Force desktop site on tablet (Wordpress) - wordpress

I'm using Wordpress 5.9.2 and wanted to know if there is anyway I can do that when someone get into my site with tablet it will show him the desktop view?
Thank you!

This depends on your theme. And this theme most probably doesn't check if the website gets opened from tablet or desktop, but just checks the overall screensize and provides break points (for example for 800px screen width). Depending on your knowledge, you could edit your theme's style.css (or create child-theme) and edit the media queries there, maybe even just deleting the ones, responsible for the "tablet-size" breakpoint is enough.
If this is unfamiliar for you, as far as I know, there is no simple "deactivate tablet mode" button.


iframe shrinking parent page in iPhone's Safari

I'm using an iframe to display external webpages on my WordPress site. It looks great on desktops, but on my iphone the embedded page seems to break the parent page causing in to squish over to one side.
Here's an example:
I've tried restricting the size of the iframe for mobile devices, but then the page I'm importing no longer shrinks to fit the iphone screen.
Would love to hear any ideas...
Well I ended up basically coming up with a different mobile version of the pages with the frame. Not the perfect solution, but better than nothing.
Actually, i think there is no "clean" way solving this. At first, responsive design & iframes don't play together well. Second, iPhones and iframes don't play together well as well.
Maybe the best idea for you is to serve a different layout for mobile via a mobile redirect plugin. I.E. this one: Simple Mobile URL Redirect Plugin

Custom mobile theme

So I figured out on my own how to make a mobile site out of an Artisteer template.
Basically, I changed the sheet to 100% fluid width, minimum 300 px, one column, got rid of the menu and replaced it with a vertical menu, got rid of most of the blocks or put them under the vertical menu, made everything smaller and simpler. Smaller fonts, got rid of most of the padding except for 3px, made the header shorter, made the vertical menu bars tall enough to press with a finger, etc. My new mobile-friendly site looks great.
So now what? Do I export it as a WordPress theme and then have two installations of WordPress for every website?
Or do I export it as html, use a redirect WordPress plugin, an add an RSS feed?
Hmm...I think I may try html, but would love some feedback anyhow.
You definitely don't want two installations of Wordpress... double the admin overhead, duplicate content etc - not the way to go.
Easiest way IMO - and indeed, this is the way recommended by some commercial mobile theme developers - is to use a plugin like which simply detects the user agent of the client's device and switches to your mobile theme if it's a mobile device. So one Wordpress installation, two themes.
I know recommending a pluign isn't really the SO way :) - you can always look through the code and integrate it directly into your theme if you needed to.

How to force desktop mode in Wordpress when viewing in mobile phone?

I would like to ask how to force desktop behaviour in wordpress with mobile phones?
I have tried some plugins (,, etc.) with no success.
I switched to desktop mode user agent on my phone with no success.
Wordpress site still shows in some mobile mode. Layout is different and some elements are even missing.
Any ideas? Thank you.
See, it all depends upon two things, first the theme you choose and then on mobile browser.
Let's discuss theme first, if its responsive theme, then it surely will change the layout of site and even might miss some div blocks.
And now a days most of the themes are responsive, they automatically adjust to mobile browser, even wordpress default theme twenty eleven and twelve are responsive.
Secondly, most of high end mobile browser are made to change the look of site, just to facilitate users and irritate developers (lol)
Well, i would suggest, please check it this theme responsive, if yes, make it static.
I just figured out how to do this. I found out accidentally that when you setup domain forwarding (and use masking) in GoDaddy, it will always show the desktop version of the site when you visit the domain on a phone. Now, you don't want to buy a different domain for every website you want to be "non-mobile". So, simply setup a sub-domain and forward it to your website (using masking). When you visit that subdomain on a phone, it will show the full desktop version. Hope this helps you as much as it helped me :)

Handheld media type in css vs another domain or subdomain for mobile enabled site?

While Handheld option is available in CSS then why some people use different subdomain and make different site for mobile?
I second what Justin Niessner said. Also, the mobile version of a site is usually structured differently from the "main page". Other content may be displayed on the front page, an only a selection of menu items, or a whole different menu altogether. Videos have to be embedded differently, images as well, Javascript effects altered and so on. Using different style sheets mostly just won't cut it.
My guess is to make the distinction more apparent to the user.
That, and the Blackberry Browser (and possibly the iPhone) identifies itself as a mobile device (depending on settings)...but could theoretically be able to display the full page. Using CSS, you're also depending a lot on the mobile browser to do the correct thing with your page.
You'll provide a much more reliable interface if you let the user specify the experience, not the site.

is there a wordpress "lightbox" type of plugin that works on the iPhone?

Here I go again,
Anyone know if there's a Wordpress "lightbox" style plugin that works with mobile devices , specifically the iPhone -- or if theres a way to tweek one to be used ?
I've tried Slimbox2 Shadowbox JS and a few others -- but they all seem to break on the iphone -- specifically when the browser is re-sized.
It's a bummer because I rreally like the way my site looks on the iphone - except for showing images .
thanks -MW
Yes nearly :-) There is great AND USABLE expample at but it is not in plugin form
