Using SignalR Hub outside the hub definition file - signalr

There are other questions on the topic but the solutions there don't work for me. I guess is a small detail on the syntax since it changes a bit from version to version..
I created a SignalR hub on a blazor hosted WASM, and I want to be able to send messages from my GameController and not only from the hub itself.
My GameHub inherits from Hub, and I to get a hub context to send a message. The nI guet the no valid conversion from GameHub to IHub.
I tried to implement IHub insted of inheriting from Hub but then it ask to implement other methods I have no clue about and I've never seen in other tutorials..
Here's a picture with the error message and the GameHub declaration:

I use IHubContext<...> like this:
public ChatService(IHubContext<ChatHub> chatHub, IStorageService storageService)
this.chatHub = chatHub;
this.storageService = storageService;
This service is provided for injection as well.


Understanding SignalR- Hubs, Dependency Injection, and Controllers

I've been pouring through documentation and forums trying to understand SignalR but I'm pretty stuck.
What I'm trying to achieve is, in a chat application: store messages outside of the Hub so that each time a user joins the chat, they can see all messages that had been sent before they joined.
So it seemed like an external class was the way to do that so I got that working with dependency injection
In ChatHub.cs
namespace SignalRChat.Hubs
public class ChatHub: Hub
public IChatStorage _chatStorage;
public ChatHub(IChatStorage chatStorage)
_chatStorage = chatStorage;
// and so on
And I have a method in ChatHub to send a message to chatStorage, but I'm confused on how to send back a list of all messages from chatStorage to ChatHub, or even to JavaScript. It seemed like a Controller was the way to do that but I'm not sure how to call the controller's methods:
namespace SignalRChat.Controllers
public class ChatController: Controller
private IHubContext<ChatHub> _hubContext;
public ChatController(IHubContext<ChatHub> hubContext)
_hubContext = hubContext;
public void Send(List<Message> messages)
// to do: something where chatStorage calls this method, then this
// method uses _hubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync
// But, how do I even call Send()???
Fundamentally I just don't understand how to wire everything up. SignalR is just really confusing.
I get how the simple server Hub and client JavaScript relationship works. But, then with dependency injection I don't get why
public ChatHub(IChatStorage chatStorage)
_chatStorage = chatStorage;
works. I didn't change any code to say like new ChatHub(new IChatStorage). Microsoft's docs even say that SignalR only calls default Hub constructors.
In Startup.cs nothing seems to specify that I want to call ChatHub with a new chatStorage:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<IChatStorage, ChatStorage>();
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
// omitted some default code
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
So first question, how does that work? How does it know to pass an argument to the ChatHub constructor? I understand the services.AddSingleton part, just not how that gets "wired up".
Same thing with a controller class. How does the program know to pass an IHubContext object into its constructor? Where do you specify that?
Finally, how would you go about making this setup work? Current I'm trying to communicate from ChatHub->chatStorage->ChatController->ChatHub. And to do that I'm trying to pass a reference to chatController in chatStorage.
Not sure if it's clear what I'm asking. If anything I'm looking for a clear explanation on how these concepts all work together, rather than a specific solution to my code.
Thank you!
So first question, how does that work? How does it know to pass an argument to the ChatHub constructor? I understand the services.AddSingleton part, just not how that gets "wired up".
When SignalR instantiates your hub instance (the framework controls this, you don't), it will resolve any dependencies specified in your Hub's constructor. This is part of the dependency injection system that's part of .NET (as mentioned in the comments).
Same thing with a controller class. How does the program know to pass an IHubContext object into its constructor? Where do you specify that?
Same idea, but you didn't have to wire up IHubContext, that's something that AddSignalR does.
Finally, how would you go about making this setup work? Current I'm trying to communicate from ChatHub->chatStorage->ChatController->ChatHub. And to do that I'm trying to pass a reference to chatController in chatStorage.
It's not exactly clear to me what you want the interaction to be between the client and the server to both the hub and the controller.
What I'm trying to achieve is, in a chat application: store messages outside of the Hub so that each time a user joins the chat, they can see all messages that had been sent before they joined.
Going back to this original statement I can ask a few clarifying questions:
When the user writes a message in the chat room, are you calling the hub or a controller action (REST API)? That will determine where you need to inject the IChatStorage type. Once you receive a message, you'll stash the message in IChatStorage.
When the user joins the chat, they'll make a call to the server to retrieve all messages. This call will return messages stored in IChatStorage.
Assuming you want to use the hub for everything, you would expose methods on the hub do accomplish this. If you wanted to use REST API calls from the client, then you would use the controller.

