Distributed databases: What if hardware fails - bigdata

Let us take some kind of distributed highly available database like Redis, Cassandra, Mongo etc. Replication factor = 5. Read quorum = 3. Write quorum = 3. Now a write occurs, but only 3 out of 5 get updated. So it is a success. But it so happens that one of the 3 successful updates crashes, and the other two are not yet updated. Disk, CPU is fffuttt. Now we have 2 out of 4 successfully updated. How will this be handled? We cannot achieve read quorum of 3/5 anymore. Should this be considered a case of lost data?
Now I understand that in usual case, it is considered that there is a software crash, and the dying instance will restart and everything will be good. This is a case of permanent hardware failure.

I think you are assuming that you have 5 machines in the cluster with the replication factor of 5. That means that every machine holds the same data. That's a very unusual setup.
I'm not sure about Redis or Mongo but in the Cassandra the read quorum will be achieved because more then 3 replicas are alive (4/5 actually).
In Cassandra there is a mechanism that will try to make the data consistent during the read. It's called read repair.


Using endpoints of AWS ElastiCache for Redis

I am using AWS ElastiCache for Redis as the caching solution for my spring-boot application. I am using spring-boot-starter-data-redis and jedis client to connect with my cache.
Imagine that I am having my cache in cluster-mode-enabled and 3 shards with 2 nodes in each. I agree then the best way of doing it is using the configuration-endpoint. Alternatively, I can list all the endpoints of all nodes and let the job done.
However, even if I use a single node's endpoint from one of the shards, my caching solution works. That doesn't looks right to me. I feel even if it works, that might case problems in the cluster in long run. When there are all together 6 nodes partitioned into 3 shards but only using one node's endpoint. I have following questions.
Is using one node's endpoint create an imbalance in the cluster?
Is that handled automatically by the AWS ElastiCache for Redis?
If I use only one node's endpoint does that mean the other nodes will never being used?
Thank you!
To answer your questions;
Is using one node's endpoint create an imbalance in the cluster?
Is that handled automatically by the AWS ElastiCache for Redis?
if I use only one node's endpoint does that mean the other nodes will never being used?
No. All nodes are being used.
This is how Cluster Mode Enabled works. In your case, you have 3 shards meaning all your slots (where key-value data is stored) are divided into 3 sub-clusters ie. shards.
This was explained in this answer as well - https://stackoverflow.com/a/72058580/6024431
So, essentially, your nodes are smart enough to re-direct your requests to the nodes that has the key-slot where your data needs to be stored. So, no imbalances. Redis handles the redirection for you.
Now, while using Node endpoints, you're going to be facing other problems.
Elasticache is running on cloud (which is essentially AWS Hardware). All hardware faces issues. You have 3 primaries (1p, 2p, 3p) and 3 (1r, 2r, 3r) replicas.
So, if a primary goes down due to hardware issue (lets say 1p), the replica will get promoted to become the new Primary for the cluster (1r).
Now the problem would be, your application is connected directly to 1p which has now been demoted to replica. So, all the WRITE operations will fail.
And you will have to change the application code manually whenever this happens.
Alternatively, if you were using configurational endpoint (or other cluster level endpoints) instead of node-endpoints, this issue would only be a blip to your application at most, perhaps for 1-2 seconds.

Reducing replication on Openstack Swift

Is it possible to limit replication on OpenStack Swift to one or possibly 2? 3 data replicas are currently being created.
The default replication in Swift is 3 replicas, but you can change that to any number greater or equal to 1. The swift-ring-builder command has a set-replicas verb for adjusting the number of replicas; see
Of course, there is a tradeoff between the number of replicas and your cluster's ability to cope with loss of disk drives and servers.
You also asked this:
If I don't want replication on Openstack Swift(replication equal to 1), can I achieve this by disabling replicators? sudo swift-init object-replicator stop If I may, is this a better option?
I guess it would probably work ... until someone or something restarts the replicators.
But it is not a good idea:
Monitoring may complain that the replicators are not working(!)
Other swift tools may complain that the cluster is out of spec; e.g. swift-recon --replication.
If you have been previously running with (say) a 3 replica policy, then nothing will delete the (now) redundant replicas created before you turned off the replicators.

How Galera Cluster guarantees consistency?

