I am tring to insert the following SPARQL query:
sparql_3 = "INSERT {http://www.semanticweb.org/umbcknacc/ontologies/2017/10/untitled-ontology-3#Elizabeth http://www.semanticweb.org/umbcknacc/ontologies/2017/10/untitled-ontology-3#Allergies "+ repr(final_data) + "} WHERE {http://www.semanticweb.org/umbcknacc/ontologies/2017/10/untitled-ontology-3#Elizabeth ?predicate ?object .}"
final_data is a string variable that represents an encrypted data.
The print of the query is :
sparql_3 :: INSERT {http://www.semanticweb.org/umbcknacc/ontologies/2017/10/untitled-ontology-3#Elizabeth http://www.semanticweb.org/umbcknacc/ontologies/2017/10/untitled-ontology-3#Allergies '}c£¨\x0bÆpì\x9b]UÖIú\x86_ \x0f7Ò¼$K5eÅÔ4#\x8a3\x8fÏYï\x02ñTÂä\x15\x00°±ÐF!-'} WHERE {http://www.semanticweb.org/umbcknacc/ontologies/2017/10/untitled-ontology-3#Elizabeth ?predicate ?object .}
I was trying to run
qres_3 = g.update(sparql_3)
I get the following error:
pyparsing.ParseException: Expected end of text, found 'I' (at char 0), (line:1, col:1)
Can someone please help?
I read data from excel file to connect and use in postgreSQL. I could connect to database and need to query using the variables from excel file. This part is working fine.
I declara a variable from excel file say "school" which I need to use dynamically to query in database. below is my query
sid <- '500'
my_school <- RPostgreSQL::dbGetQuery(conn = con, statement = "SELECT * from school where school_id = sid ")
it works if I use "500" instead of sid but I need to use a dynamic variable.
the error I get is :
Error: Failed to prepare query: ERROR: column "sid" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT * from school where school_id = sid
HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "school.db_sid".
Could anyone look at this? Thanks.
Use sprintf:
sprintf("SELECT * from school where school_id = %s", sid)
#[1] "SELECT * from school where school_id = 500"
Add quotation marks if appropriate:
sprintf("SELECT * from school where school_id = '%s'", sid)
#[1] "SELECT * from school where school_id = '500'"
Can someone please help me understand why below INSERT query
INSERT INTO ha_archive.pond(last_updated, water)
SELECT DATE(s.last_updated) 'last_updated',
SUM(s.state) 'water'
FROM home_assistant.states s
WHERE s.entity_id = 'sensor.pond_last_refill' AND s.state > 0
GROUP BY DATE(s.last_updated)
water = VALUES(water);
SQL Error (1292): Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'unknown'
While the SELECT query below does not?
SELECT DATE(s.last_updated) 'last_updated',
SUM(s.state) 'water'
FROM home_assistant.states s
WHERE s.entity_id = 'sensor.pond_last_refill' AND s.state > 0
GROUP BY DATE(s.last_updated)
There are occasional 'unknown' strings among float values, and I've tried casting as float, but that doesn't avoid the error.
In u-sql script I must extract a variable from file to a dataset and then use it to form a name of output file. How can I get the variable from the dataset?
In details.
I have 2 input files: csv file with a set of fields and a dictionary file. The 1st file has file name like ****ClintCode*****.csv. The 2nd file-dictionary has 2 fields with mapping: ClientCode - ClintCode2. My task is extract ClientCode value from the file name, get ClientCode2 from the dictionary, insert it as a field to output file (implemented), and, moreover, form the name of output file as ****ClientCode2****.csv.
Dictionary csv file has the content:
OldCode NewCode
6HAA Alfa
CVXX gamma
? Davis
The question is how to get ClientCode2 into scalar variable to write an expression for the output file?
