Unable to fetch an already created account - anchor-solana

I have the following api method, which I am calling when a button is clicked in the front end:-
export const sendMessage = async (content, roomPublicKey) => {
const { wallet, program, provider } = useWorkspace()
const message = web3.Keypair.generate()
const tx = await program.value.rpc.sendMessage(content, roomPublicKey, {
accounts: {
message: message.publicKey,
author: wallet.value.publicKey,
systemProgram: web3.SystemProgram.programId,
signers: [message]
const messageAccount = await program.value.account.message.fetch(message.publicKey)
sendMessage rpc call is creating a new account, and I am then trying to fetch the just created account. But I am getting an error that no such account exists.
I logged the transaction hash and checked on solana explorer and it seems that the account is definitely there, but I am not sure why I am not able to fetch that account

I would recommend always confirming the transactions you run on your code, because the problem may be that you are creating the account, but you check it too fast and the RCP has not been updated yet or something.
That is considering you did everything correctly in your contract code, but i can't know that since you didn't provide it.
Add this line of code after your transaction request:
await program.provider.connection.confirmTransaction(tx);
so it will look like this:
export const sendMessage = async (content, roomPublicKey) => {
const { wallet, program, provider } = useWorkspace()
const message = web3.Keypair.generate()
const tx = await program.value.rpc.sendMessage(content, roomPublicKey, {
accounts: {
message: message.publicKey,
author: wallet.value.publicKey,
systemProgram: web3.SystemProgram.programId,
signers: [message]
await program.provider.connection.confirmTransaction(tx);
const messageAccount = await program.value.account.message.fetch(message.publicKey)
Also another check you can do is getting the account info to see if it was created correctly, since fetch uses the discriminator from anchor to determine if the account is the right type.
like this :
const collectionPDAAccount = await program.provider.connection.getAccountInfo(message.publicKey);
Hope this helps!


Unable to transfer NEAR tokens between accounts using near-api-js

I am trying to transfer NEAR tokens between 2 testnet wallets using the near-api-js library in NextJS
Running send money function of the account, I am getting the following error
import { connect, keyStores } from "near-api-js";
export const NearConfig = async () => {
const config = {
networkId: "testnet",
keyStore: new keyStores.BrowserLocalStorageKeyStore(),
nodeUrl: "https://rpc.testnet.near.org",
walletUrl: "https://wallet.testnet.near.org",
helperUrl: "https://helper.testnet.near.org",
explorerUrl: "https://explorer.testnet.near.org",
return await connect(config);
setNear(await NearConfig());
const sendTokens = async () => {
try {
const account = await near.account(account_id);
await account.sendMoney(
"itissandeep98.testnet", // receiver account
"100000000" // amount in yoctoNEAR
} catch (error) {
showAlert(error.message, "error");
On running account.getAccessKeys(); there are full access keys as well as functional access keys available, then why I am not able to send tokens?
Moreover, I don't understand the below screenshot from the docs(https://docs.near.org/docs/develop/front-end/introduction); why isn't it allowed?
Found this after one week of struggle: Connect FullAccess account with near-api-js
const PENDING_ACCESS_KEY_PREFIX = "pending_key";
const loginFullAccess = async (options) => {
const currentUrl = new URL(window.location.href);
const newUrl = new URL(wallet._walletBaseUrl + "/login/");
newUrl.searchParams.set('success_url', options.successUrl || currentUrl.href);
newUrl.searchParams.set('failure_url', options.failureUrl || currentUrl.href);
const accessKey = KeyPair.fromRandom("ed25519");
newUrl.searchParams.set("public_key", accessKey.getPublicKey().toString());
await wallet._keyStore.setKey(
PENDING_ACCESS_KEY_PREFIX + accessKey.getPublicKey(),
After login you can use the sendMoney function to transfer NEAR tokens between accounts
I wanted to open up near website asking user for permissions required for sending the tokens. Was struggling till I noticed this text in nearjs doc regarding account.sendMoney:
Use WalletConnection in the browser to redirect to NEAR Wallet for
Account/key management using the BrowserLocalStorageKeyStore.
Basically, instead of nearConnection needed to use walletConnection
// const account = await nearConnection.account(accountId) // Wrong
const account = await walletConnection.account() // Profit

