how to block the command "clEnqueueFillImage",which don't have the blocking argument? - opencl

In the source code of funciton "clEnqueueFillImage",it want to blocking the command but I don't figure out how to blocking it without the blocking argument?
iResult = OCL_Flush(psCommandQueue);
if (iResult != CL_SUCCESS)
PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "Failed implicit flush before blocking write."));
goto exit;

clEnqueueFillImage, like many other functions in OpenCL, has and event out parameter. From the documentation:
Returns an event object that identifies this particular write
command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular
command to complete. event can be NULL in which case it will not be
possible for the application to query the status of this command or
queue a wait for this command to complete.
So you could simply use the returned event:
cl_event sync_event{};
CL_CHECK_ERROR(clEnqueueFillImage(... , &sync_event);
CL_CHECK_ERROR(clWaitForEvents(1, &sync_event));


Async server does not process requests while a request is stuck

I am new to GRPC so please let me know if I am doing something wrong here. I am looking at the example code. This seems to work fine for normal requests but I wanted to simulate a request getting stuck on the server so I added a sleep in the processing loop. I added this right before Finish is called on the responder so that it was in the actual processing logic of the request. While the server thread is sleeping it will not accept any new requests until the thread is free. I attempted to create another client request while the original request on the server is sleeping but the grpc server would not process the request. The client seemed to be stuck until the server came out of the sleep.
I also broke this process into debugger as well but the only request I saw was the one that was sleeping. The other threads were waiting on the completion queue.
I am new to grpc so if I am doing this wrong please let me know what I need to do to handle request while another request is stuck.
void Proceed() {
if (status_ == CREATE) {
// Make this instance progress to the PROCESS state.
status_ = PROCESS;
// As part of the initial CREATE state, we *request* that the system
// start processing SayHello requests. In this request, "this" acts are
// the tag uniquely identifying the request (so that different CallData
// instances can serve different requests concurrently), in this case
// the memory address of this CallData instance.
service_->RequestSayHello(&ctx_, &request_, &responder_, cq_, cq_,
} else if (status_ == PROCESS) {
// Spawn a new CallData instance to serve new clients while we process
// the one for this CallData. The instance will deallocate itself as
// part of its FINISH state.
new CallData(service_, cq_);
// The actual processing.
std::string prefix("Hello ");
reply_.set_message(prefix +;
// And we are done! Let the gRPC runtime know we've finished, using the
// memory address of this instance as the uniquely identifying tag for
// the event.
status_ = FINISH;
responder_.Finish(reply_, Status::OK, this);
} else {
GPR_ASSERT(status_ == FINISH);
// Once in the FINISH state, deallocate ourselves (CallData).
delete this;

How to use another event loop in win32 gui application

I am new to win32 api progamming, and I am tring writing a xmpp client for windows platform, using win32 api and gloox xmpp library. gloox has its own event loop, while windows GUI has message loop too. I am not very clear how to use these two loops together.
From the gloox document:
Blocking vs. Non-blocking Connections
For some kind of bots a blocking connection (the default behaviour) is ideal. All the bot does is react to events coming from the server. However, for end user clients or anything with a GUI this is far from perfect.
In these cases non-blocking connections can be used. If ClientBase::connect( false ) is called, the function returnes immediately after the connection has been established. It is then the resposibility of the programmer to initiate receiving of data from the socket.
The easiest way is to call ClientBase::recv() periodically with the desired timeout (in microseconds) as parameter. The default value of -1 means the call blocks until any data was received, which is then parsed automatically.
Window message loop:
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
return msg.wParam;
Window proc:
TCHAR str[100];
StringCbPrintf(str, _countof(str), TEXT("Message ID:%-6x:%s"), msg, GetStringMessage(msg));
HDC hdc;
RECT rect;
switch (msg)
return 0;
case WM_PAINT:
hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect);
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
return 0;
return 0;
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
gloox blocking connection
JID jid( "jid#server/resource" );
Client* client = new Client( jid, "password" );
client->registerConnectionListener( this );
client->registerPresenceHandler( this );
client->connect();// here will enter event loop
gloox non-blocking connection
Client* client = new Client( ... );
ConnectionTCPClient* conn = new ConnectionTCPClient( client, client->logInstance(), server, port );
client->setConnectionImpl( conn );
client->connect( false );
int sock = conn->socket();
I am not very clear how can I
call ClientBase::recv() periodically with the desired timeout (in microseconds) as parameter
With a timer ? or multi thread programming ? or there is a better solution ?
Any suggestions appreciated
Thank you
The best IO strategy for that is overlapped IO. Unfortunately, the method is windows only, not supported by the cross-platform library you’ve picked.
You can use SetTimer() API, and periodically call recv() method of the library with zero timeout, in WM_TIMER handler. This will introduce extra latency (your PC receives a message but it has to wait for the next timer event to handle it), or if you’ll use small intervals like 20 ms, will consume battery on laptops or tablets.
You can use blocking API with a separate thread. More efficient performance-wise, but harder to implement, you’ll have to marshal messages and other events to the GUI thread. WM_USER+n custom windows messages is usually the best way to do that, BTW.

