Nexus OSS does not start - nexus

I'm trying to install nexus 3.38 on a debian 10 system. I use aodoptopenjdk-8... as Java runtime.
When I try running it as a systemd sevrice nexus does not start. There are no usable logs.
Whe I try running nexus directly with command nexus start-launchd (virtually the same as nexus start) I get the following out put
bin/nexus start-launchd
Starting nexus
Could not resolve mvn:org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.framework/6.0.5
I look for this library/dependency and find it in {nexus-home}/system/org/apache/felix/org.apache.felix.framework/6.0.5/. But the filename looks crippled org.apache.felix.framework- that's it. No *.jar. The same can be seen with some other dependencies, like other felix stuff or karaf.
Other dependecies in {nexus-home}/system look fine.
If I change the name from org.apache.felix.framework- to org.apache.felix.framework-6.0.5.jar then it looks like this dependency loaded and next stop is karaf.
Do I have to fix all the names of the jar files? Why do I not find other complains about that, is it an error in front of my monitor?
I've seen the same problem with current release of apache karaf. The names of the jar files are crippled.

The content of the folder system of the unix package (*.tar.gz) of nexus 3.38.0-01 is damaged.
I've downloaded the windows package (*.zip) and replaced the system with this version.
Everything looks fine now.


Sonatype Nexus only starting in console mode

I installed Nexus 3.6.0-02 on Redhat 7.4.
I am able to get Nexus to start in console mode by running the command: ./nexus run
If I try and start nexus as a service per the following documentation, nothing happens.
If I run the command ./nexus start, the application does not start and there is nothing written into any nexus logs indicating why it failed to start.
The install and sonatype-work directories are all owned by the user who I have configured Nexus to run as.
Any ideas as to where to look or troubleshoot to figure this problem out.
In my case I am using nexus 3 . I resolved this by deleting lock file placed inside nexus3 folder of sonatype folder and restart it by nexus start command.
Make sure the "run_as_user" configured in $install_dir/bin/nexus.rc has permissions to write to the installation directory and the work directory. And make sure they have a login shell, that is required for the startup script to work.

Meteor doesn't work in Windows 10

I downloaded the Meteor's official Download from here: Meteor 1.2.1
and the installer is just 1.2mb
Now, after running it: Nothing happens. No permission. Nothing. This page is shown:
And then when I hit Skip this step, this is shown:
Even after restarting, there is no .meteor folder in AppData\Local directory, and Meteor command is still not recognised.
Also, I think, how can a 1.2mbinstall something like Meteor which is like 53mb when installed via curl on OSX or Linux.
Are the Meteor fooling windows? I dont know why the installer doesn't work. The point is: How can it?
Downloaded file is installer not setup.
First install the meteor in your machine.
Then set it in environment variable.

Karaf cannot install war feature

Recently I need to deploy something on Karaf. I use Karaf 3.0.2 and event try 4.0.0M1. Both are not able to install war feature. Once I type feature:install war in console after Karaf start-up.
3.0.2 gives me:
Error executing command: Error resolving artifact org.apache.servicemix.specs:org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1:jar:2.2.0: Could not find artifact org.apache.servicemix.specs:org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1:jar:2.2.0
4.0.0M! gives me:
Erroe executing command: Error
I try to delete Maven and reinstall it. The issue is still there. It's not happened on other machine.
It's a strange issue. Could anyone meet it ever? Could anyone help me out?
As it works on the other machines, it's something on that certain machine.
Without much more details on the setup I'm using assumptions here.
1) No Network connection to the central repo
2) Using a Proxy wich isn't configured or configured wrong on the server
3) Using a nexus with credentials and those aren't configured or configured wrong
I encountered the same issue and it was because there were mirrors defined in my Maven settings.xml (due to usage in another project). After I commented them out I was able to install the karaf war deployer.

TideSDK | Bundle packaging

I have developed a TideSDK application and am now ready to package it, but I'm having problems with the network type installer.
It always gives me code 404 on the Application first run:
Could not query info: Invalid HTTP Status Code (404)
I presume the installer is having difficulty with reaching the correct servers and downloading the needed runtime, but I have run through most solutions on this forum, and none have worked.
So I tried a bundle packaging, as it should include such runtime, but I must be doing something wrong, since it does not bundle within the MSI.
The code I'm executing is as follows:
C:\TideSDK\sdk\win32\1.2.0.RC6d\ -p --type=BUNDLE --os=win32 "C:\path_to_app\app_dir"
I also tried:
C:\TideSDK\sdk\win32\1.2.0.RC6d\ -p -t bundle --os=win32 "C:\path_to_app\app_dir"
And all the uppercase/lowercase combinations. Also tried version, without sucess. Am I doing something wrong?
the network type installer is not available anymore, since appcelerator has canceled their services for titanium desktop.
So you can only do bundle packaging. Try the following command:
python --dest=. --type=bundle --package=. "c:\path\to\your\app\dir"
This should build and package your app and create a installer for it.
Change "dest" and "package" to the directories where you want to have the built app and installation package.
You can omit the OS parameter, since the builder can only generate builds for the current OS.

compilation problems after setting classpath in tomcat 5.5

I have installed Tomcat 5.5 in windows vista home basic. I have set classpath to
"C:\program files\apache software foundation\tomcat 5.5\common\lib\servlet-api.jar".
now there are two problems.
1. I could not compile my servlets. It says package javax.servlet.* dosenot exist.
2. I could not connect with local host in chrome nor in explorer.
these errors are appearing inspite of server instance running.
Classpath to java sdk and tomcat are different. is it the matter of concern.
Please help.
I have invested considerable amount of time figuring out the problem.
thanx in advance.
I could not compile my servlets. It says package javax.servlet.* dosenot exist.
It means that the classpath for javac is not been correctly specified. It should go like so:
javac -cp .;"/path with spaces/to/servlet-api.jar" com/example/YourServlet.class
Note that you need to surround a path with spaces by doublequotes.
I could not connect with local host in chrome nor in explorer. These errors are appearing inspite of server instance running.
Then you used the wrong domain/port. When running Tomcat at the local machine, the domain should at least be localhost. The actual port can be determined in Tomcat/conf/server.xml file. It defaults to 8080, but can be changed during the Windows setup wizard. The final URL should look like http://localhost:8080. If you use port 80 which is the default HTTP port, then the :80 part can be omitted from the URL.
Classpath to java sdk and tomcat are different.
The %CLASSPATH% environment variable is worthless. Use -cp argument. If you want to avoid long typing/remembering everytime, consider using a .bat file with the command, or a build tool like Ant, or an IDE like Eclipse.
The %JAVA_HOME% environment variable is however important. Tomcat needs to know it in order to have access to the toolset to compile JSP files. The %JAVA_HOME% should point to the installation directory of the JDK.
I have set classpath to "C:\program
files\apache software
If this means CLASSPATH environment variable, you're learning a valuable lesson: it's worthless. javac.exe and java.exe ignore it; so do all Java EE app servers like Tomcat; so do all IDEs like IntelliJ.
You'll have to add servlet-api.jar to your CLASSPATH using javac.exe -cp every time you compile in a command shell, or add it to your IDE project CLASSPATH, or set it up in Ant.
If you can't connect to localhost using Chrome or Explorer, it probably means that you haven't packaged or deployed your app properly. Make sure you create a valid WAR file and put it in the Tomcat 5.x /webapps directory to deploy.
