What does the code mean, and how to invoke it?
function (YOLO)
YOLO + 1
Quoted from here.
It's an Anonymous function.
The usual way to use them is to either assign it to a variable, which would become the function's name:
julia> y = function (YOLO)
YOLO + 1
#43 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> y(4)
or pass the function itself directly as an argument to a different function (though for that, the shorter YOLO -> YOLO + 1 or the do ... end syntaxes are usually used).
Another way to invoke it is to just immediately call it:
julia> (function (YOLO)
YOLO + 1
I'm trying to build a function that will output an expression to be assigned to a new in-memory function. I might be misinterpreting the capability of metaprogramming but, I'm trying to build a function that generates a math series and assigns it to a function such as:
function series(iter)
S = ""
for i in 1:iter
a = "x^$i + "
S = S*a
return chop(S, tail=3)
So, this will build the pattern and I'm temporarily working with it in the repl:
julia> a = Meta.parse(series(4))
:(x ^ 1 + x ^ 2 + x ^ 3 + x ^ 4)
julia> f =eval(Meta.parse(series(4)))
julia> f(x) =eval(Meta.parse(series(4)))
ERROR: cannot define function f; it already has a value
Obviously eval isn't what I'm looking for in this case but, is there another function I can use? Or, is this just not a viable way to accomplish the task in Julia?
The actual error you get has to do nothing with metaprogramming, but with the fact that you are reassigning f, which was assigned a value before:
julia> f = 10
julia> f(x) = x + 1
ERROR: cannot define function f; it already has a value
[1] top-level scope at none:0
[2] top-level scope at REPL[2]:1
It just doesn't like that. Call either of those variables differently.
Now to the conceptual problem. First, what you do here is not "proper" metaprogramming in Julia: why deal with strings and parsing at all? You can work directly on expressions:
julia> function series(N)
S = Expr(:call, :+)
for i in 1:N
push!(S.args, :(x ^ $i))
return S
series (generic function with 1 method)
julia> series(3)
:(x ^ 1 + x ^ 2 + x ^ 3)
This makes use of the fact that + belongs to the class of expressions that are automatically collected in repeated applications.
Second, you don't call eval at the appropriate place. I assume you meant to say "give me the function of x, with the body being what series(4) returns". Now, while the following works:
julia> f3(x) = eval(series(4))
f3 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f3(2)
it is not ideal, as you newly compile the body every time the function is called. If you do something like that, it is preferred to expand the code once into the body at function definition:
julia> #eval f2(x) = $(series(4))
f2 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f2(2)
You just need to be careful with hygiene here. All depends on the fact that you know that the generated body is formulated in terms of x, and the function argument matches that. In my opinion, the most Julian way of implementing your idea is through a macro:
julia> macro series(N::Int, x)
S = Expr(:call, :+)
for i in 1:N
push!(S.args, :($x ^ $i))
return S
#series (macro with 1 method)
julia> #macroexpand #series(4, 2)
:(2 ^ 1 + 2 ^ 2 + 2 ^ 3 + 2 ^ 4)
julia> #series(4, 2)
No free variables remaining in the output.
Finally, as has been noted in the comments, there's a function (and corresponding macro) evalpoly in Base which generalizes your use case. Note that this function does not use code generation -- it uses a well-designed generated function, which in combination with the optimizations results in code that is usually equal to the macro-generated code.
Another elegant option would be to use the multiple-dispatch mechanism of Julia and dispatch the generated code on type rather than value.
#generated function series2(p::Val{N}, x) where N
S = Expr(:call, :+)
for i in 1:N
push!(S.args, :(x ^ $i))
return S
julia> series2(Val(20), 150.5)
julia> series2(Val{20}(), 150.5)
This task can be accomplished with comprehensions. I need to RTFM...
I want to overwrite a function in Julia using its old definition. It seems the way to do this would be to clone the function and overwrite the original using the copy — something like the following. However, it appears deepcopy(f) just returns a reference to f, so this doesn't work.
f(x) = x
f_old = deepcopy(f)
f(x) = 1 + f_old(x)
How can I clone a function?
Background: I'm interesting in writing a macro #override that allows me to override functions pointwise (or maybe even piecewise).
fib(n::Int) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
#override fib(0) = 1
#override fib(1) = 1
This particular example would be slow and could be made more efficient using #memoize. There may be good reasons not to do this, but there may also be situations in which one does not know a function fully when it is defined and overriding is necessary.
We can do this using IRTools.jl.
(Note, on newer versions of IRTools, you may need to ask for IRTools.Inner.code_ir instead of IRTools.code_ir.)
using IRTools
fib(n::Int) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
const fib_ir = IRTools.code_ir(fib, Tuple{Int})
const fib_old = IRTools.func(fib_ir)
fib(n::Int) = n < 2 ? 1 : fib_old(fib, n)
julia> fib(10)
What we did there was captured the intermediate representation of the function fib, and then rebuilt it into a new function which we called fib_old. Then we were free to overwrite the definition of fib in terms of fib_old! Notice that since fib_old was defined as recursively calling fib, not fib_old, there's no stack overflow when we call fib(10).
The other thing to notice is that when we called fib_old, we wrote fib_old(fib, n) instead of fib_old(n). This is due to how IRTools.func works.