DECLARE #inputFile string = "D:/DFS_SSC_Automation/Tasks/FundInfo/ESP_FAD_GL_6HAA_20170930.txt"; // '6HAA' is ClientCode here that mapped to other code in ClientCode_KVP.csv
DECLARE #outputFile string = "D:/DFS_SSC_Automation/Tasks/FundInfo/ClientCode_sftp_" + // 'ClientCode' should be replaced with ClientCode from mapping in ClientCode_KVP.csv
DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyymmdd") + "_" +
DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss") + ".csv";
DECLARE #dictionaryFile string = "D:/DFS_SSC_Automation/ClientCode_KVP.csv";
#dict =
EXTRACT [OldCode] string,
[NewCode] string
FROM #dictionaryFile
USING Extractors.Text(skipFirstNRows : 1, delimiter : ',');
#theCode =
SELECT Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(#inputFile).IndexOf([OldCode]) >= 0 ? 1 : 3 AS [CodeExists],
FROM #dict
)) AS t([CodeExists],[NewCode]);
#code =
SELECT [NewCode]
FROM #theCode
ORDER BY [CodeExists]
#GLdata =
EXTRACT [ASAT] string,
[ASOF] string,
[CR_EOP_AMOUNT] string,
[DR_EOP_AMOUNT] string,
[FUND_ID] string,
[GL_ACCT_TYPE_IND] string,
FROM #inputFile
USING Extractors.Text(delimiter : '|', skipFirstNRows : 1);
// Prepare output dataset
#FundInfoGL =
SELECT "" AS [AccountPeriodEnd],
"" AS [ClientCode],
[FUND_ID] AS [FundCode],
SUM(GL_ACCT_TYPE_IND == "A"? System.Convert.ToDecimal(DR_EOP_AMOUNT) : 0) AS [NetValueOtherAssets],
SUM(GL_ACCT_TYPE_IND == "L"? System.Convert.ToDecimal(CR_EOP_AMOUNT) : 0) AS [NetValueOtherLiabilities],
0.0000 AS [NetAssetsOfSeries]
FROM #GLdata
// NetAssetsOfSeries calculation
#FundInfoGLOut =
SELECT [AccountPeriodEnd],
[NewCode] AS [ClientCode],
Convert.ToString([NetValueOtherAssets]) AS [NetValueOtherAssets],
Convert.ToString([NetValueOtherLiabilities]) AS [NetValueOtherLiabilities],
Convert.ToString([NetValueOtherAssets] - [NetValueOtherLiabilities]) AS [NetAssetsOfSeries]
FROM #FundInfoGL
// Output
TO #outputFile
USING Outputters.Text(outputHeader : true, delimiter : '|', quoting : false);
As David points out: You cannot assign query results to scalar variables.
However, we have a dynamic partitioned output feature in private preview right now that will give you the ability to generate file names based on column values. Please contact me if you want to try it out.
You can't. Please see Convert Rowset variables to scalar value.
You may still be able to achieve your ultimate goal in a different manner. Please consider re-writing your post with clear & concise language, small dataset, expected output, and a very minimal amount of code needed to repro - remove all details and nuances that aren't necessary to create a test case.
I'm using data in a dataframe to try and update a table in an sqlite database that looks like
Part | Price
a | 5
b | 9
I am getting a syntax error for this
for(row in 1:nrow(newdata)){dbGetQuery(conn=db,"UPDATE Parts SET Price = ",newdata$Price[row], " WHERE Part = '", newdata$Part[row],"';")}
The exact error I'm getting:
Error in rsqlite_send_query(conn#ptr, statement) : near " ": syntax error
Why is this please?
The query string needs to be built into a single string
for(row in seq_len(nrow(newdata))) {
dbGetQuery(conn=db, sprintf("UPDATE Parts SET Price = %i WHERE Part = '%s';", newdata$Price[row], newdata$Part[row]))
It's also possible to accomplish this with paste or paste0, but sprintf can be easier to read.
I'm building a SQL Query statement using inputDateRange() in R/Shiny. My issue is in handling various strings to include the dates into the WHERE condition of the SQL:
Here is my code:
t.query <- paste0("Select [sensor_name], [temperature] from [dbo].
[temperature_sensor] where network_id = '24162' and date > "
, sQuote(format(input$my.dateRange[1], format="%d-%m-%Y"))
, " and date < "
, sQuote(format(input$my.dateRange[2], format="%d-%m-%Y"))
Now the statement closes with a single quote and I receive the error below:
42000 102 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Incorrect syntax near '‘'. [RODBC] ERROR: Could not
SQLExecDirect 'Select [sensor_name], [temperature] from
[dbo].[temperature_sensor] where network_id = '24162' and date >
‘18-09-2017’ and date < ‘22-09-2017’'
I need to close the string with " as I started it in "select ...., I tried to explicitly add """ or dQuote("") to concatenate " but I'm still encountering an error.
Any advice is highly appreciated?
I'd recommend using RODBCext, which will allow you to parameterize your query as
channel <- odbcConnect(...) # make your connection object here
Data <-
sqlExecute(channel = channel,
query = "Select [sensor_name], [temperature]
from [dbo].[temperature_sensor]
where network_id = ? and date between ? and ?",
data = list('24162',
format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
format = "%Y-%m-%d")),
fetch = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
This approach has a lot of advantages, including removing the frustration of matching quotes (which you shouldn't do because of the next reason), and protecting your data against SQL injection.