Firebase multi-tenancy has this error There is no user record corresponding to the provided identifier

I have setup my firebase with multiple tenants using Google Identity Platform.
And through Identity Platform, I manually added a user acct to each tenant.
For example, test#abcdemo.com for abcdemo tenant
test#defdemo.com for defdemo tenant
In my Flutter Web client app, I was able to sign in with FirebaseAuth's signInWithEmailAndPassword successfully with user acct and tenantId.
After successful sign in, I want to set a custom claim by passing the idToken that I retrieved from successful sign-in to setCustomClaims cloud function below:
const express = require("express");
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
const app = express();
app.post("/setCustomClaims", async (req, res)=>{
// Get the ID token passed.
const idToken = req.body;
functions.logger.log("Here's idToken: ", idToken);
// Verify the ID token and decode its payload.
const claims = await admin.auth().verifyIdToken(idToken);
functions.logger.log("After verify ID Token");
// Verify user is eligible for additional privileges.
if (
typeof claims.email !== "undefined" &&
typeof claims.email_verified !== "undefined"
) {
functions.logger.log("Inside if condition");
//Result of code execution below:
//This shows thee correct project id, etc
functions.logger.log("Project ID is ", process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG);
//Result of code execution below:
//Rejected: FirebaseAuthError: There is no user record corresponding to the provided identifier.
await admin.auth().getUserByEmail(claims.email).then(
(record) =>
functions.logger.log("Success: ", record)).catch(
(reasonStr) =>
functions.logger.log("Rejected: ",
//Result of code execution below:
//Users: {"users":[]}
await admin.auth().listUsers().then((users) =>
functions.logger.log("Users: ", users));
//Result of code execution below:
//Error: There is no user record corresponding to the provided identifier.
await admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(claims.sub, {
youcanaccess: true,
//Didn't even go to this line because the above code was erroring out.
functions.logger.log("after setCustomClaims");
// Tell client to refresh token on user.
status: "success",
functions.logger.log("after success");
} else {
// Return nothing.
res.end(JSON.stringify({status: "ineligible"}));
functions.logger.log("after ineligible");
exports.api = functions.https.onRequest(app);
The code above has some extra code for debugging purpose.
As you can see the code above, I put some comments till the last line
of executed statement.
It's erroring out in this line:
await admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims.
And the error message again is this:
Error: There is no user record corresponding to the provided identifier.
I don't know exactly why it stated that there's no user record even though I was able to sign in successfully.
My guess is the users in the tenant scope didn't get recognized by the admin.auth()?
By the way, this wasn't done in local emulator.
Looking forward for any advice. Thank you very much for the help
If you are using multi-tenant you must set the tenant id before you access it. if not it will check only outside of the tenant. So you should modify the code following:
first, you've to assign your user's tenant id like the following:
const tenantAuth = admin.auth().tenantManager().authForTenant("TENANT_ID");
Now you can access a particular tenant:
const claims = await tenantAuth.verifyIdToken(idToken);
if (
typeof claims.email !== "undefined" &&
typeof claims.email_verified !== "undefined"
) {
functions.logger.log("Inside if condition");
functions.logger.log("Project ID is ", process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG);
await tenantAuth.getUserByEmail(claims.email).then(
(record) =>
functions.logger.log("Success: ", record)).catch(
(reasonStr) =>
functions.logger.log("Rejected: ",
await tenantAuth.listUsers().then((users) =>
functions.logger.log("Users: ", users));
await tenantAuth.setCustomUserClaims(claims.sub, {
youcanaccess: true,
functions.logger.log("after setCustomClaims");
// Tell client to refresh token on user.
status: "success",
functions.logger.log("after success");
} else {
// Return nothing.
res.end(JSON.stringify({status: "ineligible"}));
functions.logger.log("after ineligible");
Hope this solution will help you to solve the problem.

