Basically the question above!
Was reading university slides on Permuterm indexes and found that certain lecturers omits the permuterm index hello$ (ie. treating $hello as the same index as hello$) while certain lectures treats them as distinct indexes.
I am trying to identify observations that match between two datasets, using text string vectors $contractor and $employer, and create a TRUE/FALSE indicator on whether the contractor is in the employer list.
employer=c("a.c. construction","abc concrete company","xyz pool construction inc","frank studebager llc","annoying contractors llc","beaumont ditch digging co inc"))
jobs<-data.frame(contractor=c("a-c construction","hank hill construction","xyz pool const incorporated","frank studebaer co","hank hill const"),
The pmatch command says there are 0 matches, but this is because the company names are sloppily entered and not spelled consistently; there are obviously matches. I have also used the fuzzy matching command agrepl, but in my actual data the number and quality of matching varies incredibly with small changes to the accepted Levenshtein distance.
There are also some answers here and here but my lack of advanced programming experience has kept me from applying the concepts there. Any thoughts are appreciated!
On page 77 of the Aster Analtyics users guide:
it says:
“Note that the predicates for different symbols may overlap, and therefore multiple symbols may match the same row.”
Does anyone have any experience with practical use cases where you actually need multiple symbols per row?
Concern is this could explode pretty quickly: for n symbols per row and m rows in a partition, number of symbol combinations per partition is n^m.
e.g., for n=2 and m=50 this results in ~1e15 symbol combinations which we certainly don't want to traverse.
nPath in Aster will never match multiple symbols per row, but multiple symbols may match the same row and nPath will have to choose one of them when forming its result. There will be many cases when this is possible, for example, when you have general page hit (defined as TRUE) and then special pages like START, FINISH, BASKET, etc. then the matching will depend on how pattern is defined.
I am asking this here because I couldn't find the answer I am looking for elsewhere and I don't know where else I could ask this. I hope someone can reply without saying that the question is irrelevant to the forum. I have a biology background and I am currently using bioinformatics. I need to understand in lay language hash tables and suffix trees. Something simple, I don't get the O(n) concepts and all that stuff, I think they are both kind of the same: a way to store string data? But I would like to understand better the differences. This will help enormously to other people like me. We are a lot in this field now!
Thanks in advance.
OK, lets use bioinformatics to help illustrate the differences.
Let's say you have several DNA sequences that are pretty long. If we want to store these sequences in a datastructure.
If we want to use a hashtable
A Hashtable is a useful way to store a bunch of objects but very quickly search the datastructure to see if we already contain a particular object.
One bioinformatics usecase that we can solve with a hashtable is de-duping a large sequence set. Let's say we have a huge dataset of next-gen sequenced data and we want to de-duplicate it before we assemble. We can use a hashtable to store the unique sequences. Before inserting any sequences into the hashtable, we can first check to see if it already exists in the hashtable and if it does we skip that read. Only if it is not yet in the hashtable do we add it. Then when we are done the elements in the hash will be the unique sequences.
Hashtables are basically an array of LinkedLists. Each cell in the array we will call a "bin". When we insert or search for something in the hashtable, we have to first know what bin it is in. The way we determine which bin to use is by a hash algorithm.
We have to come up with a hash algorithm. Something that will convert our sequence into a number. A requirement of this equation is the same sequence must always evaluate to the same number. It's OK if different sequences evaluate to the same number (which is called as hash collision) since there are an infinite number of possible sequences and we will only have a limited range of possible number values in our hash.
A simple hash algorithm is to assign a value to each base A =1 G =2 C = 3 T =4 (assume no ambiguities) then we can just sum up the bases in our sequence. This would mean that any sequences with the same number of As, Cs Gs and Ts will have the same hash value. If we wanted, we could also have a more complicated algorithm that also takes position into account so to get the same number we would have to also have the same sequence in the same order.
Once we have our hash algorithm. We can make a hash table by binning the sequences by their hash values. The more bins we have in our table, the fewer hash values per bin. Hashtables are often implemented by an array of LinkedLists. This is a very fast lookup because to see if a sequence is in our hashtable or to add a new sequence to our hash table, we just compute the hash value for the sequence to see what bin it is in, then we only have to look at the values inside that bin. We can ignore the rest of the bins.
suffix tree
A Suffix Tree is a different datastructure which is a graph where each node is (in this case) a residue in our sequence. Edges in the graph will point to the next node etc. So for example if our sequence was ACGT the path in the graph will be A->C->G->T->$. If we had another sequence ACTT the path will be A->C->T->T->$.
We can combine consecutive nodes if there is only 1 path so in the previous example since both sequence start with AC then the paths will be AC->G->T->$and AC->T->T->$.
In bioinformatics this is really useful for substring matching (like finding repetitive regions or primer binding sites etc) since we can easily see where there are subpaths in our graph that match our motif.
Hope that helps
I'm attempting to clean up a database that, over the years, had acquired many duplicate records, with slightly different names. For example, in the companies table, there are names like "Some Company Limited" and "SOME COMPANY LTD!".
My plan was to export the offending tables into R, convert names to lower case, replace common synonyms (like "limited" -> "ltd"), strip out non-alphabetic characters and then use agrep to see what looks similar.
My first problem is that agrep only accepts a single pattern to match, and looping over every company name to match against the others is slow. (Some tables to be cleaned will have tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of names to check.)