I'm searching for a high-available SQL solution! One of the articles that I read was about "virtually synchronized" in Galera Cluster: https://www.percona.com/blog/2012/11/20/understanding-multi-node-writing-conflict-metrics-in-percona-xtradb-cluster-and-galera/
He says
When the writeset is actually applied on a given node, any locking
conflicts it detects with open (not-yet-committed) transactions on
that node cause that open transaction to get rolled back.
Writesets being applied by replication threads always win
What will happen if the WriteSet conflicts with a committed transaction?
He also says:
Writesets are then “certified” on every node (in order).
How does Galera Cluster make WriteSets ordered over a cluster? Is there any hidden master node who make WriteSets ordered; something like Zookeeper? or what?
This is for the second question (about how Galera orders the writesets).
Galera implements Extended Virtual Synchrony (EVS) based on the Totem protocol. The Totem protocol implements a form of token passing, where only the node with the token is allowed to send out new requests (as I understand it). So the writes are ordered since only one node at a time has the token.
For the academic background, you can look at these:
The Totem Single-Ring Ordering and Membership Protocol
The database state machine and group communication issues
(This Answer does not directly tackle your Question, but it may give you confidence that Galera is 'good'.)
In Galera (PXC, etc), there are two general times when a transaction can fail.
On the node where the transaction is being run, the actions are compared to what is currently running on the same node. If there is a conflict, either one of the transactions is stalled (think innodb_lock_wait_timeout) or is deadlocked (and rolled back).
At COMMIT time, info is sent to all the other nodes; they check your transaction against anything on the node or pending (in gcache). If there is a conflict, a message is sent back saying that there would be trouble. So, the originating node has the COMMIT fail. For this reason, you must check for errors even on the COMMIT statement.
As with single-node systems, a deadlock is usually resolved by replaying the entire transaction.
In the case of autocommit, there is a small, configurable, number of retries, after which the statement will fail. So, again, check for errors. However, since a retry has already been tried, you may want to abort the program.
Currently (in my opinion) Galera, with at least 3 nodes in at least 3 different physical locations, is the best available HA solution for MySQL. It can effectively survive any single-point-of-failure. (Group Replication / InnoDB Cluster, from Oracle, is coming soon, and is very promising.)
One thing to note is that the "critical read" problem has a solution in Galera, but you have to take action. See wsrep_sync_wait. (As of this writing, InnoDB Cluster has no solution.)
See http://mysql.rjweb.org/doc.php/galera for tips (some of which are included above) on coding differences when moving to PXC/Galera.

Very slow Riak writes and this error: {shutdown,max_concurrency}

On a 5-node Riak cluster, we have observed very slow writes - about 2 docs per second. Upon investigation, I noticed that some of the nodes were low on disk space. After making more space available and restarting the nodes, we are see this error (or something similar) on all of the nodes inside console.log:
2015-02-20 16:16:29.694 [info] <0.161.0>#riak_core_handoff_manager:handle_info:282 An outbound handoff of partition riak_kv_vnode 182687704666362864775460604089535377456991567872 was terminated for reason: {shutdown,max_concurrency}
Currently, the cluster is not being written to or read from.
I would appreciate any help in getting the cluster back to good health.
I will add that we are writing documents to an index that is tied to a Solr index.
This is not critical production data, and I could technically wipe everything and start fresh, but I would like to properly diagnose and fix the issue so that I am prepared to handle it if it should happen in a production environment in the future.

Client and Cache configuration for Oracle coherence

I have the specific scenario for which we want to use Coherence as sitributed cache. Which I am gonna describe here.
I have 20+ standalone processes which are going to put the data in cache continuously. the frequency of all of them differs, though thats not a concern.
And 2 procesess which will be reading data from those cache.
I dont need any underlying db except for the way which coherence provide. Data will be written to the cache and read from the cache.
I have 4 node cluster at my disposal (cost constraint whatever) and the coherence cluster will be on different boxes (infra constraint whatever) and both the populating portion of the cache and the reading part will be on differnt nmachines.
The peak memory size of the cache daily will hover around 6 GB max, min being 2 GB.
Cache will have daily data only and I will have separate archiving processes to simulatneosuly keep archiving it also. the point is that cache size for now will have this size only. Lets say I am gonna keep the date out of key equation.
Though Would like to explore if I can store more into those 4 nodes. Right now its simple serialization, can explore other nbinary formats. Or should I definietly at this size of the cache?
My read and write operations are fairly spread out in the day. Meaning the read and write will keep on happening by those 2 reading clients and 20+ writing clients. Its not like one of them is more. Though there is a startup batch process in all of the background process which push more to the cache than the continuous pushing afterwards. But continuous pushing pushes fair amount of data too.
Now my questions regarding those above points (and because of some confusion also)
The biggest one is somebody told me that I an have limited number of connection depending on the nodes we have bought. so he said if its 4, you ideally should have 4 connections only at the max. So, develop a gatekeeper kind of application and what not. Even if we use TCP Extend. Now from my reading so far, I dont think so. Is it? The point is dont wanna go that way if its really is not a constraint.
In other words is there limit on connection through Proxy Service dependeing on the nodes in the cluster?
Soemwhat related to above only. at the very max, I am going to get some penalty on the performance while pushing to cache only if I go the Extend way, right?
Partioned cache/near cache. As the reading time as well as the most update cache both are extremely critical. (the most imp question i have).
Really want to see the benefit which can be obtained from going to POF instead of lets say serialization/externalizatble/protobuf. Can coherence support protobuf out of the box? (may be for later on)
There's no technical limitation to the number of connections a Coherence Extend proxy can support except normal network and hardware resource constraints. You will have to ask an Oracle sales person if there are licensing limitations.
There is some performance impact from using a proxy because you are adding an additional network hop (client to proxy to cluster). If you use POF serialization then the proxy does not have to serialize/deserialize values. It can just pass the object through in its serialized form. In most applications the performance impact of using a proxy is tiny because Coherence is highly optimized for network speed. You are not required to use a proxy unless your clients are .NET or C++, but there are advantages of isolating client performance from impacting the cache.
Near cache will improve retrieval performance dramatically if there a number of frequently retrieved items for a client since they will be found in-process.
POF offers performance improvements based on faster serialization/deserialization and more compact storage. It is always best to try with test data based on your real production data and measure the difference yourself. Coherence does not support protobuf out of the box.
