get an average of timestamp in kibana - kibana

I'm new on kibana and my team leader asked me to get an average of time from when the request start (ingestion_push) until it end (push to hms), they are boundend with the field "serviceId" in this case is "A_C", and add the column to visualize, both value are in different logs and I don't need to show "ingestion_push" on the table but just "Push to HMS" with the averege that it takes to end the request, thanks to all.


How to design a recommendation system in DynamoDb based on likes

Considering performance as main importance, how would be the best design approach to follow in order to build a recommendation system in DynamoDb?
The system would need to store an url and the numbers of times that topic was 'liked', but my requirement includes the need of searches by daily, weekly, monthly and yearly, for e.g.:
Give me the top 10 of the week
Give me the top 10 of the month
I was thinking about to include the date and time information, so that the query could control it through this field, but not sure wether it is the good in terms of performance.
If the only data structure you had was a hash map, how would you solve this problem?
What if on top of that constraint, you could only update any key up to 1000 times per second, and read a key up to 3000 per second?
How often do you expect your items to get liked? Presumably there will be some that will be hot and liked a lot, while others would almost never get any likes.
How real_time does your system need to be? Can the system be eventually consistent (meaning, would it be ok if you only reported likes as of several minutes ago)?
Let's give this a shot
Disclaimer: this is very much a didactic exercise -- in practice you may want to explore an analytics product, or some other technologies than DynamoDB to accompish this task
Part 1. Representing an Item And Updating Like Counts
First, let's talk about your aggregation/analytics goals: you mentioned that you want to query for "top 10 of the week" or "top 10 of the month" but you didn't specify if that is supposed to mean "calendar week"/"calendar month", or "last 7 days"/"last 30 days".
I'm going to take it literally and assume that "top 10 of the week" means top 10 items from this week that started on the most recent Monday (or Sunday if you roll that way). Same for month: "top 10 of the month" means "top 10 items since the beginning of this month.
In this case, you will probably want to store, for each item:
a count of total all-time likes
a count of likes since the beginning of current month
a count of likes since the beginning of current week
current month number - needed to determine if we need to reset
current week number - needed to determine if we need to reset
And each week, reset the counts for the current week; And each month reset the counts for the current month.
In DynamoDB, this might be represented like so:
id: "<item-id>",
likes_all: <numeric>, // total likes of all time
likes_wk: <numeric>, // total likes for the current week
likes_mo: <numeric>, // total likes for the current month
curr_wk: <numeric>, // number of the current week of year, eg. 27
curr_mo: <numeric>, // number of the current month of year, eg. 6
Now, you can update the number of likes with an UpdateItem operation, with an UpdateExpression, like so:
dynamodb update-item \
--table-name <your-table-name> \
--key '{"id":{"S":"<item-id>"}}' \
--update-expression "SET likes_all = likes_all + :lc, likes_wk = likes_wk + :lc, likes_mo = likes_mo + :lc" \
--expression-attribute-values '{":lc": {"N":"1"}}' \
--return-values ALL_NEW
This gives you a simple atomic way to increment the counts and get back the updated values. Notice the :lc value can be any number (not just 1). This will come in handy below.
But there's a catch. You also need to be able to reset the counts if the week or month rolled over, so to do that, you can break the update into two operations:
update the total count (and get the most recent values back)
conditionally update the week and month counts
So, our update sequence becomes:
Step 1. update total count and read back the updated item:
dynamodb update-item \
--table-name <your-table-name> \
--key '{"id":{"S":"<item-id>"}}' \
--update-expression "SET likes_all = likes_all + :lc" \
--expression-attribute-values '{":lc": {"N":"1"}}' \
--return-values ALL_NEW
