Apache Ignite IgniteCompute grid computation - grid

I am using Apache Ignite v. 2.8.1 to perform parallel computations on the objects loaded in cache ( multiple nodes ).
In my client implementation I got an instance of IgniteCompute and then execute pass IgniteRunnable to perform my calculations:
Ignite ignite = Ignition.start();
IgniteCache cache = ignite.getOrCreateCache("testCache");
/* load data entries */
IgniteCompute compute = ignite.compute();
compute.run(()->{ ... } )
Here is the problem, in my IgniteRunnable implementation I can iterate through the keys and update every entry I need to update, however that's not a concurrent execution that I am interested in.
I can use an invokeAll method of IgniteCache, but as far as I understand it also executes an EntryProcessors sequentially on correspondent entries.
What's the right way to perform concurrent computation on a subset of entries allocated to the multiple nodes in Ignite Cluster?

You need to look at the affinity compute methods. In short, you send one compute task per partition in a cache.


AWS Neptune Query gremlins slowness on cold call

I'm currently running some queries with a big gap of performance between first call (up to 2 minutes) and the following one (around 5 seconds).
This duration difference can be seen through the gremlin REST API in both execution and profile mode.
As the query is loading a big amount of data, I expect the issue is coming from the caching functionalities of Neptune in its default configuration. I was not able to find any way to improve this behavior through configuration and would be glad to have some advices in order to reduce the length of the first call.
Context :
The Neptune database is running on a db.r5.8xlarge instance, and during execution CPU always stay bellow 20%. I'm also the only user on this instance during the tests.
As we don't have differential inputs, the database is recreated on a weekly basis and switched to production once the loader has loaded everything. Our database have then a short lifetime.
The database is containing slightly above nodes and far more edges. (probably around Those edges are splitted across 10 types of labels, and most of them are not used in the current query.
Query :
// recordIds is a table of 50 ids.
// Convert local id to neptune id.
// Go to tree parent link. (either myself if edge come back, or real parent)
// Clean duplicates.
// Follow the tree parent link backward to get all children, this step load a big amount of nodes members of the same tree.
.not(values('some flag').Is('Q'))
// Limitation not reached, result is between 80k and 100K nodes.
// Convert back to local id for the 80k to 100k selected nodes.
Neptune's architecture is comprised of a shared cluster "volume" (where all data is persisted and where this data is replicated 6 times across 3 availability zones) and a series of decoupled compute instances (one writer and up to 15 read replicas in a single cluster). No data is persisted on the instances however, approximately 65% of the memory capacity on an instance is reserved for a buffer pool cache. As data is read from the underlying cluster volume, it is stored in the buffer pool cache until the cache fills. Once the cache fills, a least-recently-used (LRU) eviction policy will clear buffer pool cache space for any newer reads.
It is common to see first reads be slower due to the need to fetch objects from the underlying storage. One can improve this by writing and issuing "prefetch" queries that pull in objects that they think they might need in the near future.
If you have a use case that is filling buffer pool cache and constantly seeing buffer pool cache misses (a metric one can see in the CloudWatch metrics for Neptune), then you may also want to consider using one of the "d" instance types (ex: r5d.8xlarge) and enabling the Lookup Cache feature [1]. This feature specifically focuses on improving access to property values/literals at query time by keeping them in a directly attached NVMe store on the instance.
[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/neptune/latest/userguide/feature-overview-lookup-cache.html

How query parallelism is implemented in apache ignite?

I want to know how query parallelism is implemented in apache ignite. The resulting numbers are totally different from the results without parallelism.
Without query parallelism Ignite splits query execution between nodes: map request for each node and reduce on node-requester. To perform better on multiprocessor machines, cache indexes are split into smaller parts, just like you're working with nodes_num * queryParallelism.
In that way each node may process same query that was split on query parallelism independent threads.

Apache Ignite 2.4 uneven partitioning of data causing nodes to run out of memory and crash

Apache Ignite 2.4 running on Amazon Linux. VM is 16CPUs/122GB ram. There is plenty of room there.
5 nodes, 12GB each
backups = 0
OnheapCacheEnabled = true
atomicityMode = ATOMIC
rebalacneMode = SYNC
rebalanceBatchSize = 1MB
copyOnread = false
rebalanceThrottle = 0
rebalanceThreadPoolSize = 4
Basically we have a process that populates the cache on startup and then receives periodic updates from Kafka, propagating them to the cache.
The number of elements in the cache is more or less stable over time (there is just a little fluctuation since we have a mixture of create, update and delete events), but what we have noticed is that the distribution of data across the different nodes is very uneven, with one of the nodes having at least double the number of keys (and memory utilization) as the others. Over time, that node either runs out of memory, or starts doing very long GCs and loses contact with the rest of the cluster.
My expectation was that Ignite would balance the data across the different nodes, but reality shows something completely different. Am I missing something here? Why do we see this imbalance and how do we fix it?
Thanks in advance.
Bottom line, although our hash function had good distribution, the default affinity function was not yielding a good distribution of keys (and, consequently, memory) across the nodes in the cluster. We replaced it with a very naive one (partition # % # of nodes), and that improved the distribution quite a bit (less than 2% variance).
This not a generic solution; it works for us because our entire cluster is in one VM and we don't use replication. For massive clusters crossing VM boundaries and replication, keeping the replicated data in separate servers is mandatory, and the naive approach won't cut it.

Bulk Insert in Symfony and Doctrine: How to select batch size?

