j], tz = "UTC", units = "days" ) %>% as.numeric()
# print(oriz_start_date[["Plan_Start_Date"]][j])
# print(candidate_dates[i,j])
# print(diff_days)
timediff_indv <- timediff_indv + diff_days
time_diff <- c(time_diff, timediff_indv)
# Alternatives
fin_dates <- candidate_dates[min(time_diff) == time_diff, ]
The above code runs well and produces the expected output; however it does not scale well. I have very large dataset (Two years worth of work and for more than thousand different tasks repeating in intervals) and searching through every possible combination is not a viable option. Are there ways I can formulate this problem as a standard optimization problem and use Rglpk or Rcplex or some even better solution. Thanks for inputs.
Here comes my longest StackOverflow answer ever, but I really like optimization problems. This is a variant of the so called job shop problem with a single machine, which you might be able to solve with Rcplex if you first formulate it as a LP-model. However, these formulations often scale poorly and computational times can grow exponentially, dependent on the formulation. For big problems, it is very common to use a heuristic, for example a genetic algorithm, which is what I often use in cases like this. It does not guarantee to give the optimal solution, but it gives us more control over performance vs runtime and the solution usually scales very well. Basically, it works by creating a large set of random solutions, called the population. Then we iteratively update this population by combining the solutions to make 'offspring', where better solutions should have a higher probability of creating offspring.
As a scoring function (to determine which solutions are 'better'), I used the sum of squares of the overcapacity per day, which penalizes very large overcapacity on a day. Note that you can use any scoring function that you want, so you could also penalize under-utilization of capacity if you deem that important.
The code for the example implementation is shown below. I generated some data of 200 days and 80 tasks. It runs in about 10 seconds on my laptop, improving the score of the random solution by over 65% from 2634 to 913. With an input of 700 days and 1000 tasks, the algorithm still runs within a matter of minutes with the same parameters.
Best solution score per iteration:
I also included use_your_own_sample_data, which you can set to TRUE to have the algorithm solve a simpler and smaller example to confirm that it gives the expected output:
dated P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 dated P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
2018-12-14 0 0 0 0 0 2018-12-14 0 0 3 1 0
2018-12-15 0 0 0 0 0 2018-12-15 0 3 0 0 1
2018-12-16 0 0 0 0 0 ----> 2018-12-16 0 0 3 1 0
2018-12-17 0 3 3 1 1 2018-12-17 0 3 0 0 1
2018-12-18 4 0 0 0 0 2018-12-18 4 0 0 0 0
2018-12-19 4 3 3 1 1 2018-12-19 4 0 0 0 0
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have more questions regarding this.
### PARAMETERS -------------------------------------------
n_population = 100 # the number of solutions in a population
n_iterations = 100 # The number of iterations
n_offspring_per_iter = 80 # number of offspring to create per iteration
max_shift_days = 20 # Maximum number of days we can shift a task forward
frac_perm_init = 0.25 # fraction of columns to change from default solution while creating initial solutions
early_stopping_rounds = 100 # Stop if score not improved for this amount of iterations
capacity_per_day = 4
use_your_own_sample_data = FALSE # set to TRUE to use your own test case
### SAMPLE DATA -------------------------------------------------
# datain should contain the following columns:
# dated: A column with sequential dates
# P1, P2, ...: columns with values for workload of task x per date
n_days = 200
n_tasks = 80
# my sample data:
datain = data.frame(dated = seq(Sys.Date()-n_days,Sys.Date(),1))
# add some random tasks
for(i in 1:n_tasks)
datain[[paste0('P',i)]] = rep(0,nrow(datain))
rand_start = sample(seq(1,nrow(datain)-5),1)
datain[[paste0('P',i)]][seq(rand_start,rand_start+4)] = sample(0:5,5,replace = T)
} else
# your sample data:
datain = data.frame(dated = c("2018-12-14", "2018-12-15", "2018-12-16", "2018-12-17","2018-12-18","2018-12-19"),
P1 = c(0,0,0,0,4,4), P2 = c(0,0,0,3,0,3), P3=c(0,0,0,3,0,3), P4=c(0,0,0,1,0,1),P5=c(0,0,0,1,0,1)) %>%
mutate(dated = as.Date(dated,format='%Y-%m-%d'))
tasks = setdiff(colnames(datain),c("dated","capacity")) # a list of all tasks
# the following vector contains for each task its maximum start date
max_date_per_task = lapply(datain[,tasks],function(x) datain$dated[which(x>0)[1]])
### ALL OUR PREDEFINED FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------
# helper function to shift a task
shifter <- function(x, n = 1) {
if (n == 0) x else c(tail(x, n), head(x, -n))
# Score a solution
# We calculate the score by taking the sum of the squares of our overcapacity (so we punish very large overcapacity on a day)
score_solution <- function(solution,tasks,capacity_per_day)
cap_left = capacity_per_day-rowSums(solution[,tasks]) # calculate spare capacity
over_capacity = sum(cap_left[cap_left<0]^2) # sum of squares of overcapacity (negatives)