How to complete login only after functions.auth.user().onCreate is finished

I'm using firebase functions and I have a function which add new collection when user is creating. The problem is sometimes user is logged in before function is done, so user is logged in but new collection is not created yet (and then I have error message 'Missing or insufficient permissions. because a rule cannot find that collection'). How can I handle it?
Is it possible to finish login user (for example using google provider) only when all stuff from
export const createCollection = functions.auth.user().onCreate(async user => {
try {
const addLanguages = await addFirst();
const addSecondCollection = await addSecond();
async function addFirst() {
const userRef = admin.firestore().doc(`languages/${user.uid}`);
await userRef.set(
language: null
{ merge: true }
return 'done';
async function addSecond() {
// ...
return await Promise.all([addLanguages, addSecondCollection]);
} catch (error) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('unknown', error);
is finished? So google provider window is closed and user is logged in only after that? (and don't using setTimeouts etc)
AFAIK it is not possible to directly couple the two processes implied in your application:
On one hand you have the Google sign-in flow implemented in your front-end (even if there is a call to the Auth service in the back-end), and;
On the other hand you have the Cloud Function that is executed in the back-end.
The problem you encounter comes from the fact that as soon as the Google sign-in flow is successful, your user is signed in to your app and tries to read the document to be created by the Cloud Function.
In some cases (due for example to the Cloud Function cold start) this document is not yet created when the user is signed in, resulting in an error.
One possible solution would be to set a Firestore listener in your front-end to wait for this document to be created, as follows. Note that the following code only takes into account the Firestore document created by the addFirst() function, since you don't give any details on the second document to be created through addSecond().
.then(function(result) {
var token = result.credential.accessToken;
var user = result.user;
//Here we know the userId then we can set a listener to the doc languages/${user.uid}
.onSnapshot(function(doc) {
if(doc.exists) {
console.log("Current data: ", doc.data());
//Do whatever you want with the user doc
} else {
console.log("Language document not yet created by the Cloud Function");
}).catch(function(error) {
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
var email = error.email;
var credential = error.credential;
// ...
As said above, in the above code we only take into account the first Firestore document created by the addFirst() function. But you probably need to wait for the two docs to be created before reading them from the front-end.
So, you may modify you CF as follows:
export const createCollection = functions.auth.user().onCreate(async user => {
try {
await addFirst();
await addSecond();
return null;
async function addFirst() {
const userRef = admin.firestore().doc(`languages/${user.uid}`);
await userRef.set(
language: null
{ merge: true }
async function addSecond() {
// ...
} catch (error) {
return null;
Note that you don't need to use Promise.all(): the following two lines already execute the two document writes to Firestore. And, since you use async/await the second document is only written after the first one is written.
const addLanguages = await addFirst();
const addSecondCollection = await addSecond();
So you just need to set the listener on the path of the second document, and you are done!
Finally, note that doing
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('unknown', error);
in your catch block is the way you should handle errors for a Callable Cloud Function. Here, you are writing a background triggered Cloud Function, and you can just use return null;

How to load 2 different Firestore docs in one 'onUpdate' Cloud Function?

