How to use geographic coordinate with Echarts graph? - graph

I'm trying to use a geographic coordinate with Echarts graph. For example, the graph example given on the website are as follows: [here is the example link about the graph][1]
[![example graph][2]][2]
the data format is as follows:
The document says I can use geographic coordinate with geoIndex to assign the corresponding geographic coordinate components.So I constructed my own graph data which is as follows:
tmp = {
Then, I add the corresponding attribute coordinateSystem:'geo',while it does not work. When I comment out this line,it shows like as follows. However, the positional relationship between these points is not as shown in the figure.
[![my graph][3]][3]


Kibana Vega-Lite use aggregates as data

I am new with Vega-Lite in Kibana. I am trying to produce a bar chart in Kibana using Vega.
I use Vega because I have to use nested fields, and it seems there are not other options.
I don't want to plot a time series, I want to directly plot aggregates.
This is my script:
"$schema": "",
"title": "Event counts from all indexes",
data: {
name: "aggregations"
url: {
%context%: true
%timefield%: timestamp
index: search-sonarqube-telemetry-2021-merged
body: {
"aggs": {
"languages": {
"terms": { "field": ""}
size: 0
format: {property: "aggregations.languages.buckets" }
mark: bar
encoding: {
y: {
field: "buckets.key"
type: nominal
axis: { title: null }
x: {
field: "buckets.doc_count"
type: quantitative
axis: { title: "Document count" }
transform: [
{"field": "doc_count", "range": [0,100000]}
Everything is empty.
If I try to debug, I see the source_0, with the correct data I would like to plot, but not the data_0.
I also get the warnings:
Infinite extent for field "buckets.doc_count_start": [Infinity, -Infinity]
Infinite extent for field "buckets.doc_count_end": [Infinity, -Infinity]
What is wrong in my script?
I found the problem.
I defined the property as aggregations.languages.buckets, but the I was defined the fields as buckets.key and buckets.doc_count in the encoding.
It was enough to replace key and doc_count to buckets.key and buckets.doc_count and it worked.
Actually it was not finding the fields because inside aggregations.languages.buckets we don't have a repetition of buckets.

Here geocode api gives double results

Some API geocode queries return double results when this is not warranted by the real data.
It will return 2 results with slightly different latitude and longitude and different LocationId's.
This makes it difficult if not impossible to decern which one is the correct result.
"Label":"Zutphen, Gelderland, Nederland",

Repeat values in PAW, POST request

I wanted to ask if it is possible to repeat elements in a POST request in PAW and how to do so?
Basically, given the POST request BODY:
{ "zip":"DYNAMIC_VALUE" }
Can I then repeat this entry multiple times? Let's say I want to repeat this entry in the array 10 times, I would get for example:
{ "zip":"1234" },
{ "zip":"2543" },
{ "zip":"6543" },
{ "zip":"7645" },
{ "zip":"2654" },
{ "zip":"7568" },
{ "zip":"5364" },
{ "zip":"1313" },
{ "zip":"5432" },
{ "zip":"5634" }
And maybe I want to send an array with 1000 or more objects with a dynamic zip.
How do I do that?
Thank you :)

reading in and merging multiple .las in a pdal pipeline file

I can read in and output single .las files in a pipeline file.
How do I read in two .las files, merge them, then apply the filter and output based on the below example?
"connection":"host='localhost' dbname='db' user='user' password='pw'",
This seems to work just testing it.

Google Analytics: Filter by custom dimension

I'm using the enhanced ecommerce tracking from Google Analytics to send data like this in JS to GA:
ga("ec:addImpression", {
brand: null,
dimension2: "shop123",
id: 1,
list: "Search",
name: "Product 123",
position: 1
ga("send", "pageview");
Then, I use the Reporting API to generate some charts. Here, I want to filter by my custom dimension dimension2. The request looks like this:
However, this returns no results:
But when I remove the dimensionFilterClauses I get all the results, of course not filtered by dimension2.
Did I anything wrong when filtering for that dimension?
Change your string dimension_name for dimensionName and try.
As you can see in the examples:
