How to Mimic Curve stretched over longer term - r

I am trying to find a way to mimic the curve or a product release schedule.
This is the release schedule for the number of units for a product. We have a new product coming out that will have the same release schedule in a curve. that should look like this:
I want it to have the same curve but stretched over a longer period of time:
I tried to just break it down by the phase but the results didn't match the same curve:
I have access to excel, VBA, and R. Is there a way that I can get a calculation that would allow me to match the curve structure if I have a different length of time and possibly a different total amount of units? I know I'm supposed to show what I have tried as well but nothing has gotten me even close.

You can get your NewData with Interpolation:
'Year .... 0 - 25
'x .... =year/25*17
'Units .... =Linterp($A$2:$B$19; x) --- A2:B19 is your input
Function Linterp(ByRef Tbl As Range, ByRef dX As Double) As Variant
' copied from
' shg 06 Jun 1997
' Linear interpolator / extrapolator
' Tbl is a two-column range containing known x, known y, sorted ascending
Dim i As Long ' index to Tbl
Dim nRow As Long ' rows in Tbl
Dim dXAbv As Double ' Tbl value above dX
Dim dXBlo As Double ' Tbl values below dX
Dim dRF As Double ' row fraction
nRow = Tbl.Rows.Count
If nRow < 2 Or Tbl.Columns.Count <> 2 Then
Linterp = "Table must have >= 2 rows, exactly two columns"
Exit Function '-------------------------------------------------------->
End If
If dX < Tbl(1, 1).Value Then ' dX < xmin, extrapolate first two entries
i = 1
i = WorksheetFunction.Match(dX, WorksheetFunction.Index(Tbl, 0, 1), 1)
If dX = Tbl(i, 1).Value Then ' dX is exact from table
Linterp = Tbl(i, 2)
Exit Function '---------------------------------------------------->
ElseIf i = nRow Then ' dX > xmax, extrapolate last two entries
i = nRow - 1
' dX lies between two rows, so interpolate entries i, i+1
' which is what happens by default
End If
End If
dXAbv = Tbl(i, 1).Value
dXBlo = Tbl(i + 1, 1).Value
dRF = (dX - dXAbv) / (dXBlo - dXAbv) ' row fraction
Linterp = Tbl(i, 2).Value * (1 - dRF) + Tbl(i + 1, 2).Value * dRF
End Function
Your input data is in A2:B19!
The new data is columns D, E and F!
D1: Year
D2: 0
D3: 1
E1: x
E2: =D2/25*17
E3: =D3/25*17
F1: Units
F2: =Linterp($A$2:$B$19;E2)
F3: =Linterp($A$2:$B$19;E3)


Why my code in Julia is getting slower for higher iteration?

I wrote a main function which uses a stochastic optimization algorithm (Particle Swarm Optimization) to found optimal solution for a ODE system. I would run 50 times to make sure the optimal can be found. At first, it operates normally, but now I found the calculation time would increase with iteration increases.
It cost less than 300s for first ten calculations, but it would increase to 500s for final calculation. It seems that it would cost 3~5 seconds more for each calculation. I have followed the high performance tips to optimize my code but it doesn't work.
I am sorry I don't know quite well how to upload my code before, here is the code I wrote below. But in this code, the experimental data is not loaded, I may need to find a way to upload data. In main function, with the increase of i, the time cost is increasing for each calculation.
Oh, by the way, I found another interesting phenomenon. I changed the number of calculations and the calculation time changed again. For first 20 calculations in main loop, each calculation cost about 300s, and the memory useage fluctuates significantly. But something I don't know happend, it is speeding up. It cost 1/4 time less time for each calculation, which is about 80s. And the memory useage became a straight line like this:
I knew the Julia would do pre-heating for first run and then speed up. But this situation seems different. This situation looks like Julia run slowly for first 20 calculation, and then it found a good way to optimize the memory useage and speed up. Then the program just run at full speed.
using CSV, DataFrames
using BenchmarkTools
using DifferentialEquations
using Statistics
using Dates
using Base.Threads
using Suppressor
function uniform(dim::Int, lb::Array{Float64, 1}, ub::Array{Float64, 1})
arr = rand(Float64, dim)
#inbounds for i in 1:dim; arr[i] = arr[i] * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i] end
return arr
mutable struct Problem
mutable struct Particle
mutable struct Gbest
function PSO(problem, data_dict; max_iter=100,population=100,c1=1.4962,c2=1.4962,w=0.7298,wdamp=1.0)
dim = problem.dim
lb =
ub = problem.ub
cost_func = problem.cost_func
gbest, particles = initialize_particles(problem, population, data_dict)
# main loop
for iter in 1:max_iter
#threads for i in 1:population
particles[i].velocity .= w .* particles[i].velocity .+
c1 .* rand(dim) .* (particles[i].best_position .- particles[i].position) .+
c2 .* rand(dim) .* (gbest.position .- particles[i].position)
particles[i].position .= particles[i].position .+ particles[i].velocity
particles[i].position .= max.(particles[i].position, lb)
particles[i].position .= min.(particles[i].position, ub)
particles[i].cost = cost_func(particles[i].position,data_dict)
if particles[i].cost < particles[i].best_cost
particles[i].best_position = copy(particles[i].position)
particles[i].best_cost = copy(particles[i].cost)
if particles[i].best_cost < gbest.cost
gbest.position = copy(particles[i].best_position)
gbest.cost = copy(particles[i].best_cost)
w = w * wdamp
if iter % 50 == 1
println("Iteration " * string(iter) * ": Best Cost = " * string(gbest.cost))
println("Best Position = " * string(gbest.position))
gbest, particles
function initialize_particles(problem, population,data_dict)
dim = problem.dim
lb =
ub = problem.ub
cost_func = problem.cost_func
gbest_position = uniform(dim, lb, ub)
gbest = Gbest(gbest_position, cost_func(gbest_position,data_dict))
particles = []
for i in 1:population
position = uniform(dim, lb, ub)
velocity = zeros(dim)
cost = cost_func(position,data_dict)
best_position = copy(position)
best_cost = copy(cost)
push!(particles, Particle(position, velocity, cost, best_position, best_cost))
if best_cost < gbest.cost
gbest.position = copy(best_position)
gbest.cost = copy(best_cost)
return gbest, particles
function get_dict_label(beta::Int)
beta_str = lpad(beta,2,"0")
T_label = "Temperature_" * beta_str
M_label = "Mass_" * beta_str
MLR_label = "MLR_" * beta_str
return T_label, M_label, MLR_label
function get_error(x::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64})
numerator = sum((x.-y).^2)
denominator = var(x) * length(x)
function central_diff(x::AbstractArray{Float64}, y::AbstractArray{Float64})
# Central difference quotient
dydx = Vector{Float64}(undef, length(x))
dydx[2:end] .= diff(y) ./ diff(x)
#views dydx[2:end-1] .= (dydx[2:end-1] .+ dydx[3:end])./2
# Forward and Backward difference
dydx[1] = (y[2]-y[1])/(x[2]-x[1])
dydx[end] = (y[end]-y[end-1])/(x[end]-x[end-1])
return dydx
function decomposition!(dm,m,p,T)
# A-> residue + volitale
# B-> residue + volatile
beta,A1,E1,n1,k1,A2,E2,n2,k2,m1,m2 = p
R = 8.314
rxn1 = -m1 * exp(A1-E1/R/T) * max(m[1]/m1,0)^n1 / beta
rxn2 = -m2 * exp(A2-E2/R/T) * max(m[2]/m2,0)^n2 / beta
dm[1] = rxn1
dm[2] = rxn2
dm[3] = -k1 * rxn1 - k2 * rxn2
dm[4] = dm[1] + dm[2] + dm[3]
function read_file(file_path)
df =, DataFrame)
data_dict = Dict{String, Vector{Float64}}()
for beta in 5:5:21
T_label, M_label, MLR_label = get_dict_label(beta)
T_data = collect(skipmissing(df[:, T_label]))
M_data = collect(skipmissing(df[:, M_label]))
T = T_data[T_data .< 780]
M = M_data[T_data .< 780]
data_dict[T_label] = T
data_dict[M_label] = M
data_dict[MLR_label] = central_diff(T, M)
return data_dict
function initial_condition(beta::Int64, ode_parameters::Array{Float64,1})
m_FR_initial = ode_parameters[end]
m_PVC_initial = 1 - m_FR_initial
T_span = (300.0, 800.0) # temperature range
p = [beta; ode_parameters; m_PVC_initial]
m0 = [p[end-1], p[end], 0.0, 1.0] # initial mass
return m0, T_span, p
function cost_func(ode_parameters, data_dict)
total_error = 0.0
for beta in 5:5:21
T_label, M_label, MLR_label= get_dict_label(beta)
T = data_dict[T_label]::Vector{Float64}
M = data_dict[M_label]::Vector{Float64}
MLR = data_dict[MLR_label]::Vector{Float64}
m0, T_span, p = initial_condition(beta,ode_parameters)
prob = ODEProblem(decomposition!,m0,T_span,p)
sol = solve(prob, AutoVern9(Rodas5(autodiff=false)),saveat=T,abstol=1e-8,reltol=1e-8,maxiters=1e4)
if sol.retcode != :Success
# println(1)
return Inf
M_sol = #view sol[end, :]
MLR_sol = central_diff(T, M_sol)::Array{Float64,1}
error1 = get_error(MLR, MLR_sol)::Float64
error2 = get_error(M, M_sol)::Float64
total_error += error1 + error2
function main()
total_time = 0
best_costs = []
file_path = raw"F:\17-Fabric\17-Fabric (Smoothed) TG.csv"
data_dict = read_file(file_path)
dimension = 9
lb = [5, 47450, 0.0, 0.0, 24.36, 148010, 0.0, 0.0, 1e-5]
ub = [25.79, 167700, 5, 1, 58.95, 293890, 5, 1, 0.25]
problem = Problem(cost_func,dimension,lb,ub)
global_best_cost = Inf
println("Running PSO ...")
population = 50
max_iter = 1001
println("The population is: ", population)
println("Max iteration is:", max_iter)
for i in 1:50 # The number of calculation
start_time =
println("Current iteration is: ", string(i))
gbest, particles = PSO(problem, data_dict, max_iter=max_iter, population=population)
if gbest.cost < global_best_cost
global_best_cost = gbest.cost
global_best_position = gbest.position
end_time =
time_duration = round(end_time-start_time, Second)
total_time += time_duration.value
push!(best_costs, gbest.cost)
println("The Best is:")
println("The calculation time is: " * string(time_duration))
println("Global best cost is: ", global_best_cost)
println("Global best position is: ", global_best_position)
#suppress_err begin
#time global best_costs = main()
So, what is the possible mechanism for this? Is there a way to avoid this problem? Because If I increase the population and max iterations of particles, the time increased would be extremely large and thus is unacceptable.
And what is the possible mechanism for speed up the program I mentioned above? How to trigger this mechanism?
As the parameters of an ODE optimizes it can completely change its characteristics. Your equation could be getting more stiff and require different ODE solvers. There are many other related ways, but you can see how changing parameters could give such a performance issue. It's best to use methods like AutoTsit5(Rodas5()) and the like in such estimation cases because it's hard to know or guess what the performance will be like, and thus adaptiveness in the method choice can be crucial.