I am trying to make an "onUpdate" function that loads the document that has been updated. Then I want to load another document using the data received by the wildcards. So to summarize I want to access the document that was updated and one more that is in the same collection.
I want : /userProfiles/{doc1}/employees/{doc2} AND /userProfiles/{doc1}.
I can get them both but when I try to use the data from one, it doesn't read the previous data and gives me a ReferenceError.
The end goal is to use both these docs to send an email with nodemailer. Thanks for any help.
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
exports.testLog = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
var info = [];
const doc1 = context.params.doc1;
const doc2 = context.params.doc2;
const db = admin.firestore();
return (
.then(doc => {
var email = doc.data().email;
var phone = doc.data().phone;
console.log(email, phone); // sees and gets info
return email, phone;
.then(doc => {
var Status = doc.data().Status;
console.log(phone, `${Status}`); //phone is undefined
if (`${Status}` === "Alarm") {
// replace with variables from the users settings page
console.log(`${info.phone}`); // phone is undefined
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: "smtp.gmail.com",
port: 587,
secure: false,
auth: {
user: "xxxxxx#gmail.com",
pass: "xxxxxxxxxx"
// send mail with defined transport object
let mailOptions = {
from: '"Fred Foo 👻" <foo#example.com>',
to: `${info.phone}`, // tried phone as well
subject: "Hello ✔",
text: "216+?",
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, error => {
if (error) {
return console.log(error);
} else {
return console.log("message sent");
// return
return console.log("im after the if statement. No alarm triggered");
.then(message => console.log(message.sid, "success"))
.catch(err => console.log(err))
So I want to get the phone number and the Status in these 2 images
The error that is returned:
ReferenceError: phone is not defined
There are two things that aren't quite working the way you expect leading to your problem:
The handling of promises isn't really passing data the way you expect -- in particular, the variables phone and email exist only in one promise handler, they aren't global in scope, so phone and email aren't being passed down the promise chain.
You don't actually need to ever read the second document, as the content is passed to you in the function itself. This actually greatly simplifies the overall thing you are doing, and makes dealing with the first point nearly trivial, since you can skip the second database call.
Look at this code where I have omitted the messaging code for clarity and just left in place most of the log messages:
exports.firestoreOnUpdateTest = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
// var info = []; I have removed this list, it is not necessary
const doc1 = context.params.doc1;
// no need to get the doc2 parameter, as we are handed the doc itself by the function call.
const doc2content = change.after.data();
const db = admin.firestore();
return (
.then(doc => {
const doc1content = doc.data();
const email = doc1content.email;
const phone = doc1content.phone;
console.log(email, phone); // sees and gets info
console.log(`No need to fetch doc2, as I already have it: ${JSON.stringify(doc2content)}`);
const Status = doc2content.Status;
console.log(`email for user is still: ${email}`); // email is now defined
console.log(phone, `${Status}`); // phone is now defined
if (`${Status}` === "Alarm") {
console.log(`${phone}`); // phone is now defined
return console.log('message would be sent here - code omitted')
return console.log("im after the if statement. No alarm triggered");
.catch(err => console.error(err))
In the new version, we just store the content from the document that triggered us, including the Status parameter. We then fetch the document with the content we need -- at the higher level in the tree. Once that document is returned, we just process it and combine with the data from doc2. All the fields are now defined (assuming, of course, the database objects are well-formed).
Your messaging code would be re-inserted right were the obvious log message is.
Finally, the info list I don't think is necessary now, so I've removed it. Instead, I recommend you build what you need as you construct the message itself from the data already on hand. That said, your original code wasn't accessing it correctly (that is, as a list) anyway and may have been confusing you further.
Finally, I haven't addressed the use of the Nodemailer module as the question focused primarily on the undefined fields, but I suspect your original code may not be entirely correct either -- as it doesn't either return a promise back from sendMail() or perform an await on that call (and make the entire function async), so you will need to look at that more closely.

Is it possible to use Cypress e2e testing with a firebase auth project?

