Display Block of R Code in Knitr With Evaluation Turned Off - r

I am writing a document with fairly resource intensive R code. I want to prevent execution of one block of R code in knitr which is giving me document timeout error in Overleaf.
In R studio, this can be done using eval = FALSE. I want to recreate this in knitr. So far, the only way I have found is to suppress errors using <<setup, include=FALSE, cache=FALSE>>= muffleError <- function(x,options) {} but it only works on the entire document.
I specifically want to prevent evaluation but show the R code.

Is this what you want to do, or have I misunderstood? The eval = FALSE is in one code chunk and the second chunk still plots.
title: "A Test Knit"
output: html_document
## Show code but don't run
```{r, eval = FALSE}
## Run and render plot


How to show code but hide output in RMarkdown?

I want my html file to show the code, but not the output of this chunk:
```{r echo=True, include=FALSE}
fun <- function(b)
for(a in b)
return(a * a)}
y <- fun(b)
When I run the code, i need the print to see the progress (it is quite a long function in reality).
But in the knitr file, I use the output in a further chunk, so I do not want to see it in this one (and there's no notion of progress, since the code has already been run).
This echo=True, include=FALSE here does not work: the whole thing is hidden (which is the normal behavior of include=FALSE).
What are the parameters I could use to hide the prints, but show my code?
As # J_F answered in the comments, using {r echo = T, results = 'hide'}.
I wanted to expand on their answer - there are great resources you can access to determine all possible options for your chunk and output display - I keep a printed copy at my desk!
You can find them either on the RStudio Website under Cheatsheets (look for the R Markdown cheatsheet and R Markdown Reference Guide) or, in RStudio, navigate to the "Help" tab, choose "Cheatsheets", and look for the same documents there.
Finally to set default chunk options, you can run (in your first chunk) something like the following code if you want most chunks to have the same behavior:
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = T,
results = "hide")
Later, you can modify the behavior of individual chunks like this, which will replace the default value for just the results option.
```{r analysis, results="markup"}
# code here
The results = 'hide' option doesn't prevent other messages to be printed.
To hide them, the following options are useful:
{r, error=FALSE}
{r, warning=FALSE}
{r, message=FALSE}
In every case, the corresponding warning, error or message will be printed to the console instead.
```{r eval=FALSE}
The document will display the code by default but will prevent the code block from being executed, and thus will also not display any results.
For muting library("name_of_library") codes, meanly just showing the codes, {r loadlib, echo=T, results='hide', message=F, warning=F} is great. And imho a better way than library(package, warn.conflicts=F, quietly=T)
For completely silencing the output, here what works for me
```{r error=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
# Your code here
2 * 2
# etc etc
The 5 measures used above are
error = FALSE
warning = FALSE
message = FALSE
To hide warnings, you can also do
{r, warning=FALSE}

R: RMarkdown: Include R File in chunk without evaluating it [duplicate]

I use ProjectTemplate and Knitr to produce reports. Most of the analysis is stored in the src directory, whilst the report contains the presentation R markdown.
I would like the main text to include only the results of the analysis, and the document appendix to contain some code chunks from the analysis. The only way I have found to achieve this is as follows:
First, run the actual analysis in the main body of the document:
```{r runanalysis, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
# run the analysis code to generate the objects
Secondly, in the appendix, two knitr chunks are needed. The first reads in the actual code (and executes it). The second displays the code.
```{r analysis, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE}
```{r analysis2, ref.label="analysis", eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE}
This works but seems very inefficient because:
The analysis has to be run twice - firstly in the source in the main document, and again in the appendix just to produce the code.
reading a knitr chunk and then referencing it again immediately to display the code
Is there a better way to achieve the goal of executing external source in the main document and printing the code in the appendix?
You may try this:
In the main body:
```{r runanalysis, code=readLines('../src/rf-model-caret.R'), echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE}
In the appendix:
```{r runanalysis, code=readLines('../src/rf-model-caret.R'), echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE}