Formatting data for clogit model

I have a survey with 53 respondents answering 8 questions each.
Currently it's in an Excel document in the format:
Person # | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q5 | Q6 | Q7 | Q8
Each question had three possible responses, "1", "2", or "3". For a given person, each question has a single number indicating the response.
I need to transform the answers from each person into one long column vector with responses coded in binary for each of the three choices. So for each person, there should be 24 rows (3 for each question), and for each question, there should be one row with a 1 (indicating the choice that was made) and two rows with 0's.
I've tried doing this in Excel and in R and cannot figure out how to do it without manually entering each value.
Please tell me there's a better way?
See explanation of code as inline comments
Sub Demo()
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim wsDest As Worksheet
Dim rSource As Range
Dim rDest As Range
Dim vSource As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
'--> adjust to suit your needs
' set up source and destination references
Set wsSource = Worksheets("SourceData")
Set wsDest = Worksheets("DestData")
'--> adjust to suit your needs
' Assumes source data has header in row 1, names in column A and responces in B..I
With wsSource
Set rSource = .Range(.Cells(2, 9), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
End With
'--> adjust to suit your needs
' Assumes generated data starts as cell A1
Set rDest = wsDest.Cells(1, 1)
' Get Source data
vSource = rSource.Value
' Size Destination data array
ReDim vDest(1 To UBound(vSource, 1) * 24, 1 To 2)
' Generate reformated data
For i = 1 To UBound(vSource, 1) ' For each Person
For j = 1 To 24 ' Add person name
vDest((i - 1) * 24 + j, 1) = vSource(i, 1)
For j = 1 To 8 ' Code 8 results
vDest((i - 1) * 24 + (j - 1) * 3 + 1, 2) = IIf(vSource(i, j + 1) = 1, 1, 0)
vDest((i - 1) * 24 + (j - 1) * 3 + 2, 2) = IIf(vSource(i, j + 1) = 2, 1, 0)
vDest((i - 1) * 24 + (j - 1) * 3 + 3, 2) = IIf(vSource(i, j + 1) = 3, 1, 0)
' Place result on sheet
rDest.Resize(UBound(vDest, 1), UBound(vDest, 2)) = vDest
End Sub

How to find the range for a given number, interval and start value?

Provided the below values
start value = 1
End Value = 20
Interval = 5
I have been provided a number 6. I have to find the range of numbers in which the number 6 falls say now the answer is 6-10.
If the given number is greater than the end value then return the same number.
Is there any formula so that i can generate the range for the number?
I tried the below solution, But it is not working if the range interval is changed,
$end_value = $start_value + $range_interval;
// we blindly return the last term if value is greater than max value
if ($input_num > $end_value) {
return '>' . $end_value;
// we also find if its a first value
if ($input_num <= $end_value && $value >= $start_value) {
return $start_value . '-' . $end_value;
// logic to find the range for a given integer
$dived_value = $input_num/$end_value;
// round the value to get the exact match
$rounded_value = ceil($dived_value);
$upper_bound_range = $rounded_value*$end_value;
$lower_bound_range = $upper_bound_range - $end_value;
return $lower_bound_range . '-'. $upper_bound_range;
In (c-style) pseudocode:
// Integer division assumed
rangeNumber = (yourNumber - startValue) / rangeLength;
lower_bound_range = startValue + rangeNumber*rangeLength;
upper_bound_range = lower_bound_range + rangeLength-1;
For your input:
rangeNumber = (6-1)/5 = 1
lower_bound_range = 1 + 5*1 = 6
upper_bound_range = 10
and so range is [6, 10]
The answer depends on whether you talk about integers or floats. Since all your example numbers are integers, I assume you talk about those. I further assume that all your intervals contain the same number of integers, in your example 5, namely 1...5, 6...10, 11...15, and 16...20. Note that 0 is not contained in the 1st interval (otherwise the 1st interval had 6 numbers).
In this case the answer is easy.
Let be:
s the start value that is not contained in the 1st interval,
i the interval size, i.e. the number of integers that it contains,
p the provided number to which an interval should be assigned,
b the 1st integer in this interval, and
e the last integer in this interval.
b = s + (p-s-1)\i * i + 1 (here, "\" means integer division, i.e. without remainder)
e = b + i - 1
In your example:
s = 0, i = 5, p = 6, thus
b = 0 + (6-0-1)\5 * 5 + 1 = 6
e = 6 + 5 - 1 = 10