According to Mike Innes on Slack:
In Julia IR, all functions take a hidden extra argument that represents the function itself
The reason for this is that closures are structs with fields, which you need access to in the IR
Here's an implementation of your #override macro with a slightly different syntax:
function _get_type_sig(fdef)
d = splitdef(fdef)
types = []
for arg in d[:args]
if arg isa Symbol
push!(types, :Any)
elseif #capture(arg, x_::T_)
push!(types, T)
if isempty(d[:whereparams])
:((Tuple{$(types...)} where {$(d[:whereparams]...)}).body)
macro override(cond, fdef)
d = splitdef(fdef)
shadowf = gensym()
sig = _get_type_sig(fdef)
f = d[:name]
const $shadowf = IRTools.func(IRTools.code_ir($(d[:name]), $sig))
function $f($(d[:args]...)) where {$(d[:whereparams]...)}
if $cond
$shadowf($f, $(d[:args]...))
end |> esc
Now one can type
fib(n::Int) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
#override n < 2 fib(n::Int) = 1
julia> fib(10)
The best part is that this is nearly as fast (at runtime, not compile time!) as if we had written the conditions into the original function!
n = 15
fib2(n::Int) = n < 2 ? 1 : fib2(n-1) + fib2(n-2)
julia> #btime fib($(Ref(15))[])
4.239 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> #btime fib2($(Ref(15))[])
3.022 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
I really don't see why you'd want to do this (there must a better way to get what you want!).
Nonetheless, although not exactly equivalent you can get what you want by using anonymous functions:
julia> f = x->x
#3 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f_old = deepcopy(f)
#3 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f = x->1+f_old(x)
#5 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f(4)
Is there a way to check if a function has keywords arguments in Julia? I am looking for something like has_kwargs(fun::Function) that would return true if fun has a method with keyword arguments.
The high level idea is to build a function:
function master_fun(foo::Any, fun::Function, ar::Tuple, kw::Tuple)
if has_kwargs(fun)
fun(ar... ; kw...)
Basically, #Michael K. Borregaard's suggestion to use try-catch is correct and officially works.
Looking into the unofficial implementation details, I came up with the followng:
haskw(f,tup) = isdefined(typeof(f).name.mt,:kwsorter) &&
This function first looks if there is any keyword processing on any method of the generic function, and if so, looks at the specific tuple of types.
For example:
julia> f(x::Int) = 1
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f(x::String ; y="value") = 2
f (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> haskw(f,(Int,))
julia> haskw(f,(String,))
This should be tested for the specific application, as it probably doesn't work when non-leaf types are involved. As Michael commented, in the question's context the statement would be:
if haskw(fun, typeof.(ar))
I don't think you can guarantee that a given function has keyword arguments. Check
f(;x = 3) = println(x)
f(x) = println(2x)
f(x = 3)
f(3, x = 3)
#ERROR: MethodError: no method matching f(::Int64; x=3)
#Closest candidates are:
# f(::Any) at REPL[2]:1 got unsupported keyword argument "x"
# f(; x) at REPL[1]:1
So, does the f function have keywords? You can only check for a given method. Note that, in your example above, you'd normally just do
function master_fun(foo, fun::Function, ar::Tuple, kw....)
fun(ar... ; kw...)
which should work, and if keywords are passed to a function that does not take them you'd just leave the error reporting to fun. If that is not acceptable you could try to wrap the fun(ar...; kw...) in a try-catch block.
I would like to form expressions like
julia> ex = :(a[$i,$j] + b[$i,$j])
because I am interested in writting a program that it is able to write a system of equations in which the user only gives the structure of them and then that julia writes explicitly the chunk of code involved. More generally, I would like to embed functions in a expression, something like
julia> ex = :(a[$myfunc(i,j),$j] + b[$i,$j])
Upon evaluating the first line of code, I get
ERROR: UndefVarError: i not defined
in eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:226
On the other hand, if I write
julia> ex = :(a[i,j] + b[i,j])
:(a[i,j] + b[i,j])
julia> for i in 1:2
for j in 1:2
ERROR: UndefVarError: i not defined
in eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:226
[inlined code] from ./boot.jl:225
in anonymous at ./<no file>:4294967295
in eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:226
How is interpolation done in this case?
eval works at global scope, so it cannot reference any local variables. What you can do, however, is interpolate that expression into a larger chunk of code that's intended to be executed at the global scope:
julia> a = [1 2; 3 4]
b = [5 6; 7 8]
ex = :(a[i,j] + b[i,j]);
julia> #eval for i in 1:2
for j in 1:2
The #eval macro is a simple shorthand for quoting the passed syntax and passing it along to the eval() function. It'd probably even be better to define a custom function:
julia> #eval function f()
for i in 1:2
for j in 1:2
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f()
The usual caveats about eval apply: any passed code can be maliciously crafted to do nefarious or surprising things. Or just crash the program.
I have a function, f. I want to add a method that takes any container of Strings. For example, I want to write a method that generates the following when needed:
f(xs::Array{String, 1}) = ...
f(xs::DataArray{String, 1}) = ...
f(xs::ITERABLE{String}) = ...
Is this possible to do in Julia's type system? Right now, I'm using a macro to write a specialized method when I need it.
#make_f(Array{String, 1})
#make_f(DataArray{String, 1})
This keeps things DRY, but it feels...wrong.
Can't you just use duck typing? I.e., just assume that you're feeding the function an object of the right type and throw an error if at some point e.g. you don't have a string in your iterable.
This should improve once you can really talk about iterables using traits; currently there is no iterable type. Scott's answer, for example, will not work with a tuple of strings, even though that is iterable.
julia> f(x) = string(x...) # just concatenate the strings
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f(("a", "á"))
julia> f(["a", "á"])
julia> f(["a" "b"; "c" "d"]) # a matrix of strings!
At least in Julia 0.4, the following should work:
julia> abstract Iterable{T} <: AbstractVector{T}
julia> f{T<:Union{Vector{String},Iterable{String}}}(xs::T) = 1
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> x = String["a", "é"]
2-element Array{AbstractString,1}:
julia> f(x)