Filter Outgoing SignalR Core Hub Messages

I am using SignalR and .Net 5.0 and leveraging Hub Filters to execute code on incoming Invokations to my SignalR Hub.
I am looking for a way to do the same thing with outgoing messages from the Hub to the Client but seem to be coming up with no options.
Perhaps alternatively, I would love to hook into and execute code specifically when the built in Ping Messages are sent out.
It looks like similar functionality used to be possible in the old version's HubPipeLineModule but I have not been able to find any way to achieve this in current SignalR. Is this possible?
HubLifetimeManager is responsible for sending messages to clients and it is possible to inject your custom one, right before registering SignalR:
builder.Services.AddSingleton(typeof(HubLifetimeManager<>), typeof(CustomHubLifetimeManager<>));
public class CustomHubLifetimeManager<THub> : DefaultHubLifetimeManager<THub> where THub : Hub
public override Task SendAllAsync(string methodName, object?[] args, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
//todo: do your stuff
return base.SendAllAsync(methodName, args, cancellationToken);
//todo: override rest of the methods
It works fine, however this approach looks a bit hacky for me.

How do I maintain a list of Client methods the Server's Hub can call?

For SignalR 2.1, how do I maintain a list of Client methods the Server's Hub can call?
According to Differences between SignalR and ASP.NET Core SignalR - Hub Proxies, "Hub proxies are no longer automatically generated."
Is there an existing solution to maintain a list of Client methods the Server's Hub can call?
Looking for a solution that defines Client methods to be called by Server Hub before we decide to roll our own with Code Generation.
Looks like Hub and IHubContext take T type parameter for the type of client that you can make an interface for. Can't find any documentation specific to dotnet core other than the source code and comments but look like this is a carry over from .net -> "Calling client hubs - New and Improved"
public interface IMyHubClient
void Ping();
public class MyHub : Hub<IMyHubClient>

How do you get HubContext in SignalR 3?

In SignalR 2 you could do something like this (taken from my blog):
var stockTickerHub = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<StockTickerHub>();
That allows you to get a reference to the SignalR hub from outside the hub (e.g. from a stock ticker thread).
This does not seem to be available in SignalR 3. How do you achieve the equivalent functionality in the new and upcoming SignalR?
I asked the same thing to the creator of SignalR, David Fowler on Jabbr, a forum where the creators of SignalR and the architects of ASP.NET 5 hang on from time to time, and his answer to this question was to use dependency injection.
While I haven't tried it yet with SignalR 3, I am pretty sure you can inject an instance of ConnectionManager that implements IConnectionManager in your class, and use it just like you would use GlobalHost to resolve your hub context.
Again, I have not done this with SignalR3, but I hope this will get you a little closer to finding a solution.
I put together a sample for using SignalR 2 with Autofac. (In this repo I use Autofac to inject dependencies in my hub, but also to inject instances of a ConnectionManager in other classes to get the hub context).
Hope this helps. Best of luck!
Dependency injection is indeed the way and works.
public class ChatController : Controller
readonly IConnectionManager _connectionManager;
public ChatController(IConnectionManager connectionManager)
_connectionManager = connectionManager;
public IActionResult Chat(string message)
IHubContext context = _connectionManager.GetHubContext<ChatHub>();
IConnection connection = _connectionManager.GetConnectionContext<PersistentConnection>().Connection;
return new EmptyResult();
From every example I have seen and the few SignalR 3 apps I have implemented, you no longer have a strongly typed reference to your hub. The current methodology connects to a hub via the hub's name and URL. The On generic method creates a subscription to broadcasts from that hub and the method name you provide.
HubConnection connection = new HubConnection(ServerURL);
IHubProxy hubProxy = connection.CreateHubProxy("StockTickerHub");
hubProxy.On<StockTickerMessage>("[Your method name here]", msg => {
//your UI update logic here