Random function and calculating percentage

Using a random library with these functions:
randomChance(p) Returns true with the probability indicated by p.
randomInteger(low, high) Returns a random integer in the range low to high, inclusive.
what is the easiest way to implement a "random selector" that takes consideration of percentage, 1/4 or 1/3 etc... I got a array with key/value pairing. For example "a" migth have the value 2 and "b" have the value 2. 1/2 chance for both.
The max value will be the size of the array, cause it only contains unique items. The randomChance() function ranges between 0.0 - 1.0 where 1 = 100%. If my array size is, say 4. What is the best way of "letting 4 be 1".
Lets say you have:
a = 2, b = 2, c = 1, d = 3
now make it:
a = 2, b = 4, c = 5, d = 8
Create a random number from 1 to MaxVal (value of the last key, 8 in this example). Select the first Key where Value >= RandomNum
I made a small VB.Net to show the algorithm and how it works. The code is not meant to be: Good, elegant, performant or readable.
Module Module1
Private Class Value
Public vOrg, vRecalc, HitCount As Integer
Public Key As String
Public Sub New(s, v1, v2, c)
Key = s : vOrg = v1 : vRecalc = v2 : HitCount = c
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
' set initial values
Dim KVP() As Value = {New Value("A", 2, 0, 0),
New Value("B", 2, 0, 0),
New Value("C", 1, 0, 0),
New Value("D", 3, 0, 0)}
' recalc values
For i = 0 To KVP.Length - 1
If i = 0 Then KVP(0).vRecalc = KVP(0).vOrg Else KVP(i).vRecalc = KVP(i).vOrg + KVP(i - 1).vRecalc
' do test
Dim r As New Random
Dim runs As Integer = 1000 * 1000, maxval As Integer = KVP(KVP.Length - 1).vRecalc
For i = 1 To runs
Dim RandVal = r.Next(1, maxval + 1)
Dim chosen As Integer = (From j In Enumerable.Range(0, KVP.Length) Where KVP(j).vRecalc >= RandVal Take 1 Select j)(0)
KVP(chosen).HitCount += 1
' ouput results
For Each kv In KVP
Console.WriteLine("{0} was chosen with {1:F3} propability, expected was {2:F3}", kv.Key, kv.HitCount / CDbl(runs), kv.vOrg / CDbl(maxval))
End Sub
End Module
An output sample:
A was chosen with 0.250 propability, expected was 0.250
B was chosen with 0.251 propability, expected was 0.250
C was chosen with 0.124 propability, expected was 0.125
D was chosen with 0.375 propability, expected was 0.375
just multiply the randomChance() outcome and the array length together. It'll give you the index in the range [0,array_length-1] which you can use to access the array
array_index = (unsigned int)(randomChance(p) * (array_length - 1));
maybe you mean "letting 3 to be 1" (not 4) in your example. The last index of an array of length 4 is 3.