# Merge solutions
# Get approx. 50% of tasks from solution1, and the remaining tasks from solution 2.
merge_solutions <- function(solution1,solution2,tasks)
tasks_from_solution_1 = sample(tasks,round(length(tasks)/2))
tasks_from_solution_2 = setdiff(tasks,tasks_from_solution_1)
new_solution = cbind(solution1[,'dated',drop=F],solution1[,tasks_from_solution_1,drop=F],solution2[,tasks_from_solution_2,drop=F])
# Randomize solution
# Create an initial solution
randomize_solution <- function(solution,max_date_per_task,tasks,tasks_to_change=1/8)
# select some tasks to reschedule
tasks_to_change = max(1, round(length(tasks)*tasks_to_change))
selected_tasks <- sample(tasks,tasks_to_change)
for(task in selected_tasks)
# shift task between 14 and 0 days forward
new_start_date <- sample(seq(max_date_per_task[[task]]-max_shift_days,max_date_per_task[[task]],by='day'),1)
new_start_date <- max(new_start_date,min(solution$dated))
solution[,task] = shifter(solution[,task],as.numeric(new_start_date-max_date_per_task[[task]]))
# sort population based on scores
sort_pop <- function(population)
return(population[order(sapply(population,function(x) {x[['score']]}),decreasing = F)])
# return the scores of a population
pop_scores <- function(population)
sapply(population,function(x) {x[['score']]})
### RUN SCRIPT -------------------------------
# starting score
print(paste0('Starting score: ',score_solution(datain,tasks,capacity_per_day)))
# Create initial population
population = vector('list',n_population)
for(i in 1:n_population)
# create initial solutions by making changes to the initial solution
solution = randomize_solution(datain,max_date_per_task,tasks,frac_perm_init)
score = score_solution(solution,tasks,capacity_per_day)
population[[i]] = list('solution' = solution,'score'= score)
population = sort_pop(population)
score_per_iteration <- score_solution(datain,tasks,capacity_per_day)
# Run the algorithm
for(i in 1:n_iterations)
print(paste0('\n---- Iteration',i,' -----\n'))
# create some random perturbations in the population
for(j in 1:10)
sol_to_change = sample(2:n_population,1)
new_solution <- randomize_solution(population[[sol_to_change]][['solution']],max_date_per_task,tasks)
new_score <- score_solution(new_solution,tasks,capacity_per_day)
population[[sol_to_change]] <- list('solution' = new_solution,'score'= new_score)
# Create offspring, first determine which solutions to combine
# determine the probability that a solution will be selected to create offspring (some smoothing)
probs = sapply(population,function(x) {x[['score']]})
if(max(probs)==min(probs)){stop('No diversity in population left')}
probs = 1-(probs-min(probs))/(max(probs)-min(probs))+0.2
# create combinations
solutions_to_combine = lapply(1:n_offspring_per_iter, function(y){
sample(seq(length(population)),2,prob = probs)})
for(j in 1:n_offspring_per_iter)
new_solution <- merge_solutions(population[[solutions_to_combine[[j]][1]]][['solution']],
new_score <- score_solution(new_solution,tasks,capacity_per_day)
population[[length(population)+1]] <- list('solution' = new_solution,'score'= new_score)
population = sort_pop(population)
population= population[1:n_population]
print(paste0('Best score:',population[[1]]['score']))
score_per_iteration = c(score_per_iteration,population[[1]]['score'])
if(score_per_iteration[[i]] == score_per_iteration[[i-10]])
stop(paste0("Score not improved in the past ",early_stopping_rounds," rounds. Halting algorithm."))
plot(x=seq(0,length(score_per_iteration)-1),y=score_per_iteration,xlab = 'iteration',ylab='score')
final_solution = population[[1]][['solution']]
And indeed, as we expect, the algorithm turns out to be very good in reducing the number of days with a very high overcapacity:
final_solution = population[[1]][['solution']]
# number of days with workload higher than 10 in initial solution
> 19
# number of days with workload higher than 10 in our solution
> 1
I am running a simulation trying to find the probability of something taking place in a number of binomial trials. I start with specifying the data
data=data.frame(prob=runif(300), value=runif(300))
data<-data[sample(nrow(data), iter, replace=T),]
then I add the trials
cols <- c("one","two","three","four","five","six",
data[,cols] <- NA
one contains the results of only one binomial trials, two contains the results of two binomial trials and so on. If a binomial event takes place in any of the one, two, three, ..., twelve, the cell is marked 1 else 0.
Then I run the trials for iter=5000 simulations
for (col in 3:14) {
for (i in 1:iter) if (sum(rbinom((col-2),1,data[i,1]))>0) data[i,col]<-1 else data[i,col]<-0
Then I evaluate the mean(data$value[data$one==0] till ... mean(data$value[data$twelve==0]
My problem is that the simulation code takes forever for iter>15000.
for (col in 3:14) {
for (i in 1:iter)
data[i,col] <- if (sum(rbinom((col-2),1,data[i,1]))>0) 1 else 0
Any ideas?
sim2 <- function(iter) {
dat <- data.frame(prob=runif(300), value=runif(300))
dat <- dat[sample(nrow(dat), iter, replace=TRUE),]
cols <- c("one","two","three","four","five","six",
dat[,cols] <- 0
for (col in 3:14) {
dat[,col] <- as.numeric(vapply(dat[,1],
function(p) {sum(rbinom((col-2), 1, p))>0},
vapply(3:14, function(col) {mean(dat$value[dat[,col]==0])}, FUN.VALUE=1)
For iter of 16000, this runs in 2.29s on my machine, compared to an (estimated) 1781s for the ordering in your original algorithm. In general, don't assign individual elements in the data frame when you can assign the whole column at once. There may be more improvements possible, but I'll stop at >750x speedup (and changing the algorithm from running time of O(n^2) to O(n)).