This updates the total count and gives us back the state of the item. Based on the values of the curr_wk and curr_mo, you will have to decide what the update looks like. You may be either incrementing, or setting an absolute value. Let's say we're in the case when the update is being performed after the week rolled over, but not the month. And let's say that the result of the update above looks like this:
id: "<item-id>",
likes_all: 1000, // total likes of all time
likes_wk: 70, // total likes for the current week
likes_mo: 150, // total likes for the current month
curr_wk: 26, // number of the week of last update
curr_mo: 6, // number of the month of year of last update
curr_wk is 6, but at the time of update, the actual current week should be 7.
Then your update query would look look like this:
dynamodb update-item \
--table-name <your-table-name> \
--key '{"id":{"S":"<item-id>"}}' \
--update-expression "SET curr_wk = 27, likes_wk = :lc, likes_mo = likes_mo + :lc" \
--condition-expression "curr_wk = :wk AND curr_mo = :mo" \
--expression-attribute-values '{":lc": {"N":"1"}, ":wk": {"N":"26"}, ":lc": {"N":"6"},}' \
--return-values ALL_NEW
The ConditionExpression ensures that we don't reset the likes twice, if two conflicting updates happen at the same time. In that case, one of the updates would fail and you'd have to switch the update back to an increment.
Part 2 - Keeping Track of Statistics
To take care of your statistics you need to keep track of most likes per week and per month.
You can keep a sorted list of hottest items per week and per month. You also can store these lists in Dynamo.
For example, let's say you want to keep track of top 3. You might store something like:
id: "item-stats",
week_top: ["item3:4000", "item2:2000", "item9:700"],
month_top: ["item2:100000", "item4:50000", "item3:12000"],
curr_wk: 26,
curr_mo: 6,
sequence: <optimistic-lock-token>
Whenever you perform an update for items, you would also update the statistics.
The algorithm for updating statistics will be similar to updating an item, except you can't just use update expressions. Instead you have to implement your own read-modify-write sequence using GetItem, PutItem and ConditionExpression.
First, you read the current values for the item-stats special item, including the value of the current sequence (this is important to detect clobbering)
Then, you figure out if the item(s) you've just updated counts for would make it into the Top-N weekly or monthly list. If so, you would update the week_top and/or month-top attributes and prepare a conditional PutItem request.
The PutItem request must include a conditional check that verifies the sequeuce of the item-stats is the same as what you read earlier. If not, you need to read the item again and re-compute the top-N lists, then attempt to put again.
Also, similar to the way the counts get reset for items, when an update happens you need to check and see if the weekly or monthly top needs to be reset as part of the update.
When you make the PutItem request, make sure to generate a new sequence value.
Part 3 - Putting It All Together
In Part 1 and Part 2 we figured out how to keep track of likes and keep track of statics but there are big problems with our approach: performance would be pretty bad with any kind of real-life scale; hot items would create problems for us; updating the Top-N stats would be a significant bottleneck.
To improve performance and achieve some scalability we'd want to get away from updating each item and the item-stats for every single "like".
We can achieve a good balance of performance and scalability using a combination of queues + dynamodb + compute resource.
create a queue to store pending likes
let "likes API" would enqueue a message tagging a post with a like, instead of applying them as they come
implement a queue consumer (could be a Lambda, or some other periodically running process) to pull messages off the queue and aggregate likes per item, then update items and the item-stats
By batching updates, we can get control over concurrency (and cost) at the expense of latency/eventual consistency.
We may end up with a limited number of queue consumers, each processing items in batches. In each batch, multiple item likes would be aggregated and a single update per item would be applied. Similarly, a single item-stats update would be applied per batch processor.
Depending on volume of incoming likes, you may need to spin up more processors.