Collapsing a 10 period curve to 4 periods

I have a 10 period cost curve table below. How do I programmatically collapse/condense/shrink this to 4 periods. I'm using VBA but I should be able to follow other languages. The routine should work for whatever period you pass to it. For example, if I pass it a 7 it should condense the percentages to 7 periods. If I pass it 24 then expand the percentages to 24 periods, spreading the percentages based on the original curve. Any help or example will be appreciated. Thanks...
Period Pct
1 10.60%
2 19.00%
3 18.30%
4 14.50%
5 10.70%
6 8.90%
7 6.50%
8 3.10%
9 3.00%
10 5.40%
Period Pct
1 38.75%
2 34.35%
3 16.95%
4 9.95%
EDITED: I've added sample code below as to what I have so far. It only works for periods 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10. Maybe someone can help modify it to work for any period. Disclaimer, I'm not a programmer so my coding is bad. Plus, I have no clue as to what I'm doing.
Sub Collapse_Periods()
Dim aPct As Variant
Dim aPer As Variant
aPct = Array(0.106, 0.19, 0.183, 0.145, 0.107, 0.089, 0.065, 0.031, 0.03, 0.054)
aPer = Array(1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10)
For i = 0 To UBound(aPer)
pm = 10 / aPer(i)
pct1 = 1
p = 0
ttl = 0
For j = 1 To aPer(i)
pct = 0
k = 1
Do While k <= pm
pct = pct + aPct(p) * pct1
pct1 = 1
p = p + 1
If k <> pm And k = Int(pm) Then
pct1 = (pm - Int(pm)) * j
pct = pct + (pct1 * aPct(p))
pct1 = 1 - pct1
End If
k = k + 1
Debug.Print aPer(i) & " : " & j & " : " & pct
ttl = ttl + pct
Next j
Debug.Print "Total: " & ttl
Next i
End Sub
I would like to know how this is done also using an Integral? This is how I would have done it - perhaps it's a longhand/longwinded method but I'd like to see some better suggestions.
It's probably easier to see the method in Excel first using the LINEST function and Named ranges. I've assumed the function is logarithmic. I've outlined steps [1.] - [5.]
This VBA code then essentially replicates the Excel method using a function to pass 2 arrays, periods and a return array that can be written to a range
Sub CallingProc()
Dim Periods As Long, returnArray() As Variant
Dim X_Values() As Variant, Y_Values() As Variant
Periods = 4
ReDim returnArray(1 To Periods, 1 To 2)
With Sheet1
X_Values = Application.Transpose(.Range("A2:A11"))
Y_Values = Application.Transpose(.Range("B2:B11"))
End With
FGraph X_Values, Y_Values, Periods, returnArray 'pass 1D array of X, 1D array of Y, Periods, Empty ReturnArray
End Sub
Function FGraph(ByVal x As Variant, ByVal y As Variant, ByVal P As Long, ByRef returnArray As Variant)
Dim i As Long, mConstant As Double, cConstant As Double
'calc cumulative Y and take Ln (Assumes Form of Graph is logarithmic!!)
For i = LBound(y) To UBound(y)
If i = LBound(y) Then
y(i) = y(i)
y(i) = y(i) + y(i - 1)
End If
x(i) = Log(x(i))
Next i
'calc line of best fit
With Application.WorksheetFunction
mConstant = .LinEst(y, x)(1)
cConstant = .LinEst(y, x)(2)
End With
'redim array to fill for new Periods
ReDim returnArray(1 To P, 1 To 2)
'Calc new periods based on line of best fit
For i = LBound(returnArray, 1) To UBound(returnArray, 1)
returnArray(i, 1) = UBound(y) / P * i
If i = LBound(returnArray, 1) Then
returnArray(i, 2) = (Log(returnArray(i, 1)) * mConstant) + cConstant
returnArray(i, 2) = ((Log(returnArray(i, 1)) * mConstant) + cConstant) - _
((Log(returnArray(i - 1, 1)) * mConstant) + cConstant)
End If
Next i
'returnArray can be written to range
End Function
This VBA code now calculates the linear trend of the points either side of the new period reduction. The data is returned in a 2dimension array named returnArray
Sub CallingProc()
Dim Periods As Long, returnArray() As Variant
Dim X_Values() As Variant, Y_Values() As Variant
Periods = 4
ReDim returnArray(1 To Periods, 1 To 2)
With Sheet1
X_Values = Application.Transpose(.Range("A2:A11"))
Y_Values = Application.Transpose(.Range("B2:B11"))
End With
FGraph X_Values, Y_Values, returnArray 'pass 1D array of X, 1D array of Y, Dimensioned ReturnArray
End Sub
Function FGraph(ByVal x As Variant, ByVal y As Variant, ByRef returnArray As Variant)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, mConstant As Double, cConstant As Double, Period As Long
Period = UBound(returnArray, 1)
'calc cumulative Y
For i = LBound(y) + 1 To UBound(y)
y(i) = y(i) + y(i - 1)
Next i
'Calc new periods based on line of best fit
For i = LBound(returnArray, 1) To UBound(returnArray, 1)
returnArray(i, 1) = UBound(y) / Period * i
'find position of new period to return adjacent original data points
For j = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
If returnArray(i, 1) <= x(j) Then Exit For
Next j
'calc linear line of best fit between existing data points
With Application.WorksheetFunction
mConstant = .LinEst(Array(y(j), y(j - 1)), Array(x(j), x(j - 1)))(1)
cConstant = .LinEst(Array(y(j), y(j - 1)), Array(x(j), x(j - 1)))(2)
End With
returnArray(i, 2) = (returnArray(i, 1) * mConstant) + cConstant
Next i
'returnarray holds cumulative % so calc period only %
For i = UBound(returnArray, 1) To LBound(returnArray, 1) + 1 Step -1
returnArray(i, 2) = returnArray(i, 2) - returnArray(i - 1, 2)
Next i
'returnArray now holds your data
End Function
1 38.75%
2 34.35%
3 16.95%
4 9.95%
