Overwriting hydra configuration groups from CLI - fb-hydra

I am trying to overwrite from the CLI a group of parameters and I am not sure how to do it. The structure of my conf is the following
├── config.yaml
├── optimizer
│ ├── adamw.yaml
│ ├── adam.yaml
│ ├── default.yaml
│ └── sgd.yaml
├── task
│ ├── default.yaml
│ └── nlp
│ ├── default_seq2seq.yaml
│ ├── summarization.yaml
│ └── text_classification.yaml
My task/default looks like this
# #package task
- _self_
- /optimizer/adam#cfg.optimizer
_target_: src.core.task.Task
_recursive_: false
prefix_sep: ${training.prefix_sep}
while the optimiser/default looks like this
_target_: null
lr: ${training.lr}
weight_decay: 0.001
- bias
- LayerNorm.weight
and one specific optimiser, say adam.yaml, looks like this
- default
_target_: torch.optim.Adam
In the end the config I'd like to be computed is like this
_target_: src.task.nlp.nli_generation.task.NLIGenerationTask
_recursive_: false
prefix_sep: ${training.prefix_sep}
_target_: torch.optim.Adam
lr: ${training.lr}
weight_decay: 0.001
- bias
- LayerNorm.weight
I would like to be able to modify the optimiser via the CLI (say, use sgd), but I am not sure how to achieve this. I tried, but I understand why it fails, this
python train.py task.cfg.optimizer=sgd # fails
python train.py task.cfg.optimizer=/optimizer/sgd #fails
Any tips on how to achieve this?
Github discussion here.

You can't override default list entries in this form.
See this.
In particular:
CONFIG : A config to use when creating the output config. e.g. db/mysql, db/mysql#backup.
GROUP_DEFAULT : An overridable config. e.g. db: mysql, db#backup: mysql.
To be able to override a default list entry, you need to define it as a GROUP_DEFAULT.
In your case, it might look like
- _self_
- /optimizer#cfg.optimizer: adam


Using multiple configs in the same group to interpolate values in a yaml file

In Hydra I have the following configuration:
├── conf
│ ├── config.yaml
│ ├── callbacks
│ │ ├── callback_01.yaml
│ │ └── callback_02.yaml
│ └── trainer
│ ├── default.yaml
The callbacks have a structure like this:
_target_: callback_to_instantiate
I need to pass to the trainer/default.yaml both the callbacks through interpolation.
I tried like this:
_target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer
- ${callbacks.callback_01}
- ${callbacks.callback_02}
With the config.yaml like this:
- _self_
- trainer: default
I did also other trials but it doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to interpolate like that in a yaml file by using two or more yaml files that are in the config group?
I would like if possible to keep this structure.
Currently the recommended approach is:
compose a mapping whose values are the desired callbacks, and then
use the oc.dict.values OmegaConf resolver to get a list of values from that dictionary.
# conf/config.yaml
- callbacks#_callback_dict.cb1: callback_01
- callbacks#_callback_dict.cb2: callback_02
- trainer: default
- _self_
# conf/trainer/default.yaml
_target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer
callbacks: ${oc.dict.values:_callback_dict}
# my_app.py
from typing import Any
import hydra
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
#hydra.main(config_path="conf", config_name="config")
def app(cfg: DictConfig) -> Any:
del cfg._callback_dict
if __name__ == "__main__":
At the command line:
$ python my_app.py
_target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer
- _target_: callback_to_instantiate_01
- _target_: callback_to_instantiate_02
For reference, there is an open issue on Hydra's github repo advocating for an improved user experience around

Interpolation using the selected config group option in Hydra

I am using hydra composition with the following structure:
├── configs
│   ├── config.yaml
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── dataset_01.yaml
│   │   └── dataset_02.yaml
│   └── model
│   ├── bert.yaml
│   └── gpt.yaml
- model: bert
- data: dataset_01
# #package _group_
name: "dataset_01"
path: "../resources/datasets/dataset_01/train.jsonl"
num_samples: 1257391
path: "../resources/datasets/dataset_01/test.jsonl"
num_samples: 71892
path: "../resources/datasets/dataset_01/val.jsonl"
num_samples: 73805
# #package _group_
name: "bert"
encoder: "source.encoder.BertEncoder.BertEncoder"
architecture: "bert-base-uncased"
lr: 1e-7
architecture: "bert-base-uncased"
path: "../resources/predictions/bert_predictions.pt"
entry point
#hydra.main(config_path="configs/", config_name="config.yaml")
def perform_tasks(hparams):
model = MyModel(hparams.model)
if __name__ == '__main__':
In the context of hparams.model, there is no way for OmegaConf to interpolate the key data.name since it is not in scope.
So, it would be great if there was an approach to causes the interpolation at the beginning of the application.
OmegaConf interpolation is absolute and is operating on the final config.
Try this:
With Hydra 1.1 or newer you can use hydra.runtime.choices which is a dictionary containing the config groups you have selected.
You will be able to interpolate without adding the name field using hydra:runtime.choices.GROUP_NAME:
path: "dir/bert_${hydra:runtime.choices.GROUP_NAME}_pred.pt"

Image not showing with a standalone bokeh server using BokehTornado instance configured with StaticFileHandler

