Getting internal exception while executing pg_dump when trying to get the init migrations from hasura - hasura

I want to get the latest migrations from my hasura endpoint to my local filesystem.
Command I'm trying to run
hasura init config --endpoint --admin-secret mysecret
INFO Metadata exported
INFO Creating migrations for source: default
ERRO creating migrations failed:
1 error occurred:
* applying migrations on source: default: cannot fetch schema dump: pg_dump request: 500
"path": "$",
"error": "internal exception while executing pg_dump",
"code": "unexpected"
run `hasura migrate create --from-server` from your project directory to retry
INFO directory created. execute the following commands to continue:
cd /home/kanhaya/Documents/clineage/study-container/src/conifg
hasura console
The Haura is deployed using a custom Docker image:
FROM hasura/graphql-engine:v2.3.0 as base
FROM ubuntu:focal-20220302
COPY ./Caddyfile ./Caddyfile
COPY ./ ./
USER root
RUN ./
RUN apt-get -y update \
&& apt-get install -y libpq-dev
COPY --from=base /bin/graphql-engine /bin/graphql-engine
CMD caddy start && graphql-engine --database-url $HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL serve --admin-secret $HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET

Which version of Postgres are you currently running?
There's a conversation over here with a couple of workarounds for supporting 14 in the Hasura container (looks like version mis-match in one of the libraries):


cloud-init instance cloud config runcmd commands not executed in openstack

I am creating the instance in openstack with centos 8 hardened image. The configuration script as follows:
- name: clouduser
password: password
sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) ALL']
groups: sudo
shell: /bin/bash
ssh_pwauth: True
lock_passwd: False
plain_text_passwd: password
- mkdir /run/test
here the user is created and I am able to login the instance but the commands in runcmd is not executed . even the runcmd log in /var/log/cloud-init.log is ran successfully but there is no folder is created in the /run/ folder and /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg is no change (runcmd module in cloud-config and script-user in cloud-finish are there and its executed successfully) but no commands got executed. the same commands if I run inside the instance its working fine. commands in bootcmd is also working but not with runcmd? I can't figure out why it's not being executed?

CircleCI permission denied opening firebase-tools.json for Firebase deployment

I'm using Firebase to host my personal website and wanted to integrate CircleCI for faster integration. However I receive this error on the step for deployment:
Adding sudo before the deploy command causes the build to fail also
throw error;
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/home/circleci/.config/configstore/firebase-tools.json'
You don't have access to this file.
Below is my project's yaml configuration:
description: "Restore cached npm install"
- restore_cache:
key: 'dependency-cache-{{checksum "package.json"}}'
description: "Saving npm install"
- save_cache:
key: 'dependency-cache-{{ checksum "package.json"}}'
- "./node_modules"
description: "Installing project's dependencies"
- checkout
- restore_cache_cmd
- run: sudo npm i -g npm#latest
- run: sudo npm i
- save_cache_cmd
description: "Building project"
- run:
name: Build
command: sudo npm run build
- run:
name: Deploy
command: ./node_modules/.bin/firebase deploy --token=$FIREBASE_DEPLOY_TOKEN -- only hosting
- image: "cimg/node:12.14.1"
executor: docker-executor
working_directory: ~/Darryls-Personal-Site
- update
- build_deploy
version: 2.1
- build_site:
only: master
Steps that I have already completed from other questions:
Used firebase login:ci to obtain refresh token and placed into an environment variable within my CircleCI project environment
Used npm install --save-dev firebase-tools
I think the problem is that you run all your npm commands with sudo except the firebase deploy command.
You should definitely run everything with the current user and not the superuser.
You will see in official tutorials that nothing is run with sudo except for very specific cases.
Also, instead of doing this ./node_modules/.bin/firebase deploy you could use npx run firebase deploy which first look in the local node_modules then in the global ones.

Running ansible playbook from jenkins execute shell

I am trying to run an ansible playbook from Execute Shell section of Jenkins,But I am getting below errors.I have already install Ansible plugin and configured in global tool configuration section.
+ ansible-playbook -i inventory installapache.yml -vvvv
/tmp/ line 4: ansible-playbook: command not found
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I am using below commands:
cd /home/ec2-user
ansible-playbook -i hosts /home/ec2-user/installapache.yml -vvvv

Error: Error trying install composer runtime. Error: Connect Failed

Prog:dist abhishek$ composer network deploy -a my-network.bna -p hlfv1 -i PeerAdmin -s randomString
Deploying business network from archive: my-network.bna
Business network definition:
Identifier: my-network#0.1.6
Description: My Commodity Trading network
✖ Deploying business network definition. This may take a minute...
Error: Error trying deploy. Error: Error trying install composer runtime. Error: Connect Failed
Command failed
when trying to install the composer runtime,returns
Prog:dist abhishek$ composer runtime install -n my-network -p hlfv1 -i PeerAdmin -s randomString
✖ Installing runtime for business network my-network. This may take a minute...
Error: Error trying install composer runtime. Error: Connect Failed
Command failed
I've been working through the Hyperledger Composer tutorial ( on an older Mac, running OS X Mavericks 10.9.5, which means I'm using Docker Toolbox instead of Docker for Mac. I encountered the same error message when deploying the sample Trading network .bna file on my local dev environment Fabric network.
Here is the command in Terminal:
$ composer network deploy -a my-network.bna -p hlfv1 -i PeerAdmin -s randomString -A admin -S
And here is the error log:
Error: Error trying deploy. Error: Error trying install composer runtime. Error: Connect Failed
In my case, it was because Docker Toolkit answers to on an IP address assigned when you start docker, instead of localhost,, etc.
If you are also using Docker Toolkit and are getting the same error, first find the docker IP number, which should be listed under the Docker Whale logo in Terminal when you started it, and then edit the following files (TextEdit should be fine), changing all references to localhost and to the IP number (leave the ports, such as :7050, there):
Then, back in Terminal, navigate back to fabric-tools, and if Fabric is already started, stop it, and then recreate the Composer Profile, as documented:
$ ./
$ ./
The log should now show the Docker Toolkit IP for the orderers, CA and peers. Now restart Fabric:
$ ./
Navigate back to fabric-tools/my-network/dist and re-run the compose command, and if all goes well, it should connect properly.
Is your Fabric running? What is the output of docker ps?
Try doing the next:
Pick a directory that you want and install Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer Playground running:
curl -sSL | bash
Then run your command.
Try the code below:
$composer runtime install -c PeerAdmin#hlfv1 -n basic
$composer network deploy -a basic.bna -A admin -S adminpw -c PeerAdmin#hlfv1 -f admincard

openstack deployment using kolla erroring out

I have followed below document to deploy openstack using kolla and I have built all the docker images successfully. I am following this guide for all-in-one installation.
I have cloned stable/liberty branch.
But while issuing kolla-ansible deploy getting below error.
:# kolla-ansible deploy
Deploying Playbook : ansible-playbook -i /usr/local/share/kolla/ansible/inventory/all-in-one -e #/etc/kolla/globals.yml -e #/etc/kolla/passwords.yml /usr/local/share/kolla/ansible/site.yml
ERROR: merge_configs is not a legal parameter in an Ansible task or handler
Command failed ansible-playbook -i /usr/local/share/kolla/ansible/inventory/all-in-one -e #/etc/kolla/globals.yml -e #/etc/kolla/passwords.yml /usr/local/share/kolla/ansible/site.yml
I have searched a lot about this error but could not find anything, any idea about this error?
Please make sure you have right version of ansible on your deployment node. It should expect version >1.9.4 but < 2.0