WCF Service with SignalR

I have a web application which has few charts on dashboard. The data for charts is fetched on document.ready function at client side invoking a WCF service method.
What i want is now to use SignalR in my application. I am really new to SignalR. How can i call WCF methods from SignalR Hub or what you can say is that instead of pulling data from server i want the WCF service to push data to client every one minute.
Is there a way of communication between signalR and WCF service.
Also another approach can be to force client to ask for data from WCF Service every minute.
Any help will be really appreciated.
I have done following as of yet.
Client Side Function on my Dashboard page
<script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.0.3.min.js"></script>
<!--Reference the autogenerated SignalR hub script. -->
<script src="/signalr/hubs"></script>
<a id="refresh">Refresh</a>
$(function() {
var dashboardHubProxy = $.connection.dashboardHub;
$.connection.hub.start().done(function() {
// dashboardHubProxy.server.refreshClient(parameters);
$("#refresh").click(function() {
dashboardHubProxy.client.refreshChart = function (chartData) {
DrawChart(chartData, 'Hourly Call Count For Last ' + Duration + ' Days', '#chartHourly', 'StackedAreaChart');
and my Dashboard Hub class is as follows
public class DashboardHub : Hub
private readonly ReportService ReportService = new ReportService();
public void RefreshClient(string parameters)
var chartData = ReportService.GenerateHourlyCallsTrendGraphicalReport(parameters);
My SignalR startup class is as follows
[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(CallsPortalWeb.Startup), "Configuration")]
namespace CallsPortalWeb
public static class Startup
public static void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
public static void ConfigureSignalR(IAppBuilder app)
When i click on refresh button and a debugger on RefreshClient method on hub the debugger doesn't get to the method which means i am unable to call server side method of SignalR.
Is there anything needs to be done in web.config?
I agree with AD.Net's comment. To elaborate slightly more though, the SignalR hubs can be hosted directly in your web project kinda the same way controllers are used. There is also a package out there so you can host the SignalR library on its own so it can act as a service all on its own. Either way you will need to hit the SignalR hub first as that is how it communicates then you would call your WCF service methods from within the hubs.
Brief explanation
Your HUB will have methods used by both your USER Client and your WCF Client. You may use something like UserConnected() for the user to call in and setup your logging of the connection. Then the WCF service may call your HUB with an UpdateUserStats(Guid connnectionId, UserStats stats) which would in turn call the USER client directly and provide the stats passed in like so Clients.Client(connectionId).updateStats(stats) which in turn would have a method on the USERS client named updateStats() that would handle the received information.
Initial page landing
What AD.Net provided is basic code that will be called when the user lands on the page. At this point you would want to log the ConnectionId related to that user so you can directly contact them back.
First contact with your hub touching WCF
From your Hub, you could call your WCF service as you normally would inside any normal C# code to fetch your data or perform action and return it to your user.
Method of updating the user periodically
SignalR removes the need for your client code to have to continually poll the server for updates. It is meant to allow you to push data out to the client with out them asking for it directly. This is where the persistence of the connections come into play.
You will probably want to create a wrapper to easily send messages to the hub from your application, since you are using WCF I would assume you have your business logic behind this layer so you will want the WCF service reaching out to your Hub whenever action X happens. You can do that by utilizing the Client side C# code as in this case your client is actually the user and the WCF service. With a chat application the other user is basically doing what you want your WCF service to do, which is send a message to the other client.
Usage example
You are running an online store. The dashboard displays how many orders there have been for the day. So you would wire up a call to the hub to send a message out to update the products ordered when a user places a new order. You can do this by sending it to the admin group you have configured and any admins on the dashboard would get the message. Though if these stats are very user specific, you will more then likely instead reach into the database, find the ConnectionId that the user has connected with and send the update message directly to that connectionid.
WCF Client Code Example
Just incase you want some code, this is directly from MS site on connecting with a .net client. You would use this in your WCF service, or wherever in your code you plan on connecting and then sending an update to your user.
var hubConnection = new HubConnection("");
IHubProxy stockTickerHubProxy = hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("StockTickerHub");
stockTickerHubProxy.On<Stock>("UpdateStockPrice", stock => Console.WriteLine("Stock update for {0} new price {1}", stock.Symbol, stock.Price));
await hubConnection.Start();
Here is a link directly to the .Net Client section:
I am sure you have seen this link but it really holds all the good information you need to get started.
Here is a more direct link that goes into usages with code for you.
ADDED: Here is a blog specific to Dashboards with SignalR and their polling.
ADDED: Here is a page on managing users signalR connections.
Update for your code update
The .Net Client library (in NuGet) gives your .net code access to the hub. Since you are a client you will need to connect to the hub just like the User who is also a client. Your hub would act as the server for this. So with the .Net Client I am assuming you would setup a windows service that would internally poll, or something event based that would call the .Net Client code portion of it which would reach out to your hub. Your hub would take the information provided, more than likely a ConnectionId or GroupId and broad cast the User (which is perhaps on a website so it would be the JS client) a method that would update the front end for the user client. Basically what I mention under "Brief Explanation".
Now, to directly respond to the code you posted. That is Javascript, I would expect a connect like you have done. Updating the chart on initial connection is fine as well. If this is all the code signalR wise though you are missing a client side method to handle the refresh. Technically, instead of calling Clients.Caller.RefreshChart() you could just return that data and use it, which is what your javascript is doing right now. You are returning void but it is expecting a your date.
Now, I would actually say correct your javascript instead of correcting the hub code. Why? Because having a method in JS on your client that is called "refreshChart()" can be reused for when you are having your server reach out and update the client.
So I would recommend, dropping anything that is related to updating the dashboard in your JS done statement. If you want to do a notification or something to the user that is fine but dont update the grid.
Now create a JS client function called "refreshChart", note the lower case R, you can call it with a big R in c# but the js library will lowercase it so when you make the function have it will receive your dashboard information.
Now, on the server polling, or executing on some action, your WCF would call a method on the hub that would be say "UpdateDashboar(connectionId,dashInfo)" and that method would then inside of it call the "refreshChart" just like you are doing in your RefreshClient method, accept instead of doing Clients.Caller you would use Clients.Client(connectionId).refreshChart(chartInfo).
Directly the reason your code is not working is because you need to turn that Void into the type you expect to be returned. If the rest is coded right you will have it update once. You will need to implement the other logic I mentioned if you want it constantly updating. Which is again why I asked about how you are persisting your connections. I added a link to help you with that if you are not sure what I am talking about.
You should use the SignalR Hub to push data to the client. Your hub can consume a WCF service (the same way your client can) to get the data.
from client:
on the hub in the VisitingDashBoard method:
var data = wcfClient.GetDashboardData()//may be pass the user id from the context
Of course your client will have a handler for UpdateDashboard call