I am exploring Cypress for e2e testing, looks like great software.
The problem is Authentication, the Cypress documentation explains why using the UI is very bad here.
So I tried looking at the network tap of my application, to see if I could create a POST request to the firebase API, and authenticate without using the GUI. But I can see that there at least 2 request fired, and token saved to application storage.
So what approach should I use?
Authenticate with the UI of my application, and instruct Cypress not to touch the local storage
Keep experimenting with a way of sending the correct POST requests, and save the values to local storage.
Make Cypress run custom JS code, and then use the Firebase SDK to login.
I am really looking for some advice here :)
When doing this myself I made custom commands (like cy.login for auth then cy.callRtdb and cy.callFirestore for verifying data). After getting tired of repeating the logic it took to build them, I wrapped it up into a library called cypress-firebase. It includes custom commands and a cli to generate a custom auth token.
Setup mostly just consists of adding the custom commands in cypress/support/commands.js:
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/auth';
import 'firebase/database';
import 'firebase/firestore';
import { attachCustomCommands } from 'cypress-firebase';
const fbConfig = {
// Your config from Firebase Console
window.fbInstance = firebase.initializeApp(fbConfig);
attachCustomCommands({ Cypress, cy, firebase })
And adding the plugin to cypress/plugins/index.js:
const cypressFirebasePlugin = require('cypress-firebase').plugin
module.exports = (on, config) => {
// `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
// `config` is the resolved Cypress config
// Return extended config (with settings from .firebaserc)
return cypressFirebasePlugin(config)
But there full details on setup are available in the setup docs.
Disclosure, I am the author of cypress-firebase, which is the whole answer.
I took the approach of using automated UI to obtain the contents of localStorage used by Firebase JS SDK. I also wanted to do this only once per whole Cypress run so I did it before the Cypress start.
Obtain Firebase SDK localStorage entry via pupeteer
Store the contents in the tmp file (problems passing it via env var to Cypress)
Pass the file location to Cypress via env var and let it read the contents and set the localStorage to setup the session
Helper script which obtains contents of localStorage:
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')
const invokeLogin = async page => {
await page.goto('http://localhost:3000/login')
await page.waitForSelector('.btn-googleplus')
await page.evaluate(() =>
const doLogin = async (page, {username, password}) => {
// Username step
await page.waitForSelector('#identifierId')
await page.evaluate((username) => {
document.querySelector('#identifierId').value = username
}, username)
// Password step
await page.waitForSelector('#passwordNext')
await page.evaluate(password =>
setTimeout(() => {
document.querySelector('input[type=password]').value = password
}, 3000) // Wait 3 second to next phase to init (couldn't find better way)
, password)
const extractStorageEntry = async page =>
page.evaluate(() => {
for (let key in localStorage) {
if (key.startsWith('firebase'))
return {key, value: localStorage[key]}
const waitForApp = async page => {
await page.waitForSelector('#app')
const main = async (credentials, cfg) => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(cfg)
const page = await browser.newPage()
await invokeLogin(page)
await doLogin(page, credentials)
await waitForApp(page)
const entry = await extractStorageEntry(page)
await browser.close()
const username = process.argv[2]
const password = process.argv[3]
main({username, password}, {
headless: true // Set to false for debugging
Since there were problem with sending JSON as environment variables to Cypress I use tmp file to pass the data between the script and the Cypress process.
node test/getFbAuthEntry ${USER} ${PASSWORD} > test/tmp/fbAuth.json
cypress open --env FB_AUTH_FILE=test/tmp/fbAuth.json
In Cypress I read it from the file system and set it to the localStorage
const setFbAuth = () =>
.then(fbAuth => {
const {key, value} = fbAuth
localStorage[key] = value
describe('an app something', () => {
it('does stuff', () => {
cy.viewport(1300, 800)
This is certainly a hack but to get around the login part for the app I am working on I use the beforeEach hook to login to the application.
beforeEach(() => {
cy.resetTestDatabase().then(() => {
Which is derived from my helper functions.
Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {
return firebase
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(Cypress.env('USER_EMAIL'), Cypress.env('USER_PASSWORD'));
Cypress.Commands.add('resetTestDatabase', () => {
return cy.login().then(() => {
.then(snapshot => {
const defaultCategories = snapshot.val();
const updates = {};