I am working on a web app using Symfony 2.7 and Doctrine. A Symfony command is used to perform an update of a large number of entities.
I followed the Doctrine guidelines and use $entityManager->flush() not for every single entity.
This is die Doctrine example code:
$batchSize = 20;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10000; ++$i) {
$user = new CmsUser;
$user->setUsername('user' . $i);
$user->setName('Mr.Smith-' . $i);
if (($i % $batchSize) === 0) {
$em->flush(); //Persist objects that did not make up an entire batch
The guidelines say:
You may need to experiment with the batch size to find the size that
works best for you. Larger batch sizes mean more prepared statement
reuse internally but also mean more work during flush.
So I did try different batch size. The larger the batch size, the faster the command completes its task.
Thus the question is: What are the downsides of large batch sizes? Why not use $entityManager->flush() only once, after all entities have been updated
The docu just says, that larger batch sizes "mean more work during flush". But why/when could this be a problem?
The only downside I can see are Exceptions during the update: If the script stops before the saved changed where flushed, the changes are lost. Is this the only limitation?
What are the downsides of large batch sizes?
Large batch sizes may use a lot of memory if you create for examples 10,000 entities. If you don't save the entities in batchs, they will accumulate in memory and if the program reach the memory limit it may crash the whole script.
Why not use $entityManager->flush() only once, after all entities have been updated
It's possible, but storing 10,000 entities in the memory before calling flush() once will use more memory than saving entities 100 by 100. It may also take more time.
The docu just says, that larger batch sizes "mean more work during flush". But why/when could this be a problem?
If you don't have any performance issue with biggest batch sizes, it's probably because your data is not big enough to fill the memory or disrupt PHP's memory management.
So the size of the batch depend of multiple factors, mostly memory usage vs. time. If the script consume too much RAM, the size of the batch has to be lowered. But using really small batches may take more time than bigger batches. So you have to run multiple tests in order to adjust this size so that it uses most of the available memory but not more.
I don't have any proofs but I remember having worked with thousands of entities. When I used only one flush(), I saw that the progress bar was getting slower, it looked like my program was getting slower as I added more and more entities in the memory.
If the flush takes too much time, you might exceed the maximum execution time of the server, and lose the connection.
From my experience, 100 entities per batch worked great. Depending on the Entity, 200 was too much and other Entity, I could do 1000.
To properly insert in batch, you will need the command :
after each of your flushes. The reason is the Doctrine does not free the objects it's flushing into the DB. This means that if you don't "clear" them, the memory consumption will keep on increasing until you bust your PHP Memory Limit and crash your operation.
I would also recommend against increasing PHP Memory Limit to higher values. If you do, you risk creating huge lag on your server which could increase the number of connections to your server and then crash it.
It is also recommended to process batch operations outside of the Web Server upload form page. So save the data in a Blob and then process it later with a Cronjob task that will process your batch processing at the desired time (outside of Web Server's peak usage time).
As suggested in Doctrine documentation, ORM is not the best tool to use with batches.
Unless your entity needs some specific logic (like listeners), avoid ORM and use DBAL directly.

Hadoop suitability for recursive data processing

I have a filtering algorithm that needs to be applied recursively and I am not sure if MapReduce is suitable for this job. W/o giving too much away, I can say that each object that is being filtered is characterized by a collection if ordered list or queue.
The data is not huge, just about 250MB when I export from SQL to
The mapping step is simple: the head of the list contains an object that can classify the list as belonging to one of N mapping nodes. the filtration algorithm at each node works on the collection of lists assigned to the node and at the end of the filtration, either a list remains the same as before the filtration or the head of the list is removed.
The reduce function is simple too: all the map jobs' lists are brought together and may have to be written back to disk.
When all the N nodes have returned their output, the mapping step is repeated with this new set of data.
Note: N can be as much as 2000 nodes.
Simple, but it requires perhaps up to a 1000 recursions before the algorithm's termination conditions are met.
My question is would this job be suitable for Hadoop? If not, what are my options?
The main strength of Hadoop is its ability to transparently distribute work on a large number of machines. In order to fully benefit from Hadoop your application has to be characterized, at least by the following three things:
work with large amounts of data (data which is distributed in the cluster of machines) - which would be impossible to store on one machine
be data-parallelizable (i.e. chunks of the original data can be manipulated independently from other chunks)
the problem which the application is trying to solve lends itself nicely to the MapReduce (scatter - gather) model.
It seems that out of these 3, your application has only the last 2 characteristics (with the observation that you are trying to recursively use a scatter - gather procedure - which means a large number of jobs - equal to the recursion depth; see last paragraph why this might not be appropriate for hadoop).
Given the amount of data you're trying to process, I don't see any reason why you wouldn't do it on a single machine, completely in memory. If you think you can benefit from processing that small amount of data in parallel, I would recommend focusing on multicore processing than on distributed data intensive processing. Of course, using the processing power of a networked cluster is tempting but this comes at a cost: mainly the time inefficiency given by the network communication (network being the most contended resource in a hadoop cluster) and by the I/O. In scenarios which are well-fitted to the Hadoop framework these inefficiency can be ignored because of the efficiency gained by distributing the data and the associated work on that data.
As I can see, you need 1000 jobs. The setup and the cleanup of all those jobs would be an unnecessary overhead for your scenario. Also, the overhead of network transfer is not necessary, in my opinion.
Recursive algos are hard in the distributed systems since they can lead to a quick starvation. Any middleware that would work for that needs to support distributed continuations, i.e. the ability to make a "recursive" call without holding the resources (like threads) of the calling side.
GridGain is one product that natively supports distributed continuations.
THe litmus test on distributed continuations: try to develop a naive fibonacci implementation in distributed context using recursive calls. Here's the GridGain's example that implements this using continuations.
Hope it helps.
Q&D, but I suggest you read a comparison of MongoDB and Hadoop:
Without knowing more, it's hard to tell. You might want to try both. Post your results if you do!