How to get QDBusConnection::connect() failure reason

I'm trying to connect to a D-Bus signal this way:
bool result = QDBusConnection::systemBus().connect(
"", // service
"/foo/bar", // path
"", // interface
if( !result )
// Why!?
QDBusConnection::connect() returns a boolean, how do I get extended error information? If a check QDBusConnection::lastError() it returns no useful information (as QDBusError::isValid() is false).
I had the same issue and it turned out that the slot I connected to had the wrong parameter types. They must match according to Qt's documentation and it looks like connect() verifies that, despite not explicitly mentioned.
Warning: The signal will only be delivered to the slot if the parameters match.
I suggest d-feet to list signals and check their parameter types. dbus-monitor does list signals, paths and such too, but not always the exact type of parameters.
One important observation though: I fixed the issue in my particular case by using different slot parameters than the actual signal has!
I wanted to connect to a com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6 signal mentioned here to detect when the screen in Ubuntu is locked/unlocked. dbusmonitor prints the following and d-feet shows parameters (String, Array of [String])
// dbusmonitor output
signal time=1529077633.579984 sender=:1.0 -> destination=(null destination) serial=809 path=/com/ubuntu/Upstart; interface=com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6; member=EventEmitted
string "desktop-unlock"
array [
Hence the signal should be of type
void screenLockChangedUbuntu(QString event, QVector<QString> args) // connect() -> false
This however made connect() return false. The solution was to remove the array parameter from the slot:
void screenLockChangedUbuntu(QString event) // works
I am aware that the array parameter was always empty, but I cannot explain why it only worked when removing it.
You could try these tricks:
1) Set QDBUS_DEBUG environment variable before running your application.
export QDBUS_DEBUG=1
2) Start dbus-monitor to see what's happening on the bus. You may need to set a global policy to be able to eavesdrop system bus depending on your distro.
Are you sure connecting to the system bus succeeded? If it fails you should probably check system.conf policy and possibly create own conf in system.d. This post might be helpful.
You could first connect to the system bus with QDBusConnection::connectToBus and check if it succeeded with QDBusConnection::isConnected. Only after that you try to connect to the signal and check if that succeeded.
QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::connectToBus(QDBusConnection::systemBus, myConnectionName);
if (bus.isConnected())
if(!bus.connect( ... ))
// Connecting to signal failed
// Connecting to system bus failed