Why order is not working on /v2/shares endpoint

At we are using v2/shares to create reports for multiple social profiles over large periods of time.
The documentation for that endpoint specifies here that: "Shares are ordered by creation time".
at the moment, when I go to
I'll see "activity": "urn:li:activity:6537431951580684288" with createdTime 1558645236755 between two other shares that both have bigger createTime (1559217643294 and 1559131242301)
This means that the creation time is not the order.
If the order has been changed on lastModified time, please suggest a method to paginate through shares up to a last known share fetched 1 day ago, while guaranteeing no new shares were missed.

Date of first session segment using Analytics V4

Does anyone know how to build a dynamic segment, using Google Core Reporting API V4, that gets only users that had a given event action, and for which the first session was recorded on DD/MM/YYY.
Ex: looking for all users who "installed" (first session) the (mobile) app on Dec 14, and have generate at least one event "clicked xxxx".
No way to find this in docs.
On google analytics dashboard, this can be achieved by creating a segment with a "Date of first session" value.
Thanks a lot,
You cant do this with a segment but i'll give you another option:
You can take advantage of the 'ga:sessionCount' parameter. Just make a query for all sessions en X day and another one of all N events in Y day. Finally, cross the data of X and Y day and you will end up with every user that had his first session on X day and made N events on Y day.
(Use ClientID as KEY when crossing the data)

Tracking and grouping parameter based Goal Destination URL in Google Analytics

I have a reservation.php page and on success, the page returns/post a 5 digit Confirmation No. as part of the URL. e.g. /reservation.php?Success=&ConfirmationNo=29564
In Google Analytics > Admin > Goals Detail > Destination URL, I have set the type "Begins with" and set the URL to /reservation.php?Success=&ConfirmationNo= But in Reporting > Conversions > Goals > Overview, it do not group (Goal Completion Location) all reservations into one goal URL instead showing each reservation URL separately. e.g.
Goal Completion Location:
So I unable to compare the number of reservations with the previous month. I want it to show something like /reservation.php?Success=&ConfirmationNo= as one location with number of reservations in a period selected.
I tried to add . or * or .* at the end of URL and selected both "Begins with" and regular expression to group all the reservations but "Verify this goal" tool do not accept any of these and shows 0% completion in last 7 days.
Can you please help how can I group all my reservations into 1 Goal Completion Location?
Well Google Analytics does exactly what you told it to do. There are two different things:
Goal - a goal is triggered when the URL starts with /reservation.php?Success=&ConfirmationNo=
Goal completion location - simply shows the actual location where the goal happened
If you want to compare goals by month, go to Conversions -> Goals -> Overview. At the top left, choose name of your target in the dropdown menu (below segments). At the top right, choose grouping by month. At the very top right, choose the time period for which you want to compare data (at least two months).
Now you will see the chart of number of goals per each month in the specified time period.
If you are still unhappy with this reporting, then pass the variable ConfirmationNo in the $_POST field instead of the $_GET field.

Use MapReduce or other distributed computation method for an analytics calculation?

Let's say I have three basic models: a User, a Company, and a Visit. Every time a User goes to a Company, a Visit is recorded in this format (user_id, company_id, visit_date).
I'd like to be able to calculate the average time between visits for a company. Not visits overall, but specifically how long on average one of their customers waits before returning to the store.
For example, if one user visited on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday that gives one "gap" of one day, and one "gap" of two days => (1, 2). If another user visited on Monday and Friday, that gives one gap of 4 days => (4). If a third user visited only once, he should not be considered. The average time between user visits for the company is (1 + 2 + 4) / 3 = 2.333 days.
If I have thousands of users, taps, and companies and I want to calculate a single figure for each company, how should I go about this? I've only done basic MapReduce applications before and I can't figure out what my Map and Reduce steps would be to get this done. Can anyone help me figure out a MapReduce in pseudocode? Or is there some other method of distributed calculation I can reasonably perform? For the record, I'd like to perform this operation on my database every night.
The overly simplistic approach would be to have two job steps.
First job step has a mapper to write key values in the form "company:user" and "visit_date". In the example above, the mapper would write something like:
"user1:companyA" -> "2012/07/16"
"user1:comapnyA" -> "2012/07/17"
"user1:comapnyA" -> "2012/07/19"
"user2:comapnyA" -> "2012/07/15"
"user2:comapnyA" -> "2012/07/19"
This means that each call to the reducer will pass all of the visits by a single user to a single company. That means that one call to the reducer will pass in:
"user1:companyA" -> {2012/07/16, 2012/07/17, 2012/07/19}
and another call will pass in:
"user2:companyA" -> {2012/07/15, 2012/07/19}
I'm assuming the set of dates (passed in as an Iterable value) is easily managed as you sort it, figure out the gaps and write a record for each gap as a key value pair in the form "company" and "gap". For example, when passed:
"user1:companyA" -> {2012/07/16, 2012/07/17, 2012/07/19}
The first job's reducer will write to the context:
"companyA" -> 1
"compnayA" -> 2
The second job has a pass-through mapper that just passes the company/gap info on to the reducer. Each call to the reducer gives an Iterable value of gaps for a specific company. Iterate through the data to produce an average and write the key value pair in the form "company" and "average_gap".
If the original set of visits gets too big, we can talk about getting hadoop to do the sorting for you with some custom comparators.
