remotes::install_bitbucket() stopped working - r

For many months now, I've been using remotes::install_bitbucket() from a Docker container to download a private Bitbucket repo and install an R package. March 10, it seems to have stopped working with the error:
Error : Failed to install 'unknown package' from Bitbucket:
cannot open URL ''
remotes version is 2.3.0
I have not changed the Docker image, so remotes and everything else unchanged
This fails from my local machine with the same error message March 11 (also v2.3.0)
Bitbucket's website shows me my package is still there with no new commits
Does anyone know if this is a temporary problem, a Bitbucket API change, or something else?
All help is appreciated! :)

I'm not sure it is related - but around that time Bitbucket changed their Authentication to use an Application Password instead of your usual password. You could try setting one up in your bitbucket account and using that to test if it works?


Unable to restore nuget packages from private source in Rider 2019.3 running on Ubuntu

I'm unable to restore package for a solution in Rider 2019.3.
The error that happens is the following:
17:12:23| Retrying 'FindPackagesByIdAsyncCore' for source 'https://<private-source>/nuget/Farfetch-NuGet-LIVE/FindPackagesById()?id='My.Private.Package'&semVerLevel=2.0.0'.
The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
Authentication failed, see inner exception.
Ssl error:1000007d:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED
at /jonnyzzz/MonoRuntime/Unix/mono/external/boringssl/ssl/handshake_client.c:1132
After a couple of weeks not working in the project, the error appeared. There were no auth modifications.
I'm able to see that the package exists in the nuget private repository (web search).
I've tried to clear every nuget cache folder as also the invalidating rider cache.
Any clue?
Rider 2019.3
Ubuntu 18.04
It's a bug:
The bug is already fixed, the fix is available in Rider 2019.3.1. Please, install the updates.

After installing xpack on Kibana 5.0, the app fails to load

Kibana works fine with elasticsearch until I install xpack. I am using kibana and elasticsearch 5.0 on both and I am installing the 5.0 package of xpack.
The screen that I get after installing xpack is this
I tried restarting kibana but then the app would not show up at all.
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue the logs are not showing any issues.
You can try the solution here -
Had a similar problem and resolved by installing x-pack for both logstash and elasticsearch as well. I used below commands in windows 10 might be different depending on O/S
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack
bin/logstash-plugin install x-pack
Described here
This seems to be the problem with installation. If you are running on any linux machines, do make sure you install x-pack with the same user that you installed kibana/elasticsearch. It is an issue often.
If not, do follow the process in the link to uninstall and reinstall again. It is very striaght forward and should work fine.
Also, do check if we need to make any changes in the configuration files- kibana.yml/elasticsearch.yml. This maynot be the case for here but it could help in debugging.

Creating a .NET secret using SecretManager

I'm working with Visual Studio 2015 RC and following a tutorial for adding Facebook auth. It says to store the Facebook App Id as a secret using the SecretManager app:
"Set the Facebook AppId by running user-secret set Authentication:Facebook:AppId 862373430475128"
I am not quite grasping how to install the SecretManager, or how to access it from a command line. I'm used to VS2010 and so the dnvm/dnu stuff is totally new to me. Here's what I've tried:
opened a regular command prompt and typed dnvm - that works; it's in the PATH
typed user-secret - not recognized
tried to install SecretManager via dnvm - got an error partway through
added SecretManager to my project via nuGet - worked but I don't get where to go to type "user-secret"
Can someone provide a simple set of steps to get to where I can use the "user-secret" command?
UPDATE: After manually adding the dnu tool to my Path and running
dnu commands install SecretManager
I got the following command line output:
OK'SecretManager' 595ms
Restoring packages for C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\6534b338f1b44210898ea19d5c3801b9\project.json
Writing lock file C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\6534b338f1b44210898ea19d5c3801b9\project.lock.json
Restore complete, 358ms elapsed
Restoring packages for C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\SecretManager\1.0.0-beta4\app\project.json
OK'System.Console' 407ms
Unable to locate SecretManager >= 1.0.0-beta4-10173
Writing lock file C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\SecretManager\1.0.0-beta4\app\project.lock.json
Restore complete, 564ms elapsed
Errors in C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\SecretManager\1.0.0-beta4\app\project.json
Unable to locate SecretManager >= 1.0.0-beta4-10173
I know how to install nuGet packages for a specific app, but I'm less clear on how the global tools concept works. I'm currently on VS 2010, so this is mostly new to me.
See . A user there had the same issue with SecretManager and his solution (editing the dependency version at C:\Users\myname.dnx\bin\packages\SecretManager\1.0.0-beta4\app) worked for me.
I'm still not 100% clear on why I had to manually set up the PATH to the dnu tool, but I'm guessing that the community edition is just missing the VS command prompt and other items.

Karaf cannot install war feature

Recently I need to deploy something on Karaf. I use Karaf 3.0.2 and event try 4.0.0M1. Both are not able to install war feature. Once I type feature:install war in console after Karaf start-up.
3.0.2 gives me:
Error executing command: Error resolving artifact org.apache.servicemix.specs:org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1:jar:2.2.0: Could not find artifact org.apache.servicemix.specs:org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1:jar:2.2.0
4.0.0M! gives me:
Erroe executing command: Error
I try to delete Maven and reinstall it. The issue is still there. It's not happened on other machine.
It's a strange issue. Could anyone meet it ever? Could anyone help me out?
As it works on the other machines, it's something on that certain machine.
Without much more details on the setup I'm using assumptions here.
1) No Network connection to the central repo
2) Using a Proxy wich isn't configured or configured wrong on the server
3) Using a nexus with credentials and those aren't configured or configured wrong
I encountered the same issue and it was because there were mirrors defined in my Maven settings.xml (due to usage in another project). After I commented them out I was able to install the karaf war deployer.

Error while moving Drupal moving error

I was trying to move my Drupal site from my WAMP server to another computer's WAMP server and I followed all the necessary steps but I faced the error below. I tried updating but it didn't work.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function cache_get() in C:\wamp\www\try\includes\ on line 901
I am using PostgreSQL and PhpPgAdmin. Any ideas?
See if Memcache is used in previous server.
If not see if some other cacheing mechanism like varnish cache is used
If none of the above:
When you type drush in the command line probably you reached the right place to solve you problem. This error arises when drush is not update and this occurs when you install drush from official repository in Ubuntu. The workaround is easy: just install a new version of drush! And to do so, you have to install from backported package of Ubuntu.