Executing external source in knitr and printing the external code chunk

I use ProjectTemplate and Knitr to produce reports. Most of the analysis is stored in the src directory, whilst the report contains the presentation R markdown.
I would like the main text to include only the results of the analysis, and the document appendix to contain some code chunks from the analysis. The only way I have found to achieve this is as follows:
First, run the actual analysis in the main body of the document:
```{r runanalysis, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
# run the analysis code to generate the objects
Secondly, in the appendix, two knitr chunks are needed. The first reads in the actual code (and executes it). The second displays the code.
```{r analysis, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE}
```{r analysis2, ref.label="analysis", eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE}
This works but seems very inefficient because:
The analysis has to be run twice - firstly in the source in the main document, and again in the appendix just to produce the code.
reading a knitr chunk and then referencing it again immediately to display the code
Is there a better way to achieve the goal of executing external source in the main document and printing the code in the appendix?
You may try this:
In the main body:
```{r runanalysis, code=readLines('../src/rf-model-caret.R'), echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE}
In the appendix:
```{r runanalysis, code=readLines('../src/rf-model-caret.R'), echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE}

fenced code blocks when converting R Markdown to pdf

When I compile an R Markdown document to an HTML document, the non-R code blocks are formatted nicely. But when I compile the following R Markdown document to pdf, the only added code formatting is in the font. There is no shading, fencing, highlighting, etc.
output: pdf_document
I don't want to micromanage the output, I just want to add some common-sense formatting to clearly separate the code from the prose. I'm using TeXShop on a MAc with the engine below.
/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/bin/Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render(\"$1\", encoding='UTF-8')"
With ``` you introduce a plain markdown code block but not a knitr code chunk. But the output you expect (fencing, highlighting, shading) is the style knitr adds to its code blocks.
Therefore, use ```{r} to wrap code in knitr chunks (use eval = FALSE if you don't want the code to be evaluated). This can also be used for non-R code blocks: As long as the code is not evaluated, the language doesn't matter.
However, for non-R code this will lead to wrong or missing syntax highlighting. To get the correct syntax highlighting, use the option engine if the language is among the supported language engines.
The example below shows a pain markdown block, an evaluated and and unevaluated R code chunk, a (unevaluated) Python chunk without highlighting and finally two (unevaluated) Python chunks with correct highlighting.
Plain markdown code block.
print("This is a knitr code chunk.")
```{r, eval = FALSE}
print("This is a knitr code chunk that isn't evaluated.")
Chunk with Python code (borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/q/231767/2706569), *wrong* (no) highlighting:
```{r, eval = FALSE}
if self._leftchild and distance - max_dist < self._median:
yield self._leftchild
Chunk with Python code, *correct* highlighting:
```{r, eval = FALSE, engine = "python"}
if self._leftchild and distance - max_dist < self._median:
yield self._leftchild
Chunk with Python code, *correct* highlighting (alternative notation):
```{python, eval = FALSE}
if self._leftchild and distance - max_dist < self._median:
yield self._leftchild

Graphics on next slide with ioslides using Rstudio's Rmd

I want to have my graph output display on the next slide while the code chunk stays on the first. I am using the default ioslides in Rstudio. I would think that it would be some attribute of the code chunk but I can't figure out what it is.
output: ioslides_presentation
## Slide with Plot
```{r, echo=TRUE}
Any one have any idea on how to do this in Rstudio?
I want to use this for educational purposes. First showing the code and than revealing the graph. Now I am stuck with doing double code chunks with echo=FALSE and TRUE and eval=FALSE and TRUE.
It's easier to run the code twice, once not evaluating the code, the second time not showing the code.
title: "Plot Separation"
output: ioslides_presentation
## Plot 1
```{r, eval = FALSE}
## Plot 2
```{r, echo = FALSE}
It also avoids the error when smaller is true.
To move a plot to the next slide, you need to add a horizontal rule ---- before it (see documentation). You can modify the default plot hook to do it:
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
hook_plot = knit_hooks$get('plot')
knit_hooks$set(plot = function(x, options) {
paste0('\n\n----\n\n', hook_plot(x, options))
If you want all your plots to appear on the next slide Yihui's answer is the way to go. But if you want some plots to appear on the same slide you may be better off doing it manually, similar to what you are already doing (and what Dario suggested). Except that I would strongly recommend the use of chunk references. That way you avoid the need to duplicate the code.
title: "Plot Separation"
output: ioslides_presentation
## Plot code
```{r cars_plot, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE}
## Plot display
```{r cars_plot, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE}
I agree this would be desirable, but I'm finding ioslides to be buggy. Ioslides project started eith google, but was let go a while ago.
You may have better luck with beamer/home slides. But does require a LaTeX distribution to be installed.