I've very briefly looked at the tm package (JSS article), and it seems very powerful but geared towards analysing big chunks of text, rather than just names.
I have a few related questions:
Is the tm package appropriate for this sort of task?
Is there a faster alternative to agrep? (Said function uses the
Levenshtein edit distance which is anecdotally slow.)
Are there other suitable tools in R, apart from agrep and tm?
Should I even be doing this in R, or should this sort of thing be
done directly in the database? (It's an Access database, so I'd
rather avoid touching it if possible.)
If you're just doing small batches that are relatively well-formed, then the compare.linkage() or compare.dedup() functions in the RecordLinkage package should be a great starting point. But if you have big batches, then you might have to do some more tinkering.
I use the functions jarowinkler(), levenshteinSim(), and soundex() in RecordLinkage to write my own function that use my own weighting scheme (also, as it is, you can't use soundex() for big data sets with RecordLinkage).
If I have two lists of names that I want to match ("record link"), then I typically convert both to lower case and remove all punctuation. To take care of "Limited" versus "LTD" I typically create another vector of the first word from each list, which allows extra weighting on the first word. If I think that one list may contain acronyms (maybe ATT or IBM) then I'll acronym-ize the other list. For each list I end up with a data frame of strings that I would like to compare that I write as separate tables in a MySQL database.
So that I don't end up with too many candidates, I LEFT OUTER JOIN these two tables on something that has to match between the two lists (maybe that's the first three letters in each list or the first three letters and the first three letters in the acronym). Then I calculate match scores using the above functions.
You still have to do a lot of manual inspection, but you can sort on the score to quickly rule out non-matches.
Maybe google refine could help. It looks maybe more fitted if you have lots of exceptions and you don't know them all yet.
What you're doing is called record linkage, and it's been a huge field of research over many decades already. Luckily for you, there's a whole bunch of tools out there that are ready-made for this sort of thing. Basically, you can point them at your database, set up some cleaning and comparators (like Levenshtein or Jaro-Winkler or ...), and they'll go off and do the job for you.
These tools generally have features in place to solve the performance issues, so that even though Levenshtein is slow they can run fast because most record pairs never get compared at all.
The Wikipedia link above has links to a number of record linkage tools you can use. I've personally written one called Duke in Java, which I've used successfully for exactly this. If you want something big and expensive you can buy a Master Data Management tool.
In your case probably something like edit-distance calculation would work, but if you need to find near duplicates in larger text based documents, you can try
I'm attempting to clean up a database that, over the years, had acquired many duplicate records, with slightly different names. For example, in the companies table, there are names like "Some Company Limited" and "SOME COMPANY LTD!".
My plan was to export the offending tables into R, convert names to lower case, replace common synonyms (like "limited" -> "ltd"), strip out non-alphabetic characters and then use agrep to see what looks similar.
My first problem is that agrep only accepts a single pattern to match, and looping over every company name to match against the others is slow. (Some tables to be cleaned will have tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of names to check.)
I've very briefly looked at the tm package (JSS article), and it seems very powerful but geared towards analysing big chunks of text, rather than just names.
I have a few related questions:
Is the tm package appropriate for this sort of task?
Is there a faster alternative to agrep? (Said function uses the
Levenshtein edit distance which is anecdotally slow.)
Are there other suitable tools in R, apart from agrep and tm?
Should I even be doing this in R, or should this sort of thing be
done directly in the database? (It's an Access database, so I'd
rather avoid touching it if possible.)
If you're just doing small batches that are relatively well-formed, then the compare.linkage() or compare.dedup() functions in the RecordLinkage package should be a great starting point. But if you have big batches, then you might have to do some more tinkering.
I use the functions jarowinkler(), levenshteinSim(), and soundex() in RecordLinkage to write my own function that use my own weighting scheme (also, as it is, you can't use soundex() for big data sets with RecordLinkage).
If I have two lists of names that I want to match ("record link"), then I typically convert both to lower case and remove all punctuation. To take care of "Limited" versus "LTD" I typically create another vector of the first word from each list, which allows extra weighting on the first word. If I think that one list may contain acronyms (maybe ATT or IBM) then I'll acronym-ize the other list. For each list I end up with a data frame of strings that I would like to compare that I write as separate tables in a MySQL database.
So that I don't end up with too many candidates, I LEFT OUTER JOIN these two tables on something that has to match between the two lists (maybe that's the first three letters in each list or the first three letters and the first three letters in the acronym). Then I calculate match scores using the above functions.
You still have to do a lot of manual inspection, but you can sort on the score to quickly rule out non-matches.
Maybe google refine could help. It looks maybe more fitted if you have lots of exceptions and you don't know them all yet.
What you're doing is called record linkage, and it's been a huge field of research over many decades already. Luckily for you, there's a whole bunch of tools out there that are ready-made for this sort of thing. Basically, you can point them at your database, set up some cleaning and comparators (like Levenshtein or Jaro-Winkler or ...), and they'll go off and do the job for you.
These tools generally have features in place to solve the performance issues, so that even though Levenshtein is slow they can run fast because most record pairs never get compared at all.
The Wikipedia link above has links to a number of record linkage tools you can use. I've personally written one called Duke in Java, which I've used successfully for exactly this. If you want something big and expensive you can buy a Master Data Management tool.
In your case probably something like edit-distance calculation would work, but if you need to find near duplicates in larger text based documents, you can try