Set environment variables to iTerm2 badges - zsh

I'm tinkering with iTerm2, trying to achieve the following:
switch to one of many profiles (e.g. work & personal);
set/unset environment variables based on the usage of the profiles;
make the badge read one or more of these "fluent" env vars.
Currently, I'm doing the "auto-assignment" of env vars by setting them at the start of each profile session:
Settings -> Profiles -> General -> Send text at start
export FOO="bar" && export FUZ="buz"
I assume there's a better way to do it but that's what I came up with so far.
What I'm struggling with is creating a function that would read these env vars and assign their values to the badge content.
I read a lot of stuff online but nothing seems to work.
For the record, I'm using zsh.
If someone more experienced with configuring iTerm could pitch in, I'd appreciate it! :)


Change order and labels of local tasks in Drupal 9

I've got local tasks displayed as tabs on my users' profile page.
Those local tasks are added by various modules.
I need to change the order of those tabs, and change some of their labels.
I can't figure out how to do that.
I tried using the menu_tokens module to replace those tabs by a real, customizable menu, but unfortunately it's not working correctly in Drupal 9 yet and breaks the whole website. Maybe there's another way which I'm not aware of?
Use hook_local_tasks_alter hook inside your custom module. I've checked and it's still valid in d9.
Inside your module_name.module file place a function named according to the convention function module_name_local_tasks_alter(&$local_tasks) {
Place there a breakpoint or simply var dump the local tasks, you will see, how many local tasks tab goes through this function.
In the end you will find entity.user.canonical, just overwrite the item weight in similar manner:
$local_tasks['entity.user.canonical']['weight'] = -3;
$local_tasks['entity.user.edit_form']['weight'] = -2;

Return Key in Edit Command Mode Shortcuts - Jupyter Notebook

While willing to write ↩a as a new shortcut for the run all cells above command I could not find how to specify the return symbol in Jupyter Notebook.
Writing return-a or ↩-ain the Edit Command Mode does not work and the modifier is not specified in the help dialog.
Any idea?
Return is not a modifier so shortcut like ↩-a make little sens (pressing enter and A at the same time. ↩,a meaning Return key followed by A key make more sens, but Enter is so pervasive for many actions that it is not usable in user shortcuts. I would suggest you to open an issue on jupyter/notebook on GitHub to ask for return to be added as a convenient way to map to ↩ , though even if we do that we can't guaranty that it will work. If you are willing to try to code that yourself, have a look at keyboard.js, the mapping from enter to displaying ↩ is already done in quickhelp.js, for mac at least.

Kibana (Elasticsearch) dev environment

I want to embed one my specific chart in dahsboard of kibana. For that I need inject my JS into Kibana source. I have followed by instructions to provide test environment, but I have obtained an error after "./kibana --dev"
let _ = require('lodash');
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
SyntaxError: Unexpected strict mode reserved word
at Module._compile (module.js:429:25)
at Object..js (module.js:459:10)
at Module.load (module.js:348:32)
at Function._load (module.js:308:12)
at Array.0 (module.js:479:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:192:41)
Can anybody help me with start environment, or advice. Probably, I am moving by wrong general goal (inject my JS code into Kibana) can be reached by another approach.
I have reached my general goal, and if it is right - I place here my approach. (also, as an answer for above question)
When I was seeking ways how to implement what I want (my own custom metrics in dashboard....only as training and for personal "sport interest" sake) - I had chosen next way.
First of all - you need pay attention on index.js, not small one but huge file (more than 5MB), it predominantly contains angularJS terms.
My steps was:
I put into HTML empty container for my metrics
<div class="metric_container"></div>.
HTML defines in index.js as
define('text!plugins/dashboard/index.html',[],function () { return '<div dashboard-app class="app-container dashboard-container">\n .....
you can try to search ctrl+F it over the index.js
I found variable with JSON data for charts (esResp)
I found watcher on changing it $scope.$watch('esResp', prereq(function (resp, pre Resp) {....
Put in the body of watcher my_function () call.
finished my_function() call, that contains completing HTML metric sample with renewed figures (from esResp JSON) and putting it into
so, I can develop my own metrics, charts, and it will be renew, but ONLY based on information provided in charts.
So, If you need smth - you need firstly create appropriate chart because of data set for you own calculations and further visualization.
Something So.
I am sure, probably there is best way, but my was.
I have created a number of visualizations for Kibana 4.4.1, and once you have the right baseline, it is no big deal.
I encourage you to take a look at any of my sources, in order to know what has to be done (
There are some basic files you need to have, and you have them, you just put them on the src/plugins directory, and restart kibana. If everything is fine, you get a new visualization on the list.
If you encounter any problems or need a more detailed description, send me a message or post it here and I'll try to explain with more detail.