Qt Signal and slots not working as expected

When the socket times out while waiting for a read it occasionally fails. But when it does fail, it continuously fails, and the log message in slotDisconnected never gets reported despite mpSocket's disconnected signal being connected to slotDisconnect(). It's as if the return statement in slotConnected isn't being hit and it's going round in a continous loop.
void Worker::slotDisconnected()
// Attempt to reconnect
log("Disconnected from Server. Attempting to reconnect...");
// fires mpSocket's connect signal (which is connected to slotConnected)
void Worker::slotConnected()
// Loop forever while connected and receiving messages correctly
// A message is ready to read
else if(!mpSocket->waitForReadyRead(mSocketTimeOut))
// waitForReadyRead returned false - instead of continuing and trying again, we must disconnect as sometimes
// (for some unknown reason) it gets stuck in an infinite loop without disconnecting itself as it should
log("Socket timed out while waiting for next message.\nError String: " + mpSocket->errorString());
The signals/slots are connected like so:
connect(mpSocket, &QAbstractSocket::disconnected, this, &TRNGrabberWorker::slotDisconnected);
connect(mpSocket, &QAbstractSocket::connected, this, &TRNGrabberWorker::slotConnected);
Anyone have any idea's what's going on? Would be much appreciated
To disconnect from server use mpSocket->disconnectFromHost(); instead of mpSocket->disconnect();.
Actually mpSocket->disconnect(); disconnects all signals/slots of object mpSocket.

is node.js' console.log asynchronous?

Are console.log/debug/warn/error in node.js asynchrounous? I mean will javascript code execution halt till the stuff is printed on screen or will it print at a later stage?
Also, I am interested in knowing if it is possible for a console.log to NOT display anything if the statement immediately after it crashes node.
Update: Starting with Node 0.6 this post is obsolete, since stdout is synchronous now.
Well let's see what console.log actually does.
First of all it's part of the console module:
exports.log = function() {
process.stdout.write(format.apply(this, arguments) + '\n');
So it simply does some formatting and writes to process.stdout, nothing asynchronous so far.
process.stdout is a getter defined on startup which is lazily initialized, I've added some comments to explain things:
.... code here...
process.__defineGetter__('stdout', function() {
if (stdout) return stdout; // only initialize it once
/// many requires here ...
if (binding.isatty(fd)) { // a terminal? great!
stdout = new tty.WriteStream(fd);
} else if (binding.isStdoutBlocking()) { // a file?
stdout = new fs.WriteStream(null, {fd: fd});
} else {
stdout = new net.Stream(fd); // a stream?
// For example: node foo.js > out.txt
stdout.readable = false;
return stdout;
In case of a TTY and UNIX we end up here, this thing inherits from socket. So all that node bascially does is to push the data on to the socket, then the terminal takes care of the rest.
Let's test it!
var data = '111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111';
for(var i = 0, l = 12; i < l; i++) {
data += data; // warning! gets very large, very quick
var start =;
console.log('wrote %d bytes in %dms', data.length, - start);
....a lot of ones....1111111111111111
wrote 208896 bytes in 17ms
real 0m0.969s
user 0m0.068s
sys 0m0.012s
The terminal needs around 1 seconds to print out the sockets content, but node only needs 17 milliseconds to push the data to the terminal.
The same goes for the stream case, and also the file case gets handle asynchronous.
So yes Node.js holds true to its non-blocking promises.
console.warn() and console.error() are blocking. They do not return until the underlying system calls have succeeded.
Yes, it is possible for a program to exit before everything written to stdout has been flushed. process.exit() will terminate node immediately, even if there are still queued writes to stdout. You should use console.warn to avoid this behavior.
My Conclusion , after reading Node.js 10.* docs (Attached below). is that you can use console.log for logging , console.log is synchronous and implemented in low level c .
Although console.log is synchronic, it wont cause a performance issue only if you are not logging huge amount of data.
(The command line example below demonstrate, console.log async and console.error is sync)
Based on Node.js Doc's
The console functions are synchronous when the destination is a terminal or a file (to avoid lost messages in case of premature exit) and asynchronous when it's a pipe (to avoid blocking for long periods of time).
That is, in the following example, stdout is non-blocking while stderr is blocking:
$ node script.js 2> error.log | tee info.log
In daily use, the blocking/non-blocking dichotomy is not something you should worry about unless you > log huge amounts of data.
Hope it helps
Console.log is asynchronous in windows while it is synchronous in linux/mac. To make console.log synchronous in windows write this line at the start of your
code probably in index.js file. Any console.log after this statement will be considered as synchronous by interpreter.
if (process.stdout._handle) process.stdout._handle.setBlocking(true);
You can use this for synchrounous logging:
const fs = require('fs')
fs.writeSync(1, 'Sync logging\n')
