Creating static paths with multiple constrained params - next.js

I'm now in the process of developing my small project and I'm not sure if it's even possible to do this the way I will describe below, so... I have dynamic routes like "/[community]/[townName]". How can I generate static paths where [townName] is constrained to [community]?
In other words - let's say we have townName "abc1". This town is in community "xyz1" so the page /xyz1/abc1 should be accessible and NOT throw 404. But there is also town with the same name "abc1" in "xyz2". So the path /xyz2/abc1/ should also be accesible.
However there is no town with same name in community xyz3 so I do not want to generate page for /xyz3/abc1/ - user should see 404 error.
Of course each town has it's unique ID in database and I could use it to generate pages, but I want my url to be SEO friendly.
All help and tips are appreciated. Thanks!

You should check getStaticPaths and dynamic routes from official Next.js website. It has more than one way to do what you want but there are additional customization options.


Scraping the gender of clothing items

Looking for advice please on methods to scrape the gender of clothing items on a website that doesn't specify the gender on the product page.
The website I'm crawling is and an example of a product page would be this -
Looking at that page, there looks to be no easy way to create a script that could identify this item as womenswear. Other websites might have breadcrumbs to use, or the gender might be in the title / URL but this has nothing.
As I'm using scrapy, with the crawl template and Rules to build a hierarchy of links to scrape, I was wondering if it's possible to pass a variable in one of the rules or the starting_URL to identify all items scraped following this rule / starting URL would have a variable as womenswear? I can then feed this variable into a method / loader statement to tag the item as womenswear before putting it into a database.
If not, would anyone have any other ideas on how to categorise this item as womenswear. I saw an example where you could use an excel spreadsheet to create the start_urls and in that excel spreadsheet tag each row as womenswear, mens etc. However, I feel this method might cause issues further down the line and would prefer to avoid it if possible. I'll spare the details of why I think this would be problematic unless anyone asks.
Thanks in advance
There does seem to be a breadcrumb in your example, however for an alternative you can usually check the page source by simply searching your term - maybe there's some embedded javascript/json that can be extract?
Here you can see some javascript for subcategory that indicates that it's a "womens_everyday_sports_jacket".
You can parse it quite easily with some regex:
re.findall('subcategory: "(.+?)"', response.body_as_unicode())
# womens_everyday_sports_jacket

Google Analytics for one site with language specific domains

I have one site that serves EN and FR users. Each language has it's own domain, so and I'm setting up profiles, one for each. For the filters, would this be the correct setting
Type: Custom > Include
Field: Hostname
I would then have a profifile for French with the similar settings.
is this the best way to do this?
Yes, it should work, but keep in mind keep always a view without filter, in you case you need to have 4:
EnDomain View
FRDomain View
AllDomain View (No domain filter, but ip filter or any other needed)
Raw View (No Filter at all , this in case of something fails)
Take care of the variation of the domains and your filter. For example whats happens with the www variations or the subdomains.
PS: This structure is not the recomended one by Google, it suposes one account per brand, one property per domain and the desired views.
more information on:

How many controller files should I create in my Symfony2 application?

In the src/AppBundle/Controller folder, there is a file called DefaultController.php.
I'll create url's like below, should I use just DefaultController.php for all URL requests or is it recommended to use a different controller.php file (UserController.php, FeedController.php, etc) for each part of the site? (profile, feed, settings, etc)
I also have another question. As far as I understand, we put our html files in our /App/Resources/views folder to keep them separated. Do I need to create a specific file for each part of the website just like flat PHP? (settings/index.php, settings/password.php, settings/things.php, settings/security.php, etc).
I am not sure whether this question is suitable for SO or not.
For both questions is no hard answer. I should create a controller for each part of your website AT LEAST. Theoretical you could throw everything into one controller but it will be a very long list if you are finished. Another problem is that your action names like indexAction will repeat which is of course not possible because every method must have a different name. And names like index1Action, index2Action and so on is also not a proper solution :-). Another helper is to create an own controller for every ENTITY.
Twig files should only be written for one page only or only for a part of a page. Imagine that you have a homepage with last 10 newsitems but also a news page with more news items (maybe with pagination). The newsitems themselves looks the same on both pages. In this case you could make a home.html.twig, a news.html.twig and also a newsitem.html.twig. Both home and news will include newsitem to show the newsitems...
Hope i gave you a light.

Upload file with CMIS Service on st:site

I have been uploading files to Company Home pretty easily with this url:
Now I am trying to upload to a folder within a site
And keep getting this
Cannot find object for NodePathReference[storeRef=workspace://SpacesStore,path=app:company_home/st:sites/cm:mysite]
Am I missing a special way to declare the path of a site?
i'm not sure how you are uploading to that path but i suppose you need to go into 'documentLibrary' of the site
I found out that there are 6 webscripts related to file manipulation, and it seams each one takes the path in a different way.
I ended up using
This particular service it takes Display Names as path segments, and the p itself represents the Company Home segment
I also obtained the same results with this one
Which as you can see takes nodeRef Ids as parameter.

How to change url_alias partially according to a pattern Drupal

How to change url_alias partially according to a pattern?
We have site with reports to users.
We continue to update the reports with new content node but the url_alias kept same.
For example,
Users bookmark the pages. So they can get into the reports directly.
Recently we change the path pattern with /docs/ in front:
Now the new content nodes go to these url_alias.
But the users have booked mark the pages.
So we want to make them previous book marks, url_alias, can be redirected into the new path.
For example,
/report/report_a to be redirected into /docs/report/report_a
/report/report_a/subreport_1 to be redirected into
That means to make /report/* paths to be redirectly to /docs/report/* paths
Here * is wildcard.
Do the old report pages still exist? You could add a bit of javascript to each page that redirects to the new location...
Can you create aliases for the old nodes? If there are a lot, it probably wouldn't be too hard to run a script that takes all the old paths and creates aliases for them.
In D7, URL Aliases are under Config | Search and metadata
It's probably easiest add a redirect to your .htaccess file. Something like this should work for your example:
Redirect /report/ /docs/report/