Atom Interfering Keymap Config?

I have this in Atom my kepmap file:
'ctrl-i': 'window:toggle-invisibles'
'ctrl-t': 'editor:toggle-indent-guide'
ctrl-t works but ctrl-i doesn't.
Just deleting the
'ctrl-t': 'editor:toggle-indent-guide'
makes ctrl-i work again.
Why would that be? How to I clear the interference?
You'll notice both bindings share the same class even if they don't share the same keystroke, try putting them together like so:
'ctrl-i': 'window:toggle-invisibles'
'ctrl-t': 'editor:toggle-indent-guide'
And you could even be more specific to avoid having them overwritten whenever you install new packages, like so:
'.workspace .editor:not(.mini)':
'ctrl-i': 'window:toggle-invisibles'
'ctrl-t': 'editor:toggle-indent-guide'
That's just an example, you can be even more specific adding .pane, but the previous one does the job.
You can also use the Key Binding Resolver by ctrl+.(that's the "dot" or "period"), or querying the command palette by ctrl+shift+P and searching for resolver, bam you are there (that one you knew for sure, I just mention it for other people who may be reading this and may not be familiar with basic functionality).
The key binding resolver will help you monitor how other bindings may be interfering.
Let me know if it worked.

I'm having problems with configuring a filter that replicates specific tables only

I am trying to use filters to select specific tables to replicate.
I tried running this with the installer
./tools/tungsten-installer --master-slave -a \
--svc-extractor-filters=replicate \,*.foo"
and got this exception in trepctl status after the master had not installed properly:
Plugin class name property is missing or null: key=replicator.filter.replicate
which file is this properties file? How do I find it? Moreover, in specifying the settings for the filter, how do I know what exactly to put?
I discovered that I am supposed to Modify the configuration template file prior to configuration according to Issue 219 but what changes am I supposed to make in tungsten-replicator-2.0.5-diff that will later on be patched to the extraction?
Issue 254 suggests that If you want to apply a filter out of the box, you can use these options with tungsten-installer:
-a --property=replicator.filter.Replicate.ignoreFilter=schema_x.tablex,schema_x,tabley,schema_y,tablez
However when I try using this for,
but the problem is still the same:
pendingExceptionMessage: Plugin class name property is missing or null: key=replicator.filter.replicate
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
I had a look at this file: /root/tungsten/tungsten-replicator/samples/
conf/filters/default/tableignore.tpl .Acoording to this sample, a file is supposed to have something like
this configured, please confirm if this is the correct syntax:
replicator.filter.tabledo=com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.JavaScr iptFilter
However, I did not find tabledo.js (or something similar) in the
directory where tableignore.js exists. Could I please have the
location of this file. If there is an alternative way of specifiying without the use of
this .js file, your suggestions are most welcome.
Download the latest version of tungsten replicator. The missing tpl file was added about a month ago. After installation, the filtered tables should be added to under the section FILTERS.
Locate your replicator configuration file in, e.g.
Make sure the individual dbms properties are set, in particular the setting replicator.applier.dbms:
# Batch applier basic configuration information.
# Timezone and character set.
# Parameters for loading and merging via stage tables.
Depending on the database you are replicating to you may have to omit/modify some of the lines.
For more information see:
I don't know if this problem is still open or not.
I am using this version 2.0.6-xxx and installing the service using the parameters works for me.
I would like to point it out, that as the parameter says "--svc-extractor-filters" defines an extractor filter. Meaning that the parameters will guide the extraction of data in the master server.
If you intend to use it on the slave service, you should use the "--svc-applier-filters".
The parameters
--svc-extractor-filters=replicate \,*.foo"
supposed to create the following in the properties file:
This is the filter set up.
And you should also be able to find the
parameter set.
If you intend to use this filter in the slave, please find the line with:
and change it as
Hope this brief description did help to you!