updates[TEST_CATEGORIES_PATH] = defaultCategories;
updates[TEST_EVENTS_PATH] = null;
updates[TEST_STATE_PATH] = null;
updates[TEST_EXPORT_PATH] = null;
return firebase
What I would like to know is how the information coming back from firebase ultimately gets saved to localStorage. I don't really have an answer to this but it works. Also, the app uses .signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider()) whereas above it signs in with email and password. So I am kind of shortcutting the signin process only because cypress has the CORS limitation.
This is becoming way easier with the upcoming Auth emulator. This has become easier with the Firebase Auth Emulator (firebase-tools >= 8.1.4).
Cypress.Commands.add('signAs', (uid, opt) => {
cy.window().its('firebase').then( fb => {
cy.wrap( (async _ => {
// Create a user based on the provided token (only '.uid' is used by Firebase)
await fb.auth().signInWithCustomToken( JSON.stringify({ uid }) );
// Set '.displayName', '.photoURL'; for email and password, other functions exist (not implemented)
await fb.auth().currentUser.updateProfile(opt);
})() )
Use it as:
cy.signAs('joe', { displayName: 'Joe D.', photoURL: 'http://some' });
If you need to set .email or .password, there are similar functions for those, but this was sufficient for my tests. I can now impersonate any user ad-hoc, as part of the test. The approach does not need users to be created in the emulator; you can just claim to be one, with the particular uid. Works well for me.
Firebase authentication is in IndexedDB (as mentioned in other answers) and Cypress does not clear it, between the tests. There is discussion about this in cypress #1208.
At the time writing, I've examined these approaches
stubbing firebase network requests - really difficult. A bunch of firebase requests is sent continuously. There are so many request params & large payload and they're unreadable.
localStorage injection - as same as request stubbing. It requires an internally thorough understanding of both firebase SDK and data structure.
cypress-firebase plugin - it's not matured enough and lack of documentation. I skipped this option because it needs a service account (admin key). The project I'm working on is opensource and there are many contributors. It's hard to share the key without including it in the source control.
Eventually, I implemented it on my own which is quite simple. Most importantly, it doesn't require any confidential firebase credentials. Basically, it's done by
initialize another firebase instance within Cypress
use that firebase instance to build a Cypress custom command to login
const fbConfig = {
apiKey: `your api key`, // AIzaSyDAxS_7M780mI3_tlwnAvpbaqRsQPlmp64
authDomain: `your auth domain`, // onearmy-test-ci.firebaseapp.com
projectId: `your project id`, // onearmy-test-ci
const attachCustomCommands = (
{ auth, firestore }: typeof firebase,
) => {
let currentUser: null | firebase.User = null
auth().onAuthStateChanged(user => {
currentUser = user
Cypress.Commands.add('login', (email, password) => {
displayName: 'login',
consoleProps: () => {
return { email, password }
return auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
Cypress.Commands.add('logout', () => {
const userInfo = currentUser ? currentUser.email : 'Not login yet - Skipped'
displayName: 'logout',
consoleProps: () => {
return { currentUser: userInfo }
return auth().signOut()
attachCustomCommands(Cypress, firebase)
Here is the commit that has all integration code https://github.com/ONEARMY/community-platform/commit/b441699c856c6aeedb8b73464c05fce542e9ead1
Ok after much trial and error, I tried solution path 2 and it worked.
So my auth flow looks like this:
Send POST request (using cybress.request) to
and parse the response. Create an object: response1 = response.body
Send POST request (using cybress.request) to
use the idToken from the prev request. Create an object: user = response2.body.users[0];
Combine the response in an object, with the following properties:
const authObject = {
uid: response1.localId,
displayName: response1.displayName,
photoURL: null,
email: response1.email,
phoneNumber: null,
isAnonymous: false,
providerData: [
uid: response1.email,
displayName: response1.displayName,
photoURL: null,
email: body.email,
phoneNumber: null,
providerId: 'password'
'apiKey': apiKey,
'appName': '[DEFAULT]',
'authDomain': '<name of firebase domain>',
'stsTokenManager': {
'apiKey': apiKey,
'refreshToken': response1.refreshToken,
'accessToken': response1.idToken,
'expirationTime': user.lastLoginAt + Number(response1.expiresIn)
'redirectEventId': null,
'lastLoginAt': user.lastLoginAt,
'createdAt': user.createdAt
Then in cybress, I simply save this object in local storag, in the before hook: localStorage.setItem(firebase:authUser:${apiKey}:[DEFAULT], authObject);
Maybe not perfect, but it solves the problem. Let me know if you interested in the code, and if you have any knowledge about how to build the "authObject", or solve this problem in another way.