This is a follow up of my previous question.
The structure of the files is shown below. I have to run the scripts using python -m bokeh_module.bokeh_sub_module from the top directory. The image.png might come from an arbitrary directory later.
├── other_module
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── other_sub_module.py
├── bokeh_module
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── image.png # not showing
│ └── bokeh_sub_module.py
└── image.png # not showing either
The bokeh_sub_module.py is using the standalone bokeh server. However the image will not show no matter where it is placed. I got this WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico (::1) 0.50ms I'm not sure if this an issue from bokeh or tornado. Thank you for any help.
from other_module import other_sub_module
import os
from bokeh.server.server import Server
from bokeh.layouts import column
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
import tornado.web
def make_document(doc):
def update():
# do something with other_sub_module
p = figure(match_aspect=True)
p.image_url( ['file://image.png'], 0, 0, 1, 1)
doc.add_root(column(p, sizing_mode='stretch_both'))
doc.add_periodic_callback(callback=update, period_milliseconds=1000)
apps = {'/': make_document}
application = tornado.web.Application([(r"/(.*)", \
tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, \
{"path": os.path.dirname(__file__)}),])
server = Server(apps, tornado_app=application)
server.io_loop.add_callback(server.show, "/")
I tried the argument extra_patterns and it does not work either...
You cannot use the file:// protocol with web servers and browsers. Just use regular http:// or https://. If you specify the correct URL, the StaticFileHandler should properly handle it.
Apart from that, your usage of Server is not correct. It doesn't have the tornado_app argument. Instead, pass the routes directly:
extra_patterns = [(r"/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,
{"path": os.path.dirname(__file__)})]
server = Server(apps, extra_patterns=extra_patterns)
BTW just in case - in general, you shouldn't serve the root of your app. Otherwise, anyone would be able to see your source code.

firebase deploy skips exported function

I recently added a new cloud function to my project, and for some reason when I deploy it gets skipped:
firebase deploy --only functions:stripeOperation
which results in
⚠ functions: the following filters were specified but do not match
any functions in the project: stripeOperation
The file structure is like this:
├── src/
│ ├── stripe
│ │ ├── index.ts
│ │ ├── myTrigger.ts
│ │ ├── anotherTrigger.ts
│ │ └── stripeOperation.ts
│ ├── index.ts
functions/src/stripe/index exports all 3 of the functions in the stripe folder.
functions/src/index exports them from the stripe folder:
export { stripeOperation, myTrigger, anotherTrigger } from './stripe';
Here's where it gets weird - myTrigger and anotherTrigger successfully deploy, but stripeOperation doesn't. There are no build errors. Firebase isn't giving me any clues as to why it's skipped. I checked and the transpiled code looks fine. stripeOperation is a callable function but the other 2 are firestore triggers. This is the signature of stripeOperation:
export const stripeOperation = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
Is there any way to determine why firebase won't deploy my function? I am using "firebase-functions": "^2.3.1"
Update: I have tried renaming the function, and completely switching out the function body with a previously deployed function, and neither worked.
You have to export callable functions separately from trigger functions. This doesn't make sense, so I filed an issue.
export { stripeOperation } from './stripe/stripeOperation';
export { myTrigger, anotherTrigger } from './stripe';

BridgeInner configuration file location

Should the bridge read the path to its certificates from bridge.conf? I think so (as explained in the doc) but when I start it, it looks for certificates in ./certificates/ folder:
[ERROR] 16:17:53+0200 [main] internal.BridgeStartup.run - Exception during bridge startup
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /opt/corda/bridge/certificates/truststore.jks
Here is the block in bridge.conf:
bridgeMode = BridgeInner
outboundConfig {
artemisBrokerAddress = "myNodeServer:myNodeServerPort"
bridgeInnerConfig {
floatAddresses = ["floatServer:floatServerPort"]
expectedCertificateSubject = "CN=Float Local,O=Local Only,L=Paris,C=FR"
customSSLConfiguration {
keyStorePassword = "xxx"
trustStorePassword = "xxx"
sslKeystore = "./bridgecerts/bridge.jks"
trustStoreFile = "./bridgecerts/trust.jks"
crlCheckSoftFail = true
networkParametersPath = network-parameters
Below the tree :
myServerName:/opt/corda/bridge $ tree .
├── bridgecerts
│   ├── bridge.jks
│   └── trust.jks
├── bridge.conf
├── corda-bridgeserver-3.1.jar
├── logs
│   └── node-myServerName.log
└── network-parameters
2 directories, 6 files
Something I did wrong here ?
The weird thing is that I don't have this issue with the float on another server, set up the same way...
The bridge has two connections:
One to the float, called the tunnel connection
One to the node, called the Artemis connection
The settings in the bridgeInnerConfig block configure the tunnel connection. The exception you're seeing is for missing certificates for the Artemis connection. See the docs here:
In particular the BridgeInner setup needs a certificates folder
containing the sslkeystore.jks and truststore.jks copied from the
node and a copied network-parameters file in the workspace folder.
You need to provide the certificates folder and network-parameters file as described.
You can also configure the Artemis connection using an outboundConfig block, but it is not recommended.
